• Alexandru MILCU

     Chargée de recherche (CR) & Ecotron Director



    CNRS CEFE (Room 216A)
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5
    tel:+33 (0) 618.596.094

           Short Biography


    I am an ecosystem ecologist whose research interest focuses on the consequences of global changes such as biodiversity loss and climate change for the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems.

    • Since 2015 - Researcher CR, CNRS CEFE
    • Since 2018 - Ecotron Director
    • 2016-2018 - Adjunct Director, CNRS, Ecotron
    • 2012-2014 - Research Associate, CNRS Ecotron
    • 2007-2012 - Ecotron Project Leader, Imperial College London (Silwood Park)
    • 2005-2007 - Ecotron Research Officer, Imperial College London (Silwood Park)
    • 2002-2005 - PhD, Technical University of Darmstadt 

          View CV and complete publicaiton list 

          Acess publications at Researchgate 

          Publication metrics on Google Scholar                      

  • Anne Charmantier

    2019 03 23.Arinelle 57 AnnebleueDirectrice de recherche (DR1)

    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5

    E-mail : anne.charmantier[at]cefe.cnrs.fr

    Thèmes de recherche: Evolution et génétique quantitative dans les populations naturelles; sénescence; sélection sexuelle.

  • Bertrand SCHATZ


    B Schatz

    Directeur de recherche au CNRS, CID 52


    Je m’intéresse à l’écologie de la pollinisation, à l’évolution des interactions plantes-insectes et à la conservation de ces communautés. Mes travaux concernent surtout les figuiers en milieu tropical et les orchidées en milieu méditerranéen et ils portent sur la compréhension fondamentale de ces interactions et l’opérationnalité de leur conservation.


    I am interested in pollination ecology, in the evolution of plant-insect interactions and in the conservation of these communities. My studies concern tropical figs and Mediterranean orchids and they are focused on the fundamental understanding of these interactions and using fundamental insights for operational conservation.  


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  • CHUINE Isabelle

    Research Director at CNRScrédit photo: Gonzague Nanda

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    CEFE, 1919 route de Mende
    F-34293 Montpellier cedex 05

    Phone: +33 (0)4 67 61 32 79
    Fax: +33 (0)4 67 61 33 36



    My research focuses on the developmental cycle and the ecological niche of extra-tropical forest trees, both of which are currently challenged by climate change. Identifying the key traits that allow a particular species adapting to its environment and the identifying the constraints on their genetic evolution are the key motivating forces behind my research, which lies at the interface between functional ecology and evolutionary ecology.

    I have initiated pioneering work on process-based species distribution models for plants, which I use to study the evolvability of the ecological niche of tree species. My work is deeply concerned by climate change and the models I develop are also used to provide accurate forecast of trees’ distribution for the upcoming centuries.

    I am using a combination of modelling (PMP, PHENOFIT), experimental work in both field and controlled conditions, as well as long term monitoring of natural populations to feed my research. I have also founded a national research group on phenology whose main achievements are an open database, a national observatory and the Citizen Science program Observatoire Des Saisons.

    Research interests

    Adaptation – Citizen Science – Climate change – Process-based modeling – Phenology – Species distribution

  • Cyrille VIOLLE

    altDirecteur de recherche CNRS

    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5

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    A l’interface entre écologie fonctionnelle et écologie des communautés, je cherche à comprendre les causes de variation de la biodiversité, aussi bien à l’échelle locale que continentale, et l’effet de changements de la biodiversité sur la dynamique et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes.

  • Edmond DOUNIAS

    edmond dounias

    Directeur de recherche à l'IRD

    Logo ird new

    Résilience des peuples forestiers tropicaux aux changements planétaires, en considérant leurs systèmes alimentaires comme des révélateurs des stratégies adaptatives autochtones.


    Resilience of tropical rainforest dwellers to global change, by considering their food systems as key revealers of indigenous adaptive strategies.


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  • Elena KAZAKOU

    Professeure Institut Agro Montpellier12509183 10153915175929224 2075459128754908783 n

    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5

    tél :  +33 4 67 61 33 34
    fax :  +33 4 67 61 33 36
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  • Eric GARNIER

    altDirecteur de Recherche (CNRS)

    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier Cedex 5

    tél : +33 4 67 61 32 42
    fax : +33 4 67 61 33 36

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    Thèmes de recherche

    Mes travaux portent sur la caractérisation de la diversité fonctionnelle des végétaux, abordée essentiellement par l’étude de leurs traits fonctionnels.




