PhD candidate - Macroecology


I am a PhD candidate working on macroecology, using citizen science data. Specifically, my PhD project aims to understand the sensitivity of birds to habitat changes.


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Lire la suite : Léo STREITH


Doctorantesara gomez Université de Montpellier

1919, route de Mende
34293 Montpellier cedex 5

Bureau 306 3ème étage

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Lire la suite : Sara GOMEZ

Jikang PARK

DoctorantJikang Park photo
Université de Montpellier 

1919, route de Mende
34293 Montpellier cedex 5

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Sleeping strategies in diving seals

supervisors: Simon Benhamou & Paul-Antoine Libourel

Etienne HENRY

IMG 3576 min

PhD candidate - Migratory landbirds conservation

I am a PhD candidate using tracking data to inform conservation of African-Eurasion migratory landbirds, storks and  raptors.
The persistent decline observed in migratory bird populations over recent decades highlights the urgent need to improve our scientific understanding of the drivers behind this trend. This comprehension is crucial to support international policies impacting the conservation of these birds across national, European, and inter-continental levels.
The project results from collaboration between the CEFE, the CIBIO and BirdLife International.

Project: Mobilising tracking data on African-Eurasian migratory birds to support conservation at the flyway scale.
Supervisors: Ana Rodrigues (CEFE - CNRS, Montpellier) & Inês Catry (CIBIO - University of Porto).
Project in collaboration with BirdLife International.

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CEFE UMR5175 - Campus du CNRS - 1919, route de Mende - 34293 Montpellier 5 - France
ORCID: 0009-0004-1802-0197


Lire la suite : Etienne HENRY