Marianne GABIROT



1919, route de Mende
34293 Montpellier cedex 5

Tél : +33/0 4 67 61 32 12
Fax : +33/0 4 67 61 33 36

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Mots-clés : Organisme biologique : oiseaux marins - Milieu : Marin et Terrestre - Discipline : Ecologie - Technique : GC-MS- Thématique : Ecologie comportementale - Autres mots clés : Signaux Chimiques , olfaction, écologie sensorielle



Thèmes de recherche : Communication chimique chez les Pétrels


Academic qualifications:
PhD in Biology (2010) Complutense University of Madrid – National Museum of Natural Sciences (CSIC), Spain.

- March 2011 – today: Post doc - Chemical communication in Seabirds, Petrels – Dept Ecologie Comportementale – CEFE, CNRS Montpellier – Supervisor: D.R. F. Bonadonna.
- 2006-2010: PhD position - Interpopulational chemical variations and the role in reproductive isolation process and speciation in the species complex of Podarcis hispanica - Depto Ecologia Evolutiva - Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC, Madrid Spain) - Supervisor: Pr. José Martin.
- 2006-2008 Participation in the Research Project: Function, mechanisms in relation with honest signal, and variability of chemical signals induced in sexual selection of lizards – Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales Dept Evolutive Ecology (CSIC, Madrid Spain) – Supervision: Pr. José Martin.
- Oct-Nov 2006 Synthesis programme (grant): Analyse of chemical composition (by chromatography with gas and mass spectrometry) of the lizard Lacerta vivipara and comparison between both type of reproduction of this lizard (vivipara & ovovipara) – Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC, Madrid Spain) - Supervision: Pr. José Martin, Pr. Jean Clobert & Pr. Barry Sinervo.
- 1st semester 2005 MSc research: evolution of the female mate choice and the role of the operational sex ratio in a population with individual variation (by mathematical and statistical models) – Dept. Ecology of populations and communities, Institut National Agronome Paris Grignon (France) - Supervision: Dr. Carmen Bessa- Gomes, Dr. Stéphane Legendre & Pr. Jean Clobert.
- 1st semester 2003 BSc Stay: effect of testosterone on sexual selection of Podarcis hispanica - Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC, Madrid Spain) – Supervision: Pr. José Martin & Dr. Pilar Lopez.
- 2nd semester 2002 BSc Practice: ecology, biodiversity and conservation of reptiles y amphibians of Ecuador – Fundacion Gustavo Orces, Vivarium de Quito (Ecuador) – Supervision: Jorge Valencia.


- Gabirot, M., Picerno, P., Valencia, J., Lopez, P., and Martin, J. 2012. Chemosensory age discrimination in Boa constrictor snakes. International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation. In press

- Gabirot, M., Picerno, P., Valencia, J. and Martin, J. 2012.Species Recognition by Chemical Cues in Neotropical Snakes. Copeia in press
- Gabirot M., Lopez P., and Martin M. 2012. Interpopulational variation in chemosensory responses to selected Steroids from femoral secretions of male lizards, Podarcis Hispanica, mirrors population differences in chemical signals. Chemoecology In press
- Gabirot M., Lopez P., and Martin M. 2012. Chemosensory responses to alcohols found in femoral gland secretions of male iberian wall lizards Podarcis hispanica. J. Herp. In press
- Gabirot M., Lopez P., and Martin M. 2012. Differences in Chemical Sexual Signals May Promote Reproductive Isolation and Cryptic Speciation between Iberian Wall Lizard Populations. International Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2012: 698520.
- Runemark, A., Gabirot, M., and Svensson, E.I. 2011. Populations divergence in chemical signals and the potential for premating isolation between islet and mainland population of the Skyros wall lizard. 2011. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24(4): 795-809.
- Gabirot M., Castilla, A.M., Lopez, P., and J. Martin. 2010. Differences in chemical signals may explain species recognition between an island lizard, Podarcis atrata, and related mainland lizards, p. hispanica. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 38(4):521-528.
- Gabirot M., Castilla, A.M., Lopez, P., and J. Martin. 2010. Chemosensory species recognition may reduce the frequency of hybridation between native and introduced lizards. Canadian Journal of Zoology 88(1): 73-80.
- Lopez, P., Gabirot M. and J. Martin. 2008. Immune Challenge Affects Sexual Coloration of Male Iberian Wall Lizards. Journal
of Experiment Zoology: Part A. 311(2): 96-104.
- Lopez, P., Gabirot M. and J. Martin. 2008. Immune activation affects chemical sexual ornaments of Male Iberian Wall Lizards. Naturwissenschaften 96(1): 65-69.
- Runemark, A., Gabirot, M., Bensch, S., Svensson, E.I., Martín, J., Pafilis, P., Valakos E.D. and Hansson B. 2008. Identification of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Podarcis gaigeae and P. hispanica and assessment of their utility in three other Podarcis species (Squamata: Lacertidae). Molecular Ecology Resources 8(6): 1367- 1370.
- Gabirot, M., Lopez, P., Martin, J., Fraipont, M., Heulin, B., Sinervo, B. and Clobert, J. 2008. Chemical composition of femoral secretions of oviparous and viviparous types of male common lizards Lacerta vivipara. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 36(7): 539-544.
- Martín, J., López, P., Gabirot, M. and Pilz, M.K. 2007. Effects of testosterone supplementation on chemical signals of male Iberian wall lizards: consequences for female mate choice. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61(8): 1275-1282.

