Ecologie comparative des organismes, des communautés et des écosystèmes




Grégoire T. Freschet

Senior researcher at CNRS

Chargé de recherche CNRS

NEW address: CNRS, Station d’Ecologie Théorique et Expérimentale, 2 route du CNRS, 09200 Moulis, France
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Research interests

Plant-soil interactions, root ecology, biodiversity, organic matter decomposition, ecosystem functions

My research is primarily focused on the fluctuating relationships between plants and their above and belowground environments. It is based on a functional approach of ecology, and deals with aspects of ecology ranging from ecophysiology to ecosystem ecology.

My research perspectives for the coming years will be to consolidate my two main research axes: Root ecology and Biodiversity – Ecosytem Functioning relationships so as to integrate them within an interdisciplinary approach coupling ecosystem ecology, plant ecophysiology, plants-symbiont associations and soil science.


Thèmes de recherche
Interactions plantes-sols, écologie racinaire, biodiversité, dégradation des matières organiques, fonctions des écosystèmes
Mes travaux de recherche portent sur les relations dynamiques existant entre les végétaux et leur environnement. Ils sont le résultat d’une approche fonctionnelle de l’écologie et abordent des aspects de l’écologie de la plante et de l’écologie des écosystèmes allant de l’échelle de l’organisme jusqu’à l’échelle globale.

Mes perspectives de recherche pour les prochaines années seront de consolider mes deux grands axes de recherche actuels : Ecologie racinaire et relations Biodiversité – Fonctionnement des Ecosystèmes et de les faire converger au sein d’une approche interdisciplinaire couplant écologie des écosystèmes, écophysiologie des plantes, associations plantes-symbiotes et science du sol.



My research covers five main themes:

·         Plant and symbiont diversity effects on ecosystem functioning and stability

·         Plant community assembly and plant responses to their environment (interspecific and intraspecific variations, diversity of above and belowground plant organs)

·         Plant and plant diversity effects on ecosystem biogeochemical cycling (soil organic matter breakdown, carbon storage in soils, nutrient cycling)

·         Ecosystem functioning in conditions of land-use change (quantitative links between organism response to their environment and organism effects on their environment)

·         Links between agro-ecological practices and agro-system functioning (interaction between plant communities and specific environmental conditions)


Mes recherches s’articulent autour de quatre axes thématiques :

·         Effets des plantes et de leurs symbiontes sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes et leur stabilité

·         L’assemblage des communautés végétales et les réponses des plantes à leur environnement (variations interspécifiques et intraspécifiques, diversité des organes aériens et souterrains)

·         Les effets des plantes et de leur diversité sur les cycles biogéochimiques dans les écosystèmes (décomposition des litières, stockage du carbone dans les sols, cycles des nutriments)

·         Le fonctionnement des écosystèmes en situation de changement d’usage des terres (liens quantitatifs existants entre la réponse des organismes à leur environnement et les effets de ces organismes sur leur environnement)

·         Les liens entre pratiques agro-écologiques et fonctionnement des agrosystèmes (communautés végétales en situation de changements environnementaux et en constante interaction avec les processus et propriétés des écosystèmes)


Scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals

39.    Chao L., Liu Y., Freschet G.T., Zhang W., Yu X., Zheng W., et al. 2019. Litter carbon and nutrient chemistry control the magnitude of soil priming effect. Functional Ecology, in press.

38.    Nijmeijer A., Lauri P.-E., Harmand J.-M., Freschet G.T., Essobo Nieboukaho J.-D., Fogang P.K., Enock S. & Saj S. 2019. Long-term dynamics of cocoa agroforestry systems established on lands previously occupied by savannah or forests. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 275: 100-111.

37.    Martín-Robles N., Morente-López J., Freschet G.T., Roumet C., Poorter H., Milla R. 2018. Root traits of herbaceous crops: pre-adaptation to cultivation or evolution under domestication? Functional Ecology, 33:273–285.

36.   Hou S.L., Freschet G.T., Yang J.J., Zhang Y.H., Yin J.X., Hu Y.Y., Wei H.W., Han X.G., Lü X.T. 2018. Quantifying the indirect effects of nitrogen deposition on grassland litter quality. Biogeochemistry, 139: 1-13.

35.   Elumeeva T.G., Onipchenko V.G., Cornelissen J.H.C., Semenova G.V., Perevedentseva L.G., Freschet G.T., van Logtestijn R.S.P., Soudzilovskaia N.A. 2018. Is intensity of plant root mycorrhizal colonization a good proxy for plant growth rate, dominance and decomposition in nutrient poor conditions? Journal of Vegetation Science, 29: 715-725.

34.   Freschet, G.T., Violle, C., Bourget, M., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Fort, F. 2018. Allocation, morphology, physiology, architecture: the multiple facets of plant above and belowground responses to resource stress. New Phytologist, 219: 1338-1352.

