• Marie-Jeanne Holveck


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    Personnal website:



    I study how variation in signal production and perception influences (i) the evolution of signals in multiple sensory modalities (acoustic, visual and chemical domains) and (ii) the adaptation (through phenotypic plasticity and/or genetic variability) to different environments, a topic for which there is nowadays a growing interest in the new field of sensory ecology, notably to understand how species cope with their rapidly changing environment due to anthropogenic activities.


  • Marie-Morgane ROUYER

    PhD Candidate – Marine ecology and conservation MarieMorganeROUYER

    I am a PhD candidate, working at the interface between movement ecology and marine conservation. My PhD project aims to deliver science-based, conservation-oriented evidence to inform the conservation of highly mobile seabirds in the Atlantic. It is a partnership between the CEFE, the University of Lisbon, BirdLife International and the UN Evironment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC).

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  • Martha MAC CALL

    Photo MMC

    Ingénieure d'études - Projet BIRDMOVE

    1919, Route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier cedex 5

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    Le projet BIRDMOVE porte sur l'évaluation des déplacements de populations d'oiseaux marins induits par les parcs éoliens en mer sur les façades Manche et Atlantique. Ce projet s'inscrit dans le cadre des travaux du GT ECUME piloté par le ministère de la transition écologique.

    En tant qu'ingénieure d'études du projet, je travaille entre autres sur le développement d'un modèle d'évaluation des effets "déplacement" (perte d'habitat fonctionnel) et "barrière" (création d'obstacles au mouvement) des parcs éoliens en mer sur les populations d'oiseaux marins.



  • Marwan NACIRI

    PhD candidate – Université de Montpellier

    Marwan svalbard


    I’m a PhD student interested in evolutionary demography and population dynamics of wild populations. I’m currently working on the demography of Svalbard polar bears. I’m relying on 30+ years of data including mark-recapture data, tracking data, and more. I’m mainly using linear models, mark-recapture models and path analysis models in a Bayesian framework to study the determinants of reproductive output, trade-offs between traits, and such.

    Sarah Cubaynes (EPHE, CEFE-CNRS), Jon Aars (Norwegian Polar Institute)


    Contact information

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    Orcid: 0000-0003-1489-9363
    GitHub: MarwanNaciri

  • Mathieu JORON

    Directeur de Recherche / Senior scientist

    I study the evolution of adaptive diversity, using colour patterns in butterflies as a model. In my group, we integrate many different approaches, including ecology, genetics, and modelling, to try and untangle how multiple factors influence the evolution and maintenance of diversity and polymorphisms.

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  • Mellina SIDOUS


     Doctorante - CEFE/ Univ. Franche-Comté


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    I am a PhD candidate studying scavenger communities and their responses to anthropic pressures. To do so I focus on different levels of organisation. More precisely, I study how climate change modified the repartition of the living prey and feeding events of a facultative scavenger, spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta); how increased abundance of elephant carrion may have impacted predator prey coupling of the population dynamics of the spotted hyaena and its usual linving preys ; and how land-use and forest loss impact the structure of scavenger communities and scavenging process.

  • Nadia FAURE

    Photo Nadia small

    Doctorant EPHE - PSL / Beauval Nature

    Étage 1 - Aile C - Bureau 114

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    Google Scholar – ResearchGate – ORCID

    Supervisor : Stéphanie Manel (CEFE, EPHE - PSL)

    Thesis project: Genetic diversity and conservation of threatened marine species: exploring innovative solutions

     The main objectives of this thesis are: (1) to develop genomic tools adapted to the monitoring of threatened populations and (2) to improve existing genetic diversity indicators in order to provide relevant and accessible information to conservation stakeholders. This second point will seek to valorise the intra-specific genetic component, which is still neglected when assessing the status of IUCN species and guiding conservation decisions. These approaches will be applied specifically to two marine species on the IUCN Red List in the Mediterranean: the angelshark (Squatina squatina) and the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Genomic analysis of angelshark populations will be based on tissue samples from individuals caught accidentally by fishers, given the difficulty of sampling genetic material from this rare shark. For bottlenose dolphin populations, we will develop an eDNA capture-hybridization method to generate Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) genomic data from eDNA sampled behind dolphin pods by seawater filtration. This latest approach, still at the proof-of-concept stage, will allow us to examine the performance of this non-invasive technique for obtaining intra-specific genetic information. It could replace traditional sampling methods that require tissue collection from living organisms, which runs counter to efforts to conserve imperiled species.


