Interactions Biotiques

Articles et recherche

60 Bain A., Harrison R. & Schatz B. 2013. How to be an ant on figs? Acta Oecologica (in press)

59 Triponez Y., Arrigo N., Pellissier L., Alvarez N. & Schatz B. 2013. Are ecological shifts driving divergence in species of the Fly orchid group? Molecular Ecology (in press)

58 Schatz B., Daoust S., Missé D. M. & Thomas F. 2012. Ecology of Gordian knots in natural conditions. Invertebrate Biology (in press).

57 Soler C., Proffit M., Bessiere J.M., Hossaert-McKey M. & Schatz B. 2012. Evidence for intersexual chemical mimicry in a dioecious plant. Ecology Letters 9, 978-985.

56 Bain A., Chantarasuwan B., Chou L.S., Hossaert-McKey M.,Schatz B. and Kjellberg F. 2012. A new case of ants nesting within branches of a fig tree: the case of Ficus subpisocarpa in Taiwan. Sociobiology, 59, 415-434.

55 Delle-Vedove R., Juillet N., Bessière J.M., Dormont L., Pailler T. & Schatz B. 2011. Colour-scent associations in a tropical orchid: three colours but two odours. Phytochemistry, 72, 735-742.

54 Piazza C., Hugot L., Richard F. & Schatz B. 2011.In situconservation operations in corsica, 1987-2004: assessing the balance and drawing. Ecologia Mediterranea 37: 7-16.

53 Suchet C., Dormont L., Schatz B., Giurfa M., Simon V., Raynaud C. &Chave J. 2011. Floral scent variation in two Antirrhinum majus subspecies influences the choice of naïve bumblebees. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 65: 1015 – 1027.

52 Soler C., Hossaert-McKey M., Buatois B., Bessiere J.-M., Schatz B. & Proffit M. 2011. Geographic variation of floral scent in a highly specialized pollination mutualism. Phytochemistry 72: 74-81.

51 Zachariades C., Schatz B. & Compton S.G. 2010. Wasp emergence from the figs of Ficus sur: characteristics and predation by ants. Tropical Zoology, 23: 121-138.

50 Juillet N., Delle-Vedove R., Dormont L., Schatz B.& Pailler T. 2010. Floral trait and reproductive success variations among colour varieties in a tropical deceptive orchid. Plant Systematics & Evolution 289: 213-221.

49 Pfeifer M., Passalacqua N.G., Bartram S., Schatz B., Croce A., Carey P.D., Kraudelt H. & Jeltsch F. 2010. Conservation priorities differ at opposing species borders of a European orchid. Biological Conservation 143: 2207-2220.

48 Schatz B., Geoffroy A., Dainat B., Bessière J.M., Buatois B., Hossaert-McKey M. & Selosse M.A. 2010.Acase study of modified interactions with symbionts in a hybrid mediterranean orchid. American Journal of Botany 97: 1278-1288.

47 Renard D., Schatz B.& McKey D. 2010. Ant nest architecture and seed burial depth: implications for seed fate and germination success in a myrmecochorous savanna shrub. Ecoscience 17: 194-202.

46 Sirami C., Nespoulous A., Cheylan J.-P., Marty P., Hvenegaard G.T., Geniez P., Schatz B. & Martin J.-L. 2010. Long-term anthropogenic and ecological dynamics of a Mediterranean landscape: impacts on multiple taxa. Landscape and Urban Planning 96: 214-223.

45 Hossaert-McKey M., Soler C., Schatz B. & Proffit M. 2010. Floral scents: their role in nursery pollination mutualism. Chemoecology 20: 75-88.

44 Dormont L., Delle-Vedove R., Bessière J.-M., Hossaert-McKey M. & Schatz B. 2010. Helping in food-deceptive orchids? A possible new mechanism maintaining polymorphism of floral signals. Plant Signaling & Behavior 5: 1-2.

43 Schatz, B. & Hossaert-McKey, M. 2010. Ants use odour cues to exploit fig- fig wasp interactions. Acta Oecologica 36: 107-113.

42 Dormont L., Delle-Vedove R., Bessière J.-M., Hossaert-Mc Key M. & Schatz B.2010. Rare white-flowered morphs increase the reproductive success of common purple morphs in a food-deceptive orchid. New Phytologist 185: 300-310.

41Zachariades C., Compton S.G. & Schatz B.2009. Honey-dew as Danegeld? Ants (Hymenoptera; Formicidae) tending a honeydew-producing homopteran don’t not offer protection from its main natural enemies.Sociobiology 54: 471-488.

