Publications 2017
- Publication : 28 novembre 2016
Liste mise à jour le 8 mars 2024 (394 réf.)
Abadi F., Barbraud C., Gimenez O. (2017). Integrated population modeling reveals the impact of climate on the survival of juvenile emperor penguins. Global Change Biology 23: 1353-1359.
Acker P., Besnard A., Monnat J.-Y., Cam E. (2017). Breeding habitat selection across spatial scales: is grass always greener on the other side? Ecology 98: 2684-2697.
Adams H. D., Zeppel M. J. B., Anderegg W. R. L., Hartmann H., Landhausser S. M., Tissue D. T., Huxman T. E., Hudson P. J., Franz T. E., Allen C. D., Anderegg L. D. L., Barron-Gafford G. A., Beerling D. J., Breshears D. D., Brodribb T. J., Bugmann H., Cobb R. C., Collins A. D., Dickman L. T., Duan H. L., Ewers B. E., Galiano L., Galvez D. A., Garcia-Forner N., Gaylord M. L., Germino M. J., Gessler A., Hacke U. G., Hakamada R., Hector A., Jenkins M. W., Kane J. M., Kolb T. E., Law D. J., Lewis J. D., Limousin J.-M., Love D. M., Macalady A. K., Martinez-Vilalta J., Mencuccini M., Mitchell P. J., Muss J. D., O'Brien M. J., O'Grady A. P., Pangle R. E., Pinkard E. A., Piper F. I., Plaut J. A., Pockman W. T., Quirk J., Reinhardt K., Ripullone F., Ryan M. G., Sala A., Sevanto S., Sperry J. S., Vargas R., Vennetier M., Way D. A., Xu C. G., Yepez E. A., McDowell N. G. (2017). A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1: 1285-1291.
Agboho A. P., Djenontin A., Sossoukpe E., Gbedjissi G. L., Jay-Robert P., Akogbeto C. M., Vala J.-C. (2017). Potential of Sepedon ruficeps Becker (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) larvae for biological control of intermediate snail hosts of schistosomiasis in Benin (West Africa). International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research 5: 1035-1040.
Agboho A. P., Gbedjissi G. L., Ahogni I., Jay-Robert P., Akogbeto C. M., Vala J.-C. (2017). Spatio-temporal distribution of Sciomyzidae (Diptera) in relation to environmental characteristics in four localities of Benin, West Africa. International Journal of Pure and Applied Bioscience 5: 1-13.
Ainley D., Woehler E. J., Lescroël A. (2017). Birds and Antarctic sea ice. In: Sea ice. 3rd ed. (Thomas David N., Ed.), John Wiley, Chichester, pp. 570-582.
Albo-Puigserver M., Muñoz A., Navarro J., Coll M., Pethybridge H., Sánchez S., Palomera I. (2017). Ecological energetics of forage fish from the Mediterranean sea: seasonal dynamics and interspecific differences. Deep-Sea Research, Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 140: 74-82.
Andrello M., Guilhaumon F., Albouy C., Parravicini V., Scholtens J., Verley P., Barange M., Sumaila U. R., Manel S., Mouillot D. (2017). Global mismatch between fishing dependency and larval supply from marine reserves. Nature Communications 8: 16039, doi:10.1038/ncomms16039.
Andrello M., Henry K., Devaux P., Verdelet D., Desprez B., Manel S. (2017). Insights into the genetic relationships among plants of Beta section Beta using SNP markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 130: 1857-1866.
Andrieu E., Besnard A., Fréville H., Vaudey V., Gauthier P., Thompson J. D., Debussche M. (2017). Population dynamics of Paeonia officinalis in relation to forest closure: from model predictions to practical conservation management. Biological Conservation 215: 51-60.
Anthes N., Häderer I. K., Michiels N. K., Janicke T. (2017). Measuring and interpreting sexual selection metrics: evaluation and guidelines. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8: 918-931.
