Ecologie comportementale


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Thèmes de recherche
Ecologie comportementale spatiale (Movement Ecology): Mécanismes d'orientation; référentiels et processus de mémorisation; utilisation de l'espace et sélection de l'habitat.

Movement-based KDE Softwares (can also perform classical KDE if data are weakly correlated)
(Benhamou & Cornélis 2010, Benhamou 2011, Benhamou & Riotte-Lambert 2012, Benhamou 2018, 2023). Based on Gaussian (BRB/MKDE) or von Mises-Fisher (LonLat and ORI3D versions) kernels.

BRB/MKDE (Biased Random Bridges for Movement-based Kernel Density Estimation): Computation of Utilization Distribution (UD), and possibly Intensity Distribution (ID) and Recursion Distribution (RD), with optional boundary management, habitat selection pre-analyses, and (for mountain environments) slope-based area corrections.
BRB/MKDE_LonLat (Biased Random Bridges for Movement-based Kernel Density Estimation without metric projection): Computation of UD, and possibly ID and RD, with optional boundary management and habitat selection analyses, for dealing with locations expressed in decimal degrees (longitude and latitude) over an extent that is too large to be properly represented on a planar map (very large home ranges, migration corridors). Example showing the migration corridor of great shearwater.
BRB/MKDE_ORI3D (Biased Random Bridges for Movement-based Kernel Density Estimation for orientations in 3D space): Computation of UD, and possibly ID and RD, of orientation in 3D space (either 3D heading, i.e. azimuth and elevation angle, or posture, i.e. elevation and bank angles) for fine-scale (i.e. locomotion) movement studies; Based on the same principles as BRB_MKDE_LonLat as azimuth and bank angle behave as longitudes, and elevation angle behaves as a latitude. Example

Principales Publications


Robira B, Benhamou S, Obeki Baynaga E, Breuer T & Massi S. Changes in movement patterns in relation to sun conditions and spatial scales in wild western gorillas. Animal Cognition 27:37. PDF


Benhamou S. Of heading, posture and body rotations derived from data acquired by animal-borne accelerometers, magnetometers and gyrometers, kernel density estimation of the corresponding spherical distributions, and fine-scale movement reconstruction. ArXiv 2310.05820. PDF

Benhamou S & Courbin N. Accounting for central place foraging constraints in habitat selection studies. Ecology e41434. PDF

Robira B, Benhamou S, Bayanga EO, Breuer T & Masi S. How do primates decide where to feed? Insights from wild western gorillas. Animal Behaviour 204, 25-36. PDF

Robira B, Benhamou S, Neba Fuh T & Masi S. Do seasonal frugivory and cognition shape foraging Movements in wild western gorillas? In Movement ecology of afrotropical forest mammals (ed. R Reyna-Hurtado, CA Chapman & M Melletti), 151–170. PDF


Ahmed DA, Benhamou S, Bonsall MB & Petrovskii SV. Three-dimensional random walk models of individual animal movement and their application to trap counts modelling. J. Theor. Biol. 524: 110728. PDF

Cerritelli G, Benhamou S & Luschi P. Evaluating vector navigation in green turtles migrating in a dynamic oceanic environment. Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 33, 290-306. PDF

Fluhr J, Benhamou S, Peyrusqué & Duriez O. Space use and time budget in two populations of griffon vultures in contrasting landscapes. J. Raptor Res. 55, 425-437. PDF

Patrick SC, ..., Benhamou S et al. Infrasound as a cue for seabird navigation. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:740027. PDF

Robira B, Benhamou S, Masi S, Llaurens V & Riotte-Lambert L. Foraging efficiency in temporally predictable environments: Is a long-term temporal memory really advantageous? R. Soc. Open Sci. 8: 210809. PDF


Jeantet L, Planas-Bielsa V, Benhamou S et al. Behavioural inference from signal processing using animal-borne multi-sensor loggers: a novel solution to extend the knowledge of sea turtle ecology. R. Soc. Open Sci. 7: 200139. PDF

Patin R, Etienne M-P, Lebarbier E, Chamaillé-Jammes S & Benhamou S. Identifying stationary phases in multivariate time-series for highlighting behavioural modes and home range settlements. J. Anim. Ecol. 89, 44-56. PDF

Siegwalt F, Benhamou S, Girondot M et al. High fidelity of sea turtles to their foraging grounds revealed by satellite tracking and capture-mark-recapture: New insights for the establishment of key marine conservation areas. Biol. Cons. 250: 108742. PDF

