Publications 2007
- Publication : 20 juin 2011
Liste mise à jour le 8 mars 2024 (224 réf.)
Alvarez N., Hossaert-McKey M., Restoux G., Delgado-Salinas A., Benrey B. (2007). Anthropogenic effects on population genetics of phytophagous insects associated with domesticated plants. Evolution 61: 2986-2996.
Andrieu E., Debussche M. (2007). Diaspore removal and potential dispersers of the rare and protected Paeonia officinalis L. (Paeoniaceae) in a changing landscape. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 154: 13-25.
Andrieu E., Debussche M., Galloni M., Thompson J. D. (2007). The interplay of pollination, costs of reproduction and plant size in maternal fertility limitation in perennial Paeonia officinalis. Oecologia 152: 515-524.
Andrieu E., Debussche M., Thompson J. D. (2007). Size-dependent reproduction and gender modification in the hermaphroditic perennial plant Paeonia officinalis. International Journal of Plant Sciences 168: 435-441.
Andrieu E., Thompson J. D., Debussche M. (2007). The impact of forest spread on a marginal population of a protected peony (Paeonia officinalis L.): the importance of conserving the habitat mosaic. Biodiversity and Conservation 16: 643-658.
Archaux F. (2007). Are mountains refuges for farmland bird species? A case study in the northern French Alps. Bird Study 54: 73-79.
Aronson J. (2007). [Book review]: Riparia: ecology, conservation and management of streamside communities. Edited by Robert J. Naiman, Henri Décamps and Michael M. McClain, Elsevier Academic Press, 2005, 448 p. Natures Sciences Sociétés 15: 441-442.
Aronson J., Milton S. J., Blignaut J. N., Eds. (2007). Restoring natural capital: science, business, and practice. Island Press, Washington, D.C., 384 p.
Aronson J., Milton S. J., Blignaut J. N. (2007). Restoring natural capital: definitions and rationale. In: Restoring natural capital: science, business and practice (Aronson J., Milton S. J. & Blignaut J. N., Eds.), Island Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 3-8.
Aronson J., Renison D., Rangel-Ch. J. O., Levy-Tacher S., Ovalle C., Del Pozo A. (2007). Restauración del Capital Natural: sin reservas no hay bienes y servicios. Ecosistemas 16: 15-24.
Atkinson P., Choquet R., Frederiksen M., Gillings S., Pradel R., Rehfisch M. (2007). Towards developing thresholds for waterbirds that take into account turnover. British Trust for Ornithology (BTO Research Report n° 463), Norfolk, Thetford, 30 p.
Aubin T., Mathevon N., Staszewski V., Boulinier T. (2007). Acoustic communication in the Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla: potential cues for sexual and individual signatures in long calls. Polar Biology 30: 1027-1033.
Balkiz Ö., Özesmi U., Pradel R., Germain C., Siki M., Amat J. A., Rendón-Martos M., Baccetti N., Béchet A. (2007). Range of the Greater Flamingo, Phoenicopterus roseus, metapopulation in the Mediterranean: new insights from Turkey. Journal of Ornithology 148: 347-355.
Barnaud A., Deu M., Garine E., McKey D., Joly H. I. (2007). Local genetic diversity of sorghum in a village in northern Cameroon: structure and dynamics of landraces. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 114: 237-248.
Barnaud G., Mathevet R., Sourribès V.-C. (2007). Des recherches en appui aux nouveaux enjeux et aux politiques territoriales. Zones Humides Infos 56-57: 11-12.
Benhamou S. (2007). How many animals really do the Lévy walk? Ecology 88: 1962-1969.
Bertolero A., Cheylan M., Nougarède J.-P. (2007). Accroissement de la fécondité chez la tortue d'Hermann Testudo hermanni hermanni en condition insulaire : un contre-exemple du syndrome insulaire ? Revue d'Ecologie (La Terre et la Vie) 62: 93-98.
