Mouvement, Abondance, Distribution
Jean-Louis MARTIN
- Publication : 12 juillet 2011
Directeur de Recherche Emerite au CNRS / Emeritus Senior Scientist at CNRS
J’étudie les réponses des communautés animales et végétales aux changements d’origine humaine (espèces introduites, usage des sols), en milieu tempéré et méditerranéen.
I study plant and animal community response to human induced change (introduced species, land use) in temperate and méditerranean systems.
Courriel: jean-louis.martin [at] |
CEFE UMR 5175 Campus du CNRS 1919 route de Mende 34293 Montpellier cedex 5
Tél: +33(0)4 67 61 32 64 Fax: +33(0)4 67 61 33 36 |
Mots-clés: Ecologie des communautés - Ecologie des paysages - Ecologie des invasions - Biologie de la Conservation
Key-words: Community Ecology - Landscape Ecology - Invasion Ecology - Conservation Biology
Thèmes de recherche / Research
Dynamique des communautés et des paysages, Impact des activités humaines
Community and landscape dynamics, Impacts of human activities
Modèles / Models
Milieux semi-naturels ou naturels (forêts tempérées, garrigues, milieux arctiques), Milieux anthropisés (agro-écosystèmes, milieux urbains)
Semi-natural or natural habitats (temperate forests, mediterranean shrublands, arctic tundra). Human modified habitats ( agro-ecosystems, urban ecosystems)
Trois questions principales / Three main questions:
- Quelles sont les conséquences de l'augmentation actuelle des populations de cervidés sur la dynamique de la biodiversité dans les forêts tempérées (projet RGIS, ANR BAMBI) ?
- Que nous apprend la déprise pastorale sur la dynamique des paysages et de leurs avifaunes?
- Quelle sont les relations entre hétérogénéité des paysages et biodiversité? (projet EraNet FarmLand)
- What are the consequences of the current increase in deer ppopulations on biodiversity dynamics in temperate forests (RGIS project, ANR BAMBI) ?
- What dowe learn form land abandonment on landscape dynamics and on the effects on their avifauna?
- What are the relationships between landscape heterogeneity and biodiversity? (EraNet FarmLand project)
Approche / Approach :
Nous utilisons les activités humaines (modification des faunes, changement d'utilisation des terres) comme des expériences "grandeur nature" permettant de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des écosystèmes et des paysages et les réponses des espèces aux changements. Ces recherches pluridisciplinaires, s'appuient sur des suivis à long termes ou sur l'exploitation rétrospective de sources d'information sur l'évolution des milieux.
We use human activities as large scale experiments (faunal and land use changes) to better understant ecosystem and landscape functionning and how species can respond to change. These multidisciplinary studies are based on long term data series and on the analysis of historical data to assess land-cover and plant or animal communitychanges.
Nous tirons profit:
1. de l'introduction d’espèces sur les îles comme des expériences involontaires permettant de mieux comprendre la dynamique de la biodiversité au sein des forêts tempérées (thèses de Steve Stockton (Canada), Bruno Vila (Marseille), Sylvain Allombert, Gwenaël Vourc'h, Simon Chollet , Soizic LeSaout , Sophie Padie , programme RGIS et ANR BAMBI);
Equipe RGIS été 2010 sur Reef Island, Haïda Gwaii, Canada
Equipe RGIS automne 2011 sur Reef Island, Haïda Gwaii, Canada
Equipe RGIS été 2017 sur Reef Island, Haïda Gwaii, Canada
2. des changements actuels et passés dans l'utilisation des terres pour comprendre comment les avifaunes répondent à l'évolution des paysages (thèse de Clélia Sirami) et, comment les espèces peuvent, ou ne peuvent pas, s'adapter aux modifications que subissent leurs habitats (thèses de Nicolas Sadoul, Axel Wolff, Christophe Tourenq), projet EraNet FarmLand (thèse de Carole Vuillot).
Nous promouvons de surcroît des actions de vulgarisation qui facilitent l'utilisation des connaissances que nous avons acquises pour la gestion des territoires, l'éducation et la formation.
We take advantage of:
1. the introduction of species on islands as unvoluntary experiments allowing to better understand biodiversity dynamics within temperate forests (thesis of Steve Stockton (Canada), Bruno Vila (Marseille), Sylvain Allombert, Gwenaël Vourc'h, Simon Chollet , Soizic LeSaout , Sophie Padie , RGIS program and ANR BAMBI);
2. current and past chs respond to landscape change (thesis of Clélia Sirami) and how species can, or cannot, adapt the land-cover change (theses of Nicolas Sadoul, Axel Wolff, Christophe Tourenq), EraNet FarmLand project (thesis of Carole Vuillot).