Aronson J., Aronson T. B., Patzelt A., Knees S., Lewis G., Lupton D., Taifour H., Gardner M., Thompson H., Al Hatmi S., Al Khulaidi A. W. (2017). Paleorelicts or archaeophytes: enigmatic trees in the Middle East. Journal of Arid Environments 137: 69-82.
Astegiano J., Altermatt F., Massol F. (2017). Disentangling the co-structure of multilayer interaction networks: degree distribution and module composition in two-layer bipartite networks. Scientific Reports 7: 15465, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-15811-w.
Aubier T. G., Elias M., Llaurens V., Chazot N. (2017). Mutualistic mimicry enhances species diversification through spatial segregation and extension of the ecological niche space. Evolution 71: 826-844.
Aubier T. G., Joron M., Sherratt T. N. (2017). Mimicry among unequally defended prey should be mutualistic when predators sample optimally. The American Naturalist 189: 267-282.
Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y., Caubet D. (2017). Savoirs paysans autour des huiles d’olive, (zaytun, Olea europaea var. europaea) et d’oléastre, (əl-bərri, Olea europaea var. sylvestris) Rif, nord du Maroc : de la reproduction des arbres aux pratiques alimentaires. Revue d’Ethnoécologie Supplément 1: doi:10.4000/ethnoecologie.3198.
Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y., Caubet D., Hmimsa Y., Vicente Á. (2017). Guest editors for the special issue: Les sociétés jbala et la nature : parlers et relations à autrui dans le Rif, nord du Maroc. Revue d’Ethnoécologie Supplément 1:
Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y., Moukhli A., Haouane H., Khadari B. (2017). Ongoing domestication and diversification in grafted olive-oleaster agroecosystems in Northern Morocco. Regional Environmental Change 17: 1315-1328.
Authier M., Saraux C., Péron C. (2017). Variable selection and accurate predictions in habitat modelling: a shrinkage approach. Ecography 40: 549-560.
Ayadi T., Hammouda A., Poux A., Boulinier T., Lecollinet S., Selmi S. (2017). Evidence of exposure of laughing doves (Spilopelia senegalensis) to West Nile and Usutu viruses in southern Tunisian oases. Epidemiology and Infection 145: 2808-2816.
Badeau V., Bonhomme M., Bonne F., Carré J., Cecchini S., Chuine I., Ducatillion C., Jean F., Lebourgeois F., Le collectif scientifique de l'Observatoire Des Saisons (Montpellier), Eds. (2017). Les plantes au rythme des saisons : guide d'observation phénologique. Biotope, Mèze, 336 p.
Bagnères-Urbany A.-G., Hossaert-McKey M., Eds. (2017). Ecologie chimique. ISTE, London, 239 p.
Bagnères-Urbany A.-G., Hossaert-McKey M. (2017). Introduction. In: Ecologie chimique (Bagnères A.-G. & Hossaert-McKey M., Eds.), ISTE, London, pp. 17-20.
Baldacchino F., Krcmar S., Bernard C., Manon S., Jay-Robert P. (2017). The impact of land use and climate on tabanid assemblages in Europe. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 239: 112-118.
Barkaoui K., Navas M.-L., Roumet C., Cruz P., Volaire F. (2017). Does water shortage generate water stress?: an ecohydrological approach across Mediterranean plant communities. Functional Ecology 31: 1325-1335.
Barnagaud J.-Y., Gaüzère P., Zuckerberg B., Princé K., Svenning J.-C. (2017). Temporal changes in bird functional diversity across the United States. Oecologia 185: 737-748.
Barnagaud J.-Y., Kissling W. D., Tsirogiannis C., Fisikopoulos V., Villéger S., Sekercioglu C. H., Svenning J.-C. (2017). Biogeographical, environmental and anthropogenic determinants of global patterns in bird taxonomic and trait turnover. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26: 1190-1200.
