Substances Naturelles et Médiations Chimiques
Angeles de Cara
- Publication : 28 février 2017
María Ángeles Rodríguez de Cara
Campus du CNRS
1919, route de Mende
34293 Montpellier 5
Tél : +33 (0) 4 67 61 32 98
Fax : +33 (0) 4 67 61 33 36
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2017 – PostDoc: CEFE, Montpellier, France.
2013 – 2016 PostDoc: .
(for a full publication list with PDFs please click here)
J.L. Villanueva-Cañas, G. Rech, M.A.R. de Cara and J. González (in press). Beyond SNPs: How to detect selection on transposable element insertions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
M. Merenciano, A. Ullastres, M.A.R. de Cara, M . G. Barrón and J. González (2016). Multiple Independent Retroelement Insertions in the Promoter of a Stress Response Gene Have Variable Molecular and Functional Effects in Drosophila. PLloSs Genetics 12:e1006249
F. Gómez-Romano, B.Villanueva, J. Solkner, M.A.R. de Cara, G. Mészáros, A.M. Pérez O’Brien and J. Fernández (2016). The use of coancestry based on shared segments for maintaining genetic diversity. J. Anim. Breeding Genet 133:357-365 (2016)
M.A.R. de Cara, B. Villanueva, M.A. Toro and J. Fernández (2013). Using genomic tools to maintain diversity and fitness in conservation programmes. Molecular Ecology. 22:6091-6099
M.A.R. de Cara, B. Villanueva, M.A. Toro and J. Fernández (2013). Purging deleterious mutations in conservation programmes: combining optimal contributions with inbred matings. Heredity 110, 530-537