Mouvement, Abondance, Distribution


PhD candidate - Macroecology


I am a PhD candidate working on macroecology, using citizen science data. Specifically, my PhD project aims to understand the sensitivity of birds to habitat changes.


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PhD project: Understanding species sensitivity and resilience to anthropic habitat change

Supervisor: Ana Rodrigues (CEFE-CNRS) 


Project outline

In the context of human-induced habitat changes, species exhibit a wide range of responses. While some studies have attempted to explain this diversity in sensitivity, the traits identified as being associated with high sensitivity often have low predictive value, and very few of them considered potential variation among species. My PhD seeks to advance our understanding of the intra- and inter-specific causes and mechanisms underlying these varied responses. This work has also clear conservation implications : understanding how species respond to human pressures is critical for guiding policies.

This work relies entirely on eBird data. eBird is one of the largest biodervisty-related citizen science platforms, hosting more than a billion bird observations throughout the world.



  • 2024-2025 : PLR (Long Research Project) consisting of two internships, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France: 
          - 2nd internship (CEFE, Montpellier with Ana Rodrigues): Position inside the range as a determinant of bird sensitivity to urbanization in the Americas.
          - 1st internship (Falkland Islands & University of Glasgow, UK with Amandine Gamble): Role of brown skua movements in the spread of pathogens during an avian influenza outbreak.
  • 2023-2024 : 2nd year of Master's degree in functional ecology, Sorbonne University France:
          - Master thesis (University of Glasgow, UK with Davide Dominoni and Anna Bracken): How urbanization and a riparian corridor shape the bird community: a case study of the Kelvin River in Glasgow.
  • 2022-2023 : 1st year of Master's degree in biosciences, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France.             
          - Thesis (Trinidad and Tobago and University of California, USA with Ron Bassar and David Reznick): Assessing the impact of subcutaneous color marks on guppy survival, reproduction, and recapture rates.
  • 2021-2022 : Bachelor's degree in biosciences, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France.         
          - Internship (CEFE, Montpellier with Florian Fort and Taïna Lemoine): Influence of nitrogen availability and trait hierarchy on intraspecific competition in durum wheat.