Génétique et Ecologie Evolutive
Luis-Miguel CHEVIN
- Publication : 29 septembre 2011
Directeur de Recherche CNRS
I am interested in adaptive evolution in response to changing environments: its ecological causes, phenotypic and genetic underpinnings, and demographic consequences.
Campus du CNRS
1919, route de Mende
34293 Montpellier 5
Tél : +33/0 4 67 61 32 11
Fax : +33/0 4 67 61 33 36
Brief CV
- 2020 - Directeur de recherche CNRS
- 2011-20 Chargé de recherche CNRS
- 2009-11 Newton International Fellow (Post-Doc), Imperial College London, Silwood Park.
- 2005-09 PhD Paris Sud XI
- 2001-05 INA P-G (AgroParisTech)
- Head of the French network GDR PlasPhen (2019-2023).
- ERC Starting Grant FluctEvol (2016-2021)
- Associate Editor for Evolution (2016-2018)
My research focuses on adaptive evolution. I aim to understand how the underlying mechanisms of adaptation affect genetic and phenotypic diversity in natural populations, as well as population growth and persistence in changing environments. In recent years I have been particularly interested in adaptation to randomly fluctuating environments. I combine theoretical modeling, experiments in the laboratory (including experimental evolution) with microalga Dunaliella salina, and analyses of natural populations.
Check my personal website for more details.
Keywords: Genetics of adaptation, Phenotypic plasticity, Eco-evolutionary dynamics, Evolutionary rescue, Pleiotropy, Parallel evolution,Selective Sweeps.
Thèmes de recherches
Ma recherche a pour objet l'évolution adaptative. Je cherche à comprendre commebt les mécanismes sous-jacents à l'adaptation influencent la diversité génétique et phénotypique dans les populations naturalles, ainsi que la croissance et la persistance des populations en environement changeant. Ces dernières années, je me suis particulièrement intéressé à l'adaptation aux environnement qui fluctuent aléatoirement. Je combine modélisation théorique, expériences au laboratoire (dont l'évolution expérimentale) avec la microalgue Dunaliella salina, et analyse de populations naturelles.
Voir mon site personel pour plus de détails.
Mots clés: Génétique de l'Adaptation, Plasticité Phénotypique, Interactions Eco-Evolutives, Sauvetage Evolutif, Pléiotropie, Evolution Parallèle, Balayages Sélectifs.
Current group members
Undergraduates: Lakshya Chauhan (M1 MEME), Victor Caballero Nieto (M1 MEME)
- Leung, C., Grulois, D., Quadrana, L., & LM Chevin. 2023. Phenotypic plasticity evolves at multiple biological levels in response to environmental predictability in a long-term experiment with a halotolerant microalga. PLoS Biology. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001895
- Zeballos N, D Grulois, C Leung, and LM Chevin. 2023. Acceptable loss: Fitness consequences of salinity-induced cell death in a halotolerant microalga. American Naturalist. DOI: 10.1086/724417
- Freoa L, LM Chevin, P Christol, S Méléard, M Rera, A Véber, JM Gibert. Drosophilids with darker cuticle have higher body temperature under light. Scientific Reports 13 (1), 3513
- Rescan, M, N Leurs, D Grulois, LM Chevin. Experimental evolution of environmental tolerance, acclimation, and physiological plasticity in a randomly fluctuating environment. Evolution Letters, doi: 10.1002/evl3.306.
- Gompert, Z, SM Flaxman, JL Feder, LM Chevin, P Nosil. Laplace's demon in biology: simulation models of evolutionary prediction. Evolution,doi: 10.1111/evo.14628.
- C Leung, D Grulois, LM Chevin. Plasticity across levels: relating epigenomic, transcriptomic, and phenotypic responses to osmotic stress in a halotolerant microalga. Molecular Ecology, doi: 10.1111/mec.16542
- Chevin, LM, Gompert, Z , P Nosil. Frequency dependence and the predictability of evolution in a changing environment. Evolution Letters, doi: 10.1002/evl3.266.
- Chevin LM, C Leung, A le Rouzic, T Uller. Using phenotypic plasticity to understand the structure and evolution of the genotype-phenotype map. Genetica, doi: 10.1007/s10709-021-00135-5 (Special issue on the genotype-phenotype relationship).
- Chevin LM , C Leung, A le Rouzic, T Uller. Using phenotypic plasticity to understand the structure and evolution of the genotype-phenotype map. Genetica, doi: 10.1007/s10709-021-00135-5 (Special issue on the genotype-phenotype relationship).