We promote outreach to facilitate the use of the knowledge acquired to improve land management, education and training.
Où? / Where ?
* Archipel de Haïda Gwaii (RGIS) et île d'Anticosti (Canada) / Haida Gwaii anrchipelago and Anticosti Island (Canada)
* Nord de la Méditerranéens et Europe tempérée / Northern mediterranean and temperate Europe
* Arctique canadien / Canadian arctic
Questions ?
Biodiversité, écosystème et pression d'herbivorie: Cerfs et forêts tempérées (ANR Bambi) (projet FFCR cerfs&sol), oies dans l'Arctique (Projet HyperGeese) /
Biodiversity, ecosystems and herbivore abundance: deer in temperate forests (ANR Bambi) (projet FFCR deer&soil), arctic geese (Projet HyperGeese) / Biodiversity, ecosystem and herbivore abundance: deer in temperate forests (ANR Bambi) (projet FFCR deer&soil), arctic geese (Projet HyperGeese)
Hétérogénéité et biodiversité: Rôle et fonction de la configuration et de la diversité des cultures dans les paysages agricoles dans la mise en place et le maintien de la biodiversité (voir Fig.) ? (EraNet FarmLand).
Normal 0 21 false false false FR X-NONE BN-BD
Heterogneity and Biodiversity: Role and function of filed configuration and crop diversity on biodiversity in farmed landscapes (see Fig.) (EraNet FarmLand).
Groupe de Travail "Paysage, hétérogénéité et biodiversité" 2009
Groupe de Travail "Paysage, hétérogénéité et biodiversité" 2010
Schéma conceptuel du rôle respectif de la composition et de la configuration dans la mise en place de l'hétérogénéité d'un paysage agricole d'après:
Fahrig L. , Baudry J., Brotons, L., Burel F. G., Crist T. O., Fuller R. J.,
Sirami C., Siriwardena G. M., Martin J.L. 2011. Functional landscape
heterogeneity and animal biodiversity in agricultural landscapes.
Ecology Letters, 14:101-112. PDF
Réunion de lancement du projet FarmLand concocté par le Groupe de Travail "Paysage, hétérogénéité et biodiversité" , Octobre 2012; l'équipe au complet!
Les invasions biologiques sont-elles néfastes, futiles ou utiles ? Une collaboration réunissant une quinzaine de spécialistes tant du point de vue écologique que de celui des perceptions humaines. / Biologcal invasions: harmful, futile or useful? A collaboration bringing together specialists of the field from and ecological and human science perspective. Simberloff, Martin et al. TREE 2013 PDF
Groupe de travail sur les invasions biologiques 2012
Collaborations / Collaborations
- ECOBIO, U. de Rennes1, Rennes (Dr. Simon Chollet)
- CEFE, Montpellier (Dr Simon Chamaillé-Jammes)
- IRSTEA, Nogent sur Vernisson (Dr. C. Baltzinger)
- INRA-SAD/CNRS-ECOBIO, Rennes (Drs. Françoise Burel et Jacques Baudry)
- INRA-SAD, Toulouse (Dr. Gérard Balent, Clélia Sirami)
- CNRS, CEBC (Dr. Vincent Bretagolle)
- Fondation Tour du Valat, Arles (Dr. Brigitte Poulain)
Canada / USA:
- National Wildlife Research Centre, Environment Canada, Ottawa (Dr. A.J. Gaston)
- Université de Carleton, Ottawa (Prof. Lenore Fahrig)
- Paks Canada Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Heritage site (Dr. Carita Bergman)
- Université du Wisconsin, Madison, USA (Prof. Don Waller)
- University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (Dr. Tom Reimchen).
- University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (Pr. Sue Grayston)
- Simon Frazer University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada (Prof. Anne Salomon)
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA (Prof. Daniel Simberloff)
- CTFC, Solsona, Catalogne, Espagne (Dr. Lluis Brotons)
- British Trust for Ornithology (Drs. Rob Fuller et Gavin Siriwardena)
- Université de Göttingen (Prof. Teja Tscharntke)
Gestion de la recherche et enseignement, quelques repères
- 2015-2019: directeur-adjoint du CEFE
- 2010-2014: directeur du département "DGSE" au CEFE
- Depuis 1996 : Création et direction d'un "laboratoire sans murs" le « Research Group on Introduced Species » (RGIS), un groupe de recherche pluridisciplinaire regroupants des chercheurs et des étudiants de France et du Canada. Les recherche de RGIS s'appuient sur un site de terrain situé sur l'archipel de Haida Gwaii et ont utilisé l'introduction d'espèces non autochtones pour mieux comprendre les interactions entre espèces végétales et animales dans les forêts tempérées.