    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier cedex 5

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    My Postdoctoral project (@ Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil) combines Macroecology and Conservation by focusing on the spatial (and temporal) patterns of abundance of vertebrates, especially of Neotropical amphibians and reptiles.

    My other parallel research interests include (but are not limited to):

    • understanding which traits make species more susceptible to extinction;
    • understanding the drivers of misdirected amplexus of amphibians;
    • testing the phylogenetic components of species ecology on their current and past distributions;
    • documenting natural history of reptiles and amphibians

    Keywords: Abundance - Biogeography - Conservation - Macroecology - Population trends - Vertebrates 

  • GAVINET Jordane


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    +33 (4) 67 61 33 50
    Thèmes de recherche

    Je m'intéresse au fonctionnement et à la dynamique des écosystèmes forestiers, en cherchant à comprendre en particulier comment les interactions biotiques intra et interspécifiques influencent leur réponse à la sécheresse.

    Dans mon postodoctorat au sein de FORECAST, je travaille sur une expérimentation croisée de réduction des précipitations et d’éclaircie sur un taillis de chêne vert Méditerranéen suivie depuis 15 ans (http://puechabon.cefe.cnrs.fr/). J’analyse comment la compétition intraspécifique influence la productivité et l’utilisation d’eau du peuplement, la croissance et la mortalité des arbres ainsi que leur fonctionnement écophysiologique en réponse à la sécheresse.

    Mes travaux précédents ont porté sur la phase de régénération en forêt méditerranéenne. J’ai étudié comment les interactions avec la végétation environnante – arbres adultes, strate arbustive ou herbacée – influencent le succès d’installation de plantules à travers des mécanismes de compétition pour les ressources, de facilitation ou d’allélopathie.

    Ma recherche a des applications en termes de gestion pour l'adaptation des forêts au changement climatique, qui repose en grande partie sur le contrôle des interactions intra ou interspécifiques.


    Research interest

    In am interested in understanding how biotic interactions influence forest functioning and dynamics, in particular in response to drought.

    My current postdoctoral work relies on a long-term rainfall exclusion experiment combined with thinning on a Mediterranean holm oak stand (http://puechabon.cefe.cnrs.fr/). This experiment allow me to investigate how increased drought and intraspecific competition affect stand-level productivity, water use and their response to annual drought. I also study how these factors modify tree-level growth and mortality risk, trying to disentangle the influence of tree size and neighbour competition. Finally, I seek to understand the underlying ecophysiological mechanisms.

    My previous work focused on the seedling establishment phase in Mediterranean forests. I investigated how interactions with neighbouring overstory and understory species may affect seedling establishment success through resource competition, facilitation or allelopathic processes.

    My research has an important applied component as forest management mainly relies on controlling intra or interspecific interactions through thinning, vegetation control or species selection.





  • Jean-Michel BELLANGER



    Chargé de recherche à l’INSERM

    Ma principale activité de recherche porte sur l’évolution et la diversité taxinomique des macromycètes, que j’aborde via l’analyse phylogénétique d’échantillons issus d’un large réseau de mycologues européens partenaires. Je constitue aussi une extractothèque fongique destinée à mettre en évidence et valoriser le potentiel bioactif de ces organismes dans le domaine de la santé humaine.

    My research is mainly focused on the evolution and the taxonomic diversity of higher fungi. I am adressing this issue through the phylogenetic analysis of samples originating from a broad network of European partner mycologists. I am also assembling a fungal extract library, aiming at revealing and promoting the bioactivities of these organisms in the field of human health.


