Karl Zimmerer

Karl Zimmerer est au CEFE de septembre 2022 à juin 2023. He was funded by the Make’It program Montpellier Advanced Knowledge Institute on Transitions.

Short biography

Karl Zimmerer is Professor of Environment and Society Geography and is in the Ecology and Rural Sociology programs. He directs the GeoSyntheSES lab. His research, teaching, and broader activities center on global food geographies. Karl combines social and political ecology to focus on the human-environment geography of biodiversity in land use and food systems (agrobiodiversity). His work advances theoretical and analytical models, selectively using regional case studies and community participation to strengthen sustainability and social justice.

Research interests

Karl’s recent collaborative works concentrate on the human-environment analysis of agrobiodiversity in land use and food systems amid globalization and climate change (Frontiers Sust. Food Systems 2022, J. Latin American Geography 2021, Nature Plants 2017), the knowledge-policy integration of environmental geography and interdisciplinary approaches (Ency. Human Geography 2022, Agrobiodiversity: Integrating Knowledge for Sustainability 2019), and the inter-landscape spatial connectivities of urbanization (ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America 2024; Agricultural Systems 2022, Nature Food 2022, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 2023, One Earth 2021, Frontiers Sust. Food Systems 2020). His interests interweave mobility and migration (Geoforum 2022; Food Security 2020, Land 2021, 2020, Anthropocene 2019), COVID survival and seed-system strategies (SEPIA XX: Perú, El Problema Agrario en Debate 2024-forthcoming, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 2023), and diverse subaltern food spaces and biodiversity in relation to large-scale agriculture (Elementa 2024; The Journal of Peasant Studies 2023; Annals AAG 2017, Landscape and Urban Planning 2015, Resilience: International Policies/Practices/Discourses 2015). Karl is the founding and chief editor of Urban Agriculture.





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