    Faure, N., Manel, S., Macé, B., Arnal, V., Guellati, N., Holon, F., Barroil, A., Pichot, F., Riutort, J-J., Insacco, G., Zava, B., Mouillot, D., Deter, J. (2023). An environmental DNA assay for the detection of Critically Endangered angel sharks (Squatina spp.). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 33(10), 1088-1097. https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3954

    Mathon, L., Marques, V., Manel, S., Albouy, C., Andrello, M., Boulanger, E.,... Faure, N., … & Mouillot, D. (2023). The distribution of coastal fish eDNA sequences in the Anthropocene. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32(8), 1336-1352. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13698

  • Nicolas Courbin

    NCourbinChercheur postdoctoral / Postdoctoral researcher

    J'étudie les mécanismes de la répartition spatiale des grands herbivores, des grands carnivores et des oiseaux marins dans le but d'approfondir nos connaissances sur les interactions prédateur-proies (jeu spatial prédateur-proie, stratégie d'alimentation, stratégie de recherche des prédateurs, stratégie anti-prédatrice des proies) et d'améliorer les mesures de gestion et de conservation de la faune.

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  • Nicolas LESCUREUX

    LESCUREUX CEFE2Chargé de recherche au CNRS

    Département Dynamique et Conservation de la Biodiversité
    Equipe Interactions Humains Animaux

    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5

    Tél. : +33/0 4 67 61 32 87
    Fax : +33/0 4 67 61 33 36

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    D'abord formé à la biologie et à l'écologie, je me suis ensuite tourné vers l'ethnologie dont j'ai adopté et adapté les méthodes afin de mieux comprendre les relations entre humains et animaux, notamment à travers l'étude des savoirs écologiques et éthologiques des populations locales.

    J'essaye ainsi de comprendre comment ces savoirs se construisent en interaction avec des animaux dont l'écologie et le comportement sont par ailleurs influencés par les pratiques humaines. Jusqu'à présent je me suis principalement intéressé aux relations entre humains et grands prédateurs (ours, loups, lynx) en me focalisant sur les savoirs, les perceptions et les pratiques des chasseurs, des éleveurs et des bergers.

    J'ai également étudié le rôle du chien dans les relations entre humains et loups, ce qui me pousse à poursuivre l'investigation du rôle d'animaux que je qualifie d'"intermédiaires" dans les relations entre humains et grands prédateurs. L'écologie et le comportement d'autres espèces domestiques comme sauvages semblent en effet pouvoir influencer les relations que l'homme entretient avec les grands prédateurs au travers de réseaux de relations qu'il est nécessaire d'appréhender dans toute leur complexité et de manière dynamique.

    C'est pourquoi je m'intéresse particulièrement aux pays dits en transition (Kirghizstan, République de Macédoine, Bulgarie, Pologne) ainsi qu'aux changements de paysage en Europe. Les relations entre loups, chiens et élevage me poussent également à m'intéresser au temps long en remontant jusqu'à la période de domestication du chien.

    D'un point de vue plus théorique, mes recherches peuvent alimenter différents débats en anthropologie de la nature et questionner la séparation entre humains et animaux, entre nature et culture, et entre sauvage et domestique. Elles peuvent également aider à construire un point de vue critique sur des mouvements contemporains comme les mouvements de conservation, de réensauvagement, de libération animale, etc.

    Mots clefs : ethno-écologie ; relations homme-animal ; savoirs locaux ; savoirs scientifiques ; pastoralisme ; élevage ; domestication ; chasse ; prédateurs ; ours ; loup ; lynx ; chien ; Kirghizstan ; Macédoine ; Pologne ; Bulgarie ; pays en transition ; paysage

    After a university education in biology and ecology and a master training in environment, I made a PhD in Ethnoecology. I adopted an interdisciplinary approach based on ethnological methods to better understand human – animal relationships through an epistemological approach of local ecological knowledge and scientific knowledge. I try to grasp the way these knowledge are built in interactions with animal populations as well as the way human practices are influencing animal behaviour and ecology.