- Depuis 1992 : Enseignement de la Biologie de la Conservation (Universtié de Montpellier University et autres en France)
Biographie sommaire
- Profeseur associé, Université Laval, Québec, depuis 2007-2013
- Visiting Scientist, Environment Canada, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 2007-2008
- Directeur de Recherche, CNRS, 2002-
- Chargé de Recherche, CNRS, 1983-2002
- CNRS-NSF visiting scientist, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA, (Prof. D. Simberloff), 1991
- Chapman Fellow, Department of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), NY, USA (Dr F. Vuilleumier) 1990
- 1978 - 1981: doctoral and post-doctoral fellow at the Institute of Zoology, University of Helsinki, Finland (Prof. O. Järvinen).
- Ingénieur Agronome (ENSA Montpellier) 1978; Doctorat en Ecologie in 1980 at University of sciences, Montpellier (supervision J. Blondel and O. Järvinen) ; Doctorat d'Etat 1988, Montpellier).
Publications depuis 2000/ Publications since 2000
Otero I., Farrell K.N., Pueyo S., Kallis G., Kehoe L., Haberl H., Plutzar C., Hobson P., García-Márquez J., Rodríguez-Labajos B., Martin J.L., Erb K.H., Schindler S., Nielsen J., Skorin T., Settele J., Essl F., Gómez-Baggethun E., Brotons L., Rabitsch W., Schneider F., Pe'er G. ss presse. Biodiversity Policy beyond Economic Growth , Conservation Letters
Martin J.L., Chamaillé-Jammes S., Waller D.M. 2020. Deer, wolves, and people: Costs, benefits and challenges of living together. Biological Reviews
Alignier A., Solé-Senan X.O., Robleño I., Baraibar B., Fahrig F., Giralt D., Gross N., Martin J.L., Recasens J., Sirami C., Siriwardena G., Bosem-Baillod A., Bertrand C., Carrié C., Hass A., Henckel L., Miguet P., Badenhausser I., Baudry J., Bota G., Bretagnolle V., Brotons L., Burel F., Calatayud F., Clough Y., Georges R., Gibon A., Girard J., Lindsay K., Minano J., Mitchell S., Patry N., Poulin B., Tscharntke T., Vialatte A., Violle C., Yaverscovski N., Batáry P. 2020. Compositional and configurational crop heterogeneity increases within-field plant diversity. J. of Applied Ecology.
Chollet S., Maillard M., Schörghuber J., Grayston S. and Martin J.-L. 2019. Deer slow down litter decomposition by reducing litter quality in a temperate forest. bioRxiv, 690032, ver. 3 peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Ecology. doi: 10.1101/690032
Sirami C., Gross N., Bosem Baillod A., Bertrand C., Carrié R., Hass A., Henckel L., Miguet P., Vuillot C., Alignier A., Girard J., Batáry P., Clough Y., Violle C., Giralt D., Bota G., Badenhausser I., Lefebvre G., Gauffre B., Vialatte A., Calatayud F., Gil-Tena A., Tischendorf L., Mitchell S., Lindsay K., Georges R., Hilaire S., Recasens J., Solé-Senan X.O., Robleño I., Bosch J., Barrientos J.A., Ricarte A., Marcos-Garcia M.A., Miñano J., Mathevet R., Gibon A., Baudry J., Balent G., Poulin B., Burel F., Tscharntke T., Bretagnolle V., Siriwardena G., Ouin A., Brotons L., Martin J.L., and Fahrig L. 2019. Increasing crop heterogeneity enhances multitrophic diversity across agricultural regions. PNAS 116: 16442-16447.
Fahrig L., Arroyo-Rodríguez V., Bennett J.R., Boucher-Lalonde V., Cazetta E., Currie D.J., Eigenbrod F., Ford A.T., Harrison S.P., Jaeger J.A.G., Koper N., Martin A.E., Martin J.L., Metzger J.P., Morrison P., Rhodes J.R., Saunders D.A., Simberloff D., Smith A.C., Tischendorf L., Vellend M., Watling J.I. 2019. Is habitat fragmentation bad for biodiversity? Biological Conservation 230 : 179-186135.