Under review:

- Gabirot, M., Lopez, P., and Martin, J. Microgeographical variations in biometry and coloration of iberian wall lizards may be related to habitat and climatic conditions. Herpetologica
- Gabirot, M., Lopez, P., and Martin, J. Female mate choice based on pheromones signalling male quality could preclude an effective reproductive isolation within a lizard species complex. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

- 2008 Vivarium of Quito – Fundacion Gustavo Orces (Quito; Ecuador) – Oral presentation on the chemical communication in reptiles and possible implication in ecology researches in Ecuador – Gabirot, M.
- 2008 XII National congress & IX Iberoamerican of Ethology (Valencia, Spain) – Oral communications – immune response costs influence multiple sexual ornaments in lizards males : a experiment test - Martin J, Gabirot M, Lopez P.
- 2006 VIII Iberoamerican Congress de Ethology (Tenerife, Spain) – Oral Communication – Effect of testosterone on Chemicals signals of males Podarcishispanica and consequences in the mate choice - López, P., Martín, J., Gabirot, M. & Pilz, K.
- 2006 IX Congress “Luso-Español” of Herpethology (San Sebastián, Spain) – Poster – Female preference based in Chemicals cues can lead to reproductive isolation between Podarcis hispanica types - Gabirot, M., López, P., & Martín, J.

- 03/2006 – 03/2010: grant from the Ministerio de Educacion (Spain) in order to realize PhD in the Museo Nacional
de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC) - “ interpopulational chemical variations and the role in reproductive isolation process and speciation in the species complex of Podarcis hispanica “. Supervisor: Pr. J. Martin.
- Oct-Nov 2006 Synthesis programme (grant): Analyse of chemical composition (by chromatography with gas and mass spectrometry) of the lizard Lacerta vivipara and comparition between both type of reproduction of this lizard (vivipara & ovovipara) – Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC, Madrid Spain) - Supervision: Pr. José Martin, Pr. Jean Clobert & Pr. Barry Sinervo.

ACADEMIC Supervision
- 1st semester 2009 BSc’s student from the University of Poitiers (France) – Thermoregulation and influence of temperature on sprint speed between populations of Podarcis hispanica: plasticity and complete habitat adaptation? – Experiments’ and reports’ management.
- 1st semester 2009 – 2010 BSc’s student from the University of Santa Cruz (CA, USA) – Chemical signals and juvenile dispersion in the lizard Uta sp – Experiments’ and reports’ management.