    I notably studied relationships between humans and large carnivores (wolves, bears, lynx, and jaguars), focusing on livestock herders and hunters’ knowledge, perceptions and practices associated with these animals. This drove me to be interested in the role of what can be qualified as “intermediate animals” between humans and large carnivores.

    Indeed the behaviour of dogs, game animals and livestock appears to have an impact on the relationships between humans and large carnivores through complex networks of relationships that need to be apprehended in their complexity and in a dynamic way. That’s the reason why I am notably interested in countries in transition such as countries from the former USSR or former Yugoslavia, as well as regions undergoing landscape changes like mountainous regions from Western Europe.

    The relationships between wolves, dogs and livestock also drove me to be interested in human – animal relationships on the long term, going back to domestication of dogs and stock animals.

    On a theoretical point of view, my studies can feed various debates in anthropology of nature and question the separation between humans and animals, between nature and culture and between wild and domestic. They can also help to build a critical point of view on contemporary movements such as various conservation movements, rewilding, animal liberation, etc.

    Keywords : ethnoecology, human-animal relationships, local knowledge, scientific knowledge, pastoralism, livestock herding, domestication, hunting, predators, bears, wolves, lynx, dogs, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Poland, Bulgaria, countries in transition, landscape, wild, domestic, conservation


    Journal articles 

    Bredin, Y. K., N. Lescureux, and J. D. C. Linnell. 2018. Local perceptions of jaguar conservation and environmental justice in Goiás, Matto Grosso and Roraima states (Brazil). Global Ecology and Conservation 13:e00369.

    Piédallu, B., P.-Y. Quenette, C. Mounet, N. Lescureux, M. Borelli-Massines, E. Dubarry, J.-J. Camarra, and O. Gimenez. 2016. Spatial variation in public attitudes towards brown bears in the French Pyrenees. Biological Conservation 197:90-97.

    Linnell, J. D. C., P. Kaczensky, U. Wotschikowsky, N. Lescureux, and L. Boitani. 2015. Framing the relationship between people and nature in the context of European conservation. Conservation Biology 29:978-985.

    Lescureux, N. 2014. Livestock Guarding Dogs in Europe: paying attention to the context to deal with complex human – wolf – dog relationships.Carnivore Damage Prevention News 10 : 31-35.

    Lescureux, N., and J. D. C. Linnell.2014. Warring brothers: the complex interactions between wolves (Canis lupus) and dogs (Canis familiaris) in a conservation context.Biological Conservation 171 : 232-245

    Lescureux, N., and J. D. C. Linnell.2013. The effect of rapid social changes during post-communist transition on perceptions of the human - wolf relationships in Macedonia and Kyrgyzstan. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 3: 4 (20 pages).

    Savalois, N., N. Lescureux, and F. Brunois. 2013. Teaching the Dog and Learning from the Dog: Interactivity in Herding Dog Training and Use. Anthrozoös 26: 77-91.

    Lescureux, N., J. D. C. Linnell, D. Melovski, A. Stojanov, G. Ivanov, and V. Avukatov. 2011. The King of the Forest. Local knowledge about European brown bears (Ursus arctos) and implications for its conservation in contemporary Western Macedonia. Conservation and Society 9: 189-201.

    Lescureux, N., J. D. C. Linnell, D. Melovski, A. Stojanov, G. Ivanov, V. Avukatov, M. Von Arx, and U. Breitenmoser.2011. Fear of the unknown: local knowledge and perceptions of the lynx in contemporary western Macedonia relevant for their conservation.Oryx 45: 600-607.

    Lescureux, N., and J. D. C. Linnell. 2010. Les montagnes sont-elles les derniers refuges des grands prédateurs? Histoire des Alpes 15: 195-210.

    Lescureux, N., and J. D. C. Linnell. 2010. Knowledge and Perceptions of Macedonian Hunters and Herders: The Influence of Species Specific Ecology of Bears, Wolves, and Lynx. Human Ecology 38: 389-399.

