
Publications 2016

Liste mise à jour le 8 mars 2024 (402 réf.)

Abu Taleb T., Aronson J., Shaw K., The ERA of Botanic Gardens (2016). Rays of hope from the Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens, following its recent meeting in Amman, Jordan. Restoration Ecology 24: 573-576.

Adamidis G. C., Kazakou E., Aloupi M., Dimitrakopoulos P. G. (2016). Is it worth hyperaccumulating Ni on non-serpentine soils? Decomposition dynamics of mixed-species litters containing hyperaccumulated Ni across serpentine and non-serpentine environments. Annals of Botany 117: 1241-1248.

Aguilée R., Raoul G., Rousset F., Ronce O. (2016). Pollen dispersal slows geographical range shift and accelerates ecological niche shift under climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 113: E5741-E5748.

Albo-Puigserver M., Navarro J., Coll M., Layman C. A., Palomera I. (2016). Trophic structure of pelagic species in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Sea Research 117: 27-35.

Alexander A. B., Poirotte C., Porton I. J., Freeman K. L. M., Rasambainarivo F., Olson K. G., Iambana B., Deem S. L. (2016). Gastrointestinal parasites of captive and free-living lemurs and domestic carnivores in eastern Madagascar. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47: 141-149.

Alexander S., Aronson J., Whaley O., Lamb D. (2016). The relationship between ecological restoration and the ecosystem services concept. Ecology and Society 21: 34, doi:10.5751/ES-08288-210134.

Amélineau F., Bonnet D., Heitz O., Mortreux V., Harding A. M. A., Karnovsky N., Walkusz W., Fort J., Grémillet D. (2016). Microplastic pollution in the Greenland Sea: Background levels and selective contamination of planktivorous diving seabirds. Environmental Pollution 219: 1131-1139.

Amélineau F., Grémillet D., Bonnet D., Le Bot T., Fort J. (2016). Where to forage in the absence of sea ice? Bathymetry as a key factor for an Arctic seabird. PLoS ONE 11: e0157764, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157764.

Amraoui S., Bouragba N., Brague A., Lumaret J.-P. (2016). Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoideae) between a natural forest and a reforested steppe (Djelfa, Algeria). Turkish Journal of Forestry 17 (Special Issue): 23-30.

Andrello M., Henry K., Devaux P., Desprez B., Manel S. (2016). Taxonomic, spatial and adaptive genetic variation of Beta section Beta. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 129: 257-271.

Aronson J. (2016). La restauración ecológica en México: rayos de esperanza. In: Experiencias mexicanas en la restauración de ecosistemas (Ceccon E. & Martínez-Garza C., Eds.), Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias (CRIM), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, Mexico DF. Mexico, pp. 19-22.

Aronson J., Blatt C. M., Aronson T. B. (2016). Restoring ecosystem health to improve human health and well-being: physicians and restoration ecologists unite in a common cause. Ecology and Society 21: 39, doi:10.5751/ES-08974-210439.

Aronson J., Clewell A., Moreno-Mateos D. (2016). Ecological restoration and ecological engineering: complementary or indivisible? Ecological Engineering 91: 392-395.

Arriaga-Jiménez A., Moctezuma V., Rossini M., Zunino M., Halffter G. (2016). A new species of Onthophagus (Scarabaeoidea: Scarabaeinae) from the Mexican Transition Zone, with remarks on its relationships and distribution. Zootaxa 4072: 135-143.

Ashander J., Chevin L.-M., Baskett M. L. (2016). Predicting evolutionary rescue via evolving plasticity in stochastic environments. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences 283: 20161690, doi:10.1098/rspb.2016.1690.

Auld J. R., Jarne P. (2016). Sex and recombination in snails. In: Encyclopedia of evolutionary biology, vol. 4 (Kliman R. M., Ed.), Academic Press, Oxford, pp. 49–60.

Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y., Bailly A., Alleaume S., Hmimsa Y. (2016). Grafted oleaster-olive agrosylvopastoral systems in Northern Morocco. In: The Mediterranean region under climate change: a scientific update (Thiébault S. & Moatti J.-P. , Eds.), IRD Editions; AllEnvi, Marseille, pp. 523-532.

Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y., Taschen E., Richard F. (2016). Taming the Black Truffle (Tuber melanosporum): safeguarding Mediterranean food and ecological webs. In: The Mediterranean region under climate change: a scientific update (Thiébault S. & Moatti J.-P. , Eds.), IRD Editions; AllEnvi, Marseille, pp. 533-542.

Azam C.-S., Gigot G., Witte I., Schatz B. (2016). National and subnational Red Lists in European and Mediterranean countries: current state and use for conservation. Endangered Species Research 30: 255-266.

Bagnères A.-G., Hossaert-McKey M., Eds. (2016). Chemical ecology. ISTE and John Wiley, London and Hoboken, 222 p.

Bagnères A.-G., Hossaert-McKey M. (2016). Introduction. In: Chemical ecology (Bagnères A.-G. & Hossaert-McKey M., Eds.), ISTE and John Wiley, London and Hoboken, pp. xiii-xvi.

Bain A., Borges R. M., Chevallier M.-H., Vignes H., Kobmoo N., Peng Y. Q., Cruaud A., Rasplus J.-Y., Kjellberg F., Hossaert-Mckey M. (2016). Geographic structuring into vicariant species-pairs in a wide-ranging, high-dispersal plant-insect mutualism: the case of Ficus racemosa and its pollinating wasps. Evolutionary Ecology 30: 663-684.

Balachowski J. A., Bristiel P. M., Volaire F. A. (2016). Summer dormancy, drought survival and functional resource acquisition strategies in California perennial grasses. Annals of Botany 118: 357-368.

Baniel A., Cowlishaw G., Huchard E. (2016). Stability and strength of male-female associations in a promiscuous primate society. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70: 761-775.

Barkaoui K., Roumet C., Volaire F. (2016). Mean root trait more than root trait diversity determines drought resilience in native and cultivated Mediterranean grass mixtures. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 231: 122-132.

Barreteau O., Giband D., Schoon M., Cerceau J., DeClerck F., Ghiotti S., James T., Masterson V. A., Mathevet R., Rode S., Ricci F., Therville C. (2016). Bringing together social-ecological system and territoire concepts to explore nature-society dynamics. Ecology and Society 21: 42, doi:10.5751/ES-08834-210442.

Barthès N., Caissard J.-C., Just J., Fernandez X. (2016). Chemical, biological and computational tools in chemical ecology. In: Chemical ecology (Bagnères A.-G. & Hossaert-McKey M., Eds.), ISTE and John Wiley, London and Hoboken, pp. 161-184.

Bas A., Jacob C., Hay J., Pioch S., Thorin S. (2016). Improving marine biodiversity offsetting: a proposed methodology for better assessing losses and gains. Journal of Environmental Management 175: 46-59.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N. L., Furey N. B., Eddy L., Valavanis V. D., Gimenez O. (2016). Dolphins in a scaled-down Mediterranean: the gulf of Corinth's odontocetes. Advances in Marine Biology 75: 297-331.

Bellanger J.-M. (2016). Les "Lyophyllaceae". Bulletin de la Fédération des Associations Mycologiques Méditerranéennes, N. S. 49: 31-47.

Bellemain E., Patricio H., Gray T., Guegan F., Valentini A., Miaud C., Dejean T. (2016). Trails of river monsters: detecting critically endangered Mekong giant catfish Pangasianodon gigas using environmental DNA. Global Ecology and Conservation 7: 148-156.

Berardi A. E., Fields P. D., Abbate J. L., Taylor D. R. (2016). Elevational divergence and clinal variation in floral color and leaf chemistry in Silene vulgaris. American Journal of Botany 103: 1508-1523.

Berjano R., Gauthier P., Parisi C., Vaudey V., Pons V., Renaux A., Doblas D., Thompson J. D. (2016). Variation of a floral polymorphism at different spatial scales in the Mediterranean geophyte Narcissus assoanus. Journal of Plant Ecology 9: 333-345.

