Interactions Humains Animaux
Déborah COZ
- Publication : 16 septembre 2023
PhD student – University of Montpellier
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PhD student in geography. My researches focus on the coexistence between wildlife and humans. For my PhD I explore these questions with two species (wild boars and common cranes), using qualitative data (semi-structured interviews, participant observation), wildlife datasets collected among diverse stakeholders and serious games in different wetlands with a bigger focus on the Camargue (southern France). From a more epistemological perspective I look at the potential for less human-centred perspectives in geography.
PhD supervisor : Raphaël MATHEVET
Bio (Background, employment)
- 2021-2024: PhD at the University of Montpellier
- 2016-2021: Geography at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Coz Deborah M. et Young Juliette C., « Conflicts over wildlife conservation: Learning from the reintroduction of beavers in Scotland », People and Nature, 2020, vol. 2, no 2, pp. 406‑419, doi:10.1002/pan3.10076.