    Lescureux, N. 2006. Towards the necessity of a new interactive approach integrating ethnology, ecology and ethology in the study of the relationship between Kirghiz stockbreeders and wolves. Social Science Information 45: 463-478.

    Book chapters

    Sabinot, C., and N. Lescureux. 2019. Local Ecological Knowledge and the Viability of the Relationships with the Environment. Pages 211-222 in O. Barriere, M. Behnassi, G. David, V. Douzal, M. Fargette, T. Libourel, M. Loireau, L. Pascal, C. Prost, V. Ravena-Cañete, F. Seyler, and S. Morand, editors. Coviability of Social and Ecological Systems: Reconnecting Mankind to the Biosphere in an Era of Global Change. Vol.1 : The Foundations of a New Paradigm. Springer, Heldelberg, Germany.

    Lescureux, N. 2018. Beyond wild and domestic. Human complex relationships with dogs, wolves, and wolf-dog hybrids. Pages 83-98 in C. Stepanoff and J.-D. Vigne, editors. Hybrid Communities. Biosocial Approaches to Domestication and Other Trans-species Relationships. Routledge, London.

    Lescureux, N., L. Garde, and M. Meuret. 2018. Considering wolves as active agents in understanding stakeholders perceptions and developing management strategies. Pages 147-167 in T. Hovardas, editor. Large Carnivore Conservation and Management. Human Dimensions. Routledge: London.

    Lescureux, N., and J. D. C. Linnell. 2017. Savoirs éco-éthologiques et perception des ours bruns (Ursus arctos) par les chasseurs et éleveurs des montagnes de Sharr (République de Macédoine). Pages 235-268 in K. Hoffmann-Schickel, P. Le Roux, and É. Navet, editors. Sous la peau de l'ours. L’humanité et les ursidés : approche interdisciplinaire. Connaissances & Savoirs, Paris.

    Linnell, J. D. C., N. Lescureux, and P. Kaczensky. 2016. Human Dimensions of Wild Equid Management: Exploring the Meanings of "Wild". Pages 121-132 in J. I. Ransom & P. Kaczensky. Wild Equids. Ecology, Management, and Conservation. Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore.

    Butler, J. R. A., J. D. C. Linnell, D. Morrant, V. Athreya, N. Lescureux, and A. McKeown. 2014. Dog eat dog, cat eat dog: social-ecological dimensions of dog predation by wild carnivores. Pages 117-143 in M. E. Gompper, editor. Free-Ranging Dogs and Wildlife Conservation. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

    Lescureux, N. 2010. Approche ethno-éthologique des relations entre les hommes et les loups. In: Moriceau J.M. & Madeline P. Repenser le sauvage grâce au retour du loup. Les sciences humaines interpellées. pp. 111-125. Presses Universitaires de Caen.


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    Réseaux de recherche :

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    Doctorantephoto cefe noa Université de Montpellier

    I am a PhD candidate, working in movement ecology, landscape ecology and animal behavior. My PhD project aims to understand the effects of agricultural practices and landscapes on the behavior of local wildlife, using roe deer as an example species in the South West of France.

    Bureau 306 3ème étage

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  • Oksana GRENTE


    Post-doctorante – CNRS & OFB


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    @oksanagrente (twitter)


    My profile lies at the interface between scientific research and management in the field of ecology. My subjects of study mainly concern ecology of large predators (wolf, jaguar, lynx) but also of fauna linked to agriculture landscapes (Eurasian hamster, bee). The tools I use are derived from biostatistics and mainly from modelling: point process methods, individual-based modelling, spatial capture-recapture, occupancy, kernel density estimation.

  • Olivier DURIEZ

    olivier duriez 2017Maitre de conférences à Université de Montpellier

    J’étudie les mécanismes comportementaux liés au mouvement, gouvernant l'utilisation de l’habitat et leurs conséquences sur la dynamique des populations chez les oiseaux. J’utilise une approche intégrative de la biologie de la conservation, à l’interface avec l’écologie comportementale, physiologie et écologie des populations.

