• Victor CAZALIS


    Université de Montpellier

    Thèse soutenue le 09/11/2020

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    Etage 3, aile C, bureau 306

    Project: How much difference are Protected Areas making to the conservation of biodiversity?

    Supervisor: Ana RODRIGUES

    My PhD aims to understand the effectiveness of protected areas in conserving biodiversity, using bird monitoring datasets. Comparing spatially biodiversity inside and outside protected areas, I wish to understand which biodiversity metrics (abundance, richness, specialisation, rarity index, endemism...) are affected by the presence of protected areas across the globe and how.


    *** This page has not been updated since November 2020.

    Please visit my personal webpage instead: https://victorcazalis.github.io ***


  • Yohan SASSI

    Postdoctorant / Postdoctoral researcherYohan Sassi
    Université de Montpellier
    CEFE, 3ème étage, bureau 306

    I am currently in postdoc (Labex CEMEB grant) using radar data to describe cooperative foraging strategy in griffon vultures and how this strategy is modulated by the food (i.e. carcasses) predictability.

    My PhD combined theoretical and applied research questions. For the first I was focusing on the influence of sociality on individual movement decisions and collective foraging strategies of griffon vultures. For the latter, I investigated whether those birds showed avoidance behaviour of wind turbines. To do so I relied on two type of technology: radar and GPS telemetry. PhD supervisors: Olivier Duriez et Yann Tremblay (Marbec).