Bernatchez S., Laporte M., Perrier C., Sirois P., Bernatchez L. (2016). Investigating genomic and phenotypic parallelism between piscivorous and planktivorous lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) ecotypes by means of RADseq and morphometrics analyses. Molecular Ecology 25: 4773-4792.

Besnard G., Rubio de Casas R. (2016). Single vs multiple independent olive domestications: the jury is (still) out. New Phytologist 209: 466-470.

Bidaud A., Bellanger J.-M. (2016). A propos de Cortinarius daulnoyae Quél. Journal des Journées Européennes du Cortinaire 18: 13-23.

Bischof R., Broseth H., Gimenez O. (2016). Wildlife in a politically divided world: insularism inflates estimates of brown bear abundance. Conservation Letters 9: 122-130.

Blanchard P., Lauzeral C., Chamaillé-Jammes S., Yoccoz N. G., Pontier D. (2016). Analyzing the proximity to cover in a landscape of fear: a new approach applied to fine-scale habitat use by rabbits facing feral cat predation on Kerguelen archipelago. PeerJ 4: e1769, doi:10.7717/peerj.1769.

Blandin P., Aberlenc H.-P., Bauvet C., Bianchin N., Cockle-Bétian A., Couté A., Deso G., Duguet R., Gaymard M., Holtof J.-F., Hugonnot V., Ladet A., Lagarde F., Lhermenier W., Lhomme M., Morin D., Perrette C., Richard F., Schwaab F. (2016). L’écocomplexe de Païolive en Ardèche méridionale (France) : un pic de biodiversité du hotspot méditerranéen = The Païolive ecocomplex in southern Ardèche (France): a biodiversity peak in the Mediterranean hotspot. Ecologia Mediterranea 42: 51-95.

Blatrix R., Lebas C., Galkowski C., Wegnez P., Pimenta R., Morichon D. (2016). Vegetation cover and elevation drive diversity and composition of ant communities (Hymenoptera: Founicidae) in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Myrmecological News 22: 119-127.

Blondel J. (2016). Biogéographie. In: Biologie évolutive. 2e éd. (Thomas F., Lefèvre T. & Raymond M., Eds.), De Boeck Supérieur, Louvain-la-Neuve, pp. 273-301.

Bonnot N. C., Morellet N., Hewison A. J. M., Martin J.-L., Benhamou S., Chamaillé-Jammes S. (2016). Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) adjust habitat selection and activity rhythm to the absence of predators. Canadian Journal of Zoology 94: 385-394.

Bonzom J.-M., Hättenschwiler S., Lecomte-Pradines C., Chauvet E., Gaschak S., Beaugelin-Seiller K., Della-Vedova C., Dubourg N., Maksimenko A., Garnier-Laplace J., Adam-Guillermin C. (2016). Effects of radionuclide contamination on leaf litter decomposition in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Science of The Total Environment 562: 596-603.

Bouamrane M., Spierenburg M., Agrawal A., Boureima A., Cormier-Salem M.-C., Etienne M., Le Page C., Levrel H., Mathevet R. (2016). Stakeholder engagement and biodiversity conservation challenges in socialecological systems: some insights from biosphere reserves in western Africa and France. Ecology and Society 21: 25, doi:10.5751/ES-08812-210425.

Boulenger C., Acou A., Gimenez O., Charrier F., Tremblay J., Feunteun E. (2016). Factors determining survival of European eels in two unexploited sub-populations. Freshwater Biology 61: 947-962.

Boulinier T., Charmantier A., Doligez B., Doutrelant C., Ganem G., Grégoire A., Leitão A., Monnin T. (2016). Ecologie comportementale : une approche évolutive du comportement. In: Biologie évolutive. 2e éd. (Thomas F., Lefèvre T. & Raymond M., Eds.), De Boeck Supérieur, Louvain-la-Neuve, pp. 513-554.