Gaia et le puffin cendréPost-Doctorante

Bureau 206 - CEFE

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Organisme biologique : oiseaux marins - Milieu : Marin et Terrestre - Discipline : Ecologie - Thématique : Ecologie comportementale et du déplacement - Autres mots clés : Mécanismes d'orientation, olfaction, écologie sensorielle, écologie marine, biologie des populations, écologie évolutive, écologie de la conservation, biostatistiques appliqués à l’écologie comportementale, spatiale et du mouvement

Thèmes de recherche

♦ Comportement d’orientation et de navigation chez les oiseaux

◊ Analyse spatiale des déplacements à courte, longue et très longue distance (de la localisation du nid aux migrations transocéaniques)

Biologie sensorielle des mécanismes d’orientation (notamment utilisation de l’odorat ou du champ magnétique terrestre)

Cognition spatiale et carte cognitive

♦ Communication chimique et ecologie olfactive chez les oiseaux marins


2009 : Ph.D. Natural Sciences, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Dissertation: Behavioural Factors Influencing Orientation and Navigation in Homing Pigeons (Columba livia)
Supervisor: Prof H.-P. Lipp

2004 : Laurea in Biological Sciences, Universit of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
Dissertation: The behaviour of the Hooded Crow (Corvus corone cornix) towards new foods and new objects in an urban environment. (110/110, cum laude)
Supervisors: Dr E. Visalberghi, Prof L. Boitani

Bourses et prix

  • 10/2014-09-2016 : Marie Curie COFUND & Gouvernement de Catalogne, bourse postdoctorale Beatriu de Pinòs
  • 11/2011-10/2013 : Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship for Career Development
  • 10/2010-10/2011 : Postdoctoral fellowship, Fyssen Foundation, France
  • 6-7/2011 : Journal of Experimental Biology Travelling Fellowship for Collaborative Projects
  • 10/2006 - 7/2007 : Exchange student fellowship, Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with the University of Zurich, Switzwrland
  • 6-7/2006 : Research funding by Prof. Bruno Poucet in the framework of the “Programme Cognitique” of the French Ministry for Research
  • 1-12/2005 : Graduate abroad training fellowship, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
  • 1999 – 2003 : Annual undergraduate fellowship, Animal and Human Biology Department, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy



  • Zidat T., Dell’Ariccia G., Gabirot M., Sourrouille P., Buatois B., Célérier A., Bonadonna F. & Crochet P.-A. 2017 Reproductive isolation maintains distinct genotypes, phenotypes and chemical signature in mixed colonies of the two European Calonectris shearwaters (Procellariiformes : Procellariidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society In press.
  • Gabirot M., Raux L., Dell’Ariccia G., Bried J., Ramos R., Gonzáles-Solís J., Buatois B., Crochet P.-A. & Bonadonna F. 2016 Chemical labels differ between two closely related shearwater taxa. Journal of Avian Biology 47: 1-12.
  • Dell'Ariccia G., Blanc L., Bonadonna F. & Sanz-Aguilar A. 2015 Mediterranean storm petrels rely on nest position for homing after migration: a test with artificial nestboxes. Animal Behaviour, 107 : 94-104.
  • Dell’Ariccia G., Célérier A., Gabirot M., Palmas P., Massa B. & Bonadonna F. 2014 Olfactory foraging in temperate waters: Sensitivity to dimethylsulfide by shearwaters in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Experimental Biology Journal of Experimental Biology, 217: 1701-1709.
  • Blaser N., Dell'Omo G., Dell'Ariccia G., Wolfer D.P. & Lipp H.-P. 2013 Testing cognitive navigation in unknown territories: homing pigeons choose different targets. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216: 3123-3131.
  • Dell'Ariccia G. & Bonadonna F. 2013 Back home at night or out until morning? Nycthemeral variations in homing of anosmic Cory’s shearwaters in a diurnal colony. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216: 1430-1433.
  • Dell’Ariccia G., Dell’Omo G., Massa B. & Bonadonna F. 2010. First GPS-racking of Cory’s shearwaters in the Mediterranean Sea. Italian Journal of Zoology, 77(3): 339-346. PDF
  • Dell’Ariccia G., Costantini D., Dell’Omo G. & Lipp H.-P. 2009. Waiting duration before being released increases the motivation to home in homing pigeons (Columba livia). Journal of Experimental Biology, 212: 3361-3364. PDF
  • Vyssotski A. L., Dell’Omo G., Dell’Ariccia G., Abramchuk A. N., Serkov A. N., Latanov A. V., Loizzo A., Wolfer D. P. & Lipp H.-P. 2009. EEG responses to visual landmarks in flying pigeons. Current Biology 19: 1159-1166.
  • Dell’Ariccia G., Dell’Omo G. & Lipp H.-P. 2009. The influence of experience in orientation: GPS tracking of homing pigeons released over the sea after directional training. Journal of Experimental Biology, 212: 178-183. PDF
  • Dell’Ariccia G., Dell’Omo G., Wolfer D. P. & Lipp H.-P. 2008. Flock flying improves pigeons’ homing: GPS track analysis of individual flyers versus small groups. Animal Behaviour, 76 (4): 1165-1172. PDF
  • Costantini D., Dell’Ariccia G. & Lipp H.-P. 2008. Long flights and age affects oxidative status of homing pigeons (Columba livia). Journal of Experimental Biology, 211: 377-381.
  • Dell’Ariccia G., Lipp H.-P. & Dell’Omo G. 2005. Spostamenti dei piccioni romani: uno studio preliminare con il GPS. Alula XII (1-2): 97-102. (In Italian with English summary) PDF