Barthes N., Caissard J.-C., Just J., Fernandez X. (2017). Outils chimiques, bio-informatiques et bases de données en écologie chimique. In: Ecologie chimique (Bagnères A.-G. & Hossaert-McKey M., Eds.), ISTE, London, pp. 179-204.
Basset Y., Lamarre G. P. A., Ratz T., Segar S. T., Decaëns T., Rougerie R., Miller S. E., Perez F., Bobadilla R., Lopez Y., Ramirez J. A., Aiello A., Barrios H. (2017). The saturniidae of Barro Colorado island, Panama: a model taxon for studying the long-term effects of climate change? Ecology and Evolution 7: 9991-10004.
Baudouin G., Dedeine F., Bech N., Bankhead-Dronnet S., Dupont S., Bagnères A.-G. (2017). An American termite in Paris: temporal colony dynamics. Genetica 145: 491-502.
Bedhomme S., Perez Pantoja D., Bravo I. G. (2017). Plasmid and clonal interference during post horizontal gene transfer evolution. Molecular Ecology 26: 1832-1847.
Bernard M., Boulanger V., Dupouey J.-L., Laurent L., Montpied P., Morin X., Picard J.-F., Saïd S. (2017). Deer browsing promotes Norway spruce at the expense of silver fir in the forest regeneration phase. Forest Ecology and Management 400: 269-277.
Bertin A., Gouin N., Baumel A., Gianoli E., Serratosa J., Osorio R., Manel S. (2017). Genetic variation of loci potentially under selection confounds species-genetic diversity correlations in a fragmented habitat. Molecular Ecology 26: 431-443.
Bidaud A., Bellanger J.-M., Carteret X., Reumaux P., Moënne-Loccoz P. (2017). Atlas des cortinaires : pars 24. Fédération Mycologique Dauphiné-Savoie, Marlioz, pp. 2017-2144.
Bigard C., Pioch S., Thompson J. D. (2017). The inclusion of biodiversity in environmental impact assessment: policy-related progress limited by gaps and semantic confusion. Journal of Environmental Management 200: 35-45.
Blanc S., Boëtsch G., Hossaert-McKey M., Renaud F., Eds. (2017). Ecologie de la santé : pour une nouvelle lecture de nos maux. CNRS / Cherche-Midi, Paris, 191 p.
Blanchon T., Champagnon J., Kayser Y., Lopez-Ricaurte L., Isenmann P. (2017). Trois Spatules blanches Piatalea leucorodia nées en Camargue (Bouches-du-Rhône) contrôlées en hivernage au Soudan du Sud. Alauda 85: 231-233.
Blangy S. (2017). Construire le tourisme autochtone par la recherche-action participative et les technologies de la Communication : une nouvelle approche de la gestion des ressources et des territoires. L'Harmattan, Paris, 661 p.
Blatrix R., Peccoud J., Born C., Piatscheck F., Benoit L., Sauve M., Djiéto-Lordon C., Atteke C., Wieringa J. J., Harris D. J., McKey D. (2017). Comparative analysis of spatial genetic structure in an ant-plant symbiosis reveals a tension zone and highlights speciation processes in tropical Africa. Journal of Biogeography 44: 1856-1868.
Blatrix R., Wegnez P., Colin T., Galkowski C. (2017). Neuf nouvelles espèces de fourmis pour la Corse. RARE : Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie 26: 60-64.
Blondel J. (2017). Nature, usages et production à l’ère de la « Nouvelle Conservation ». Forêt Méditerranéenne 38: 109-116.
Blonder B., Lamanna C., Violle C., Enquist B. J. (2017). Using n-dimensional hypervolumes for species distribution modelling: a response to Qiao et al. (2016). Global Ecology and Biogeography 26: 1071-1075.
Blonder B., Salinas N., Bentley L. P., Shenkin A., Porroa P. O. C., Tejeira Y. V., Violle C., Fyllas N. M., Goldsmith G. R., Martin R. E., Asner G. P., Díaz S., Enquist B. J., Malhi Y. (2017). Predicting trait-environment relationships for venation networks along an Andes-Amazon elevation gradient. Ecology 98: 1239-1255.
