Interactions Humains Animaux
- Publication : 16 septembre 2023
PhD student – University of Montpellier
I’m a PhD student interested in animal behaviour and cognition, and how they translate into the spatial and demographic dynamics of populations. During my PhD, I focus on the interplay between individual movements and the dynamics of population networks through two case studies: 1) migratory connectivity and its relationship with the demography of migratory populations; 2) informed dispersal and its implications for the structuring and the stability of larid colonies. Linking individual and population-level processes leads me to draw on methods from both behavioural ecology and population biology.
Supervisors: Pierre-André CROCHET (DR, CNRS), Aurélien BESNARD (DE, EPHE).
Contact information
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CEFE, 2ème étage aile C, bureau 202A
About me
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Project outline
(coming soon...)
Bio (Background, employment)
- 2022 – pres.: PhD student in evolutionary ecology, supervised by Pierre-André Crochet & Aurélien Besnard – CEFE, Université de Montpellier, FR.
Contribution of individual movement and individual decision making to the dynamics of population networks. - 2022: Intern in the application of deep-learning to ecology, supervised by André C. Ferreira and Damien R. Farine – UZH Zürich, CH.
Development of a pipeline for automated morphometry in wild passerines using deep-learning. - 2021: Intern in movement ecology, supervised by Olivier Duriez – CEFE, Montpellier, FR.
Characterisation of the feeding behaviour of griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) outside Supplementary Feeding Stations. - 2021: Intern in population and spatial dynamics, supervised by Aurélien Besnard, Charlotte Francesiaz and Frédéric Jiguet – CEFE, Montpellier, FR.
Development of an integrated framework to analyse migratory connectivity and demographic data. - 2020: Aggregation of Life and Earth Sciences.
- 2019: Intern in social behaviour and cognition, supervised by Michael Chimento and Lucy M. Aplin – MPI of Animal Behaviour, Radolfzell, DE.
Investigating the effect of personality on the response of Great Tits (Parus major) to social perturbation. - 2018: Intern in spatial cognition, supervised by Emmanuel de Margerie – EthoS, Rennes, FR.
Investigating the role of visual cues in the spatial navigation of wild birds. - 2018 – 2021: MSc in Biology – École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, FR.
- 2018: Bachelor’s degree in biology – École Normale Supérieure de Lyon & Université Claude Bernard de Lyon, FR.
(Co) Supervision of students
- Antoine Havard – M1 student: Spatio-temporal patterns of breeding site selection in the Slender-billed gull (Chroicocephalus genei). Co-supervision with Pierre-André Crochet and Aurélien Besnard.
- Gregory, K.A., Francesiaz, C., Jiguet, F., Besnard, A., 2023. A synthesis of recent tools and perspectives in migratory connectivity studies. Mov Ecol 11, 69.