Alan Vergnes trombiMaître de Conférences

     Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3

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    Soil(s) Fictions : http://cargocollective.com/soilfictions/About


    Résumé :
    Diplômé d’un doctorat en écologie, le cherche à mieux comprendre les effets qu’induisent les modifications de l’environnement à différentes échelles – du paysage à la parcelle - sur les communautés, les populations et les traits des invertébrés du sol. J’analyse les effets des changements d’occupation du sol, comme l’urbanisation, sur les communautés et les interactions. Je m’intéresse fortement aux problématiques d’agroécologie, dans les paysages ruraux mais aussi urbains.J’ai des compétences fortes dans l’intégration de la dynamique spatiale des processus, dans la détermination d’invertébrés. je fais partie d’un collectif « art-science » qui vise à sensibiliser le public à la protection des sols.


    Mots-clés :
    Ecologie du paysage ; écologie des sols ; invertébrés des sols ; systèmes anthropisés ; dispersion ; agro-écologie ; régulation biologique


  • Alix COSQUER

    Postdoc – Université de Montpellier

    AlixCosquer HAIR

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    • environmental psychology, social geography, human and social sciences ;
    • human relations with nature, children relations with nature ;
    • biodiversity conservation, education, human health ;
    • participatory research action ;
    • urban environments, marine and coastal areas, protected areas.



  • Bertrand SCHATZ


    B Schatz

    Directeur de recherche au CNRS, CID 52


    Je m’intéresse à l’écologie de la pollinisation, à l’évolution des interactions plantes-insectes et à la conservation de ces communautés. Mes travaux concernent surtout les figuiers en milieu tropical et les orchidées en milieu méditerranéen et ils portent sur la compréhension fondamentale de ces interactions et l’opérationnalité de leur conservation.


    I am interested in pollination ecology, in the evolution of plant-insect interactions and in the conservation of these communities. My studies concern tropical figs and Mediterranean orchids and they are focused on the fundamental understanding of these interactions and using fundamental insights for operational conservation.  


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  • CHUINE Isabelle

    Research Director at CNRScrédit photo: Gonzague Nanda

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    CEFE, 1919 route de Mende
    F-34293 Montpellier cedex 05

    Phone: +33 (0)4 67 61 32 79
    Fax: +33 (0)4 67 61 33 36



    My research focuses on the developmental cycle and the ecological niche of extra-tropical forest trees, both of which are currently challenged by climate change. Identifying the key traits that allow a particular species adapting to its environment and the identifying the constraints on their genetic evolution are the key motivating forces behind my research, which lies at the interface between functional ecology and evolutionary ecology.

    I have initiated pioneering work on process-based species distribution models for plants, which I use to study the evolvability of the ecological niche of tree species. My work is deeply concerned by climate change and the models I develop are also used to provide accurate forecast of trees’ distribution for the upcoming centuries.

    I am using a combination of modelling (PMP, PHENOFIT), experimental work in both field and controlled conditions, as well as long term monitoring of natural populations to feed my research. I have also founded a national research group on phenology whose main achievements are an open database, a national observatory and the Citizen Science program Observatoire Des Saisons.

    Research interests

    Adaptation – Citizen Science – Climate change – Process-based modeling – Phenology – Species distribution

  • Edmond DOUNIAS

    edmond dounias

    Directeur de recherche à l'IRD

    Logo ird new

    Résilience des peuples forestiers tropicaux aux changements planétaires, en considérant leurs systèmes alimentaires comme des révélateurs des stratégies adaptatives autochtones.


    Resilience of tropical rainforest dwellers to global change, by considering their food systems as key revealers of indigenous adaptive strategies.


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  • Jean-Yves BARNAGAUD

    CEFE- RDC, Aile B, bureau 3


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    My research is framed around a comparative exploration of the role of multiple environmental drivers in shaping species distributions and diversity at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Most of my research is structured on the combined use of ecoinformatics methods (statistical analysis of large data sets) and naturalist expertise to understand empirical patterns of community composition in space and time. My main active axes of research include :  

    - functional biogeography of seabirds in the Southern ocean. I try to explain and predict the composition of seabird assemblages with spatial models calibrated with environmental factors, trophic interactions and species traits. The project relies on a large-scale bird counts protocol from ships and statistical model of multiple data types. See the C-BIRDS project and thesis.