Williams H, Taylor LA, Benhamou S et al. Optimizing the use of biologgers for movement ecology research. J. Anim. Ecol. 89, 186-206. PDF


Benhamou S. Mean squared displacement and sinuosity of three-dimensional random search movements. ArXiv:1801.02435. PDF

Dell'Ariccia G, Benhamou S, Dias M, Granadeiro JP, Sudre J, Catry P & Bonadonna F. Flexible migratory choices of Cory's shearwaters are not driven by shifts in prevailing air currents. Scientific Reports 8: 3376. PDF

de Margerie E, Pichot C & Benhamou S. Volume-concentrated searching by an aerial insectivore, the common swift (Apus apus). Anim. Behav. 136, 159-172. PDF


Chambault P, Roquet F, Benhamou S, Baudena A, Pauthenet E, de Thoisy B, Bonola M, Dos Reis V, Crasson R, Brucker M, Le Maho Y & Chevallier D. The Gulf Stream frontal system: a key oceanographic feature in the habitat selection of the leatherback turtle. Deep-Sea Research I: Oceano. Res. Pap. 123, 35-47. PDF

Fluhr J, Benhamou S, Riotte-lambert L & Duriez O. Assessing the risk for an obligate scavenger to be dependent on predictable feeding sources. Biol. Cons. 215, 92-98. PDF

Poirotte C, Benhamou S, Mandjembe A, Willaume E, Kappeler PM & Charpentier MJ. Gastro-intestinal parasitism and recursive movements in free-ranging mandrills. Anim. Behav. 134, 87-98. PDF

Riotte-Lambert L, Benhamou S, Bonenfant C & Chamaillé-Jammes S. Spatial memory shapes density-dependence in population dynamics. Proc. R. Soc. B 284, 20171411. PDF

Riotte-Lambert L, Benhamou S & Chamaillé-Jammes S. From randomness to traplining: A conceptual and methodological framework for the study of routine movement behaviour. Behav. Ecol. 28, 280-287. PDF


Bonnot N, Morellet N, Hewison M, Martin J-L, Benhamou S & Chamaillé-Jammes S. Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) adjust habitat selection and activity rhythm to the absence of predators. Can. J. Zool. 94, 385-394. PDF


Benhamou S & Collet J. Ultimate failure of the Lévy Foraging Hypothesis: Two-scale searching strategies outperform scale-free ones even when prey are scarce and cryptic. J. Theor. Biol. 387, 221-227. PDF

Dufour C, Meynard C, Watson J, Rioux C, Benhamou S et al. Space use variation in co-occurring sister species: Response to environmental variation or competition? PLoS One 10, e0117750. PDF

Martin J, Benhamou S, Yoganand K & Owen-Smith N. Coping with spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability in resources and risks: Adaptive movement behaviour by a large grazing herbivore. PLoS One 10, e0118461. PDF

Riotte-Lambert L, Benhamou S & Chamaillé-Jammes S. How memory-based movement leads to nonterritorial spatial segregation. Am. Nat. 185, E103-E116. PDF


Benhamou S. Of scales and stationarity in animal movements. Ecol. Lett. 17, 261-272. PDF

Benhamou S. Path integration and coordinate systems. J. Theor. Biol. 349, 163-166. PDF

Benhamou S, Valeix M, Chamaillé-Jammes S, Macdonald DW & Loveridge AJ. Movement-based analysis of interactions in African lions. Anim. Behav. 90, 171-180. PDF

Dalleau M, Benhamou S, Sudre J, Ciccione S & Bourjea J. The spatial ecology of juvenile loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Indian Ocean sheds light on the "lost years" mystery. Marine Biol. 161, 1835-1849. PDF


Fagan WF, Lewis MA, Auger-Méthé M, Avgar T, Benhamou S et al. Spatial memory and animal movement. Ecol. Lett. 16, 1316-1329. PDF

Monsarrat S, Benhamou S, Sarrazin F, Bessa-Gomes C, Bouten W & Duriez O. How predictability of feeding patches affects home range and foraging habitat selection in avian social scavengers. PLoS ONE 8: e53077. PDF

Riotte-Lambert L, Benhamou S & Chamaillé-Jammes S. Periodicity analysis of movement recursions. J. Theor. Biol. 317, 238-243. PDF