Besnard A., Piry S., Berthier K., Lebreton J.-D., Streiff R. (2007). Modeling survival and mark loss in molting animals: recaptures, dead recoveries, and exuvia recoveries. Ecology 88: 289-295.
Bierne N., Tanguy A., Faure M., Faure B., David E., Boutet I., Boon E., Quere N., Plouviez S., Kemppainen P., Jollivet D., Moraga D., Boudry P., David P. (2007). Mark-recapture cloning: a straightforward and cost-effective cloning method for population genetics of single-copy nuclear DNA sequences in diploids. Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 562-566.
Blignaut J. N., Aronson J., Desai N., Woodworth P., Archer S., Clewell A. (2007). Restoring natural capital: a reflection on ethics. In: Restoring natural capital: science, business and practice (Aronson J., Milton S. J. & Blignaut J. N., Eds.), Island Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 9-16.
Blondel J. (2007). Conclusion. In: Ecologie et évolution des systèmes parasités (Thomas F., Guégan J.-F. & Renaud F., Eds.), De Boeck, Bruxelles, pp. 405-410.
Blondel J. (2007). Landscape ecology in the Mediterranean: inside and outside approaches. Compte-rendu de colloque (Faro, 29 mars-2 avril 2005). Natures Sciences Sociétés 15: 193-194.
Blondel J. (2007). La biodiversité : le point de vue d'un scientifique. In: La biodiversité à travers des exemples (Conseil scientifique du patrimoine naturel et de la biodiversité (CSPNB), Ed.), France. Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement et de l'Aménagement Durables, Paris, pp. 4-5.
Blondel J. (2007). La biodiversité animale sur le mont Ventoux. Forêt Méditerranéenne 28: 359-368.
Blondel J. (2007). Coping with habitat heterogeneity: the story of Mediterranean blue tits. Journal of Ornithology 148 (Suppl. 1): 3-15.
Blondel J. (2007). In memoriam: René de Naurois, 1906-2006. The Auk 124: 723-723.
Blondel J., Haurez J. (2007). Les oiseaux. Les Alpes de Lumière N° 155/156 "Le Mont Ventoux, encyclopédie d'une montagne provençale": 92-95.
Blouin M., Barot S., Roumet C. (2007). A quick method to determine root biomass distribution in diameter classes. Plant and Soil 290: 371-381.
Bonadonna F., Miguel E., Grosbois V., Jouventin P., Bessière J.-M. (2007). Individual odor recognition in birds: an endogenous olfactory signature on Petrels' feathers? Journal of Chemical Ecology 33: 1819-1829.
Bono J. M., Blatrix R., Antolin M. F., Herbers J. M. (2007). Pirate ants (Polyergus breviceps) and sympatric hosts (Formica occulta and Formica sp. cf. argentea): host specificity and coevolutionary dynamics. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 565-572.
Bourdeix R., Baudouin L. (2007). L'étonnante diversité du cocotier est menacée : préserver et valoriser cette richesse. In: Palmier à huile, cocotier, CIRAD, Montpellier, pp. 1-2.
Bourgault P., Thomas D. W., Blondel J., Perret P., Lambrechts M. M. (2007). Between-population differences in egg composition in Blue Tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 85: 71-80.
Bried J., Nicolaus M., Jarne P., Dubois M.-P., Jouventin P. (2007). Population biology of the wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) in the Crozet and Kerguelen archipelagos, southern Indian Ocean, approached through genetic and demographic methods. Journal of Zoology 272: 20-29.
Brown W. S., Kéry M., Hines J. E. (2007). Survival of timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus Horridus) estimated by capture-recapture models in relation to age, sex, color morph, time, and birthplace. Copeia 3: 656-671.
Caillon S. (2007). Arbre d'antan, arbre "des blancs" : la valeur sociale des cocotiers et de leur espace à Vanua Lava (Vanuatu). Geographie et Cultures 63: 87-104.