Boulinier T., Kada S., Dupraz M., Ponchon A., Chambert T., Garnier R., McCoy K. (2016). Migration, prospecting, dispersal? What types of host movement matter for the circulation of infectious disease agents? Integrative and Comparative Biology 56, Suppl. 1 (SICB 2016 Annual Meeting Abstracts): E21.

Boulinier T., Kada S., Ponchon A., Dupraz M., Dietrich M., Gamble A., Bourret V., Duriez O., Bazire R., Tornos J., Tveraa T., Chambert T., Garnier R., McCoy K. D. (2016). Migration, prospecting, dispersal? What host movement matters for infectious agent circulation? Integrative and Comparative Biology 56: 330-342.

Bousquet F., Botta A., Alinovi L., Barreteau O., Bossio D., Brown K., Caron P., d'Errico M., DeClerck F., Dessard H., Kautsky E. E., Fabricius C., Folke C., Fortmann L., Hubert B., Magda D., Mathevet R., Norgaard R. B., Quinlan A., Staver C. (2016). Resilience and development: mobilizing for transformation. Ecology and Society 21: 40, doi: 10.5751/es-08754-210340.

Bouvier J. C., Boivin T., Charmantier A., Lambrechts M., Lavigne C. (2016). More daughters in a less favourable world: breeding in intensively-managed orchards affects tertiary sex-ratio in the great tit. Basic and Applied Ecology 17: 638-647.

Bretagnolle F., Matejicek A., Gregoire S., Reboud X., Gaba S. (2016). Determination of fatty acids content, global antioxidant activity and energy value of weed seeds from agricultural fields in France. Weed Research 56: 78-95.

Brito J. C., Tarroso P., Vale C. G., Martínez-Freiría F., Boratynski Z., Campos J. C., Ferreira S., Godinho R., Gonçalves D. V., Leite J. V., Lima V. O., Pereira P., Santos X., da Silva M. J. F., Silva T. L., Velo-Antón G., Veríssimo J., Crochet P.-A., Pleguezuelos J. M., Carvalho S. B. (2016). Conservation Biogeography of the Sahara-Sahel: additional protected areas are needed to secure unique biodiversity. Diversity and Distributions 22: 371-384.

Brooks T. M., Akçakaya H. R., Burgess N. D., Butchart S. H. M., Hilton-Taylor C., Hoffmann M., Juffe-Bignoli D., Kingston N., MacSharry B., Parr M., Perianin L., Regan E. C., Rodrigues A. S. L., Rondinini C., Shennan-Farpon Y., Young B. E. (2016). Analysing biodiversity and conservation knowledge products to support regional environmental assessments. Scientific Data 3: 160007, doi:10.1038/sdata.2016.7.

Bumb I., Garnier E., Bastianelli D., Richarte J., Bonnal L., Kazakou E. (2016). Influence of management regime and harvest date on the forage quality of rangeland plants: the importance of dry matter content. AoB PLANTS 8: 8, doi:10.1093/aobpla/plw045.

Buzzard V., Hulshof C. M., Birt T., Violle C., Enquist B. J. (2016). Re-growing a tropical dry forest: functional plant trait composition and community assembly during succession. Functional Ecology 30: 1006-1013.

Calvet-Mir L., Salpeteur M. (2016). Humans, plants, and networks: a critical review. Environment and Society 7: 107-128.

Cameron E. K., Decaëns T., Lapied E., Porco D., Eisenhauer N. (2016). Earthworm databases and ecological theory: synthesis of current initiatives and main research directions. Applied Soil Ecology 104: 85-90.

Carboni M., Münkemüller T., Lavergne S., Choler P., Borgy B., Violle C., Essl F., Roquet C., Muñoz F., DivGrass Consortium, Thuiller W. (2016). What it takes to invade grassland ecosystems: traits, introduction history and filtering processes. Ecology Letters 19: 219-229.