Tew Kai E, Benhamou S, Van der Lingen CD, Coetzee JC, Pichegru L, Ryan PG & Grémillet D. Are Cape gannets dependent upon fishery waste? A multi-scale analysis using seabird GPS-tracking, hydro-acoustic estimates surveys of pelagic fish and vessel monitoring systems. J. Appl. Ecol. 50, 659-670. PDF


Benhamou S & Riotte-Lambert L. Beyond the utilization distribution: Identifying home range areas that are intensively exploited or repeatedly visited. Ecol. Model. 227, 112-116. PDF

Dalleau M, Ciccione S, Mortimer JA, Garnier J, Benhamou S & Bourjea J. Nesting phenology of marine turtles: Insights from a regional comparative analysis on green turtle (Chelonia mydas). PLoS ONE 7: e46920. PDF


Benhamou S. Dynamic approach to space and habitat use based on biased random bridges. PLoS One 6, e14592. PDF

Benhamou S, Sudre J, Bourjea J, Ciccione S, De Santis A, Luschi P. The role of geomagnetic cues in green turtle open sea navigation. PLoS One 6, e26672. PDF

Cornélis D, Benhamou S, Janeau G, Morellet N, Ouedraogo M & de Visscher M-N. Spatiotemporal dynamics of forage and water resources shape space use of West African savanna buffaloes. J. Mamm. 92, 1287-1297. PDF


Benhamou S. Orientation and Navigation. In GF Koob, M LeMoal & RF Thomson (eds). Encyclopedia of behavioral neurosciences, vol. 2, pp. 497-503. Oxford: Academic Press. PDF

Benhamou S & Cornélis D. Incorporating movement behavior and barriers to improve kernel home range space use estimates. J. Wildl. Manage. 74, 1353-1360. PDF


Van Moorter B, Visscher D, Benhamou S, Börger L, Boyce MS & Gaillard J-M. Memory keeps you at home: a mechanistic model for home range emergence. Oikos 118, 641-652. PDF


Barraquand F & Benhamou S. Animal movements in heterogeneous landscapes: identifying profitable places and homogeneous movement bouts. Ecology 89, 3336-3348. PDF

Benhamou S. How many animals really do the Lévy walk?: Reply. Ecology 89, 2351-2352. PDF

Codling EA, Plank MJ & Benhamou S. Random walk models in biology. J. R. Soc. Interface 5, 813-834. PDF

Germain E, Benhamou S & Poulle M-L. Spatio-temporal sharing in the European wildcat, the domestic cat and their hybrids. J. Zool. 276, 195-203. PDF


Benhamou S. How many animals really do the Lévy walk? Ecology 88, 1962-1969. PDF

Girard C, Dagorn L, Taquet M, Aumeeruddy R, Eignon C & Benhamou S. Homing abilities of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) displaced from fish aggregating devices (FADs) determined using ultrasonic telemetry. Aqu. Liv. Res. 20, 313-321. PDF

Luschi P, Benhamou S, Girard C, Ciccione S, Roos D, Sudre J & Benvenuti S. Marine turtles use geomagnetic cues during open-sea homing. Cur. Biol. 17, 126-133. PDF

Pays O, Benhamou S, Helder R & Gerard J-F. The dynamics of group formation in large herbivores: an analysis in the European roe deer. Anim. Behav. 74, 1429-1441. PDF


Benhamou S. Detecting an orientation component in animal paths when the preferred direction is individual-dependent. Ecology 87, 518-528. PDF

Bodin C, Benhamou S & Poulle M-L. What do European badgers (Meles meles) know about the spatial organisation of neighbouring groups? Behav. Proc. 72, 84-90. PDF

Girard C, Sudre J, Benhamou S, Roos D & Luschi P. Homing in green turtles (Chelonia mydas): oceanic currents act as a constraint rather than as an information source. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 322, 281-289. PDF


Bonadonna F, Bajzak C, Benhamou S, Igloi K, Jouventin P, Lipp H-P & Dell'Omo G. Orientation in the wandering albatross: interfering with magnetic perception does not affect orientation performance. Proc. R. Soc. B 272, 489-495. PDF


Benhamou S. On the expected net displacement of animals' random movements. Ecol. Model. 171, 207-208. PDF

Benhamou S. How to reliably estimate the tortuosity of an animal's path: straightness, sinuosity, or fractal dimension ? J. Theor. Biol. 229, 209-220. PDF

Girard C, Benhamou S & Dagorn L. FAD: Fish Aggregating Device or Fish Attracting Device? A new analysis of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) movements around floating objects. Anim. Behav. 67, 319-326. PDF