Bogdanova M. I., Butler A., Wanless S., Moe B., Anker-Nilssen T., Frederiksen M., Boulinier T., Chivers L. S., Christensen-Dalsgaard S., Descamps S., Harris M. P., Newell M., Olsen B., Phillips R. A., Shaw D., Steen H., Strom H., Thórarinsson T. L., Daunt F. (2017). Multi-colony tracking reveals spatio-temporal variation in carry-over effects between breeding success and winter movements in a pelagic seabird. Marine Ecology Progress Series 578: 167-181.
Bonamour S., Teplitsky C., Charmantier A., Crochet P.-A., Chevin L.-M. (2017). Selection on skewed characters and the paradox of stasis. Evolution 71: 2703-2713.
Bonnet T., Leblois R., Rousset F., Crochet P.-A. (2017). A reassessment of explanations for discordant introgressions of mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. Evolution 71: 2140-2158.
Bonnet-Lebrun A.-S., Manica A., Eriksson A., Rodrigues A. S. L. (2017). Empirical phylogenies and species abundance distributions are consistent with preequilibrium dynamics of neutral community models with gene flow. Evolution 71: 1149-1163.
Borgy B., Violle C., Choler P., Denelle P., Munoz F., Kattge J., Lavorel S., Loranger J., Amiaud B., Bahn M., van Bodegom P. M., Brisse H., Debarros G., Diquelou S., Gachet S., Jolivet C., Lemauviel-Lavenant S., Mikolajczak A., Olivier J., Ordoñez J., de Ruffray P., Viovy N., Garnier E. (2017). Plant community structure and nitrogen inputs modulate the climate signal on leaf traits. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26: 1138-1152.
Borgy B., Violle C., Choler P., Garnier E., Kattge J., Loranger J., Amiaud B., Cellier P., Debarros G., Denelle P., Diquelou S., Gachet S., Jolivet C., Lavorel S., Lemauviel-Lavenant S., Mikolajczak A., Muñoz F., Olivier J., Viovy N. (2017). Sensitivity of community-level trait-environment relationships to data representativeness: a test for functional biogeography. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26: 729-739.
Borner L., Duriez O., Besnard A., Robert A., Carrere V., Jiguet F. (2017). Bird collision with power lines: estimating carcass persistence and detection associated with ground search surveys. Ecosphere 8: e01966, doi:10.1002/ecs2.1966.
Bouamrane M., Mathevet R., Levrel H., Huntington H., Agrawal A. (2017). Community participation and adaptation to change in biosphere reserves: a review and a Mediterranean European coastal wetland case study (Delta du Rhone biosphere reserve, Southern France). In: Governing the coastal commons: communities, resilience and transformation (Armitage Derek, Charles Anthony & Berkes Fikret Eds.), Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 120-138.
Bouchard B., Lisney T. J., Campagna S., Célérier A. (2017). Do bottlenose dolphins display behavioural response to fish taste? Applied Animal Behaviour Science 194: 120-126.
Bouchet D. C., Cheptou P.-O., Munoz F. (2017). Mowing influences community-level variation in resource-use strategies and flowering phenology along an ecological succession on Mediterranean road slopes. Applied Vegetation Science 20: 376-387.
Bouka Dipelet U. G., Florence J., Doumenge C., Loumeto J. J., McKey D. (2017). Khayae (Meliaceae) specierum Nomenclator. Adansonia 39: 15-30.
Boulard D., Castel T., Camberlin P., Sergent A.-S., Asse D., Bréda N., Badeau V., Rossi A., Pohl B. (2017). Bias correction of dynamically downscaled precipitation to compute soil water deficit for explaining year-to-year variation of tree growth over northeastern France. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 232: 247-264.
Bour R., Cheylan M., Wandhammer M.-D. (2017). Jean Hermann, the holotype and neotype of the Montpellier Snake, Coluber monspessulanus Hermann, 1804 (Reptilia, Squamata). Zoosystema 39: 273-284.