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  • Jean-Pierre LUMARET (Émérite)

    altDocteur ès Sciences, Professeur émérite


    Tél :  +33 (0)4 67 14 23 16
    Fax : +33 (0)4 67 14 24 59

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    Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, Bâtiment Jean-Henri Fabre, route de Mende, 34199 Montpellier cedex 5


    Areas of Expertise:

    - Ecology and biogeography of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae & Geotrupidae) in Mediterranean, tropical and mountain ecosystems. Structure of assemblages, effect of landscape structure on the spatial distribution of Mediterranean dung beetle diversity. Studies on the degradation of animal dung under various anthropogenic constraints.
    - Non-target effects to dung-dwelling insects of faecal residues in dung of cattle treated with endectocides. Development and standardization of test methods to evaluate the effects of veterinary medical products. Ecotoxicology. Conservation measures.
    - Forest management and control of white grubs (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) in Morocco

    Current Projects:

    - Participation in the development of The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (Mediterranean dung beetles).
    - Non-target effects of parasiticides in cattle dung
    - Biology and ecology of dung-breeding beetles (Scarabaeidae)


  • Jean-Yves BARNAGAUD

    CEFE- RDC, Aile B, bureau 3


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    My research is framed around a comparative exploration of the role of multiple environmental drivers in shaping species distributions and diversity at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Most of my research is structured on the combined use of ecoinformatics methods (statistical analysis of large data sets) and naturalist expertise to understand empirical patterns of community composition in space and time. My main active axes of research include :  

    - functional biogeography of seabirds in the Southern ocean. I try to explain and predict the composition of seabird assemblages with spatial models calibrated with environmental factors, trophic interactions and species traits. The project relies on a large-scale bird counts protocol from ships and statistical model of multiple data types. See the C-BIRDS project and thesis.

    -  understanding spatial patterns of vertebrates distributions and assemblage compositions. Relying on various opportunistic or protocoled data sources at multiple spatial scales, I investigate the determinants of spatial patterns in vertebrate distributions and assemblage composition through spatial models based on proxies of historical and contemporary processes. See for instance he MALPOLONdatabase.

    - Ecoacoustics and community ecology. Several active projects focus on the relationship between bird community composition and the characteristics of soundscapes at multiple spatial and temporal scales, in order to explore the acoustic environment in which species interact and its changes with current land-use and climatic dynamics. See the ACOUCENEproject (2022 - 2025, FRB/CESAB)


    Most of my interactions with biodiversity stakeholders are focused on data analysis to answer questions relative to the monitoring of human impacts on biodiversity at a regional or landscape scale.

    - Ecological data analysis. I am involved in initiatives to foster interactions between scientific and non scientific stakeholders with respect to data-based ecological monitoring and expertise. See the website of the CISSTATnetwork. 

    - Analysis of land use influences on common bird assemblages in southern France. I investigate the impact of land use and habitats on the temporal dynamics of local bird assemblages with opportunistic and protocoled data (collaborations with the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux - PACA). 

    - Wildlife road casualties. I work with the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux and the CEREMA to explain and predict spatial patterns in road casualites. We exploit jointly multiple sources of protocoled, non-protocoled and citizen science data to identify mortality hotspots and explanatory factors, with the final aim to inform public policies on the mitigation of traffic impact on vertebrates. See the final report of the COCPITT project (2020-2023).

     - Interacting imprints of climate change and land use on biodiversity. Using multiple taxa and scales, I investigate how species' responses to historical and present land use change interact with their responses to climate change. See the LANDBIO project (2022 - 2023, OFB - french ministry of ecology)



    Most of my teaching activity is embedded within the program of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes.

    - Data analysis for ecologist : a three-weeks course dedicated to biodiversity stakeholders, framed on the practical use of statistical methods and the R software in ecological monitoring. 

    - Environmental law and policy : I drive a one-week course to introduce environmental public policies to scientific ecologists, involving speakers from various authorities and decision levels and practical training to improve students' written and verbal interactions with non-scientific stakeholders.

    - Methods for ecological monitoring : a two-weeks course with Aurélien Besnard, mainly dedicated to master students and biodiversity stakeholders, to improve their skills and critical thinking in advanced numerical methods for ecology, including species distribution modeling, population dynamics, sampling design and analysis of diversity indices.

    - Environmental changes and ecological science :I contribute to several courses on global changes and environmental monitoring. My teaching is focused on the interactions between science and society through several lenses including epistemology and governance / spatial planning.


