Ana 2021 small

Senior Researcher (Directrice de recherche 1) CNRS

I am interested in understanding how biodiversity is distributed in space and in time, on the effects of human activities on those spatial and temporal patterns, and on the implications for biodiversity conservation.

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Lire la suite : Ana RODRIGUES


CNRS Researcher, Team Leader 'Landscape Dynamics and Biodiversity'alt

Current Research

I work to reveal how animals perceive and adjust to their environment, and why this matters for populations and ecosystems. My model of choice: large herbivores. Because you can (relatively) easily monitor their behaviour in natura, and they have important ecosystem effects. Some have high societal and economical values, so my research sometimes matter beyond basic science. We (as humans) are making the world's climate different. How this affects organisms in the hottest applied ecological question. I do my share to bring an answer to it

Campus du CNRS
1919, route de Mende
34293 Montpellier 5

tél : +33 (0) 467 61 33 02
fax: +33 (0) 467 61 33 36

simon.chamaille -[at]-


Lire la suite : Simon CHAMAILLE-JAMMES

Jean-Louis MARTIN


Directeur de Recherche Emerite au CNRS / Emeritus Senior Scientist at CNRS


J’étudie les réponses des communautés animales et végétales aux changements d’origine humaine (espèces introduites, usage des sols), en milieu tempéré et méditerranéen.


I study plant and animal community response to human induced change (introduced  species, land use) in temperate and méditerranean systems.


Courriel: jean-louis.martin [at]

 JLete2014 petit



Lire la suite : Jean-Louis MARTIN


Directeur de recherche CNRSalt

1919, route de Mende
34293 Montpellier cedex 5
Tél : +33/0 4 67 61 33 01

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Thèmes de recherche
Ecologie comportementale spatiale (Movement Ecology): Mécanismes d'orientation; référentiels et processus de mémorisation; utilisation de l'espace et sélection de l'habitat.

Movement-based KDE Softwares (can also perform classical KDE if data are weakly correlated)
(Benhamou & Cornélis 2010, Benhamou 2011, Benhamou & Riotte-Lambert 2012, Benhamou 2018, 2023). Based on Gaussian (BRB/MKDE) or von Mises-Fisher (LonLat and ORI3D versions) kernels.

BRB/MKDE (Biased Random Bridges for Movement-based Kernel Density Estimation): Computation of Utilization Distribution (UD), and possibly Intensity Distribution (ID) and Recursion Distribution (RD), with optional boundary management, habitat selection pre-analyses, and (for mountain environments) slope-based area corrections.
BRB/MKDE_LonLat (Biased Random Bridges for Movement-based Kernel Density Estimation without metric projection): Computation of UD, and possibly ID and RD, with optional boundary management and habitat selection analyses, for dealing with locations expressed in decimal degrees (longitude and latitude) over an extent that is too large to be properly represented on a planar map (very large home ranges, migration corridors). Example showing the migration corridor of great shearwater.
BRB/MKDE_ORI3D (Biased Random Bridges for Movement-based Kernel Density Estimation for orientations in 3D space): Computation of UD, and possibly ID and RD, of orientation in 3D space (either 3D heading, i.e. azimuth and elevation angle, or posture, i.e. elevation and bank angles) for fine-scale (i.e. locomotion) movement studies; Based on the same principles as BRB_MKDE_LonLat as azimuth and bank angle behave as longitudes, and elevation angle behaves as a latitude. Example

Lire la suite : Simon BENHAMOU