    I study behavioural mechanisms related to movement, driving habitat use and their consequences on population dynamics in birds. I am using an integrative approach of conservation biology, at the interface with behavioural ecology, physiology and population ecology

    tél : 33 (0)4 67 61 33 02
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  • Olivier GIMENEZ


    CNRS senior scientist (directeur de recherche CNRS)

    Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, UMR 5175
    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier cedex 5

    Tel. : +33 (0) 4 67 61 32 64
    Fax : +33 (0) 4 67 61 33 36

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    Keywords: Biostatistics, Demography, Modelling, Conservation Biology, Human-wildlife interactions
    Website: https://oliviergimenez.github.io/













  • Patrice DAVID

    Directeur de recherche ( DR1) CNRS

    tel : +33 (0)4 67 61 32 28

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    Chercheur en Ecologie Evolutive, j'étudie l'évolution des systèmes de reproduction (sélection sexuelle, hermaphrodisme, autofécondation), et  la dynamique des communautés (bio-invasions, coexistence d'espèces) par des approches expérimentales, moléculaires, de terrain, et théoriques. J'enseigne la Génétique Quantitative à l'Université.


     I am an evolutionary biologist. I study the evolution of mating systems (sexual selection, hermaphroditism, self-fertilization) as well as community eco-evolutionary dynamics (bio-invasions, species coexistence) through experimental, molecular, field, and theoretical approaches. I teach Quantitative Genetics.


  • Pierre JAY-ROBERT

    caricature 3Professeur (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3)

    animateur de l'équipe ESA

    33 (0)4 67 14 24 61
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    Je cherche à mieux comprendre l'écologie d'insectes associés au pastoralisme pour pouvoir optimiser les pratiques de gestion (préservation de la biodiversité et des fonctionnalités écologiques, limitation des nuisances). J'étudie, en parallèle, des espèces auxiliaires et nuisantes pour mieux comprendre les relations ambivalentes que l'Homme entretient avec les espèces sauvages au sein des écosystèmes anthropisés. La perception de ces taxons fait partie de mes questions de recherche.

    Je développe enfin des méthodologies pour évaluer l'état de conservation de l'entomofaune, à l'échelle des populations et des peuplements.

    Mots-clés : bousiers, taons, agropastoralisme, région paléarctique, approche multi-taxons & multi-scalaire



  • Roger PRADEL


    Directeur de Recherche au CNRS / Senior Scientist at CNRS

    J'étudie la dynamique des populations sauvages et développe à cette fin des méthodes statistiques.

    I study the dynamics of wild populations and develop appropriate statistical methods.

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  • Roger PRODON

    altDirecteur d'Etude Emerite (EPHE)

    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5

    tél : +33 4 67 61 33 43

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    Thématiques : Incendies ou brûlages,  dynamique du paysage, et faune : écologie des perturbations et conservation.


  • Rumsais BLATRIX

    Chargé de recherche au CNRS


    Mon activité de recherche porte sur les aspects écologiques et évolutifs des interactions entre espèces. Les deux thèmes principaux que j'étudie sont les interactions entre plantes et insectes (pollinisation, symbioses), et les interactions entre ingénieurs d'écosystèmes dans la structuration du paysage.


    My research activity is focused on the ecological and evolutionary aspects of inter-specific interactions. My two main study topics are plant-insect interactions (pollination, symbiosis), and the role of interactions among ecosystem engineers in landscape patterns.


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  • Samuel CARO

    CNRS ResearcherWhatsApp Image 2022 06 09 at 17.51.51 copy

    Head of the Behavioural Ecology team

    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier cedex 5

    Tél : +33/0 4 67 61 33 08
    Fax : +33/0 4 67 61 33 36
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    Bureau 208


    CNRS Researcher, Team Leader 'Landscape Dynamics and Biodiversity'alt

    Current Research

    I work to reveal how animals perceive and adjust to their environment, and why this matters for populations and ecosystems. My model of choice: large herbivores. Because you can (relatively) easily monitor their behaviour in natura, and they have important ecosystem effects. Some have high societal and economical values, so my research sometimes matter beyond basic science. We (as humans) are making the world's climate different. How this affects organisms in the hottest applied ecological question. I do my share to bring an answer to it

    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5

    tél : +33 (0) 467 61 33 02
    fax: +33 (0) 467 61 33 36

    simon.chamaille -[at]- cefe.cnrs.fr