Je suis étudiant en césure de Master d'Anthropologie à l'université Paris-Nanterre. Mes recherches portent sur les interactions entre les êtres humains et leur environnement telles qu'elles se manifestent dans les pratiques agricoles contemporaines en Europe.
Dans le cadre de mon stage, je collabore avec Antoine Doncieux sur sa thèse intitulée 'Les vignerons de Gaillac : adaptation des connaissances et des pratiques aux changements climatiques'. Plus précisément, je m'intéresse aux facteurs humains derrière la distribution de la biodiversité cultivée dans le vignoble, et j'étudie le rôle important que jouent les échanges épistémiques entre vignerons dans les changements de pratiques et dans la réception de l'innovation, suivant la méthodologie de l'analyse de réseaux sociaux.
I am a Master's student in Anthropology at the University of Paris-Nanterre. My research focuses on the interactions between human beings and their environment as manifested in contemporary agricultural practices in Europe.
During my internship, I collaborate with Antoine Doncieux on his thesis entitled “The winegrowers of Gaillac: adapting knowledge and practices to climate change”. More precisely, I am interested in the human factors behind the distribution of cultivated biodiversity in the vineyard. I study the important role that epistemic exchanges between winemakers play in the changes of practices and in the reception of innovation, following the methodology of social network analysis.
Ingénieure de Recherche / Chargée de mission CBNMed
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Victoria Reyes-García est au CEFE de septembre 2017 à août 2021.
Short biography
Victoria Reyes-García (PhD in Anthropology, 2001, U of Florida) is ICREA Research Professor at the Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB). Her research focuses on Indigenous and local knowledge systems, particularly in relation to the natural environment, and on the relevance of these knowledge systems to understand and deal with the climate and environmental crises. She co-directs the Laboratory of Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems in a Global World (LASEG), a research group that analyzes the impacts of global change on socio-ecosystems. Her last ERC-funded project studies local perceptions of climate change impacts (LICCI, She participates in the Transformative Change Report of the Intergovernmental Science and Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). She is member of the National Academy of Science, USA (2021) and the Academie d'Agriculture de France (2022).
Research interests
My research encompasses the interdisciplinary study of the dynamic relations among peoples, biota, and environments. I use a multidisciplinary perspective (working with ecologists, economists, psychologists, agronomists, archaeologists, and computer scientists) and empirical data to analyse 1) the effects of global change on rural livelihoods and local environments and 2) social responses to environmental changes. My research draws on insights from anthropology and the behavioural sciences to work at multiple levels- from the views of villagers in developing nations to those of policy-makers in industrial nations. My current areas of research include 1) local indicators of climate change impacts, 2) public participation in the documentation of local knowledge, 3) the adaptive nature of local environmental knowledge, 4) Indigenous peoples and cultural change, and 5) local participation in biodiversity conservation.
Key words
Biocultural diversity; Conservation; Global change; Ethnoecology; Indigenous and local knowledge systems; local indicators climate change.
Responsable scientifique
François VASSEUR
Responsable technique
Equipe technique :
Pierrick AURY
Pauline DURBIN
Fabien LOPEZ
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