- Rescan, M., Grulois, D., Aboud, E. O., de Villemereuil, P., & LM Chevin. 2021. Predicting population genetic change in an autocorrelated random environment: insights from a large automated experiment. PLoS Genetics 17 (6): e1009611, doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1009611
- de Villemereuil, P., A. Charmantier, D. Arlt, P. Bize, P. Brekke, L. Brouwer, A. Cockburn, S. D. Côté, F. S. Dobson, S. R. Evans, M. Festa-Bianchet, M. Gamelon, S. Hamel, J. Hegelbach, K. Jerstad, B. Kempenaers, L. E. B. Kruuk, J. Kumpula, T. Kvalnes, A. G. McAdam, S. E. McFarlane, M. B. Morrissey, T. Pärt, J. M. Pemberton, A. Qvarnström, O.-W. Røstad, J. Schroeder, J. C. Senar, B. C. Sheldon, M. van de Pol, M. E. Visser, N. T. Wheelwright, , J. Tufto, L.M. Chevin. 2020. Fluctuating optimum and temporally variable selection on breeding dates in birds and mammals. PNAS 117 (50): 31969-31978. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2009003117.
Chantepie S., L.M. Chevin. How does the strength of selection influence genetic correlations ? Evolution Letters, in press.
Bonamour, S. L.M. Chevin, D. Réale, C. Teplitsky, A. Charmantier. 2020. Age‐dependent phenological plasticity in a wild bird. Journal of Animal Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13337.
- Leung, C., Rescan, M., Grulois, D., L.M. Chevin. 2020. Reduced phenotypic plasticity evolves in less predictable environments. Ecology Letters, doi: 10.1111/ele.13598
- Cotto, O., L.M. Chevin. 2020. Fluctuations in lifetime selection in an autocorrelated environment. Theoretical Population Biology. doi: 10.1016/j.tpb.2020.03.002
- Gaüzere J, B. Teuf, H. Davi, L. M. Chevin, T. Caignard, B. Leys, S. Delzon, O. Ronce, I. Chuine. 2020. Where is the optimum? Predicting the variation of selection along climatic gradients and the adaptive value of plasticity. A case study on tree phenology. Evolution Letters. doi: 10.1002/evl3.160
- Rescan, M., Grulois, D., Ortega-Aboud, E. & Chevin, L.-M. 2020. Phenotypic Memory Drives Population Growth and Extinction Risk in a Random Environment. Nature Ecology & Evolution doi: 10.1038/s41559-019-1089-6
- Chevin, L.M. 2019. Selective Sweep at a QTL in a Randomly Fluctuating Environment. Genetics 213: 987-1005.
- Cotto, O., Sandell, L., Chevin, L.M., Ronce, O. 2019. Maladaptive shifts in life history in a changing environment. American Naturalist doi: 10.1086/702716
- Bonamour, Chevin, L.M, Charmantier, A., Teplitsky, C. 2019. Phenotypic plasticity in response to climate change: the importance of cue variation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 374 (1768), 20180178
- Anciaux, Y. Chevin, L.M., Ronce, O., Martin, G. 2018. Evolutionary rescue over a fitness landscape. Genetics 209: 265-279
- Rego-Costa, A., Débarre, F., Chevin, L.-M. 2018. Chaos and the (un)predictability of evolution in a changing environment. Evolution 72: 375-385
- Lenormand, T., Nougué, O., Jabbour-Zahab, R., Arnaud, F., Dezileau, L., Chevin, L.M., Sánchez, M.I. 2018. Resurrection Ecology in Artemia. Evolutionary Applications
- Bonamour, S., Teplitsky, C., Charmantier, A., Crochet, P.A., and Chevin, L.M. 2017. Selection on skewed characters and the paradox of stasis. Evolution 71: 2703–2713.
- Chevin L.-M., Cotto, O., Ashander, J. Stochastic evolutionary demography under a fluctuating optimum phenotype. 2017. American Naturalist. 190: 786–802.