Caño L., Escarré J., Sans F. X. (2007). Factors affecting the invasion of Senecio inaequidens and S. pterophorus in Mediterranean plant communities. Journal of Vegetation Science 18: 279-286.
Caro S. P., Lambrechts M. M., Balthazart J., Perret P. (2007). Non-photoperiodic factors and timing of breeding in blue tits: impact of environmental and social influences in semi-natural conditions. Behavioural Processes 75: 1-7.
Charmantier A., Keyser A. J., Promislow D. E. L. (2007). First evidence for heritable variation in cooperative breeding behaviour. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences 274: 1757-1761.
Charpentier M., Peignot P., Hossaert-McKey M., Wickings E. J. (2007). Kin discrimination in juvenile mandrills, Mandrillus sphinx. Animal Behaviour 73: 37-45.
Charpentier M. J. E., Widdig A., Alberts S. C. (2007). Inbreeding depression in non-human primates: a historical review of methods used and empirical data. American Journal of Primatology 69: 1370-1386.
Cheptou P.-O. (2007). Why should mating system biologists be demographers? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22: 562-563.
Cheptou P.-O., Schoen D. J. (2007). Combining population genetics and demographical approaches in evolutionary studies of plant mating systems. Oikos 116: 271-279.
Cizel O., Mathevet R. (2007). Natura 2000 et les zones humides. Zones Humides Infos 56-57: 9-11.
Cleland E. E., Chuine I., Menzel A., Mooney H. A., Schwartz M. D. (2007). Changing plant phenology in response to global change. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22: 357-365.
Clewell A. F., Aronson J. (2007). Ecological restoration: principles, values, and structure of an emerging profession. Island Press, Washington, D.C., 216 p.
Coreau A., Martin J.-L. (2007). Multi-scale study of bird species distribution and of their response to vegetation change: a Mediterranean example. Landscape Ecology 22: 747-764.
Cortez J., Garnier E., Pérez-Harguindeguy N., Debussche M., Gillon D. (2007). Plant traits, litter quality and decomposition in a Mediterranean old-field succession. Plant and Soil 296: 19-34.
Coulombel A., Lumaret J.-P. (2007). Les bousiers. Alter Agri 85: 7-8.
Covas R., McGregor P. K., Doutrelant C. (2007). Cooperation and communication networks. Behavioural Processes 76: 149-151.
Crochet P.-A. (2007). Nomenclature of European Plethodontid salamanders: Speleomantes Dubois, 1984 has precedence over Atylodes Gistel, 1868. Amphibia-Reptilia 28: 170-172.
Dalecky A., Debout G., Estoup A., McKey D., Kjellberg F. (2007). Changes in mating system and social structure of the ant Petalomyrmex phylax are associated with range expansion in Cameroon. Evolution 61: 579-595.
Dalecky A., Renucci M., Tirard A., Debout G., Roux M., Kjellberg F., Provost E. (2007). Changes in composition of cuticular biochemicals of the facultatively polygynous ant Petalomyrmex phylax during range expansion in Cameroon with respect to social, spatial and genetic variation. Molecular Ecology 16: 3778-3791.
David P., Heeb P. (2007). Parasites et sélection naturelle. In: Ecologie et évolution des systèmes parasités (Thomas F., Guégan J.-F. & Renaud F., Eds.), De Boeck Université, Paris, pp. 57-92.
David P., Pujol B., Viard F., Castella V., Goudet J. (2007). Reliable selfing rate estimates from imperfect population genetic data. Molecular Ecology 16: 2474-2487.
de Dinechin M., Pincemy G., Jouventin P. (2007). A northern rockhopper penguin unveils dispersion pathways in the Southern Ocean. Polar Biology 31: 113-115.
Debain S., Chadoeuf J., Kunstler G., Lepart J. (2007). Comparing effective dispersal in expanding population of Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra in calcareous grassland. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 705-718.
Debout G., Schatz B., Elias M., McKey D. (2007). Polydomy in ants: what we know, what we think we know, and what remains to be done. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 90: 319-348.