33.   Milcu, A., Puga-Freitas, R., Ellison, A.M., Blouin, M., Scheu, S., Freschet, G.T., Rose, L., Barot, S., Cesarz, S., Eisenhauer, N., et al. 2018. Genotypic variability enhances the reproducibility of an ecological study. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2: 279-287.

32.   Bradford M. A., Veen G. F., Bonis A., Bradford E.M., Classen A.T., Cornelissen J.H.C., Crowther T.W., De Long J.R., Freschet G.T., et al. 2017. Testing the hierarchical model of litter decomposition. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1: 1836-1845.

31.   Freschet G.T., Valverde-Barrantes O.J., Tucker C.M., Craine J.M., McCormack M.L., Violle C., Fort F., Blackwood, C.B. et al. (2017) Climate, soil and plant functional types as drivers of global fine-root trait variation. Journal of Ecology, 105, 1182-1196.

30.   Dignac M.-F., Derrien D., Barré P., Barot S., Cecillon L., Chenu C., Chevallier T., Freschet G.T., et al. (2017) Increasing soil C storage: mechanisms, effects of agricultural practices and proxies. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 37, 1-27.

29.   Freschet G.T. & Roumet C. (2017) Sampling roots to capture plant and soil functions. Functional Ecology, 31, 1506-1518.

28.   Valverde-Barrantes O.J., Freschet G.T., Roumet C., Blackwood C.B. (2017) A worldview of root traits: the influence of ancestry, growth form, climate and mycorrhizal association on the functional trait variation of fine root tissues in seed plants. New Phytologist, 215, 1562-1573.

27.  Iversen C.M., McCormack M.L., Powell A.S., Blackwood C.B., Freschet G.T., Kattge J., Roumet C., Stover D.B. et al. (2017) Building a global Fine-Root Ecology Database to address important questions in root ecology. New Phytologist, 215, 15-26.

26.   Derrien D., Dignac M.-F., Basile-Doelsch I., Barot S., Cecillon L., Chenu C., Chevallier T., Freschet G.T., et al. (2016) Stocker du C dans les sols : quels mécanismes, quelles pratiques agricoles, quels indicateurs ? Etude et Gestion des Sols, 23, 193-224.

25.   Siefert A., Violle C., Chalmandrier L., Albert C.H., Taudière A., Fajado A. …, Freschet G.T., … Wright I. (2015) A global meta-analysis of the relative extent of intraspecific trait variation in plant communities. Ecology Letters, 18, 1406-1419.

24.   Freschet G.T., Swart E.M. & Cornelissen J.H.C. (2015) Integrated plant phenotypic responses to contrasting above and belowground resources: key roles of specific leaf area and root mass fraction. New Phytologist, 206, 1247-1260.

23.   Kumordzi B.B., de Bello F., Freschet G.T., Le Bagousse-Pinguet Y., Lepš J. & Wardle D.A. (2015) Linkage of plant trait space to successional age and species richness in boreal forest understorey vegetation. Journal of Ecology, 103, 1610-1620.

22.   Freschet G.T., Kichenin E. & Wardle D.A. (2015) Explaining within-community variation in plant biomass allocation: a balance between organ biomass and morphology above versus belowground? Journal of Vegetation Science, 26: 431-440.

21.   Lü X.-T., Freschet G.T., Kazakou E., Wang Z.-W., Zhou L.-S., & Han X.-G. (2015) Contrasting responses in leaf nutrient-use strategies of two dominant grass species along a 30-yr temperate steppe grazing exclusion chronosequence. Plant & Soil, 387: 69-79.

20.   Veen G.F., Freschet G.T., Ordonez A. & Wardle D.A. (2015) Litter quality and environmental controls of home-field advantage effects on litter decomposition. Oikos, 124: 187-195.

19.  Kumordzi B.B., Wardle D.A. & Freschet G.T. (2015) Plant assemblages do not respond homogenously to local variation in environmental conditions: functional responses differ with species identity and abundance. Journal of Vegetation Science, 26: 32-45.

18.   Moles, A.T., et al. (2014) Which is a better predictor of plant traits: temperature or precipitation? Journal of Vegetation Science, 25: 1167-1180.

17.   Freschet G.T., Östlund, L., Kichenin, E. & Wardle, D.A. (2014) Aboveground and belowground legacies of native Sami land-use on boreal forest in northern Sweden 100 y after abandonment. Ecology, 95, 963-977.

16.  Freschet G.T., Cornwell W.K., Wardle D.A., Elumeeva T.G., Liu W., Jackson B.G., Onipchenko V.G., Soudzilovskaia N.A., Tao J., Cornelissen J.H.C. (2013) Linking litter decomposition of above and belowground organs to plant-soil feedbacks worldwide. Journal of Ecology, 101, 943-952.

