Ecologie Evolutive Empirique, Communication & Coopération
Sara Kada
- Publication : 12 décembre 2013
Doctorante Campus du CNRS
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Thématique: Spatial heterogeneities in vector species and vector-borne infections.
Keywords: Immuno-ecology, Host-parasite Interactions, Vector-borne infection, Eco-epidemiology, Transmission Heterogeneity, Networks, Connectivity, Dispersal, Stage-structure, Population Dynamics, Evolutionary Ecology, Diseases Ecology, Zoonosis Ecology, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Conservation biology. Biological models: Ticks, Larids, seabirds: Black-legged kittiwakes, yellow-legged gull.
Encadrant : Thierry Boulinier (his website !)
Oral communication :
- Talk. 'Transmission heterogeneity and the role of susceptibility in vector-host networks', BES Annual meeting - Edinburgh, December 2015.
- Talk. 'Impact of stage-dependent dispersal on the dynamics of tick colonization and the spread of tick-borne agents', Réunion des Réseaux Interactions Durables (REID) - Lyon, Mars 2015.
- Talk. Discussion on the bistability in coevolutionary models and introduction of multiple infections in coevolutionary models, "Dog Cancer Club", IRD - Montpellier, November 2013.
- Poster. 'Superinfection and the coevolution of parasite virulence and host recovery.' ESEB, Lausanne, August 2015.
- Poster. 'Impact of stage-dependent dispersal on tick population dynamics and tick-borne disease dynamics.' BES-Sfe meeting, Lille, December 2014.
- Poster. 'Superinfection and the coevolution of parasite virulence and host recovery.' Réunion des Réseaux Interactions Durables (REID), Montpellier, February 2014.
Publications :
Boulinier T., Kada S., Ponchon A., Dupraz M., Dietrich M., Gamble A., Bourret V., Duriez O., Bazire R., Tornos J., Tveraa T., Chambert T., Garnier R. and Karen D. McCoy. (2016). Migration, prospecting, dispersal? What host movement matters for infectious agent circulation? Integrative and Comparative Biology, Advance Access published.
Kada S. & Lion S. (2015). Superinfection and the coevolution of parasite virulence and host recovery. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28: 2285–2299. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12753.
(2015) Beyond mortality: Sterility as a neglected component of parasite virulence. PLoS Pathogens. 11(12): e1005229. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005229