Tourenq C, Benhamou S, Sadoul N, Sandoz A, Mesléard F, Martin J-L & Hafner H. Spatial relationships between tree-nesting heron colonies and rice fields in the Camargue, France. Auk 121, 192-202. PDF


Benhamou S. Bicoordinate navigation based on non-orthogonal gradient fields. J. Theor. Biol. 225, 235-239. PDF

Benhamou S, Bried J, Bonadonna F & Jouventin P. Homing in pelagic birds: a pilot experiment with white-chinned petrels released in the open sea. Behav. Proc. 61, 95-100. PDF

Benhamou S, Bonadonna F & Jouventin P. Successful homing of magnet-carrying white-chinned petrels released in the open sea. Anim. Behav. 65, 729-734. PDF


Benhamou S. Orientation and movement patterns of the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) in its home range are not altered by olfactory or visual deprivation. J. Comp. Physiol. A 187, 243-248. PDF


Benhamou S. Le domaine vital des mammifères terrestres. Rev. Ecol. 53, 309-335. PDF

Benhamou S. Place navigation in mammals: a configuration-based model. Anim. Cogn. 1, 55-63. PDF

Benhamou S & Poucet B. Landmark use by navigating rats (Rattus norvegicus): contrasting geometric and featural information. J. Comp. Psychol. 112, 317-322. PDF

Séguinot V, Cattet J & Benhamou S. Path integration in dogs. Anim. Behav. 55, 787-797. PDF


Benhamou S. On systems of reference involved in spatial memory. Behav. Proc. 40, 149-163. PDF

Benhamou S. Path integration by swimming rats. Anim. Behav. 54, 321-327. PDF

Poucet B & Benhamou S. The neuropsychology of spatial cognition in the rat. Crit. Rev. Neurobiol. 11, 101-120. PDF


Benhamou S. No evidence for cognitive mapping in rats. Anim. Behav. 52, 201-212. PDF

Benhamou S. Space use and foraging movements in the American red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus). Behav. Proc. 37, 89-102. PDF

Cézilly F & Benhamou S. Les stratégies optimales d'approvisionnement. Rev. Ecol. 51, 43-86.


Benhamou S, Bovet P & Poucet B. A model for place navigation in mammals. J. Theor. Biol. 173, 163-178. PDF

Benhamou S & Poucet B. A comparative analysis of spatial memory processes. Behav. Proc. 35, 113-126. PDF

Benhamou S & Séguinot V. How to find one’s way in the labyrinth of path integration models. J. Theor. Biol. 174, 463-466. PDF


Benhamou S. Spatial memory and searching efficiency. Anim. Behav. 47, 1423-1433. PDF


Benhamou S. L'optimisation du comportement dans un environnement stochastique. Rev. Ecol. 48, 175-198.

Dejean A & Benhamou S. Orientation and foraging movements in a patchy environment by the ant Serrastruma lujae (Formicidae-Myrmicinae). Behav. Proc. 30, 233-243. PDF


Benhamou S. Efficiency of area-concentrated searching behaviour in a continuous patchy environment. J. Theor. Biol. 159, 67-81. PDF

Benhamou S & Bovet P. Distinguishing between elementary orientation mechanisms by means of path analysis. Anim. Behav. 43, 371-377. PDF


Benhamou S & Bovet P. Biological functions of sinuosity regulation: a reply to Budenberg. Anim. Behav. 42, 159-160. PDF

Bovet P & Benhamou S. Optimal sinuosity in central place foraging movements. Anim. Behav. 42, 57-62. PDF


Benhamou S. An analysis of movements of the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus in its home range. Behav. Proc. 22, 235-250. PDF

Benhamou S, Sauvé J-P & Bovet P. Spatial memory in large scale movements: efficiency and limitation of the egocentric coding process. J. Theor. Biol. 145, 1-12. PDF


Benhamou S. An olfactory orientation model for mammals' movements in their home ranges. J. Theor. Biol. 139, 379-388. PDF

Benhamou S & Bovet P. How animals use their environment: a new look at kinesis. Anim. Behav. 38, 375-383. PDF

Jamon M & Benhamou S. Orientation and movement patterns of wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) released inside and outside a familiar area. J. Comp. Psychol. 103, 54-61. PDF


Benhamou S & Jamon M. Analyzing spatial relationships from trapping data. J. Mamm. 69, 828-831. PDF

Bovet P & Benhamou S. Spatial analysis of animals' movements using a correlated random walk model. J. Theor. Biol. 131, 419-433. PDF