15.   Freschet G.T., Bellingham P.J., Lyver P.O’B., Bonner K.I., Wardle D.A. (2013) Plasticity in above- and belowground resource acquisition traits in response to single and multiple environmental factors in three tree species. Ecology & Evolution, 3, 1065-1078.

14.   Kichenin E., Wardle D.A., Peltzer D.A., Morse C.W., Freschet G.T. (2013) Contrasting effects of plant inter- and intraspecific variation on community-level trait measures along an environmental gradient. Functional Ecology, 27, 1254-1261.

13.   Freschet G.T., Aerts R., Cornelissen J.H.C. (2012) Multiple mechanisms for trait effects on litter decomposition: moving beyond home-field advantage with a new hypothesis. Journal of Ecology, 100, 619-630.

12.   Freschet G.T., Aerts R., Cornelissen J.H.C. (2012) A plant economics spectrum of litter decomposition. Functional Ecology, 26, 56-65.

11.   Freschet G.T., Weedon J.T., Aerts R., van Hal J.R., Cornelissen J.H.C. (2012) Interspecific differences in wood decay rates: insights from a new short-term method to study long-term wood decomposition. Journal of Ecology, 100, 161-170.

10.   Lü X.-T., Freschet G.T., Flynn D., Han X.-G. (2012) Plasticity in leaf and stem nutrient resorption proficiency potentially reinforces plant-soil feedbacks and micro-scale heterogeneity in a semi-arid grassland. Journal of Ecology, 100, 144-150.

9.    Cornelissen J.H.C. et al. (2012) Controls on coarse wood decay in temperate tree species: birth of the LOGLIFE experiment. Ambio, 40, 231-245.

8.    Freschet G.T., Dias A.T.C., Ackerly D.D., Aerts R., van Bodegom P.M., Cornwell W.K., Dong M., Kurokawa H., Liu G., Onipchenko V.G., Ordoñez J.C., Peltzer D.A., Richardson S.J., Shidakov I.I., Soudzilovskaia N.A., Tao J. & Cornelissen J.H.C. (2011) Global to community scale differences in the prevalence of convergent over divergent leaf trait distributions in plant assemblages. Global Ecology & Biogeography, 20, 755-765.

7.    Freschet G.T., Barthès B.G., Brunet D., Hien E., Masse D. (2011) The use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) for predicting soil fertility and historical management. Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis, 42, 1692-1705.

6.    Kattge et al. (2011) TRY – a global database of plant traits. Global Change Biology, 17, 2905-2935.

5.    Freschet G.T., Cornelissen J.H.C., van Logtestijn R.S.P. & Aerts R. (2010). Substantial nutrient resorption from leaves, stems and roots in a sub-arctic flora: what is the link with other resource economics traits? New Phytologist, 186, 879-889.

4.    Freschet G.T., Cornelissen J.H.C., van Logtestijn R.S.P. & Aerts R. (2010). Evidence of the ‘plant economics spectrum’ in a subarctic flora. Journal of Ecology, 98, 362-373.

3.    Liu G., Freschet G.T., Pan X., Cornelissen J.H.C., Li Y. & Dong M. (2010) Coordinated variation in leaf and root traits across multiple spatial scales in Chinese semi-arid and arid ecosystems. New Phytologist, 188, 543–553.

2.    Freschet G.T., Masse D., Hien E., Sall S., Chotte J.-L. (2008). Long-term evolution of organic matter from manuring practice in a tropical cultivated soil and its consequences on soil ecosystem services. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 123, 175-184.

1.    Barthès B.G., Brunet D., Hien E., Enjalric F., Conche S., Freschet G.T., d'Annunzio R., Toucet-Louri J. (2008). Determining the distributions of soil carbon and nitrogen in particle size fractions using near-infrared reflectance spectrum of bulk soil samples. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40, 1533-1537.


Book chapters

3.    Freschet G.T., Violle C., Roumet C. & Garnier E. 2018. Interactions between soil and vegetation: structure of plant communities and soil functioning. In: Soils within the critical zone: ecology (eds. Lemanceau P & Blouin M). ISTE editions London, UK.

2.    Freschet G.T., Violle, C., Roumet, C., Garnier, E. 2018 Interactions entre le sol et la végétation : structure des communautés de plantes et fonctionnement du sol. In: Les sols au cœur de la zone critique : écologie (eds. Lemanceau P & Blouin M). ISTE editions London, UK, pp. 83-99.

1.    Manlay, R.J., Freschet G.T., Abbadie, L., Barbier, B., Chotte, J.-L., Feller, C., Leroy, M., Serpantié G. Séquestration du C et usage durable des terres en savane ouest-africaine : synergie ou antagonisme ? In Sall S., Bernoux M. & Brossard M. (Eds.) Carbone des sols d'Afrique et de Madagascar et pratiques de gestion, in press.