    -  understanding spatial patterns of vertebrates distributions and assemblage compositions. Relying on various opportunistic or protocoled data sources at multiple spatial scales, I investigate the determinants of spatial patterns in vertebrate distributions and assemblage composition through spatial models based on proxies of historical and contemporary processes. See for instance he MALPOLONdatabase.

    - Ecoacoustics and community ecology. Several active projects focus on the relationship between bird community composition and the characteristics of soundscapes at multiple spatial and temporal scales, in order to explore the acoustic environment in which species interact and its changes with current land-use and climatic dynamics. See the ACOUCENEproject (2022 - 2025, FRB/CESAB)


    Most of my interactions with biodiversity stakeholders are focused on data analysis to answer questions relative to the monitoring of human impacts on biodiversity at a regional or landscape scale.

    - Ecological data analysis. I am involved in initiatives to foster interactions between scientific and non scientific stakeholders with respect to data-based ecological monitoring and expertise. See the website of the CISSTATnetwork. 

    - Analysis of land use influences on common bird assemblages in southern France. I investigate the impact of land use and habitats on the temporal dynamics of local bird assemblages with opportunistic and protocoled data (collaborations with the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux - PACA). 

    - Wildlife road casualties. I work with the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux and the CEREMA to explain and predict spatial patterns in road casualites. We exploit jointly multiple sources of protocoled, non-protocoled and citizen science data to identify mortality hotspots and explanatory factors, with the final aim to inform public policies on the mitigation of traffic impact on vertebrates. See the final report of the COCPITT project (2020-2023).

     - Interacting imprints of climate change and land use on biodiversity. Using multiple taxa and scales, I investigate how species' responses to historical and present land use change interact with their responses to climate change. See the LANDBIO project (2022 - 2023, OFB - french ministry of ecology)



    Most of my teaching activity is embedded within the program of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes.

    - Data analysis for ecologist : a three-weeks course dedicated to biodiversity stakeholders, framed on the practical use of statistical methods and the R software in ecological monitoring. 

    - Environmental law and policy : I drive a one-week course to introduce environmental public policies to scientific ecologists, involving speakers from various authorities and decision levels and practical training to improve students' written and verbal interactions with non-scientific stakeholders.

    - Methods for ecological monitoring : a two-weeks course with Aurélien Besnard, mainly dedicated to master students and biodiversity stakeholders, to improve their skills and critical thinking in advanced numerical methods for ecology, including species distribution modeling, population dynamics, sampling design and analysis of diversity indices.

    - Environmental changes and ecological science :I contribute to several courses on global changes and environmental monitoring. My teaching is focused on the interactions between science and society through several lenses including epistemology and governance / spatial planning.


  • Jules CHIFFARD

    Phd student - DoctorantChiffard Carricaburu 2014

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    Research : Climatic and biotic drivers of species distributions in alpine landscapes -- Distribution des oiseaux dans les socio-écosystèmes montagnards

    Project : A long-term bird survey for mountain landscape birds -- Un suivi participatif national à long terme des oiseaux de montagne (!)



    PhD candidate - Macroecology


    I am a PhD candidate working on macroecology, using citizen science data. Specifically, my PhD project aims to understand the sensitivity of birds to habitat changes.


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  • Pierre JAY-ROBERT

    caricature 3Professeur (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3)

    animateur de l'équipe ESA

    33 (0)4 67 14 24 61
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    Je cherche à mieux comprendre l'écologie d'insectes associés au pastoralisme pour pouvoir optimiser les pratiques de gestion (préservation de la biodiversité et des fonctionnalités écologiques, limitation des nuisances). J'étudie, en parallèle, des espèces auxiliaires et nuisantes pour mieux comprendre les relations ambivalentes que l'Homme entretient avec les espèces sauvages au sein des écosystèmes anthropisés. La perception de ces taxons fait partie de mes questions de recherche.

    Je développe enfin des méthodologies pour évaluer l'état de conservation de l'entomofaune, à l'échelle des populations et des peuplements.

    Mots-clés : bousiers, taons, agropastoralisme, région paléarctique, approche multi-taxons & multi-scalaire



  • Raphaël MATHEVET



    altDirecteur de Recherche CNRS (DR1)

    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5

    tél : +33 4 67 61 32 77
    fax: +33 4 67 41 06 16

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