Ecologie comportementale
- Publication : 4 novembre 2014
Doctorante (PhD student) . Thèse soutenue le 18 octobre 2016
1919, route de Mende
34293 Montpellier 5
louise.riotte.lambert at
new web page:
A theoretical and methodological approach to recursive movement strategies and their population-level consequences
Keywords :
movement ecology, home range, territory, recursion, space use, spacing pattern, random walk
Supervisors :
Simon Benhamou
Simon Chamaillé-Jammes
Publications : see also my Google Scholar account
Riotte-Lambert, L., Benhamou, S., and S Chamaillé-Jammes. 2016. From randomness to traplining: A framework for the study of routine movement behaviour. Behavioral Ecology. arw154
Riotte-Lambert, L., Benhamou, S., and S Chamaillé-Jammes. 2015. How memory-based movement leads to nonterritorial spatial segregation. The American Naturalist. 185:E103-E116.
Weimerskirch, H., Cherel, Y., Delord, K., Jaeger, A., Patrick, S. C., and L. Riotte-Lambert. 2014. Lifetime foraging patterns of the wandering albatross: life on the move! Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 450:68-78.
Riotte-Lambert, L., and Weimerskirch, H. 2013. Do naive juvenile seabirds forage differently from adults? Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 280:20131434.
Riotte-Lambert, L., Benhamou, S., and S. Chamaillé-Jammes. 2013. Periodicity analysis of movement recursions. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 317:238-243.
Benhamou, S., and L. Riotte-Lambert. 2012. Beyond the Utilization Distribution : Identifying home range areas that are intensively exploited or repeatedly visited. Ecological modelling. 227:112-116.
Langebrake, J., Riotte-Lambert, L., Osenberg, C. W., and P. De Leenheer. 2012. Differential movement and movement bias models for Marine Protected Areas. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 64:667-696.
Riotte-Lambert, L., Rémy, A., and H. P. Andreassen. 2012. The disturbance of resident populations of field voles (Microtus agrestis) by immigrants. Annales Zoologici Fennici. 49:103-112.
Communications :
Riotte-Lambert, L., Chamaillé-Jammes, S., and S. Benhamou. June 2014. Statistical analysis of routine behaviour in animal movement. International Statistical Ecology Conference, Montpellier, France. [invited talk]
Riotte-Lambert, L., Benhamou, S., and S. Chamaillé-Jammes. May 2013. Territories without territoriality. 4th "Models in Evolutionary Ecology" Meeting, Montpellier, France. [oral presentation]
Riotte-Lambert, L., Benhamou, S., and S. Chamaillé-Jammes. April 2013. Territories without territoriality. 9th "Ecology & Behaviour" Meeting, Strasbourg, France. [oral presentation]
Jiao, J., Osenberg, C. W., Langebrake, J. and Riotte-Lambert, L. March 2013. Differential movment of harvested organisms affects predicted responses to Marine Protected Areas. 42nd Benthic Ecology Meeting, Savannah, USA.
Riotte-Lambert, L. and H. Weimerskirch. August 2012. Change in foraging movements through age in Wandering Albatrosses. The fifth international Albatross and Petrel Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Langebrake, J., Riotte-Lambert, L., Osenberg, C. W. and P. De Leenheer. August 2011. Differential movement and movement bias models for Marine Protected Areas. 96th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America (ESA), Austin, USA.[oral presentation]
Riotte-Lambert, L. and C. W. Osenberg. May 2010. Marine reserves and the effects of fish mobility. Quantitative Ecology, Evolution, and Environment (QSE3) IGERT symposium, Gainesville, USA. [oral presentation]
Rémy, A., Riotte-Lambert, L. and H. P. Andreassen. March 2010. Disturbance of resident populations by introduction of foreign individuals. Sustainable Conservation, Conference of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, Trondheim, Norway. [poster]
Other activities :
President of the organizing team of the 10th Ecology & Behaviour conference, 12-16 May 2014, Montpellier, France.
Reviewer for Movement Ecology, Journal of Animal Ecology and Oikos