Delph L. F., Touzet P., Bailey M. F. (2007). Merging theory and mechanism in studies of gynodioecy. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 22: 17-24.
Diallo B. O., Joly H. I., McKey D., Hossaert-McKey M., Chevallier M.-H. (2007). Genetic diversity of Tamarindus indica populations: any clues on the origin from its current distribution? African Journal of Biotechnology 6: 853-860.
Díaz S., Lavorel S., McIntyre S., Falczuk V., Casanoves F., Milchunas D. G., Skarpe C., Rusch G., Sternberg M., Noy-Meir I., Landsberg J., Zhang W., Clark H., Campbell B. D. (2007). Plant trait responses to grazing: a global synthesis. Global Change Biology 13: 313-341.
Dobson F. S. (2007). A lifestyle view of life-history evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 104: 17565-17566.
Dobson F. S., Jouventin P. (2007). How slow breeding can be selected in seabirds: testing Lack's hypothesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences 274: 275-279.
Dormont L., Rapior S., McKey D., Lumaret J.-P. (2007). Influence of dung volatiles on the process of resource selection by coprophagous beetles. Chemoecology 17: 23-30.
Dounias E. (2007). De sacrés cochons ! Ou pourquoi les Punan courent-ils après les sangliers migrateurs de Bornéo ? = Damned pigs! Why do the Punan persist running after the migrating wild boars of Borneo? In: Le symbolisme des animaux : l'animal, clef de voûte de la relation entre l'homme et la nature ? = Animal symbolism: animals, keystone in the relationship between Man and Nature? (Dounias E., Motte-Florac E. & Dunham M., Eds.), IRD Editions (Colloques et Séminaires), Paris, pp. 1068-1096.
Dounias E. (2007). Tigres et dragons. Les animaux symbolisant la foret de Bornéo à travers des dessins d'enfants Punan = Tigers and dragons. Animals symbolizing the Borneo forest through drawings by Tubu Punan children. In: Le symbolisme des animaux : l'animal, clef de voûte de la relation entre l'homme et la nature ? = Animal symbolism: animals, keystone in the relationship between Man and Nature? (Dounias E., Motte-Florac E. & Dunham M., Eds.), IRD Editions (Colloques et Séminaires), Paris, pp. 351-393.
Dounias E. (2007). [Book review]: Tropical forests: regional paths of destruction and regeneration in the late twenthieth century. By Thomas K. Rudel, Columbia University Press, New York, 2005, 247 p. Conservation and Society 5: 277-279.
Dounias E., Mesnil M. (2007). De l'animal "clef de voûte" à l'animal "de civilisation" = From 'keystone' animal to animal 'of civilisation'. In: Le symbolisme des animaux : l'animal, clef de voûte de la relation entre l'homme et la nature ? = Animal symbolism: animals, keystone in the relationship between Man and Nature? (Dounias E., Motte-Florac E. & Dunham M., Eds.), IRD Editions (Colloques et Séminaires), Paris, pp. 75-97.
Dounias E., Motte-Florac E. (2007). Avant-propos = Foreword. In: Le symbolisme des animaux : l'animal, clef de voûte de la relation entre l'homme et la nature ? = Animal symbolism: animals, keystone in the relationship between Man and Nature? (Dounias E., Motte-Florac E. & Dunham M., Eds.), IRD (Colloques et Séminaires), Paris, pp. 19-33.
Dounias E., Motte-Florac E. (2007). Présentation V : Visions du monde et gestion de la nature = Introduction V: Visions of the world and nature management. In: Le symbolisme des animaux : l'animal, clef de voûte de la relation entre l'homme et la nature ? = Animal symbolism: animals, keystone in the relationship between Man and Nature? (Dounias E., Motte-Florac E. & Dunham M., Eds.), IRD Editions (Colloques et Séminaires), Paris, pp. 951-960.
