Interactions Humains Animaux
Laetitia Blanc
- Publication : 18 septembre 2012
Campus du CNRS
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Fields of interest
My research interests are on population dynamics of large carnivores. I am focused on ecology, estimation of demographic parameters using spatially explicit and standard capture-recapture models, population viability analysis and the application of these tools to management and conservation.
The central theme of my PhD is the conservation of large carnivores in France. My research interests in conservation biology focus on the estimation of demographic parameters in order to assess conservation status of lynx (Lynx lynx) and wolf (Canis lupus) in France. Demographic parameters (abundance, survival…) can be estimated with a combination of capture-recapture modelling techniques and individual-based information (camera trapping). The estimates will be used to conduct a population viability analysis and to determine how to connect lynx populations of the Jura and the Vosges French mountains.
PhD and Master thesis
Thèse en cours (2011-2014): Conservation d’espèces rares et élusives : les grands carnivores en Europe/ Conservation of rare and elusive species : study case of European large carnivores. Université Montpellier 2 et LABEX.
PhD supervisor / Directeur de recherche: Olivier Gimenez (CEFE-CNRS, Montpellier).
Master research report
Blanc L. (2011). Assessing population range and density for rare and elusive species: a case study with Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Jura Mountain. Master 2 Biodiv (Conservation de la biodiversité, Université d’Egée (Grèce) et Université Montpellier II (France).
Blanc L., E. Marboutin, S. Gatti and O. Gimenez. 2012. Abundance of rare and elusive species: empirical investigation of closed versus spatially explicit capture–recapture models with lynx as a case study. Journal of Wildlife management, in press. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.453.
Gatti S., L. Blanc, O. Gimenez and E. Marboutin. Première session intensive de piégeage photographique en Franche Comté.2011. Bulletin Lynx du réseau n° 17.
2012. Université Montpellier II, Département d’enseignement Biologie Écologie.
- Applications des modèles de capture-recapture à la gestion des populations.
Recent Talk
Blanc L., Marboutin E., Gatti S. and Gimenez O. Comment estimer les effectifs des espèces rares et discrètes ? Le réveil du dodo IV, Dijon, France, 2nd to 4th of may 2012.
Blanc L., Marboutin E., Gatti S. and Gimenez O. How can we estimate abundance of rare and elusive species? Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) as a case study. 3rd European Congress of Conservation Biology, Glasgow, Scotland, 29th of august-1st of September 2012.
John Linnell and his team, NINA, Trondheim, Norway
Fridolin Zimmermann, KORA, Bern, Switzerland
Marco Heurich, Bavarian National Park, Germany