- Chevin L.-M., A. A. Hoffmann. 2017. Evolution of plasticity in extreme environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 372 (1723), 20160138
- Ashander, J., Chevin L.-M., Baskett, M. 2016. Predicting evolutionary rescue via evolving plasticity in stochastic environments. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 283 (1839), 20161690
- Lenormand, T., L. M. Chevin, and T. Bataillon. 2016. Parallel evolution: what does it (not) tell us and why is it (still) interesting? in G. Ramsey, and C. H. Pence, eds. Chance in Evolution. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
- Nougue, O., Svendsen, N., Zahab, R., Lenormand, T., Chevin, L.-M. 2016. The ontogeny of tolerance curves: Habitat quality versus acclimation in a stressful environment. Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (6), 1625-1635
- Chevin L.-M. Species selection and random drift in macroevolution. 2016. Evolution 70: 513-525. Selected by faculty of 1000
- Nougué O., Rode N.O., Zahab R., Ségard A., Chevin L.-M, Haag C., Lenormand T. 2015 Automixis in Artemia: solving a century-old problem. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28: 2337-2348
- Chevin, L.-M., R. Lande. 2015. Evolution of environmental cues for phenotypic plasticity. Evolution 69: 2767-2775.
- Chevin, L.-M., Visser, M,E., Tufto, J. 2015. Estimating the variation, autocorrelation, and environmental sensitivity of phenotypic selection. Evolution: 69, 2319-2332.
- Nougué, O, Gallet, R, Chevin, L.-M, Lenormand, T. 2015. Niche limits of symbiotic gut microbiota constrain the salinity tolerance of brine shrimp. American Naturalist. 186: 390-403.
- Chevin, L.-M. 2015. Evolution of adult size depends on genetic variance in growth trajectories: A comment on analyses of evolutionary dynamics using integral projection models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 981-986.
- Chevin, L.-M., Haller, B. 2014. The temporal distribution of directional gradients under selection for an optimum. Evolution 68: 3381–3394.
- Michel, M., Chevin L.-M., and J. Knouft. 2014. Evolution of phenotype-environment associations by genetic responses to selection and phenotypic plasticity in a temporally autocorrelated environment. Evolution, 68: 1374-1384
- Chevin L.-M., Decorzent G. and T. Lenormand. 2014. Niche dimensionality and the genetics of ecological speciation. Evolution, 68: 1244-1256.
- Chevin L.-M.,Lande R. 2013. Evolution of discrete phenotypes from continuous norms of reaction. American Naturalist. 182 : 13-27.
- Chevin L.-M., Gallet R., Gomulkiewicz R., Holt R.D., Fellous, S. 2013. Phenotypic plasticity in evolutionary rescue experiments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
- Chevin L.-M. 2013. Genetic constraints on adaptation to a changing environment. Evolution 67: 708-721. Selected by Faculty of 1000.
- Chevin L.-M., Collins S., Lefèvre F. 2013. Phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary demographic responses to climate change: taking theory out to the field. Functional Ecology. PDF.
- Chevin L.-M., Beckerman A.P. 2012. From adaptation to molecular evolution. Heredity. PDF
- Chevin L.-M., Lande R. 2011. Adaptation to marginal habitats by evolution of increased phenotypic plasticity. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 1462-76. PDF
- Chevin L.-M. 2011. On measuring selection in experimental evolution. Biology Letters 7: 210-213. PDF
- Chevin L.-M., Martin G., Lenormand T. 2010. Fisher's model and the genomics of adaptation: restricted pleiotropy, heterogeneous mutation and parallel evolution. Evolution 64: 3213-3231. PDF
- Chevin L.-M., Lande R., Mace G. M. 2010. Adaptation, plasticity, and extinction in a changing environment: towards a predictive theory. PLoS Biology 8: e1000357. PDF Selected by Faculty of 1000.
- Chevin L.-M., Lande R. 2010. When do adaptive plasticity and genetic evolution prevent extinction of a density-regulated population? Evolution 64-4: 1143-1150. PDF
Before 2010
- Chevin L.-M. , Bastide H., Montchamp-Moreau C., Hospital F. 2009. Molecular signature of epistatic selection: interrogating genetic interactions in the sex-ratio meiotic drive of Drosophila simulans. Genetical Research 91: 171-182. PDF
- Chevin L.-M., Hospital F. 2008. Selective sweep at a quantitative trait locus in the presence of background genetic variation. Genetics 180: 1645-1660. PDF
- Camus-Kulandaivelu L., Chevin L.-M., Tollon-Cordet C., Charcosset A., Manicacci D., Tenaillon M. I. 2008. Patterns of molecular evolution associated with two selective sweeps in the tb1-dwarf8 region in maize. Genetics 180: 1107-1121. PDF
- Chevin L.-M., S. Billiard, F. Hospital. 2008. Hitchhiking both ways: Effect of two interfering selective sweeps on linked neutral variation. Genetics 180:301-316. PDF
- Chevin L.-M., Hospital F. 2006. The hitchhiking effect of an autosomal meiotic drive gene. Genetics 173:1829-1832. PDF