Cayuela H., Arsovski D., Bonnaire E., Duguet R., Joly P., Besnard A. (2016). The impact of severe drought on survival, fecundity, and population persistence in an endangered amphibian. Ecosphere 7: e01246, doi:10.1002/ecs2.1246.

Cayuela H., Arsovski D., Thirion J.-M., Bonnaire E., Pichenot J., Boitaud S., Brison A.-L., Miaud C., Joly P., Besnard A. (2016). Contrasting patterns of environmental fluctuation contribute to divergent life histories among amphibian populations. Ecology 97: 980-991.

Cayuela H., Arsovski D., Thirion J.-M., Bonnaire E., Pichenot J., Boitaud S., Miaud C., Joly P., Besnard A. (2016). Demographic responses to weather fluctuations are context dependent in a long-lived amphibian. Global Change Biology 22: 2676-2687.

Cayuela H., Boualit L., Arsovski D., Bonnaire E., Pichenot J., Bellec A., Miaud C., Léna J.-P., Joly P., Besnard A. (2016). Does habitat unpredictability promote the evolution of a colonizer syndrome in amphibian metapopulations? Ecology 97: 2658-2670.

Cézilly F., Quinard A., Motreuil S., Pradel R. (2016). Adult survival selection in relation to multilocus heterozygosity and body size in a tropical bird species, the Zenaida dove, Zenaida aurita. Oecologia 180: 127-136.

Chabas H., Van Houte S., Høyland-Kroghsbo N. M., Buckling A., Westra E. R. (2016). Immigration of susceptible hosts triggers the evolution of alternative parasite defence strategies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences 283: 20160721, doi:10.1098/rspb.2016.0721.

Chamaillé-Jammes S., Charbonnel A., Dray S., Madzikanda H., Fritz H. (2016). Spatial distribution of a large herbivore community at waterholes: an assessment of its stability over years in Hwange national park, Zimbabwe. PLoS ONE 11: e0153639, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0153639.

Champagnon J., Guillemain M., Mondain-Monval J.-Y., Souchay G., Legagneux P., Bretagnolle V., Van Ingen L., Bourguemestre F., Lebreton J.-D. (2016). Contribution of released captive-bred Mallards to the dynamics of the natural population. Ornis Fennica 93: 3-11.

Champagnon J., Legagneux P., Souchay G., Inchausti P., Bretagnolle V., Bourguemestre F., Van Ingen L., Guillemain M. (2016). Robust estimation of survival and contribution of captive-bred Mallards Anas platyrhynchos to a wild population in a large-scale release programme. Ibis 158: 343-352.

Chandelier M., Mathevet R., Steuckardt A., Sarale J.-M. (2016). Le loup en tribunes : analyse comparée de deux discours argumentatifs sur une espèce controversée. Natures Sciences Sociétés 24: 136-146.

Chantarasuwan B., Ronsted N., Kjellberg F., Sungkaew S., van Welzen P. C. (2016). Palaeotropical intercontinental disjunctions revisited using a dated phylogenetic hypothesis with nearly complete species level sampling of Ficus subsect. Urostigma (Moraceae). Journal of Biogeography 43: 384-397.

Chantarasuwan B., Thongsrikem S., Pinyo P., Kanithajata P., Kjellberg F. (2016). A natural population of Ficus elastica Roxb. ex Hornem., in Thailand. The Thailand Natural History Museum Journal 10: 7-14.

Charbonnier Y. M., Barbaro L., Barnagaud J.-Y., Ampoorter E., Nezan J., Verheyen K., Jactel H. (2016). Bat and bird diversity along independent gradients of latitude and tree composition in European forests. Oecologia 182: 529-537.

Charmantier A. (2016). Evolution des traits d'histoire de vie. In: Biologie évolutive. 2e éd. (Thomas F., Lefèvre T. & Raymond M., Eds.), De Boeck Supérieur, Louvain-la-Neuve, pp. 373-422.

Charmantier A., Doutrelant C., Dubuc-Messier G., Fargevieille A., Szulkin M. (2016). Mediterranean blue tits as a case study of local adaptation. Evolutionary Applications 9: 135-152.