Bourret V., Lyall J., Frost S. D. W., Teillaud A., Smith C. A., Leclaire S., Fu J., Gandon S., Guérin J.-L., Tiley L. S. (2017). Adaptation of avian influenza virus to a swine host. Virus Evolution 3: vex007, doi:10.1093/ve/vex007.
Bradford M. A., Veen G. F. C., Bonis A., Bradford E. M., Classen A. T., Cornelissen J. H. C., Crowther T. W., De Long J. R., Freschet G. T., Kardol P., Manrubia-Freixa M., Maynard D. S., Newman G. S., Logtestijn R. S. P., Viketoft M., Wardle D. A., Wieder W. R., Wood S. A., van der Putten W. H. (2017). A test of the hierarchical model of litter decomposition. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1: 1836-1845.
Bréchet L., Le Dantec V., Ponton S., Goret J.-Y., Sayer E., Bonal D., Freycon V., Roy J., Epron D. (2017). Short- and long-term influence of litter quality and quantity on simulated heterotrophic soil respiration in a lowland tropical forest. Ecosystems 20: 1190-1204.
Bruce J. B., Cooper G. A., Chabas H., West S. A., Griffin A. S. (2017). Cheating and resistance to cheating in natural populations of the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens. Evolution 71: 2484-2495.
Bruun-Lund S., Clement W. L., Kjellberg F., Ronsted N. (2017). First plastid phylogenomic study reveals potential cyto-nuclear discordance in the evolutionary history of Ficus L. (Moraceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 109: 93-104.
Büntgen U., Bagi I., Fekete O., Molinier V., Peter M., Splivallo R., Vahdatzadeh M., Richard F., Murat C., Tegel W., Stobbe U., Martínez-Peña F., Sproll L., Hülsmann L., Nievergelt D., Meier B., Egli S. (2017). New insights into the complex relationship between weight and maturity of burgundy truffles (Tuber aestivum). PLoS ONE 12: e0170375, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0170375.
Cadotte M. W., Tucker C. M. (2017). Should environmental filtering be abandoned? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32: 429-437.
Caillon S., Cullman G., Verschuuren B., Sterling E. J. (2017). Moving beyond the human-nature dichotomy through biocultural approaches: including ecological well-being in resilience indicators. Ecology and Society 22: 27, doi:10.5751/es-09746-220427.
Caillon S., Eloy L., Le Tourneau F.-M. (2017). Elevage et espace agricole. In: Amazonie brésilienne : usages et représentations du territoire (Le Tourneau F.-M., Ed.), Institut des Hautes Etudes de l’Amérique Latine (IHEAL), Paris, pp. 133-160.
Calcagno V., Jarne P., Loreau M., Mouquet N., David P. (2017). Diversity spurs diversification in ecological communities. Nature Communications 8: 15810, doi:10.1038/ncomms15810.
Calderón K., Spor A., Breuil M.-C., Bru D., Bizouard F., Violle C., Barnard R. L., Philippot L. (2017). Effectiveness of ecological rescue for altered soil microbial communities and functions. The ISME Journal 11: 272-283.
Campa C., Urban L., Mondolot L., Fabre D., Roques S., Lizzi Y., Aarrouf J., Doulbeau S., Breitler J.-C., Letrez C., Toniutti L., Bertrand B., La Fisca P., Bidel L. P. R., Etienne H. (2017). Juvenile coffee leaves acclimated to low light are unable to cope with a moderate light increase. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1126, doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.01126.
Carneiro A. P. B., Bonnet-Lebrun A.-S., Manica A., Staniland I. J., Phillips R. A. (2017). Methods for detecting and quantifying individual specialisation in movement and foraging strategies of marine predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series 578: 151-166.
