• Bertrand SCHATZ


    B Schatz

    Directeur de recherche au CNRS, CID 52


    Je m’intéresse à l’écologie de la pollinisation, à l’évolution des interactions plantes-insectes et à la conservation de ces communautés. Mes travaux concernent surtout les figuiers en milieu tropical et les orchidées en milieu méditerranéen et ils portent sur la compréhension fondamentale de ces interactions et l’opérationnalité de leur conservation.


    I am interested in pollination ecology, in the evolution of plant-insect interactions and in the conservation of these communities. My studies concern tropical figs and Mediterranean orchids and they are focused on the fundamental understanding of these interactions and using fundamental insights for operational conservation.  


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  • Cyrille VIOLLE

    altDirecteur de recherche CNRS

    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5

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    A l’interface entre écologie fonctionnelle et écologie des communautés, je cherche à comprendre les causes de variation de la biodiversité, aussi bien à l’échelle locale que continentale, et l’effet de changements de la biodiversité sur la dynamique et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes.

  • Doris Gomez

    CNRS Researcher

    dodoko petitetaille


    CEFE/CNRS,Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende,34293 Montpellier cedex 5

    Phone : +33/0 4 67 61 32 60

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    I study visual communication at various scales: color perception, role of coloration in communication/camouflage, informative content of signals, evolution of signal design at large evolutionary scale. At the frontier between biology and physics, I study complex optical phenomena in birds and butterflies.

  • Doyle McKEY

    Poste actuel
    Professeur à l’Université de Montpellier depuis 1995 (émérite depuis 2017) – Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive (UMR 5175 CEFE), Montpellier, Equipe Interactions et Adaptations Bioculturelles

    Mots Clés
    Pays : Bolivie/Colombie/Congo/Zambie/Thaïlande/Chine
    Mots clés : écologie évolutive, écologie tropicale, écologie historique, domestication, mutualismes, savanes inondables, construction culturelle de niche

    Current position
    Professor at the University of Montpellier since 1995 (emeritus since 2017) – Center for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (CEFE, UMR 5175), Montpellier, Biocultural Interactions and Adaptation team

    Key words
    Countries : Bolivia/Colombia/Congo/Zambia/Thailand/China
    Key words : evolutionary ecology, tropical ecology, historical ecology, domestication, mutualisms, floodplain savannas, cultural niche construction


    Ma définition préférée de l’écologie est celle donnée par l’écologue américain renommé, G. Evelyn Hutchinson, au début de son cours séminaire en écologie à l’Université de Yale : « Aux fins de ce cours, nous pouvons considérer l'écologie comme l'étude de l'univers. » Formé d’abord à l’étude des interactions entre plantes et animaux dans les écosystèmes tropicaux, j’applique maintenant l’écologie évolutive à des systèmes couplés humains/nature. J’étudie comment l’évolution des plantes sous la domestication est façonnée par les pratiques agricoles en interaction avec la sélection naturelle, utilisant le manioc et d’autres plantes propagées par voie clonale comme systèmes modèles. J’étudie aussi les interactions entre humains et écosystèmes, particulièrement dans les savanes tropicales saisonnièrement inondées, comparant des systèmes de subsistance en Afrique (systèmes actuels) et en Amérique du Sud (vestiges de systèmes précolombiens) pour étudier des convergences dans la construction culturelle de la niche. Ces études comparatives enrichissent réciproquement l’archéologie et l’ethnoécologie.

    Mes intérêts variés et ma volonté de traverser les frontières disciplinaires pour trouver des réponses à des questions aux multiples facettes m'ont amené à collaborer avec des spécialistes dans de nombreux domaines différents, notamment la phytochimie, la génétique, la géographie, l'agronomie, les sciences du sol, l'ethnobiologie, l'archéologie et l’anthropologie. J'ai publié dans des revues de premier plan dans tous ces domaines. Mon travail a été reconnu par plusieurs prix, dont le Grand Prix Recherche (la plus haute distinction décernée par la Société Française d'Ecologie et d'Evolution), la reconnaissance en tant qu'Ethnobotaniste Distingué par le Royal Botanic Garden (Kew, Royaume-Uni) et un prix Cozzarelli décerné par l’Académie National des Sciences des États-Unis pour un article exceptionnel publié dans la revue PNAS.

    En plus de leur diversité thématique, mes recherches ont également privilégié la diversité géographique à la spécialisation régionale. J'ai mené des recherches dans 15 pays différents en Afrique tropicale, en Asie et en Amérique du Sud et j'ai donné des cours sur le terrain dans six pays supplémentaires. J'utilise cette expérience dans les études comparatives sur le terrain et les synthèses qui ont été parmi mes contributions de recherche les plus importantes.


