Ecologie comparative des organismes, des communautés et des écosystèmes


Why plants grow where they do? What are the different ways in which plants can be successful? Broadly, I am interested in these topics that relate plant strategies, phenotypic integration and species distributions along environmental gradients.


More specifically, my doctoral research focuses on examining how the phenotype of trees is coordinated across different organs (leaves, roots, stems) and functions (e.g. photosynthesis, mechanical support, sap transport) to form different plant strategies. Further, I explore how these different strategies perform in different environments.


This work is based on empirical data measured on saplings from 25 tree species coexisting in Mont Saint-Hilaire, a UNESCO biosphere reserve located in Québec, Canada. By understanding the link between plant strategies and the environment, my research aims to deepen our mechanistic understanding of plant strategies, performance and distribution.


Julie 2


Intérêts de recherche: Plant community ecology; functional ecology; phenotypic integration; plant strategies; ecological filtering; cross-scale variation; plant physiology; tropical and temperate trees


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Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Arizona
1041 E. Lowell Street
Tucson, AZ
USA, 85721