40Schatz B., Djieto-Lordon C., Dormont L., Bessière J.-M., McKey D. & BlatrixR. 2009. Asimple, non-specific chemical signal mediates defence behaviour in a specialised ant-plant mutualism. Current Biology 19: 361-362.

39 Pfeifer M., Schatz B., Picó F.X., Passalacqua N.G., Fay M.F., Carey P.D. & Jeltsch F. 2009. Phylogeography and genetic structure of the orchid Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Spreng. across its European central-marginal gradient. Journal of Biogeography 36: 2353-2365.

38 Proffit M., Chun Chen, Soler C., Bessière J.M., Schatz B. & Hossaert-McKeyM. 2009. Can chemical signals responsible for mutualistic partner encounter promote the specific exploitation of nursery pollination mutualisms? – The case of figs and fig wasps. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 131: 46-57.

37 Andrieu E., Dornier A., Rouifed S., SchatzB. & Cheptou P.O. 2009. The town Crepis and the country Crepis: how does population fragmentation in urban areas affect a plant-pollinator interaction? Acta Oecologica 35: 1-7.

36 Lambrechts M.M., Schatz B. & Bourgault P. 2008. Interactions between ants and breeding Paridae in two distinct Corsican oak habitats. Folia Zoologica 57: 264-268.

35 Schatz B. & Lachaud J.P. 2008. Effect of high nest density on spatial relationships in two dominant ectatommine ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 51:623-643.

34 Schatz B., Kjellberg F., Nyawa S. & Hossaert−McKey M. 2008. Fig wasps: a staple food for ants on Ficus. Biotropica 40: 190-195.

33 Proffit M., Schatz B., Bessière J.M., Chun Chen, C. Soler & Hossaert−McKey M. 2008. Signalling receptivity: comparison of the emission of volatile compounds by figs of Ficus hispida before, during and after the phase of receptivity to pollinators. Symbiosis 45: 15-24.

32 Proffit M., Schatz B., Borges R. & Hossaert−McKey M. 2007. Chemical mediation and niche partitioning in non pollinating fig-wasp communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 76: 296–303.

31 Debout G., Schatz B., Elias M. & McKey. 2007. Polydomy in ants: what we know, what we think we know, and what remains to be done. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 90: 319-348.

30 Schatz B. 2006.Fine scale distribution of pollinator explains the occurrence of the natural orchid hybrid xOrchis bergonii. Ecoscience 13: 111-118.

29 Schatz B., Proffit M., Rakhi B.V., Borges R. & Hossaert-McKey M. 2006.Complex interactions on fig trees: ants capturing parasitic wasps are indirect mutualists of the fig-fig wasp interaction. Oikos 113: 344-352.

28 Debout G.,Schatz B. & McKey D. 2005. Behavioral traits mediating effects of two plant-ants on their specific myrmécophyte host. Insectes sociaux 52: 205-211.

27 Dalecky A., Gaume L.,Schatz B., McKey D. & Kjellberg, F. 2005. Facultative polygyny in the plant-ant Petalomyrmex phylax (Hymenoptera: Formicinae): sociogenetic and ecological determinants of queen number. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 86: 133-151.

26Schatz B., Anstett M.C., Out W. & Hossaert-McKey M. 2003. Olfactory prey detection of fig wasps by the ant Crematogaster scutellaris (Formicidae; Myrmicinae).Naturwissenschaften 90: 456-459.

25Schatz B.& Hossaert-McKey M. 2003. Interactions of the ant Crematogaster scutellaris (Formicidae; Myrmicinae) with the fig / fig wasp mutualism. Ecological Entomology 28: 359-368.

24 Wcislo W. T. & Schatz B. 2003. Behavioral components of a predator-prey relationship between an ant, Ectatomma ruidum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and a sweat bee, Lasioglossum umbripenne (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 53: 182-189.

23 Debout G., Provost E., Renucci M., Tirard A., Schatz B. & McKey D. 2003. Colony structure in a plant-ant: behavioural, chemical and genetical study of polydomy in Cataulacus mckeyi (Myrmicinae). Oecologia 137: 195-207.

22 Théraulaz G., Bonabeau E., Solé R.V., Schatz B. & Deneubourg J.L. 2002. Task partitioning in a ponerine ant. Journal of Theorethical Biology 215: 481-489.

