Angeles de Cara

María Ángeles Rodríguez de Cara

Campus du CNRS
1919, route de Mende
34293 Montpellier 5

Tél :  +33 (0) 4 67 61 32 98
Fax : +33 (0) 4 67 61 33 36

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I am your best recruit ever !


(for more information please visit my personal website)

Brief CV

2017 – PostDoc: CEFE, Montpellier, France.
2013 – 2016 PostDoc: .

Selected Publications

(for a full publication list with PDFs please click here)

J.L. Villanueva-Cañas, G. Rech, M.A.R. de Cara and J. González (in press). Beyond SNPs: How to detect selection on transposable element insertions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

M. Merenciano, A. Ullastres, M.A.R. de Cara, M . G. Barrón and J. González (2016). Multiple Independent Retroelement Insertions in the Promoter of a Stress Response Gene Have Variable Molecular and Functional Effects in Drosophila. PLloSs Genetics 12:e1006249

F. Gómez-Romano, B.Villanueva, J. Solkner, M.A.R. de Cara, G. Mészáros, A.M. Pérez O’Brien and J. Fernández (2016). The use of coancestry based on shared segments for maintaining genetic diversity. J. Anim. Breeding Genet 133:357-365 (2016)

M.A.R. de Cara, B. Villanueva, M.A. Toro and J. Fernández (2013). Using genomic tools to maintain diversity and fitness in conservation programmes. Molecular Ecology. 22:6091-6099

M.A.R. de Cara, B. Villanueva, M.A. Toro and J. Fernández (2013). Purging deleterious mutations in conservation programmes: combining optimal contributions with inbred matings. Heredity 110, 530-537


Hélène Morlon  

CNRS - Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris

Le vendredi 10 mars 2017 - 11h30 Grande Salle CEFE (1919 Rte de Mende, 1e étage, aille C)

(Seminar in English)


ContactFabien Condamine

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Emergence of functional and regulatory novelty at the self-incompatibility locus in Arabidopsis

Vincent Castric 

CNRS – Université de Lille (France)

Le vendredi 20 janvier 2017 - 11h30 Grande Salle CEFE (1919 Rte de Mende, 1e étage, aille C)

(Seminar in English)


Self-incompatibility in plants of the Brassicaceae family is controlled by a highly diversified molecular lock-and-key system consisting of a large set of specific haplotypic combinations of two tightly linked genes. This system has been a textbook example of natural (balancing) selection, in the form of a strong reproductive advantage for individuals expressing rare alleles. These haplotypes also form a striking linear dominance/recessivity hierarchy, whereby most heterozygote combinations express only one self-incompatibility specificity at the phenotypic level. The question of how so many lock-and-key combinations could arise in the first place and then establish such a complex network of dominance/recessivity interactions raises a series of interesting theoretical and mechanistic problems. In this presentation, I will detail how we are currently using this simple and experimentally tractable biological system to provide insight into the broader issue of how functional and regulatory novelty can arise in natural populations.

Recent publications:

  Durand E, Méheust R, Soucaze M, Goubet PM, Gallina S, Poux C, Fobis-Loisy I, Gaude T, Sarrazin A, Figeac M, Prat E, Marande W, Bergès H, Vekemans X, Billiard S, Castric V. 2014. Dominance hierarchy arising from the evolution of a complex small RNA regulatory network. Science 346: 1200-1205.

   Castric, V., Billiard, S. & Vekemans, X. (2014) Trait transitions in explicit ecological and genomic contexts: plant mating systems as case studies. in: Ecological Genomics - Ecology and the Evolution of Genes and Genomes (ed. by C.R. Landry and N. Aubin-Horth), pp. 7–36. Springer.

Contact Sylvain Gandon

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Hook, line and extinction: Can sound science save albatrosses from fisheries?

Richard Phillips    

British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK

Le vendredi 9 décembre 2016 - 11h30 Grande Salle CEFE (1919 Rte de Mende, 1e étage, aille C)

(Seminar in English)

Global declines of albatrosses and large petrels have been attributed to incidental mortality (bycatch) in fisheries, but without detailed information on demography and distribution, it is rarely possible to determine which component of populations are at particular risk, and where to target conservation efforts. Tracking data provide an essential tool for identifying the areas and times of greatest overlap and hence risk of interaction with particular fisheries. This talk will examine the threat posed by bycatch and, using the wandering albatross population at South Georgia as a case study, highlight the ways in which tracking, demographic and fisheries datasets can be integrated to understand the scale of the bycatch problem and the potential solutions.

Recent publications:

Phillips, R.A., Gales, R., Baker, G.B., Double, M.C., Favero, M., Quintana, F., Tasker, M.L., Weimerskirch, H., Uhart, M., and Wolfaardt, A. (2016) The conservation status and priorities for albatrosses and large petrels. Biological Conservation 201, 169-183.

Jiménez, S., Domingo, A., Brazeiro, A., Defeo, O., Wood, A.G., Froy, H., Xavier, J.C. and Phillips, R.A. (2016) Sex-related variation in the vulnerability of wandering albatrosses to pelagic longline fleets. Animal Conservation 19, 281-295.

Tancell, C., Sutherland, W.J and Phillips, R.A. (2016) Marine spatial planning for the conservation of albatrosses and large petrels breeding at South Georgia. Biological Conservation 198, 165-176.


 Contact :David Grémillet  : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

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Equipe TE

Responsable scientifique
François VASSEUR

Responsable technique

Equipe technique :
Pierrick AURY
Pauline DURBIN

Fabien LOPEZ

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