Ecologie comportementale


Postdoctoral Research Fellow                             Tom Portrait



Campus du CNRS

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BSc (Hons) (Zoology), University of Liverpool, UK

PhD (Neuroscience), University of Queensland, Australia 

Research Interests

Sensory systems - Brain Evolution - Comparative Neuroanatomy - Neuroecology - Behaviour - Physiology

Current Research

Chemoreception (olfaction and gustation) in marine mammals

Recent Publications

Lisney TJ, Wylie DR, Kolominsky J, Iwaniuk AN (2015). Eye morphology and retinal topography in hummingbirds (Trochilidae: Aves). Brain Behav Evol 86: 176-190.

Yopak KE*, Lisney TJ*, Collin SP (2015). Not all sharks are "swimming noses": variation in olfactory bulb size in cartilaginous fishes. Brain Struct Funct 220: 1127-1143. (*Equal weighting given to both authors.)

Wylie DR, Kolominsky J, Graham DJ, Lisney TJ, Gutierrez-Ibanez C (2014). The retinal projection to the pretectal nucleus lentiformis mesencephali in pigeons (Columbia livia). J Comp Neurol 522: 3928-3942.

Lisney TJ, Stecyk K, Kolominsky J, Graves GR, Wylie DR, Iwaniuk AN (2013). Comparison of eye shape and retinal topography in two species of new world vultures (Aves: Cathartidae). Anat Rec 296: 1954-1970.


For more information about my research, experience, and a full list of my publications, please see my personal website.