Martin J.L., Smith P.A., Béchet A. et Daufresne T. 2018. Late snow-melt results in smaller eggs in Arctic shorebirds. Polar Biology, 41: 2289–2295
Lamalice A, Haillot D, Lamontagne M-A, Herrmann T M, Gibout S, Blangy S, Martin J-L, Coxam V, Arsenault J, Munro L,Courchesne F. 2018. Building food security in the Canadian Arctic through the development of sustainable community greenhouses and gardening. Écoscience, doi: 10.1080/11956860.2018.1493260
Hass A.L, Sirami C., Fahrig L. Martin J.L. et al. 2018 Landscape configurational heterogeneity by small-scale agriculture, not crop diversity, maintains pollination services in Western Europe. Proceedings Royal Society of London Serie B. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.2242
Ripple W.J., Wolf C., Newsome T.M., Galetti M. Alamgir M., Crist E., Mahmoud I.M., Laurance W.F. et al. 2017. World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice. BioScience 67: 1026-1028.
Sirami C., Caplat P., Popy S., Clamens A., Arlettaz A., Jiguet F., Brotons L., Martin J.L. 2017. Impacts of global change on species distributions: obstacles and solutions to integrate climate and land use. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26: 385-394 PDF
Martin J.L., Maris V. et Simberloff D.S. 2016. The need to respect nature and its limits challenges society and conservation science PNAS 113: 6105-6112 PDF
Le Saout S., Massouh M., Martin J.L., Presseault-Gauvin H., Poilvé E., Côté S.D., Picot D., Verheyden H., Chamaillé-Jammes S. 2016. Levels of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites do not reflect environmental contrasts across islands in black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) populations. Mammal Research 61:391-398 doi:10.1007/s13364-016-0294-9
Bonnot, N. C., Morellet N., Hewison A. J. M., Martin J.L., Benhamou S., et Chamaillé-Jammes S. 2016. Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) adjust habitat selection and activity rhythm to the absence of predators. Canadian Journal of Zoology 94:385-394.
Chollet S., Padié S., Stockton S., Allombert S., Gaston A.J., Martin J.L. 2016. Positive plant and bird diversity response to experimental deer population reduction after decades of uncontrolled browsing. Diversity and Distributions 22: 274-287. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12393. PDF
Padié S., Morellet N., Hewison A.J.M., Martin J.L., Bonnot N., Cargnelutti B. and Chamaille-Jammes S. 2015. Roe deer at risk: teasing apart habitat selection and landscape constraints in risk exposure at multiple scales. Oikos 124 :1536-1546
Padié S., Morellet N., Cargnelutti B., Hewison A.J.M., Martin JL, Chamaillé-Jammes S. 2015. Time to leave? Immediate response of roe deer to experimental disturbances using playbacks. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 61: 871-879.
Le Saout S., Martin J.L., Blanchard P., Cebe N., Hewison A.J.M., Rames J.L., Chamaillé-Jammes S. 2015. Seeing a ghost? Vigilance and its drivers in a predator-free world. Ethology 121: 651-660
Chollet S., Bergman C., Gaston A.J., Martin J.-L. 2015. Long-term consequences of invasive deer on songbird communities: going from bad to worse? Biological Invasions, 17: 777-790 PDF
Le Saout S., Padié S., Chamaillé-Jammes S., Chollet S., Côté S., Morellet N., Pattison J., Harris E. and Martin J.L. 2014. Short-term effects of hunting on naïve black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis): behavioural response and consequences on vegetation growth. Canadian Journal of Zoology.
Le Saout S., Chollet S., Chamaillé-Jammes S., Blanc L., Padié S., Verchère T., Gaston A. J., Gillingham M.P., Gimenez O., Parker K., Picot D., Verheyden H., Martin J.-L. 2014. Understanding the paradox of deer persisting at high abundance in heavily browsed habitats. Wildlife Biology. 20:122-135.
Bachand M., Pellerin P., Côté S.D., Moretti M., De Cáceres M., Brousseau P.M., Cloutier C., Hébert C., Cardinal E., Martin J.L., Poulin M. 2014. Species indicators of ecosystem recovery after reducing large herbivore density: Comparing taxa and testing species combinations. Ecological Indicators, 38: 12-19
Chamaillé, S., Malcuit, H., Le Saout S., Martin J.-L. 2014. Innate threat-sensitive foraging: black-tailed deer remain more fearful of wolf than of the less dangerous black bear even after 100 years of wolf absence. Oecologia. 174: 1151-1158.
Chollet S., Baltzinger C., Le Saout S., Martin J.-L. 2013. A better world for bryophytes? A rare and overlooked case of positive community-wide effects of browsing by overabundant deer. Ecoscience 20(4):352-360.
Simberloff D., Maris V., and Martin J.L. 2013. Inaction =/= caution: response to Larson, Kueffer, and the ZiF Working Group on Ecological Novelty. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 28: 257.
Martin, T.G., Arcese, P., Kuhnert, P.M., Gaston, A.J., Martin, J.-L., 2013. Prior information reduces uncertainty about the consequences of deer overabundance on forest birds. Biological Conservation, 165, 10-17.