Dounias E., Motte-Florac E., Dunham M., Eds. (2007). Le symbolisme des animaux : l'animal, clef de voûte de la relation entre l'homme et la nature ? = Animal symbolism: animals, keystone in the relationship between Man and Nature? IRD (Colloques et séminaires), Paris, 1287 p.
Dounias E., Selzner A., Kishi M., Kurniawan I., Siregar R. (2007). Back to the trees? Diet and health as indicators of adaptive responses to environmental change: the case of the Punan Tubu in the Malinau Research Forest. In: Managing forest resources in a decentralized environment: lessons learnt from the Malinau Research Forest, East Kalimantan Indonesia (Gunarso P., Setyawati T., Sunderland T. & Shackleton C., Eds.), Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, pp. 157-180.
Doutrelant C., Covas R. (2007). Helping has signalling characteristics in a cooperatively breeding bird. Animal Behaviour 74: 739-747.
Dubois M.-P., Dornier A., Jarne P., Cheptou P.-O. (2007). Nine polymorphic microsatellite markers in Crepis sancta (Asteraceae). Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 681-683.
Dupont L., Viard F., David P., Bishop J. D. D. (2007). Combined effects of bottlenecks and selfing in populations of Corella eumyota, a recently introduced sea squirt in the English Channel. Diversity and Distributions 13: 808-817.
Duputié A., David P., Debain C., McKey D. (2007). Natural hybridization between a clonally propagated crop, cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and a wild relative in French Guiana. Molecular Ecology 16: 3025-3038.
Duvallet G. (2007). Entomologistes médicaux : une espèce en voie d'extinction. La Lettre de l'Infectiologue 22: 89-90.
Duvallet G., Dsouli N. (2007). Mouches piqueuses et tabanides. In: Epidémiologie des maladies parasitaires : arthropodes et affections qu'ils provoquent ou qu'ils transmettent : tome 4 (Ripert C., Ed.), Editions Médicales Internationales, Cachan, pp. 223-231.
Duyck P.-F., David P., Quilici S. (2007). Can more K-selected species be better invaders? A case study of fruit flies in La Reunion. Diversity and Distributions 13: 535-543.
Elias M., Lenoir H., McKey D. (2007). Propagule quantity and quality in traditional Makushi farming of cassava (Manihot esculenta): a case study for understanding domestication and evolution of vegetatively propagated crops. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54: 99-115.
Escobar J. S., Epinat G., Sarda V., David P. (2007). No correlation between inbreeding depression and delayed selfing in the freshwater snail Physa acuta. Evolution 61: 2655-2670.
Francia C., Fons F., Poucheret P., Rapior S. (2007). Activités biologiques des champignons : utilisations en médecine traditionnelle. Annales de la Société d'Horticulture et d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Hérault 147: 77-88.
Garcia-Serrano H., Sans F. X., Escarré J. (2007). Interspecific competition between alien and native congeneric species. Acta Oecologica 31: 69-78.
Garnier E. (2007). Comprendre pourquoi une plante domine l'autre. La Recherche 408: 16-17.
Garnier E., Lavorel S., Ansquer P., Castro H., Cruz P., Dolezal J., Eriksson O., Fortunel C., Freitas H., Golodets C., Grigulis K., Jouany C., Kazakou E., Kigel J., Kleyer M., Lehsten V., Lepš J., Meier T., Pakeman R., Papadimitriou M., Papanastasis V. P., Quested H., Quétier F., Robson M., Roumet C., Rusch G., Skarpe C., Sternberg M., Theau J.-P., Thébault A., Vile D., Zarovali M. P. (2007). Assessing the effects of land-use change on plant traits, communities and ecosystem functioning in grasslands: a standardized methodology and lessons from an application to 11 European sites. Annals of Botany 99: 967-985.
Gasparini J., Boulinier T., Gill V. A., Gil D., Hatch S. A., Roulin A. (2007). Food availability affects the maternal transfer of androgens and antibodies into eggs of a colonial seabird. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20: 874-880.
