Biodiversité, flux et changements globaux


Directeur de Recherche IRDODangles2

Co-directeur du LMI BIO_INCA -

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Research interests

I have a broad interest in the functional ecology of animal and plant communities in both natural and cultivated ecosystems affected by global changes. Over the last decade, I have been conducting research programs in a wide variety of ecosystems - from the amazon rainforest to the high altitude agricultural landscapes to glacier fore fields- along the altitudinal gradients of the tropical Andes (mainly in Ecuador and Bolivia). I am interested in integrative and trans-disciplinary studies, in particular in modelling approaches coupling physical, biological and social systems. Most of my research is conducted in the framework of the Joint International Laboratory BIO_INCA that I have created in 2018 in collaboration with Ecuadorian and Colombian partners (see below). I also have a strong interest in science communication through a wide array of medias (books, photography exhibitions, webdocs, movies, see below).



Since august 2018  – Researcher UMR CEFE- Montpellier University, Montpellier, France

2017-2018 – Visiting professor, Cornell University, USA

2014-2017 – Representative of the IRD in Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela,

2012-2014 – Associate professor, Universidad Mayor San Andrés, Bolivia

2006-2014 – Associate professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Ecuador

2006-2017 – Researcher, UMR EGCE-University Paris Sud, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

2002-2006 – Lecturer, University of Tour, France


International Joint laboratory (LMI) - @bio_inca

The main objective of the LMI BIO-INCA is to promote the emergence of an operational research platform, specialized in the integrative study (from genomes to socio ecosystems) of natural and cultivated phytosystems of the Andean region (highlands and foothills). The research engendered by this structure is aimed at the interface between the basic and applied sciences, with the objective of proposing concrete solutions to the adaptive management of natural and cultivated phytosystems. This research is organized into four main scientific objectives: 1) the characterization of cultivated and wild biodiversity, 2) the study of biological interactions, 3) the study of ecosystem services and nature-based solutions, and 4) the development of innovative tools and training programs.


Selected publications (for a full list, see here)


Heider B, Struelens Q, Faye E, Flores C, Palacios JE, Eyzaguirre R, de Haan S, Dangles O (2021) Intraspecific diversity as a reservoir for heat stress tolerance in sweetpotato. Nature Climate Change, 11, 64–69.

Dangles O, Crespo-Pérez V (2020) Devastating locust swarms and pandemics: the same pressing need for sustainability science. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 40, 5-9.

Cauvy-Fraunié S, Dangles O (2019) A global synthesis of biodiversity responses to glacier retreat. Nature Ecology and Evolution,

Moret P, Muriel P, Jaramillo R, Dangles O (2019) Humboldt’s Tableau physique revisited, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 111, 3889–3894.

Dangles O, Casas J (2019) Ecosystem services provided by insects for achieving sustainable development goals. Ecosystem Services, 35: 109-115.

Dangles O, Restrepo S, Montúfar R (2019) Sowing the seeds for interdisciplinary plant research and development in the tropical Andes. Plants, People, Planet, 1, 102-106

Dangles O (2019) A dynamic model of facilitation on environmental stress gradients, Oikos, 128, 1206-1214.

Dangles O, Herrera, Carpio C, and Lortie C (2018) Facilitation costs and benefits function simultaneously on stress gradients for animals. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B285: 20180983. 

Cárdenas R, Donoso D, Argoti A & Dangles O (2017) Functional consequences of realistic extinction scenarios in Amazonian soil food webs. Ecosphere, 8, e01692.

Cauvy-Fraunié S*, Andino P, Espinosa R, Calvez R, Jacobsen D., Dangles O* (2016) Ecological responses to experimental glacier-runoff reduction in alpine rivers. Nature Communications, 7 :12025. *equal contribution.

Faye E, Rebaudo F, Yanez D, Cauvy-Fraunié S, Dangles O (2016) A toolbox for studying thermal heterogeneity across spatial scales: from unmanned aerial vehicle imagery to landscape metrics. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 437-446.

Crespo-Pérez V., Régnière J., Chuine I ... Dangles O. (2015) Changes in the distribution of multispecies pest assemblages affect levels of crop damage in warming tropical Andes. Global Change Biology, 21, 82-96

Parsa S*, Morse S., Bonifacio A, … & Dangles O* (2014) Obstacles to IPM adoption in developing countries: a global concept map, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 111, 3889–3894. *equal contribution

Dangles O, Herrera M, Anthelme F (2013) Experimental support of the stress-gradient hypothesis in herbivore-herbivore interactions. New Phytologist, 197, 405-408.

Dangles O, Carpio F, Woodward G (2012) Size-dependent species removal impairs ecosystem functioning in a large-scale tropical field experiment. Ecology, 93, 2615-2625.

Jacobsen D*, Milner AM, Brown LE, Dangles O* (2012) Biodiversity under threat in glacier-fed river systems. Nature Climate Change, 2:361-364. * equal contribution.

Dangles O, Casas J (2012) The bee and the turtle: a fable of Yasuní National Park - Trails and Tribulations - Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 10, 446-447.



Dangles O., Mena B (2017) Oso + páramo. Quito : Cumbia Books, 97 p. ISBN


Jacobsen D, Dangles O (2017) Ecology of High Altitude Waters, Oxford University Press, 300 p.


Dangles O, Nowicki F, Mena M, (2014) Une autre Terre: Lexique illustré d’une nature à protéger, Éditions IRD, Marseille, 204 p.


Dangles O., Nowicki F, Mena B (2009) Biota Maxima – Ecuador biodiverso, Éditions PUCE-IRD, Quito, 252 p.



See also