Charpentier M., Odonne G., Schaal B. (2016). Scents in the social life of non-human and human primates. In: Chemical ecology (Bagnères A.-G. & Hossaert-McKey M., Eds.), ISTE and John Wiley, London and Hoboken, pp. 47-70.

Charpentier M. J. E., Williams C. V., Drea C. M. (2016). Correction to: Inbreeding depression in ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta): genetic diversity predicts parasitism, immunocompetence, and survivorship (Conserv. Genet., 2008, Vol. 9, pp. 1605-1615). Conservation Genetics 17: 751.

Chatelain M., Frantz A., Gasparini J., Leclaire S. (2016). Experimental exposure to trace metals affects plumage bacterial community in the feral pigeon. Journal of Avian Biology 47: 521-529.

Chazot N., Willmott K., Condamine F. L., De-Silva D. L., Freitas A. V. L., Lamas M. G., Morlon H., Joron M., Jiggins C., Uribe S., Mallet J., Giraldo-Sánchez C. E., Elias M. (2016). Into the Andes: multiple independent colonizations drive montane diversity in the Neotropical clearwing butterflies Godyridina. Molecular Ecology 25: 5765-5784.

Chevin L.-M. (2016). Species selection and random drift in macroevolution. Evolution 70: 513-525.

Chipeaux A., Pinault M., Pascal N., Pioch S. (2016). Analyse comparée à l'échelle mondiale des techniques d'ingénierie écologiques adaptées a la restauration des récifs coralliens. Revue d'Ecologie (La Terre et la Vie) 71: 99-110.

Chollet S., Padié S., Stockton S., Allombert S., Gaston A. J., Martin J.-L. (2016). Positive plant and bird diversity response to experimental deer population reduction after decades of uncontrolled browsing. Diversity and Distributions 22: 274-287.

Chouteau M., Arias M., Joron M. (2016). Warning signals are under positive frequency-dependent selection in nature. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 113: 2164-2169.

Chuenwarin P., Kongsawadworakul P., Chrestin H., Narangajavana J., Viboonjun U. (2016). Differential expression of mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase gene correlates with latex yield and tapping in rubber tree. Taiwania 61: 295-304.

Chuine I., Bonhomme M., Legave J.-M., García de Cortazar-Atauri I., Charrier G., Lacointe A., Améglio T. (2016). Can phenological models predict tree phenology accurately in the future? The unrevealed hurdle of endodormancy break. Global Change Biology 22: 3444-3460.

Chuvieco E., Yue C., Heil A., Mouillot F., Alonso-Canas I., Padilla M., Pereira J. M., Oom D., Tansey K. (2016). A new global burned area product for climate assessment of fire impacts. Global Ecology and Biogeography 25: 619-629.

Clucas G. V., Younger J. L., Kao D. M., Rogers A. D., Handley J., Miller G. D., Jouventin P., Nolan P., Gharbi K., Miller K. J., Hart T. (2016). Dispersal in the sub-Antarctic: king penguins show remarkably little population genetic differentiation across their range. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16: 211, doi: 10.1186/s12862-016-0784-z.

Comptour M., Caillon S., McKey D. (2016). Pond fishing in the Congolese cuvette: a story of fishermen, animals and water spirits. Revue d’Ethnoécologie 10: 2795, doi:10.4000/ethnoecologie.2795.

Conklin J. R., Lok T., Melville D. S., Riegen A. C., Schuckard R., Piersma T., Battley P. F. (2016). Declining adult survival of New Zealand Bar-tailed Godwits during 2005-2012 despite apparent population stability. Emu 116: 147-157.

Cortesero A.-M., Proffit M., Duplais C., Viard F. (2016). Chemical ecology: an integrative and experimental science. In: Chemical ecology (Bagnères A.-G. & Hossaert-McKey M., Eds.), ISTE and John Wiley, London and Hoboken, pp. 23-46.

