Ecologie Evolutive Empirique, Communication & Coopération
David López-Idiáquez
- Publication : 18 février 2020
I am a behavioural and evolutionary ecologist interested in understanding why individuals behave in the way they do and the ultimate fitness consequences and proximate mechanisms of those behaviours. I am keen on exploring the causes that generate individual variation in behavioural traits in the animal kingdom, regardless of the target species. Further, I also have a deep interest in exploring how individuals adapt to the fluctuating environmental conditions and the fitness consequences of the different life-history strategies present under those variable conditions.
Currently, I am working in the team of Claire Doutrelant studying the role and the evolution of the multiple signaling systems in birds. We aim to that by doing experiments in the wild and by analyzing long-term datasets using the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) as a model species. Further, we will also explore this topic in a broader fashion by conducting a comparative analysis.
For further information about myself and my research ->
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SCI-indexed papers:
López-Idiáquez, D., Canal, D., Calleja, I., Frade, A., Sarasola, J.H. First record of shrimp consumption by the Chimango caracara (Milvago chimango). Journal of Raptor Research. 53:436-437 (Link)
López-Idiáquez, D., Fargallo, J.A., López-Rull, I., Martínez-Padilla, J. Plumage colouration and personality in early-life: sexual differences in signalling. IBIS. 161:216-221 (Link)
López-Idiáquez, D., Vergara, P., Fargallo, J.A., Martínez-Padilla, J. Providing longer Post-fledgling dependence periods increases offspring survival at the expense of future fecundity. PLoS One. 13(9) e0203152. (Link)
López-Arrabé, J., López-Idiáquez, D., Serrano-Davies, E., Payo, A., Badás, E.P., Espinosa, A.R., Mellado, A., Ruiz-Castellano, C., Ruiz-Raya, F., Meseguer, A., Bastianelli, G., Donoso, I., Ferraguti, M., Weisshaupt, N., Ceresa, F. PhD Dissertations Reviews in Ornithology (2017-2018 Academic Year). Ardeola. 65:69-90 (Link)
Martínez-Padilla, J*.,López-Idiáquez, D*., López-Perea, J.J., Mateo, R., Paz, A., Viñuela, J. A Negative association between bromadiolone exposure and nestling body condition in common kestrels: management implications for vole outbreaks. Pest Management Science. 73:364-370 (* Joint first authorship) (Link)
López-Idiáquez, D., Vergara, P., Fargallo, J.A., Martínez-Padilla, J. Female plumage colouration signals status to conspecifics. Animal Behaviour.121:101-106 (Link)
López-Idiáquez, D., Vergara, P., Fargallo, J.A., Martínez-Padilla, J. Old males reduce melanin-pigmented traits and increase reproductive outcome under worse environmental conditions in common kestrels. Ecology and Evolution. 6:1224-1235 (Link)
Non-peer reviewed publications
López-Idiáquez, D.The Post-fledgling dependence period. Naturalmente 21: 46-51 (Journal of the National Natural History Museum). (*In Spanish). (Link)
López-Idiáquez, D.The Dark Side of the Nestling: Darker nestlings display bolder personalities, but only if they are female. BOU Blog. (Link)