21 Dejean A., Schatz B. & Suzzoni J.P. 2002. Territorial snapping in an African ponerine ant: effect of prey nature and distance. Compte Rendu Biologies 325 : 819-825.

20 Dejean A., Suzzoni J.P. & Schatz B. 2002. Behavioral adaptations of the African ponerine ant Plectroctena minor (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) during the capture of millipedes. Behaviour 138: 981-996.

19Schatz B. Suzzoni J.P., Corbara B. & Dejean A. 2001. Selection and capture of prey in the African ponerine ant Plectroctena minor (Hymenoptera : Formicidae). Acta Oecologica 22 : 55-60.

18 Kenne M., Schatz B., Fénéron R. & Dejean A. 2001. Hunting efficacy of workers from incipient colonies in the myrmicine ant Myrmicaria opaciventris (Formicidae: Myrmicinae). Sociobiology 37: 121-134.

17 Suzzoni J.P., Schatz B. & Dejean A. 2000. Essential and alternative prey in the ponerine ant Plectroctena minor. Compte Rendu de l’Academie des Sciences 323: 1003-1008.

16 Kenne M., Schatz B. & Dejean A. 2000. Hunting strategy of a generalist ant species proposed as a biological control agent against termites. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 94: 31-40.

15Schatz B. & Wcislo W.T. 1999. Ambush predation by the ponerine ant Ectatomma ruidum Roger (Formicidae) on a sweat bee Lasioglossum umbripenne (Halictidae), in Panama. Journal of Insect Behavior 12: 641-663.

14Schatz B., Lachaud J.P. & Beugnon G. 1999. Spatio-temporal learning by the ant Ectatomma ruidum. Journal of Experimental Biology 202: 1897-1907.

13Schatz B., Chameron S., Beugnon G. & Collett T.S. 1999. Path integration as a source of reinforcement signals for visual sequence learning in the ant Cataglyphis cursor. Nature 399: 769-722.

12Schatz B., Lachaud J.P. & Beugnon G. 1999. Prey density and polyethism within hunters in the ponerine ant Ectatomma ruidum Roger. Sociobiology 34 : 605-617.

11Schatz B., Orivel J., Lachaud J.P. & Beugnon G. & Dejean A. 1999. Sitemate recognition: the case of Anochetus traergordhi (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) preying on Nasutitermes. Sociobiology 34: 569-580.

10 Dejean A., Schatz B., Orivel J., Beugnon G., Lachaud J.P. & Corbara B. 1999. Feeding preferences in african ponerine ants: a cafeteria experiment. Sociobiology 34: 555-568.

9 Dejean A., Schatz B. & Kenne M. 1999. How a group foraging myrmicine ant overhelms large prey items (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 34: 407-418.

8 Dejean A., Schatz B., Orivel J. & Beugnon G. 1999. Prey capture behavior of Psalidomyrmex procerus, a specialist predator of earthworms (Formicidae: Ponerinae). Sociobiology 34: 545-554.

7 Lachaud J.P., Cadena A., Schatz B., Perez-Lachaud G. & Ibarra-Nunez, G. 1999. Queen dimorphism and reproductive capacity in the ponerine ant, Ectatomma ruidum Roger. Oecologia 120: 515-423.

6 Chameron S., Schatz B., Pastergue-Ruiz I., Beugnon G. & Collett T.S. 1998. The learning of a sequence of visual patterns by the ant Cataglyphis cursor. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 265: 2309-2313.

5Schatz B., Lachaud J.P. & Beugnon G. 1997. Graded recruitment and hunting strategies linked to prey weight in the neotropical ponerine ant, Ectatomma ruidum Roger. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 40: 337-349.

4 Beugnon G., Pastergue I., Schatz B. & Lachaud J.P. 1996. Cognitive and behaviouristic approaches of space and time information processing in insects. Behavioral Processes 35: 55-62.

3Schatz B., Beugnon G. & Lachaud J.P. 1996. Polyethism within hunters of the ponerine ant, Ectatomma ruidum Roger (Hymenoptera; Ponerinae). Insectes Sociaux 43: 111-118.

2Schatz B., Lachaud J.P. & Beugnon G. 1995. Spatial fidelity and individual foraging specializations in the neotropical ponerine ant, Ectatomma ruidum Roger (Hymenoptera; Formicidae). Sociobiology 26: 269-282.

1Schatz B., Beugnon G. & Lachaud J.P. 1994. Time-place learning by an invertebrate, the ant Ectatomma ruidum. Animal Behavior 48: 236-238.