  • Jérôme CORTET

    Jérôme Cortet

    Professeur(Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III)

    Tél : +33 (0) 4 67 14 23 15

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  • JOFFRE Richard

    Directeur de Recherche ( DR1)/Directeur du CEFE

    Mes travaux portent sur la compréhension de la régulation du fonctionnement des écosystèmes terrestres en terme de flux de matière (eau, carbone, nutriments…). Initialement centrées sur les écosystèmes méditerranéens, mes activités ont été élargies à d’autres écosystèmes subissant de très fortes contraintes (les hauts plateaux andins). 

    My research focuses on the understanding of terrestrial ecosystems functioning in terms of fluxes (water, carbon, nutrients...). Initially centered on Mediterranean ecosystems, my research activities have been extended to the Andean highlands).

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    Mots-clés:Ecologie fonctionnelle-  Changements planetaires -   Méditerranée - Andes - Quercus -  Chenopodium quinoa - Spectroscopie proche infrarouge

    Key-words:Functional Ecology - Global Change - Mediterranean Basin - Andes -Quercus - Chenopodium quinoa - NIRS


  • Johanne NAHMANI

    Chargée de recherche (CR1) 


    Responsable de l’équipe BIOFLUX

    Campus du CNRS

    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5
    tel:+33 (0)4 67 61 32 43
    fax:+33 (0)4 67 41 33 36

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    Mots clés : 

    Macroinvertébrés du sol, Diversité, Rôle fonctionnel (Structuration des sols, Décomposition des litières), Perturbations anthropiques et changements globaux, Traits biologiques, écologiques et fonctionnels

  • LECONTE Anjélica


    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5



    Sujet : Identification de la kairomone attractive pour la guêpe de l’amande Eurytoma amygdali en vue de la mise au point du biocontrôle par piégeage massif.


    Encadrement :

    Directeur : Philippe Lucas (iEES Paris - équipe NEO)
    Co-directeur :Michael Staudt (CEFE - CNRS - équipe FORECAST)

    Financements : thèse CIFRE - Compagnie des amandes


    Résumé :

    Eurytoma amygdali Enderlein est un hymenoptère ravageur de l’amandier. La biologie de cet insecte est bien décrite. Il présente une seule génération annuelle. Les femelles pondent leurs œufs dans les jeunes amandes au printemps et la larve se développe dans le fruit qui reste accroché à l’arbre jusqu’au printemps suivant. L’émergence des adultes s’étale sur une période de 3-4 semaines en moyenne. Les femelles pondent 60 à 120 œufs, qu’elles soient accouplées ou non. Les femelles vierges engendrent des mâles alors que les femelles accouplées donnent des femelles. Pendant la ponte, la femelle dépose une phéromone anti-oviposition qui empêche les autres femelles de pondre dans une amande déjà infectée.

    Les seuls moyens efficaces de lutte contre ce ravageur requièrent l’utilisation d'insecticides. Les recommandations de la réduction de leur utilisation nécessitent la recherche de méthodes alternatives de lutte contre cet insecte ravageur. Il n'existe à ce jour aucune méthode de biocontrôle efficace permettant un développement durable de la culture d'amandes biologiques en France.

    L’objectif de ce projet de thèse est d’exploiter ces résultats en identifiant les kairomones responsables de l’attraction des femelles d’E. amygdali puis en élaborant un mélange attractif qui pourra servir ultérieurement pour un piégeage massif dans les vergers des femelles de ce ravageur.

    Mon travail au CEFE sur la 1ère année de thèse sera de prélever, d'identifier et de quantifier les COV émis par les amandiers par des méthodes de GC-MS, PTR-MS et SPME en conditions contrôlées mais aussi naturelles. A partir de ces résultats, les deux dernières années de thèse auront lieu à l'INRAe Versailles pour identifier les COV détéctés par les femelles E. amygdali par EAG et GC-EAG, puis déterminer quels sont les COV ayant une activité kairomonale pour les femelles par olfactométrie.

    Projet connexe :
    Tout comme la kairomone, l’utilisation de phéromone anti-oviposition présente un fort potentiel pour lutter efficacement contre la guêpe de l’amandier. La caractérisation de cette phéromone pourra faire l'objet d'un sous-projet au sein de ma thèse.