Caubet D., Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y. (2017). Céréales, pains, levains et fours dans la région d'El Hoceima : techniques alimentaires et notes sur des parlers arabes à la frontière de la berbérophonie. Revue d’Ethnoécologie Supplément 1: doi:10.4000/ethnoecologie.3070
Cayuela H., Joly P., Schmidt B. R., Pichenot J., Bonnaire E., Priol P., Peyronel O., Laville M., Besnard A. (2017). Life history tactics shape amphibians' demographic responses to the North Atlantic Oscillation. Global Change Biology 23: 4620-4638.
Cayuela H., Léna J.-P., Lengagne T., Kaufmann B., Mondy N., Konecny L., Dumet A., Vienney A., Joly P. (2017). Relatedness predicts male mating success in a pond-breeding amphibian. Animal Behaviour 130: 251-261.
Cayuela H., Pradel R., Joly P., Besnard A. (2017). Analysing movement behaviour and dynamic space-use strategies among habitats using multi-event capture-recapture modelling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8: 1124-1132.
Cayuela H., Quay L., Dumet A., Léna J.-P., Miaud C., Rivière V. (2017). Intensive vehicle traffic impacts morphology and endocrine stress response in a threatened amphibian. Oryx 51: 182-188.
Célérier A. (2017). Le goût et l'odorat des dauphins et des baleines. In: Cétacés : nouvelles connaissances issues de la recherche française (Adam Olivier & Cazau Dorian, Eds.), Editions Dirac, Paris, pp. 86-95.
Chambault P., Roquet F., Benhamou S., Baudena A., Pauthenet E., de Thoisy B., Bonola M., Dos Reis V., Crasson R., Brucker M., Le Maho Y., Chevallier D. (2017). The Gulf Stream frontal system: a key oceanographic feature in the habitat selection of the leatherback turtle? Deep-Sea Research, Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 123: 35-47.
Chamorro D., Luna B., Ourcival J.-M., Kavgaci A., Sirca C., Mouillot F., Arianoutsou M., Moreno J. M. (2017). Germination sensitivity to water stress in four shrubby species across the Mediterranean Basin. Plant Biology 19: 23-31.
Chapuis E., Lamy T., Pointier J.-P., Juillet N., Ségard A., Jarne P., David P. (2017). Bioinvasion triggers rapid evolution of life histories in freshwater snails. The American Naturalist 190: 694-706.
Charles-Dominique T., Barczi J.-F., Le Roux E., Chamaillé-Jammes S. (2017). The architectural design of trees protects them against large herbivores. Functional Ecology 31: 1710-1717.
Charmantier A., Demeyrier V., Lambrechts M., Perret S., Grégoire A. (2017). Urbanization is associated with divergence in pace-of-life in great tits. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5: 53, doi:10.3389/fevo.2017.00053.
Charmantier A., Wolak M. E., Grégoire A., Fargevieille A., Doutrelant C. (2017). Colour ornamentation in the blue tit: quantitative genetic (co)variances across sexes. Heredity 118: 125-134.
Chatelain M., Pessato A., Frantz A., Gasparini J., Leclaire S. (2017). Do trace metals influence visual signals? Effects of trace metals on iridescent and melanic feather colouration in the feral pigeon. Oikos 126: 1542-1553.
Chauvet M., Kunstler G., Roy J., Morin X. (2017). Using a forest dynamics model to link community assembly processes and traits structure. Functional Ecology 31: 1452-1461.
Cheptou P.-O., Hargreaves A. L., Bonte D., Jacquemyn H. (2017). Adaptation to fragmentation: evolutionary dynamics driven by human influences. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences 372: 20160037, doi:10.1098/rstb.2016.0037.
Chevin L.-M., Cotto O., Ashander J. (2017). Stochastic evolutionary demography under a fluctuating optimum phenotype. The American Naturalist 190: 786-802.
Chevin L.-M., Hoffmann A. A. (2017). Evolution of phenotypic plasticity in extreme environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences 372: 20160138, doi:10.1098/rstb.2016.0138.
