Interactions Humains Animaux
Lok Tamar
- Publication : 2 mars 2015
Campus du CNRS
1919, route de Mende
34295 Montpellier CEDEX 5
Tél : +33 (0)4 67 61 32 87
Thèmes de recherché
I am interested in variation in migratory behaviour of birds, such as variation in migration distances, timing of migration and the use of stopover sites. During my current position at CEFE, I will develop integrated population models that combine colour-banding, tracking and count data to assess within- and between-individual variation in different aspects of migratory behaviour, understand the role of environmental conditions in driving this variation and link the observed variation to survival, an important component of fitness in long-lived species. My study systems are the Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) in the East-Atlantic Flyway and the Red Knot (Calidris canutus ) in the East-Asian Australasian Flyway.
Bref CV
2015- Postdoctoral fellow, CNRS CEFE UMR 5175, Montpellier, France
2013-2014 Postdoctoral fellow, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
2008-2012 PhD, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Lok, T., Overdijk, O. & Piersma, T. (2015) The cost of migration: spoonbills suffer higher mortality during trans-Saharan spring migrations only. Biology Letters, 11, 20140944.
Lok, T., Overdijk, O. & Piersma, T. (2014) Interpreting variation in growth of Eurasian Spoonbill chicks: disentangling the effects of age, sex and environment. Ardea, 102, 181-194.
El-Hacen, E.M., Piersma, T., Jouta, J., Overdijk, O. &Lok, T.(2014) Seasonal variation in the diet of Spoonbill chicks in the Wadden Sea: a stable isotopes approach.Journal of Ornithology, 155, 611-619.
Lok, T., Overdijk, O., Tinbergen, J.M. & Piersma, T. (2013) Seasonal variation in density dependence in age-specific survival of a long-distance migrant. Ecology, 94, 2358-2369.
El-Hacen, E.M., Overdijk, O., Lok, T., Olff, H. & Piersma, T. (2013) Home range, habitat selection, and foraging rhythm in Mauritanian spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia balsaci): a satellite tracking study. Waterbirds, 36, 277-286.
van Gils, J.A., van der Geest, M., Leyrer, J., Oudman, T., Lok, T., Onrust, J., de Fouw, J., van der Heide, T., van den Hout, P.J., Spaans, B., Dekinga, A., Brugge, M. & Piersma, T. (2013) Toxin constraint explains diet choice, survival and population dynamics in a molluscivore shorebird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 280, 20130861.
Leyrer, J., Lok, T., Brugge, M., Spaans, B., Sandercock, B.K. & Piersma, T. (2013) Mortality within the annual cycle: seasonal survival patterns in Afro-Siberian red knots. Journal of Ornithology, 154, 933-943.
Lok, T. , Overdijk, O. & Piersma, T. (2013) Migration tendency delays distributional response to differential survival prospects along a flyway. American Naturalist, 181, 520-531.
Piersma, T., Van der Velde, M., El-Hacen, H.M., Lok, T., Overdijk, O. (2012) Molecular verification of the subspecies status of the Mauritanian spoonbill Platalea leucorodia balsaci. Ardea, 100, 131-136.
Leyrer, J., Lok, T., Brugge, M., Dekinga, A., Spaans, B., Van Gils, J.A., Sandercock, B.K. & Piersma, T. (2012) Small-scale demographic structure suggests preemptive behavior in a flocking shorebird. Behavioral Ecology, 23, 1226-1233.
Lok, T. , Overdijk, O., Tinbergen, J.M. & Piersma, T. (2011) The paradox of spoonbill migration: most birds travel to where survival rates are lowest. Animal Behaviour, 82, 837-844.
van de Pol, M., Ens, B.J., Heg, D., Brouwer, L., Krol, J., Maier, M., Exo, K.M., Oosterbeek, K., Lok, T., Eising, C.M. & Koffijberg, K. (2010) Do changes in the frequency, magnitude and timing of extreme climatic events threaten the population viability of coastal birds? Journal of Applied Ecology, 47, 720-730.
Vahl, W.K., Lok, T., van der Meer, J., Piersma, T. & Weissing, F.J. (2005) Spatial clumping of food and social dominance affect interference competition among ruddy turnstones. Behavioral Ecology, 16, 834-844.