I am an ecologist and evolutionary biologist interested in the dynamic interactions between sister species and their environment. I address these processes in diverse study models such as insects, mammals, birds and reptiles.
By combining laboratory and empirical approaches in the field, I study the role that new environmental pressures such as species competition play in the evolution of ecological, morphological and behavioral traits.
For more details about my research, see my personal website
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Personnal website: http://lebonjourvousva.fr/cv/HOLVECK_Marie/index.php?l=gb#
I study how variation in signal production and perception influences (i) the evolution of signals in multiple sensory modalities (acoustic, visual and chemical domains) and (ii) the adaptation (through phenotypic plasticity and/or genetic variability) to different environments, a topic for which there is nowadays a growing interest in the new field of sensory ecology, notably to understand how species cope with their rapidly changing environment due to anthropogenic activities. |
Post-doctoral researcher
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I am an evolutionary and behavioural ecologist broadly interested in understanding the causes and consequences of phenotypic variation in behaviour, life-history and physiology across different hierarchical levels of organization. In my current postdoc with Anne Charmantier and Sandra Bouwhuis I focus on the evolutionary genetics of phenotypic plasticity using a long-term data set of common terns (Sterna hirundo) from the North Coast of Germany.