Stage : Secrétariat Général

Nous recherchons un/une stagiaire en secrétariat général au sein du Laboratoire du CEFE.

Sous la responsabilité directe de la secrétaire de direction, le stagiaire aura pour missions : gestion du courrier entrant et sortant, gestion des colis, logistique courante du laboratoire, accueil physique et téléphonique, aide à la gestion de mails… Les missions pourront être élargies selon le profil du stagiaire.

Le profil 

une personne polyvalente, rigoureuse et ponctuelle. Une personne capable d’autonomie et de prise d’initiatives.

Lieu du stage

Campus du CNRS – Laboratoire du CEFE – 1919 Route de Mende – 34293 Montpellier Cedex 5

Période de stage

Entre Avril et Décembre 2018

Durée du stage

Entre 2 et 6 mois, de préférence stage long


568.76€ net / mensuel

Durée traitement de dossier

4 à 6 semaines

Le stage est de 35h par semaine, du lundi au vendredi, de 9h à 17h, hors jours fériés.

Envoyer CV + LM à l’adresse Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. à l’attention de Mme COTTET.

Vers un Pôle national de données de Biodiversité, infrastructure virtuelle pour des données FAIR

Le 18 juin à 11 h, dans le cadre des animations sur les thèmes "Biodiversité numérique" et "Cycle de vie des données", Yvan Le Bras ( fera une présentation virtuelle intitulée "Vers un Pôle national de données de Biodiversité, infrastructure virtuelle pour des données Facile à trouver, Accessibles, Intéropérables et Réutilisables".

L'exposé, d'une durée de 30 minutes, aura lieu sur

Lire la suite : Vers un Pôle national de données de Biodiversité, infrastructure virtuelle pour des données FAIR

European Project Manager - CDD 4 ans

À l’équipe DPB, nous recrutons un(e) Manager de Projets Européens à temps plein pour notre projet européen : “INternational training at the Science-Policy Interface for Researchers in Europe, for Nature” (Inspire4Nature). Il s'agit d'un projet de 4 ans type Horizon2020 - Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions - Innovative Training Network, dans le domaine de la conservation de la biodiversité, à l’interface entre recherche et développement de politiques de conservation.

Date limite de réception des candidatures : 20 novembre. Prise de poste : 1er mars 2018. Détails : en français ou en anglais .


We are now seeking a full-time European Project Manager responsible for the implementation and management of an upcoming collaborative EU research project: “INternational training at the Science-Policy Interface for Researchers in Europe, for Nature” (Inspire4Nature). The project is a 4 years Innovative Training Network (ITN-ETN) funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions.

Deadline for applying: 20th Novembre. Starting date: 1st March 2018. For more information, see the position description in English or in French.

A population genetic interpretation of GWAS findings for human quantitative traits


Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, USA

Le vendredi 14 septembre - 11h30 Campus Triolet Univ Montpellier: amphi 23.01 - Bât. 23

 (Seminar in English)

One of the central goals of evolutionary genetics is to understand the processes that give rise to phenotypic variation in humans and other taxa. Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) in humans provide an unprecedented opportunity in that regard, revealing the genetic basis of variation in numerous traits. However, exploiting this opportunity requires models that relate genetic and population genetic processes with the discoveries emerging from GWASs. We present such a model and show that it can help explain the results of GWASs for height and body mass index. More generally, our results offer a simple interpre-tation of the findings emerging from GWASs and suggest how they relate to the evolution-ary and genetic forces that give rise to phenotypic variation.

Related publications:
Simons YB, Bullaughey K, Hudson RR, Sella G (2018) A population genetic interpretation of GWAS findings for human quantitative traits. PLoS Biol 16(3): e2002985
Sella G, Barton NH (2017). Selection on quantitative traits. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 18:1

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Contact du Comité SEEM: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..   Contact du Labex CEMEB: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Post-doc : Plant disease monitoring in crowdsourced image streams

18 months in Montpellier

Joint call for post-doctoral fellowships: labex (Agropolis, NUMEV, CEMEB) and IC #DigitAg

Project summary:

One of the major difficulty encountered in plant disease epidemiology is the lack of occurrence data. Large-scale and sustainable monitoring efforts are penalized by the lack of experts and the difficulty of diagnosing plant diseases for non-experts. In this context, crowdsourcing plant observation tools (such as Pl@ntNet) could serve as a brave new monitoring methodology. Even if non-healthy plants remain a relatively rare event in such high-throughput image data stream, the number of occurrences might be sufficiently high for several monitoring scenarios. Now, automatically recognizing plant diseases in such crowdsourced image streams is a challenging computer vision problem because of the scarcity of the training data, the low inter-class variability and the rarity of the events. The original approach that we propose to solve these issues is to rely on transfer learning and pro-active learning solutions as a way to set up an innovative and participatory citizen sciences program.


The candidate will closely work with the interdisciplinary team at the origin of the awarded Pl@ntNet platform. She/he will benefit from a privileged scientific context at the intersection of ecology, agronomy and computer sciences and participatory action research methodologies. The selected candidate must start between September 2017 and December 2017, for a duration of 18 months. The candidate will work on the evaluation and experimentation of automated visual data analysis, in the aim to evaluate the potential of automatically recognizing plant diseases in crowdsourcing context.

Candidate profile:

We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow in the field of data sciences or bio-informatics with some experience in machine learning and/or computer vision. Curiosity, open-mind, creativity, persistence, and collaborative-work ability are the key personal skills we target. A Ph.D. in computer science, bioinformatics or applied mathematics, is required, with demonstrated experience and a high quality publication record. The successful candidate should have programming skills in Python, Java or C++. A strong interest in collaborative and interdisciplinary research is required. Both beginning and more senior postdoctoral candidates are encouraged to apply.

 Criteria of eligibility:

The candidate should have obtained his PhD during the last 6 years. He should not have completed his PhD in a unit of the 3 following Labex (Cemeb: ; Agro : ; Numev : If this is not a first postdoctoral, the candidate should do not have more than 1 year of post-doc in France over the last 3 years.

Contact: Please send your CV and application letter to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Le  projet de post Doc Planthealth a été sélectionné dans la cadre de l’AAP commun inter labex (Agro-Cemeb-Numve) auquel s’est associé l’Institut de Convergence #DigitAg.

Equipe TE

Responsable scientifique
François VASSEUR

Responsable technique

Equipe technique :
Pierrick AURY
Pauline DURBIN

Fabien LOPEZ

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