Nous accueillons Silvia de Cesare pour un stage court (fin juillet)

Thèse de Nicolas Rode le 20 juillet!

10/23 Team retreat

We spent two days hiking and team building in Cévennes in October 2023.







01/24 New funded projects starting in the team

This 2024 year four new funded projects are starting in the team:


  • ERC RegEvol: The evolution of cis and transregulators in eukaryotes (2023-2028) led by Thomas Lenormand (collaborators: Christoph Haag and Aline Muyle).
  • ANR FRIDA: Fast Renewed Inbreeding Depression in Animals, led by Patrice David (collaborators: Philippe Jarne and Aline Muyle).
  • ANR IMPRINT: Genomic imprinting and separate sexes evolution, led by Aline Muyle.
  • ExposUM WATERISK : Enrichment of emerging antibiotic resistance of public health concern in the hydric environment: toward a genomic, phenotypic and evolutionary-based proxy of exposition risk in a territory (2023-2026), funded by ExposUM, led by Stéphanie Bedhomme (collaborator: Estelle Jumas-Bilak, Hydrosciences Montpellier).