Coulis M., Hättenschwiler S., Coq S., David J.-F. (2016). Leaf litter consumption by macroarthropods and burial of their faeces enhance decomposition in a mediterranean ecosystem. Ecosystems 19: 1104-1115.

Courbin N., Loveridge A. J., Macdonald D. W., Fritz H., Valeix M., Makuwe E. T., Chamaillé-Jammes S. (2016). Reactive responses of zebras to lion encounters shape their predator-prey space game at large scale. Oikos 125: 829-838.

Courty P.-E., Munoz F., Selosse M.-A., Duchemin M., Criquet S., Ziarelli F., Buée M., Plassard C., Taudière A., Garbaye J., Richard F. (2016). Into the functional ecology of ectomycorrhizal communities: environmental filtering of enzymatic activities. Journal of Ecology 104: 1585-1598.

Cunha L., Brown G. G., Stanton D. W. G., Da Silva E., Hansel F. A., Jorge G., McKey D., Vidal-Torrado P., Macedo R. S., Velasquez E., James S. W., Lavelle P., Kille P., Terra Preta Indio Network (2016). Soil animals and pedogenesis: the role of earthworms in anthropogenic soils. Soil Science 181: 110-125.

Cunningham G. B., Leclaire S., Toscani C., Bonadonna F. (2016). Responses of King penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) adults and chicks to two food-related odours. Integrative and Comparative Biology 56, Suppl. 1 (SICB 2016 Annual Meeting Abstracts): E46.

Da Silva E., Nahmani J., Lapied E., Alphonse V., Garnier-Zarli E., Bousserrhine N. (2016). Toxicity of mercury to the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus in a tropical soil of French Guiana. Applied Soil Ecology 104: 79-84.

Dalongeville A., Andrello M., Mouillot D., Albouy C., Manel S. (2016). Ecological traits shape genetic diversity patterns across the Mediterranean Sea: a quantitative review on fishes. Journal of Biogeography 43: 845-857.

Davey J. W., Chouteau M., Barker S. L., Maroja L., Baxter S. W., Simpson F., Joron M., Mallet J., Dasmahapatra K. K., Jiggins C. (2016). Major improvements to the Heliconius melpomene genome assembly used to confirm 10 chromosome fusion events in 6 million years of butterfly evolution. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 6: 695-708.

David P., Parmentier M.-L. (2016). Evolution et développement. In: Biologie évolutive. 2e éd. (Thomas F., Lefèvre T. & Raymond M., Eds.), De Boeck Supérieur, Louvain-la-Neuve, pp. 423-450.

De Wandeler H., Sousa-Silva R., Ampoorter E., Bruelheide H., Carnol M., Dawud S. M., Danila G., Finer L., Hättenschwiler S., Hermy M., Jaroszewicz B., Joly F.-X., Müller S., Pollastrini M., Ratcliffe S., Raulund-Rasmussen K., Selvi F., Valladares F., Van Meerbeek K., Verheyen K., Vesterdal L., Muys B. (2016). Drivers of earthworm incidence and abundance across European forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 99: 167-178.

Decaëns T., Porco D., James S. W., Brown G. G., Chassany V., Dubs F., Dupont L., Lapied E., Rougerie R., Rossi J.-P., Roy V. (2016). DNA barcoding reveals diversity patterns of earthworm communities in remote tropical forests of French Guiana. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 92: 171-183.

Defossez E., Courbaud B., Lasbouygues O., Schiffers K., Kunstler G. (2016). Are variations of direct and indirect plant interactions along a climatic gradient dependent on species' strategies? An experiment on tree seedlings. Oikos 125: 708-717.

Defrenet E., Roupsard O., Van den Meersche K., Charbonnier F., Pérez-Molina J. P., Khac E., Prieto I., Stokes A., Roumet C., Rapidel B., Virginio E. D. V., Vargas V. J., Robelo D., Barquero A., Jourdan C. (2016). Root biomass, turnover and net primary productivity of a coffee agroforestry system in Costa Rica: effects of soil depth, shade trees, distance to row and coffee age. Annals of Botany 118: 833-851.

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