Mouvement, Abondance, Distribution
Tristan MARTIN
- Publication : 9 janvier 2023
Doctorant / PhD Student
Université de Montpellier
CEFE, 3ème étage, bureau 309b
I’m a PhD candidate working at the interface between Ecology, Climatology and Sociology. My PhD is an interdisciplinary project that aims to understand the consequences of global change on Arctic summer storms, and the associated social and ecological consequences. To this end, I will combine climatological analysis of Arctic summer storms, an eco-evolutionary approach to the consequences of these extreme events on the movement of Arctic seabirds, and a linguistic analysis of text corpora from Arctic literature and institutional discourse.
PhD supervisors: David GREMILLET (CEFE), Fabrice ARDHUIN (LOPS) et Marie CHANDELIER (BCL)
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