Chollet S, Baltzinger C., Ostermann L., Saint-André F. et Martin J.L. 2013. Importance for forest plant communities of refuges protecting from deer browsing. Forest Ecology and Management. 289: 470-477.
Simberloff, D., Martin J.L., Genovesi P., Maris V., Wardle D.A., Aronson J., Courchamp F., Galil B., Garcia-Berthou E., Pascal M., Pyšek P., Sousa R. , Tabacchi E., Montserrat V. 2013. Impacts of biological invasions – what’s what and the way forward” Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 28: 58-66. PDF
Chollet S. et Martin J.L. 2013. Declining woodland birds in North America: should we blame Bambi? Diversity and Distribution. 19: 481-483 PDF
Fonderflick J., Besnard A., Martin J.L. 2013. Species traits and the response of open-habitat species to forest edge in landscape mosaics. Oikos, 121 : 41-51.
Cardinal E, Martin J.L., Tremblay J.P., Côté S.D. 2012. An experimental study of how variation in deer density affects vegetation and songbird assemblages of recently harvested boreal forests. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 90: 704-713.
Cardinal E., Martin J.L et Côté S. 2012. Large herbivore effects on songbirds in boreal forests: lessons from deer introduction on Anticosti Island. Ecoscience, 19: 38-47.
Fahrig L., Baudry J., Brotons, L., Burel F. G., Crist T. O., Fuller R. J., Sirami C., Siriwardena G. M., Martin J.L. 2011. Functional landscape heterogeneity and animal biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Ecology Letters, 14:101-112. PDF
Sirami C., Brotons L. et Martin J.L. 2011. Woodlark’s (Lullula arborea) response to landscape heterogeneity created by land abandonment. Bird Study. 58:99-106. PDF
McKinnon L.,Smith P.A., Nol E.,Martin J.L., Doyle F.I., Abraham K.F., Gilchrist H.G., Morrison R.I.G. et Bêty J. (2010). Lower predation risk for migratory birds at high latitudes. Science 327 : 326-327 PDF
McKinnon L., Smith P.A., E. Nol E., Martin J.L., Doyle F.I.,Abraham K.F., Gilchrist H.G., Morrison R.I.G., and Bêty J. (2010). Suitability of Artificial Nests - Response. Science 328: 46-47 PDF
Martin J.L., Stockton S.A., Allombert S. and Gaston A.J. 2010. Top-down and bottom-up consequences of unchecked ungulate browsing on plant and animal diversity in temperate forests: lessons from a deer introduction. Biological Invasions. 12 : 353-371.PDF
Sirami C., Nespoulous A., Cheylan J.P., Marty P., Hvenegaard G.T., Geniez P., Schatz B., Martin J.L. 2010. Long-term social and ecological dynamics of a Mediterranean landscape: impacts on biodiversity. Landscape and Urban Planning. 96:214-223 PDF
Vázquez, D.P., Gresser J., et Martin J.L. (2010). Introduced deer and the pollination and reproduction of an animal-pollinated herb. Botany (Canadian Journal of Botany), 88: 110-118. PDF
de Villalobos A.E., Vazquez D.P. et Martin J.L. (2010). Soil disturbance, vegetation cover and the establishment of the exotic shrub Pyracantha coccinea in southern France. Biological Invasions, 12:1023-1029. PDF
Smith P.A., Gilchrist H.G., Forbes M.R., Martin J.L., and Allard K. (2010). Inter-annual variation in the breeding chronology of arctic shorebirds: effects of weather, snow melt and predators. Journal of Avian Biology, 41: 292-304.PDF
Caula, S., Marty P. et Martin J.L. 2010. Value of an urban habitat for the native Mediterranean avifauna. Urban Ecosystems, 13:73-89. PDF
Sirami C., Brotons L., Martin J.-L. 2009. Do bird spatial distribution patterns reflect population trends in changing landscapes? Landscape Ecology 24:893-906. PDF
Allombert S., Martin J.-L. (2008). The effects of deer on invertebrate abundance and diversity. In: Proceedings from the Research Group on Introduced Species 2002 Symposium "Lessons from the Islands: Introduced species and what they tell us about how ecosystems work" (Queen Charlotte City, British Columbia), (Gaston A.J., Golumbia T.E., Martin J.-L. & Sharpe S.T. eds.). Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, pp.96-101. PDF fr PDFangl
Allombert S., Martin J.-L. (2008). Les effets du cerf sur l'abondance et la diversité des invertébrés. In: Actes du Symposium du Groupe de Recherche sur les espèces introduites tenu en 2002 "Leçons des îles : les espèces introduites et ce qu'elles nous apprennent sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes" (Queen Charlotte City, Îles de la Reine Charlotte, Colombie Britannique), (Gaston A.J., Golumbia T.E., Martin J.-L. & Sharpe S.T. eds.). Service Canadien de la Faune, Environnement Canada, Ottawa, pp.96-101. PDF fr PDFangl
