Ecologie Evolutive Empirique, Communication & Coopération

Raul Ramos

Post-Doctorant alt

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Campus du CNRS
1919, route de Mende
34293 Montpellier cedex 5

tél : 04 67 61 33 11
fax : 04 67 61 33 36

Academic Qualifications

December 2009. PhD degree in Biology Tracing bird ecology throughout feathers: ecological applications of intrinsic biogeochemical markers. Supervised by Dr. Jacob González-Solís and Dr. Lluís Jover. Mark: Excellent Cum Laude. University of Barcelona (Spain).

September 2007. Official European Master in Animal Biodiversity The influence of breeding colony and sex on contaminant levels and stable isotope (d13C, d15N) signatures in summer and winter feathers of two related shearwaters. Supervised by Dr. Xavier Ruiz. Mark: Excellent. University of Barcelona (Spain).

September 2005. Master Thesis in Zoology Feeding ecology of Yellow-legged Gulls (Larus michahellis) in four colonies along the Western Mediterranean: an isotopic approach. Supervised by Dr. Xavier Ruiz. Mark: Excellent. University of Barcelona (Spain).

June 2003. Degree in Biology by University of Barcelona (Spain).

Research Areas of Interest

1. Trophic and migratory ecology of birds (spatial and temporal responses)

2. Population dynamics in the marine environment

3. Life history traits of long-lived species (immunological responses )

4. Contaminant dynamics in the marine environment

5. Molecular ecology and phylogeography of birds