Gauthier G., Besbeas P., Lebreton J.-D., Morgan B. J. T. (2007). Population growth in snow geese: a modeling approach integrating demographic and survey information. Ecology 88: 1420-1429.
Gay L., Neubauer G., Zagalska-Neubauer M., Debain C., Pons J.-M., David P., Crochet P.-A. (2007). Molecular and morphological patterns of introgression between two large white-headed gull species in a zone of recent secondary contact. Molecular Ecology 16: 3215-3227.
Geniez P., Cluchier A., Sá-Sousa P., Guillaume C.-P., Crochet P.-A. (2007). Systematics of the Podarcis hispanicus-complex (Sauria, Lacertidae) I: redefinition, morphology and distribution of the nominotypical taxon. Herpetological Journal 17: 69-80.
Geniez P., Hollingworth T., Varenne T. (2007). Observations de trois espèces de Lépidoptères nouvelles ou rarement signalées de France continentale (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae & Gelechiidae). RARE : Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie 16: 73-75.
Ghaioule D., Lumaret J.-P., Rochat D., Maatouf N., Niogret J. (2007). Evaluation des dégâts par les vers blancs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) dans les parcelles de régénération du chêne-liège (Quercus suber L.) en forêt de la Mamora (Maroc) et recherche de médiateurs chimiques pour une lutte biologique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (N.S.) 43: 1-8.
Gilles J., David J.-F., Duvallet G., De La Rocque S., Tillard E. (2007). Efficiency of traps for Stomoxys calcitrans and Stomoxys niger niger on Reunion Island. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 21: 65-69.
Gilles J., Litrico I., Tillard E., Duvallet G. (2007). Genetic structure and gene flow along an altitudinal gradient among two Stomoxyine species (Diptera: Muscidae) on La Réunion Island. Journal of Medical Entomology 44: 433-439.
Gimenez O., Rossi V., Choquet R., Dehais C., Doris B., Varella H., Vila J.-P., Pradel R. (2007). State-space modelling of data on marked individuals. Ecological Modelling 206: 431-438.
Girard C., Dagorn L., Taquet M., Aumeeruddy R., Peignon C., Benhamou S. (2007). Homing abilities of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) displaced from fish aggregating devices (FADs) determined using ultrasonic telemetry. Aquatic Living Resources 20: 313-321.
Granier A., Reichstein M., Bréda N., Janssens I. A., Falge E., Ciais P., Grünwald T., Aubinet M., Berbigier P., Bernhofer C., Buchmann N., Facini O., Grassi G., Heinesch B., Ilvesniemi H., Keronen P., Knohl A., Köstner B., Lagergren F., Lindroth A., Longdoz B., Loustau D., Mateus J., Montagnani L., Nys C., Moors E., Papale D., Peiffer M., Pilegaard K., Pita G., Pumpanen J., Rambal S., Rebmann C., Rodrigues A., Seufert G., Tenhunen J. D., Vesala T., Wang Q. (2007). Evidence for soil water control on carbon and water dynamics in European forests during the extremely dry year: 2003. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 143: 123-145.
Grégoire A., Cherry M. I. (2007). Nesting success and within-season breeding dispersal in the Orange-breasted Sunbird Anthobaphes violacea. Ostrich 78: 633-636.
Grégoire A., McFarlane M. L., Faivre B., Evans M. R., Cherry M. I. (2007). Patterns of morphological variation in two sexually dimorphic bird species with different tail shapes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 437-443.
Gross N., Suding K. N., Lavorel S., Roumet C. (2007). Complementarity as a mechanism of coexistence between functional groups of grasses. Journal of Ecology 95: 1296-1305.
Guillemain M., Devineau O., Lebreton J.-D., Mondain-Monval J.-Y., Johnson A. R., Simon G. (2007). Lead shot and teal (Anas crecca) in the Camargue, Southern France: effects of embedded and ingested pellets on survival. Biological Conservation 137: 567-576.