Caula S., Marty P., Martin J.-L. (2008). Seasonal variation in species composition of an urban bird community in Mediterranean France. Landscape and Urban Planning 87: 1-9. PDF
Gonzalo-Turpin H., Sirami C., Brotons L., Gonzalo L., Martin J.-L. (2008). Teasing out biological effects and sampling artefacts when using occupancy rate in monitoring programs. Journal of Field Ornithology 79 : 159-169. PDF
Gaston A.J., Golumbia T.E., Martin J.-L., Sharpe S.T. (eds.) (2008). Lessons from the islands: introduced species and what they tell us about how ecosystems work. Proceedings from the Research Group on Introduced Species 2002 Symposium. Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Queen Charlotte City, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, 192p. PDF fr PDFangl
Gaston A.J., Golumbia E., Martin J.-L., Sharpe S.T. (eds.) (2008). Leçons des îles : les espèces introduites et ce qu'elles nous apprennent sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes. Actes du Symposium du Groupe de Recherche sur les espèces introduites tenu en 2002 "Leçons des îles : les espèces introduites et ce qu'elles nous apprennent sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes". Service Canadien de la Faune, Environnement Canada, Ottawa, Queen Charlotte City, Îles de la Reine Charlotte, Colombie Britannique, 211p. PDF fr PDFangl
Gaston A.J., Sharpe S.T., Stockton S., Golumbia T.E., Martin J.-L. (2008). Reduction in deer numbers on Reef and SGang Gwaay: progress, results, and vegetation changes. In: Proceedings from the Research Group on Introduced Species 2002 Symposium "Lessons from the Islands: introduced species and what they tell us about how ecosystems work" (Queen Charlotte City, British Columbia), (Gaston A.J., Golumbia T.E., Martin J.L. & Sharpe S.T. eds.). Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, pp.103-116. PDF fr PDFangl
Gaston A.J., Martin J.-L. (2008). A conceptual framework for introduced species research in Haida Gwaii. In: Proceedings from the Research Group on Introduced Species 2002 Symposium "Lessons from the Islands: introduced species and what they tell us about how ecosystems work" (Queen Charlotte City, British Columbia), (Gaston A.J., Golumbia T.E., Martin J.-L. & Sharpe S.T. eds.). Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, pp.53-58. PDF fr PDFangl
Martin J.-L., Allombert S., Gaston A.J. (2008). The effects of deer and squirrels on forest birds: community structure, population density and reproduction. In: Proceedings from the Research Group on Introduced Species 2002 Symposium "Lessons from the islands: Introduced species and what they tell us about how ecosystems work" (Queen Charlotte City, British Columbia), (Gaston A.J., Golumbia T.E., Martin J.-L. & Sharpe S.T. eds.). Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, pp.102-109. PDF fr PDFangl
Martin J.-L., Gaston A.J., Golumbia T.E., Sharpe S.T. (2008). Deer and biodiversity on Haida Gwaii: lessons, questions and decisions ? In: Proceedings from the Research Group on Introduced Species 2002 Symposium "Lessons from the islands: introduced species and what they tell us about how ecosystems work" (Queen Charlotte City, British Columbia), (Gaston A.J., Golumbia T.E., Martin J.-L. & Sharpe S.T. eds.). Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, pp.201-203. PDF fr PDFangl
Sirami C., Brotons L., Burfield I., Fonderflick J., Martin J.-L. (2008). Is land abandonment having an impact on biodiversity? A meta-analytical approach to bird distribution changes in the north-western Mediterranean. Biological Conservation 141: 450-459. PDF
Sirami C., Brotons L., Martin J.-L. (2008). Spatial extent of bird species response to landscape changes: colonisation/extinction dynamics at the community-level in two contrasting habitats. Ecography 31: 509-518. PDF
Sirami C., Jay-Robert P., Brustel H., Valladares L., Le Guilloux S., Martin J.-L. (2008). Saproxylic beetle assemblages of old Holm-oak trees in a Mediterranean region: role of a keystone structure in a changing heterogeneous landscape.Revue d’Écologie (Terre Vie) supplément 10: 101-114. PDF
Stroh N., Baltzinger C., Martin J.-L. (2008). Deer prevent western redcedar (Thuya plicata) regeneration in old-growth forests of Haida Gwaii: is there a potential for recovery? Forest Ecology and Management: 255: 3973–3979. PDF