Chollet S., Chamaillé-Jammes S., Martin J.-L. (2017). Haïda Gwaii : quelle biodiversité dans des forêts sans prédateurs d’herbivores ? Le Courrier de la Nature 301: 34-41.
Choquet R., Garnier A., Awuve E., Besnard A. (2017). Transient state estimation using continuous-time processes applied to opportunistic capture-recapture data. Ecological Modelling 361: 157-163.
Chouteau M., Llaurens V., Piron-Prunier F., Joron M. (2017). Polymorphism at a mimicry supergene maintained by opposing frequency-dependent selection pressures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 114: 8325-8329.
Chuine I., Régnière J. (2017). Process-based models of phenology for plants and animals. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 48: 159-182.
Clericuzio M., Dovana F., Bellanger J.-M., Brandrud T. E., Dima B., Froslev T. G., Boccardo F., Jeppesen T. S., Vizzini A. (2017). Cortinarius parasuaveolens (= C. pseudogracilior): new data and a synonymy of a very poorly known species of section Calochroi. Sydowia 69: 215-228.
Clochey L., Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y. (2017). De la façon de nommer aux usages des plantes adventices des cultures en pays Jbala (nord du Maroc) : relation des hommes et des femmes à l’espace agraire et à autrui. Revue d’Ethnoécologie Supplément 1: doi:10.4000/ethnoecologie.3154.
Collinson J. M., Dufour P., Hamza A. A., Lawrie Y., Elliott M., Barlow C., Crochet P.-A. (2017). When morphology is not reflected by molecular phylogeny: the case of three 'orange-billed terns' Thalasseus maximus, Thalasseus bergii and Thalasseus bengalensis (Charadriiformes: Laridae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 121: 439-445.
Corriol G., Moreau P.-A., Bellanger J.-M. (2017). Calocybe hymenoderma sp. nov., Calocybella juncicola comb. nov. et les contours taxinomiques de la section Rugosomyces = Calocybe hymenoderma sp. nov., Calocybella juncicola comb. nov. y los perfiles taxonómicos de la sección Rugosomyces. Errotari 14: 35-46.
Cortesero A.-M., Proffit M., Duplais C., Viard F. (2017). Ecologie chimique : une science intégrative et expérimentale. In: Ecologie chimique (Bagnères A.-G. & Hossaert-McKey M., Eds.), ISTE, London, pp. 41-64.
Cosson A., Therville C., Mathevet R., Arpin I., Bioret F. (2017). Dynamiques d'intégration des espaces naturels protégés en France : une approche comparative entre parcs nationaux et réserves naturelles. Natures Sciences Sociétés 25: 230-240.
Costa P. C., Lorenz-Lemke A. P., Furini P. R., Coronado E. N. H., Kjellberg F., Pereira R. A. S. (2017). The phylogeography of two disjunct Neotropical Ficus (Moraceae) species reveals contrasted histories between the Amazon and the Atlantic Forests. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 185: 272-289.
Cotto O., Servedio M. R. (2017). The roles of sexual and viability selection in the evolution of incomplete reproductive isolation: from allopatry to sympatry. The American Naturalist 190: 680-693.
Cotto O., Wessely J., Georges D., Klonner G., Schmid M., Dullinger S., Thuiller W., Guillaume F. (2017). A dynamic eco-evolutionary model predicts slow response of alpine plants to climate warming. Nature Communications 8: 15399, doi:10.1038/ncomms15399.
Courbin N., Dussault C., Veillette A., Giroux M.-A., Côté S. D. (2017). Coping with strong variations in winter severity: plastic habitat selection of deer at high density. Behavioral Ecology 28: 1037-1046.
Courtois E. A., Chave J., Hossaert-McKey M. (2017). Jusqu'où les forêts tropicales peuvent-elles s'adapter ? In: L'adaptation au changement climatique : une question de sociétés (Euzen A., Laville B. & Thiébault S., Eds.), CNRS Editions, Paris, pp. 131-139.
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