Guinot P., Benonge I., Nicolet G., Gargadennec A., Andary C., Rapior S. (2007). Combined dyeing and antioxidative properties of some plant by-products. Acta Botanica Gallica 154: 43-52.
Gunarso P., Dwi Santosa K., Shackleton C., Sunderland T., Campbell B., Priyadi H., Levang P., Dounias E. (2007). Towards sustainable management of tropical forests: lessons and conclusions. In: Managing forest resources in a decentralized environment: lessons learnt from the Malinau research forest, East Kalimantan Indonesia (Gunarso P., Setyawati T., Sunderland T. & Shackleton C., Eds.), Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, pp. 181-190.
Hanafi A., Jauffret S. (2007). Utilisation des données spatiales pour le suivi de la dynamique des écosystèmes dans le milieu aride Tunisien : cas de la région de Menzel Habib entre 1975 et 2000. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection 187-188: 6-15.
Hénaux V., Bregnballe T., Lebreton J.-D. (2007). Dispersal and recruitment during population growth in a colonial bird, the great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis. Journal of Avian Biology 38: 44-57.
Henry P.-Y., Jarne P. (2007). Marking hard-shelled gastropods: tag loss, impact on life-history traits, and perspectives in biology. Invertebrate Biology 126: 138-153.
Hummel I., Vile D., Violle C., Devaux J., Ricci B., Blanchard A., Garnier E., Roumet C. (2007). Relating root structure and anatomy to whole-plant functioning in 14 herbaceous Mediterranean species. New Phytologist 173: 313-321.
Husté A., Boulinier T. (2007). Determinants of local extinction and turnover rates in urban bird communities. Ecological Applications 17: 168-180.
Jacobs S. M., Bechtold J. S., Biggs H. C., Grimm N. B., Lorentz S., McClain M. E., Naiman R. J., Perakis S. S., Pinay G., Scholes M. C. (2007). Nutrient vectors and riparian processing: a review with special reference to African semiarid savanna ecosystems. Ecosystems 10: 1231-1249.
Jacquet K., Prodon R. (2007). Résilience comparée des peuplements de Chêne vert et de Chêne-liège après incendie. Revue Forestière Française 59: 31-44.
Joffre R., Rambal S., Damesin C. (2007). Functional attributes in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. In: Functional plant ecology, 2nd ed. (Pugnaire F. I. & Valladares F., Eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 285-312.
Johnsen A., Fidler A. E., Kuhn S., Carter K. L., Hoffmann A., Barr I. R., Biard C., Charmantier A., Eens M., Korsten P., Siitari H., Tomiuk J., Kempenaers B. (2007). Avian Clock gene polymorphism: evidence for a latitudinal cline in allele frequencies. Molecular Ecology 16: 4867-4880.
Jouventin P., Charmantier A., Dubois M.-P., Jarne P., Bried J. (2007). Extra-pair paternity in the strongly monogamous Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans has no apparent benefits for females. Ibis 149: 67-78.
Jouventin P., McGraw K. J., Morel M., Célérier A. (2007). Dietary carotenoid supplementation affects orange beak but not foot coloration in Gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua. Waterbirds 30: 573-578.
Jouventin P., Mouret V., Bonadonna F. (2007). Wilson's storm petrels Oceanites oceanicus recognise the olfactory signature of their mate. Ethology 113: 1228-1232.
Kaboli M., Aliabadian M., Guillaumet A., Roselaar C. S., Prodon R. (2007). Ecomorphology of the wheatears (genus Oenanthe). Ibis 149: 792-805.
Kaboli M., Aliabadian M., Prodon R. (2007). Niche segregation, behavioural differences, and relation to morphology in two Iranian syntopic wheatears: the Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe libanotica and Mourning Wheatear O. lugens persica. Vie et Milieu 57: 137-148.
Kazakou E., Garnier E., Gimenez O. (2007). Contribution of leaf life span and nutrient resorption to mean residence time: elasticity analysis. Ecology 88: 1857-1863.
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