Vila B., Martin J.-L. (2008). Spread and history of deer impact: the memory of the woody plants. In: Lessons from the islands: introduced species and what they tell us about how ecosystems work. Proceedings from the Research Group on Introduced Species 2002 Conference (Queen Charlotte City, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia), Gaston A.J., Golumbia T.E., Martin J.-L. & Sharpe S.T. eds.). Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, pp.57-63. PDF fr PDFangl
Vila B., Martin J.-L. (2008). Histoire de la colonisation et de l'impact du cerf : la mémoire des plantes ligneuses. In: Actes du Symposium du Groupe de Recherche sur les espèces introduites tenu en 2002 "Leçons des îles : les espèces introduites et ce qu'elles nous apprennent sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes" (Queen Charlotte City, Îles de la Reine Charlotte, Colombie Britannique), (Gaston A.J., Golumbia T.E., Martin J.-L. & Sharpe S.T. eds.). Service Canadien de la Faune, Environnement Canada, Ottawa, pp.63-69. PDF fr PDFangl
Vourc'h V., Escarré J., Martin J.-L. (2008). Interaction entre le cerf à queue noire de Sitka et le thuya géant : les leçons de Haïda Gwaii. In: Actes du Symposium du Groupe de Recherche sur les espèces introduites tenu en 2002 "Leçons des îles : les espèces introduites et ce qu'elles nous apprennent sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes"(Queen Charlotte City, Îles de la Reine Charlotte, Colombie Britannique), (Gaston A.J., Golumbia T.E., Martin J.-L. & Sharpe S.T. eds.). Service Canadien de la Faune, Environnement Canada, Ottawa, pp.77-85. PDF fr PDFangl
Vourc'h V., Escarré J., Martin J.-L. (2008). Interaction between Sikta black-tailed deer and western redcedar: lessons from Haida Gwaii. In: Lessons from the islands: introduced species and what they tell us about how ecosystems work. Proceedings from the Research Group on Introduced Species 2002 Symposium (Queen Charlotte City, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia), Gaston A.J., Golumbia T.E., Martin J.-L. & Sharpe S.T. eds.). Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, pp.70-77. PDF fr PDFangl
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Sirami C., Brotons L., Burfield I., Fonderflick J., Martin J.-L. (2007). Is land abandonment having an impact on biodiversity? A meta-analytical approach to bird distribution changes in the north-western Mediterranean. Biological Conservation: 141:450-458. PDF
Martin J.-L. (2006). Could deer overabundance impact terrestrial mollusks ? A response to Örstan. Tentacle The Newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Mollusc Specialist Group 14: 21-22. PDF
Allombert S., Stockton S., Martin J.-L. (2005). A natural experiment on the impact of overabundant deer on forest invertebrates. Conservation Biology 19: 1917-1929. PDF
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Brotons L., Wolff A., Paulus G., Martin J.-L. (2005). Effect of adjacent agricultural habitat on the distribution of passerines in natural grasslands. Biological Conservation 124: 407-414. PDF
Gaston A.J., Martin J.-L., Allombert S. (2005). Sea Surface Temperatures Mediated by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation Affect Birds Breeding in Temperate Coastal Rain Forests / Les températures de surface de la mer liées au phénomène El Niño-oscillation australe affectent la nidification des oiseaux des forêts ombrophiles tempérées côtières. Avian Conservation and Ecology - Écologie et conservation des oiseaux 1: art 4 [on line].
Stockton S., Allombert S., Gaston A.J., Martin J.-L. (2005). A natural experiment on the effects of high deer densities on the native flora of coastal temperate rain forests. Biological Conservation 126: 118-128. PDF
Vila B., Guibal F., Torre F., Martin J.-L. (2005). Can we reconstruct deer browsing history and how ? Lessons from Gaultheria shallon Pursh. Annals of Forest Science 62: 153-162. PDF
Brotons L., Herrando S., Martin J.-L. (2004). Bird assemblages in forest fragments within Mediterranean mosaics created by wild fires. Landscape Ecology, 19: 663-675. PDF
Brotons L., Martin J.-L., Herrando S., Estrada J., Pedrocchi V. (2004). Forest bird distribution trends in Mediterranean landscapes: the role of land use changes. In: Proceedings of the 10th MEDECOS Conference, (Rhodes Island, Greece), (Arianoutsou M.& Papanastasis V.P. eds.). Millpress, Rotterdam.
Brotons L., Martin J.-L., Prodon R., eds. (2004). Book of abstracts of the symposium "A landscape perspective on Mediterranean vertebrate ecology", Montpellier, 25-26th, March 2004. Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive-CNRS; Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes-Université Montpellier II, Montpellier (FRA), 73p.