International Conferences Oral Presentations

  • 2016  ASAB (Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour) Winter Conference. London, UK. Influence of ocean winds on migratory paths, stop-overs and the choice of wintering areas in a trans-equatorial procellariiform migrant.
  • 2016  6th International Albatross and Petrel Conference. Barcelona, Spain. Global spatial ecology on the high seas: a comparative study on the trans-equatorial migrations of ten shearwater species.
  • 2016  Royal Institute for Navigation. RIN16 – Orientation & Navigation: birds, humans and other animals. Egham, UK. In search of navigation answers for the ocean wanderers: a comparative study on the trans-equatorial migrations of ten shearwater species.
  • 2015  2nd World Seabirds Conference. Cape Town, South Africa. Influence of ocean winds on migratory paths, stop-overs and the choice of wintering areas in a trans-equatorial procellariiform migrant.
  • 2015  2nd World Seabirds Conference. Cape Town, South Africa. Mediterranean storm petrels rely more on nest position than on nest odour for homing: a test with artificial nest-boxes.
  • 2013 37th Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society. Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Olfactory foraging in temperate waters: sensitivity to dimethylsulfide by shearwaters in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea.
  • 2013 BEHAVIOUR2013, Newcastle, UK. Smelling home in the wind. The relation of petrels’ homing behaviour to wind conditions at the nest.
  • 2013 ASAB Easter Conference. Lincoln, UK. Olfactory foraging in temperate waters: Sensitivity to dimethylsulfide by shearwaters in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean SeaOlfactory foraging in temperate waters: Sensitivity to dimethylsulfide by shearwaters in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea Olfactory foraging in temperate waters: Sensitivity to dimethylsulfide by shearwaters in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Seaoo o Olfactory foraging in temperate waters: sensitivity to dimethylsulfide by shearwaters in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. ence des facteurs météorologiques sur le comportement migratoire du Puffin cendré (Calonectris diomedea borealis) en Atlantique.I G.G. 2012Influence SFECA
  • 2012 SERL. Ecology & Behaviour Meeting. Chizé, France. Olfactory foraging in a closed sea: do Mediterranean Cory’s shearwaters use dimethylsulfide to orient?
  • 2011 RIN11-Birds, Humans and Other Animals Conference. Reading, UK. GPS track analysis reveals that homing of pigeons is not influenced by geomagnetic anomalies. Royal Institute for Navigation.
  • 2009. ESF COMPCOG Meeting, Testa di Lepre, Italy “Large-Scale Navigation in Birds and Mammals“. Social effects in directional choice of flock-flying birds. GPS track analysis of individual flyers versus small groups. (Invited oral presentation)
  • 2007 Eden Annual Meeting. Antalya, Turkey. EDEN West Nile results in Italy.



  • Comportement d’orientation et de navigation chez les oiseaux

    • Analyse spatiale des déplacements à courte, longue et très longue distance (de la localisation du nid aux migrations transocéaniques)

    • Biologie sensorielle des mécanismes d’orientation (notamment utilisation de l’odorat ou du champ magnétique terrestre)

    • Cognition spatiale et carte cognitive

  • Communication chimique et biologie olfactive chez les oiseaux marins