    Youtube : présentation de thèse


  • LIMOUSIN Jean-Marc

    Jean-Marc LIMOUSIN
    Chargé de Recherche CNRS (CR2)
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    +33 (4) 67 61 32 93
    My main resarch interests are:
    The water and carbon fluxes in forest ecosystems facing water limitation
    The physiological responses of trees to water stress
    The mechanisms leading to acclimation or mortality of trees under global-change
    type drought
    JM Limousin photo siteweb
  • Lisa Sandmeyer

    PhD student

    PXL 20240525 162727369.MP

    I am a PhD student in evolutionary ecology using great and blue
    tits to compare coloured signals of forest, urban and corsican
    birds to assess the impacts of urbanisation and climate
    change on these traits and selection associated.

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    Supervisors: Claire Doutrelant (CEFE - CNRS, Montpellier) & Arnaud Grégoire (CEFE - University of Montpellier).
    Project in collaboration with David López Idiáquez.

    Thesis project: Climatic, anthropic and intrinsic determinants of ornaments expression and their association to fitness.


    Urbanisation and climate change are two major factors driving ongoign environmental changes in wirld populations worldwide. Research has revealed plastic and genetic responses to these anthropogenic changes. A shift in environmental conditions are expected to impose novel slective forces that can shape phenotypic variation of populations living in urban environments. Ornaments such as conspicuous colourations play a crucial role shaping interactions between individuals in inter and intra-sexual contexts. Ornamentals surch as feathers, with carotenoid-based (yellow to red), structural (blue) and melanic colours, are expected to be associated with variation in environmental conditions. Phenotypic divergences are known in urban environments, however understanding the underlying mechanisms driving colour variation are not investigated.

    This projects uses a long time dataset from the following of four blue tits populations, three in Corsica and one near Montpellier, and two great tits populations from the city of Montpellier and a nearby forest. Overall it covers 10 to nearly 20 years of colouration data. This dataset results from the work of numerous researchers and students from the CEFE TIT PROJECT.

    This thesis aims to:

    • Unravel the effects of urbanisation and climate change on carotenoid colouration in the great tits, and investigate whether phenotypic divergence has a temporal pattern.
    • Understand which urban characteristic is causing changes in bird colouration using
      1/ common garden experiments to see whether there is plastic or genetic changes.
      2/ metabarcoding data to see what urban and forest birds are eating while they renew their feathers.
    • Investigate selection by survival on coloured ornaments for both blue and great tits and compare it between environments.



    • 2022: Master's degree in evolutionnary ecology, Sorbonne Université, France.
            - 2nd year Master thesis: Sublethal effects of pesticides on passerine's health and behaviour. Under the supervision of Jerome Moreau (CEBC - La Rochelle Université, France).
            - 1st year Master thesis: Adaptive effects of rock pigeon (Columbia livia)beak's morphology on the regulation of feather's ectoparasites. Under the supervision of Julien Gasparini (Sorbonne Université, France).
    • 2019: Bachelor degree in Life Sciences, Sorbonne Université, France.


    Publications: More to come soon

    • Jeantet A.,Sandmeyer L., Campech C., Audebert F., Agostini S., Pellerin A., Gasparini J. 2023. The “parasite detoxification hypothesis” : lead exposure potentially changes the ecological interaction from parasitism to mutualism. Ecotoxicology 32(5):666-673.



    • 2000€ ESEB Hewitt Mobility Award 2024 to visit another laboratory - NTNU, Norway
    • 2000€ SQUID Student Fellowship in 2023 to visit another laboratoty - NTNU, Norway
    • 300£ BOU Member conference attendance grant in 2023



  • Magali PROFFIT


    Chargée de recherche au CNRS


    J'étudie le rôle de la médiation chimique dans le fonctionnement de différents types d´interactions plantes-arthropodes. J'ai pour objectif de caractériser l´impact de l’augmentation de polluants atmosphériques sur la rencontre entre espèces dans les interactions plantes-insectes et donc sur la résilience de ces interactions. J'étudie également les mécanismes évolutifs expliquant la nature des signaux chimiques ainsi que la détection de ces signaux dans les interactions plantes-pollinisateurs.


    I study the role of chemical mediation in the functioning of different types of plant-arthropod interactions. I aim at characterising the impact of increasing concentrations of atmospheric pollutants on the encounter between species in plant-insect interactions and hence on the resilience of these interactions. I also investigate the evolutionary processes explaining the nature of the chemical signals and how they are detected in plant-insect interactions.

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