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Vilà B., Guibal F., Torre F., Martin J.-L. (2004). Assessing spatial variation in browsing history by means of fraying scars. Journal of Biogeography, 31: 987-995. PDF
Vila B., Torre F., Guibal F., Martin J.-L. (2004). Can we reconstruct browsing history and how far back? Lessons from Vaccinium parvifolium Smith in Rees. Forest Ecology and Management, 201: 171-185. PDF
Brotons L., Mönkkönen M., Martin J.-L. (2003). Are fragments islands ? Landscape context and density-area relationships in boreal forest birds. The American Naturalist, 162(3): 343-357. PDF
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Martin J.-L., Joron M. (2003). Nest predation in forest birds: influence of predator type and predator's habitat quality. Oikos, 102: 641-653. PDF
Tourenq C., Sadoul N., Beck N., Mesléard F., Martin J.-L. (2003). Effects of cropping practices in the use of rice fields by waterbirds in the Camargue, France. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 95(2-3): 543-549. PDF
Vila B., Guibal F., Torre F., Martin J.-L. (2003). Growth change of young Picea sitchensis in response to deer browsing. Forest Ecology and Management, 180: 413-424. PDF
Vila B., Torre F., Martin J.-L., Guibal F. (2003). Response of young Tsuga heterophylla to deer browsing : developing tools to assess deer impact on forest dynamics. Trees - Structure Function, 17: 547-553. PDF
Vourc'h G., Russell J., Gillon D., Martin J.-L. (2003). Short-time effect of defoliation on terpene content in Thuja plicata. Ecoscience, 10(2): 161-167. PDF
Blangy S., Martin J.-L. (2002). Integration of biodiversity in cultural heritage in the development of ecotourism. A case study from Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlottes Islands), B.C., Canada. In: Tourism, Biodiversity and Information (Di Castri F.& Balaji V., eds.), pp. 105-116. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
Martin J.-L., Baltzinger C. (2002). Interaction among deer browsing, hunting and tree regeneration. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 32: 1256-1264. PDF
Thibault J.-C., Martin J.-L., Penloup A., Meyer J.-Y. (2002). Understanding the decline and extinction of monarchs (Aves) in Polynesian Islands. Biological Conservation, 108(2): 161-174. PDF
Vila B., Vourc'h G., Gillon D.,Martin J.-L., Guibal F. (2002). Is escaping deer browse just a matter of time in Picea sitchensis ? A chemical and dendroecological approach. Trees - Structure and Function, 16: 488-496. PDF
Vourc'h G., De Garrine-Witchatitsky M., Labbé A., Rosolowski D., Martin J.-L., Fritz H. (2002). Monoterpene effect on feeding choice by deer. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 28(12): 2411-2427. PDF
Vourc'h G., Russell J., Martin J.-L. (2002). Linking deer browsing and terpene production among genetic identities in Chamaecyparis nootkatensis and Thuja plicata (Cupressaceae). The Journal of Heredity, 93(5): 370-376. PDF
Vourc'h G., Vila B., Gillon D., Escarré J., Guibal F., Fritz H., Clausen T., Martin J.-L. (2002). Disentangling the causes of damage variation by deer browsing on young Thuja plicata. Oikos, 98: 271-283. PDF
Wolff A., Dieuleveut T., Martin J.-L., Bretagnolle V. (2002). Landscape context and little bustard abundance in a fragmented steppe : implications for reserve management in mosaic landscapes. Biological Conservation, 107(2): 211-220. PDF
Tourenq C., Aulagnier S., Durieux L., Lek S., Mesléard F., Johnson A., Martin J.-L. (2001). Identifying rice fields at risk from damage by the Greater Flamingo. Journal of Applied Ecology, 38(1): 170-179. PDF
Tourenq C., Barbraud C., Sadoul N., Sandoz A., Lombardini K., Kayser Y., Martin J.-L. (2001). Does foraging habitat quality affect chick condition in Little Egret (Egretta garzetta ) ? Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 24: 107-116.
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Walther B.A., Martin J.-L. (2001). Species richness estimation of bird communities : how to control for sampling effort ? Ibis, 143: 413-419.
Wolff A., Paul J.-P., Martin J.-L., Bretagnolle V. (2001). The benefits of extensive agriculture to birds : the case of the Little Bustard. Journal of Applied Ecology, 38: 963-975. PDF
Martin J.-L., Thibault J.-C., Bretagnolle V. (2000). Black rats, island characteristics and colonial nesting birds in the Mediterranean : current consequences of an ancient introduction. Conservation Biology, 14(5): 1452-1466. PDF
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