Ecologie comparative des organismes, des communautés et des écosystèmes
- Publication : 15 septembre 2021
I am interested in the origins and structuration of phenotypic variation in plants. Previously I focused on the genetic origins of leaf transpiration differences in grapevine and Arabidopsis thaliana.
Currently I am working on macro-scale patterns of trait variation in crop species, especially maize and sorghum. For example, I investigate how traits correlate with plant size such as growth, reproduction and flowering time (allometry). We also investigate how traits change with size on the lower levels of organisation (cell, leaf) as well as higher levels (field performance). Investigating these allometric patterns allows crop scientists to better understand how trait patterns influence the performance of crop cultivars. Moreover, we investigate how to use these patterns to predict hybrid vigour.
Example of variation in the height and flowering time of different sorghum varieties :
- Since 2021: post-doc, CEFE-CNRS
- 2017-2020: PhD Ecophysiology and Plant Adaptation, UMR LEPSE (INRAE, Montpellier SupAgro)
- 2014-2016: MSc Plant Biotechnology, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
- 2011-2014: BSc Plant Sciences, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Do not hesitate to contact me for information about my previous or current research projects !
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