Mellina SIDOUS


 Doctorante - CEFE/ Univ. Franche-Comté


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I am a PhD candidate studying scavenger communities and their responses to anthropic pressures. To do so I focus on different levels of organisation. More precisely, I study how climate change modified the repartition of the living prey and feeding events of a facultative scavenger, spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta); how increased abundance of elephant carrion may have impacted predator prey coupling of the population dynamics of the spotted hyaena and its usual linving preys ; and how land-use and forest loss impact the structure of scavenger communities and scavenging process.

Lire la suite : Mellina SIDOUS

Déborah COZ

DeborahCOZ HAIR n2

PhD student – University of Montpellier


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PhD student in geography. My researches focus on the coexistence between wildlife and humans. For my PhD I explore these questions with two species (wild boars and common cranes), using qualitative data (semi-structured interviews, participant observation), wildlife datasets collected among diverse stakeholders and serious games in different wetlands with a bigger focus on the Camargue (southern France). From a more epistemological perspective I look at the potential for less human-centred perspectives in geography.

Lire la suite : Déborah COZ


PhD candidate – Université de Montpellier

Marwan svalbard


I’m a PhD student interested in evolutionary demography and population dynamics of wild populations. I’m currently working on the demography of Svalbard polar bears. I’m relying on 30+ years of data including mark-recapture data, tracking data, and more. I’m mainly using linear models, mark-recapture models and path analysis models in a Bayesian framework to study the determinants of reproductive output, trade-offs between traits, and such.

Sarah Cubaynes (EPHE, CEFE-CNRS), Jon Aars (Norwegian Polar Institute)


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Orcid: 0000-0003-1489-9363
GitHub: MarwanNaciri

Lire la suite : Marwan NACIRI