    My favorite definition of ecology is that given by the distinguished American ecologist G. Evelyn Hutchinson at the beginning of his ecology seminar course at Yale : « For the purposes of this course, we may consider ecology to be the study of the universe. » Trained in the study of plant/animal interactions in tropical ecosystems, I now apply an evolutionary-ecological approach to coupled human and natural systems. I study how plant evolution under domestication is shaped by human agricultural practices and natural selection, using manioc and other clonally propagated crops as model systems. I also study interactions between humans and ecosystems, particularly in seasonal tropical wetlands, comparing subsistence systems in Africa (present-day) and South America (pre-Columbian vestiges) to study convergent patterns in cultural niche construction. These comparative studies cross-fertilize both archaeology and ethnoecology.

    My broad-ranging interests, and a willingness to cross disciplinary boundaries to seek answers to many-faceted questions, have led me to collaborate with specialists in many different fields, including phytochemistry, genetics, geography, agronomy, soil science, ethnobiology, archaeology and anthropology. I have published in top-tier journals in all these fields. My work has been recognized by several awards, including the Grand Prix Recherche (the highest honor conferred by the French Society for Ecology and Evolution), recognition as Distinguished Ethnobotanist by the Royal Botanic Garden (Kew, UK) and a Cozzarelli Prize awarded by the US National Academy of Sciences for an outstanding paper published in the journal PNAS.

    In addition to its thematic diversity, my research has also favored geographic diversity over regional specialization. I have conducted research in 15 different countries in tropical Africa, Asia and South America and have taught field courses in six additional countries. I use this experience in the comparative field studies and syntheses that have been among my most important research contributions.

    ORCID number : 0000-0002-7271-901X


    Dans un nouveau projet, je reviens à des questions de recherche qui m'ont intriguée durant mon travail de doctorat et qui n'ont toujours pas trouvé de réponses : comment les défenses chimiques contre les herbivores et les pathogènes sont-elles réparties dans les graines des plantes tropicales, et comment les défenses changent-elles au cours de la transition de la graine à la plantule ? Une graine n'est pas une « partie d’une plante » mais une plante embryonnaire dont les différentes parties ont des exigences de défense différentes et des contraintes différentes dans le déploiement des défenses. Cependant, la distribution des défenses dans différentes parties des graines a rarement été étudiée. De plus, la théorie suggère que les défenses mobiles devraient jouer des rôles importants dans la défense des graines, mais celles-ci ont été négligées dans les études comparatives multi-espèces, par rapport aux défenses immobiles telles que les tanins et les défenses mécaniques (fibres, etc.), car leur diversité entre les espèces fait que ces études comparatives sont difficiles. Enfin, la façon dont les défenses chimiques changent au cours de l'ontogenèse végétale est une frontière active dans la recherche sur l'écologie évolutive de la défense des plantes, mais une transition ontogénétique cruciale, celle de la graine à la plantule, a été peu étudiée. Grâce à une bourse Talent de l'Académie des sciences de la Chine, j'étudierai ces questions en collaboration avec un chimiste (Gregory Genta-Jouve, Univ. Paris Descartes) et avec des collègues du Jardin botanique tropical de Xishuangbanna (Yunnan, Chine), où les installations (serre et laboratoire) permettront d'étudier un grand nombre d'espèces.

    Auparavant, j'ai étudié les interactions interspécifiques dans les écosystèmes tropicaux, à la fois antagonistes (défenses chimiques des plantes, interactions des plantes avec les herbivores mammifères et insectes, théorie de la défense optimale, écologie chimique) et mutualistes (la pollinisation et la dispersion et des graines par les animaux, mutualismes symbiotiques plantes / fourmis), utilisant mes systèmes d'étude pour étudier un large éventail de questions générales en écologie et évolution. Le travail de mon équipe sur les mutualismes symbiotiques entre plantes et fourmis a développé une perspective comparative sur l'écologie évolutive de ces mutualismes, et nos revues à ce sujet (Davidson & McKey, 1993, Journal of Hymenoptera Research; Heil & McKey 2003 ; Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics; Blatrix et al. 2014, New Phytologist) sont les articles de synthèse les plus cités dans le domaine. Bien qu'une grande partie de mon travail actuel se concentre sur les interactions entre les humains et les environnements qu'ils occupent, je continue d'être fermement ancré dans l'écologie évolutive fondamentale de pointe, une source importante de nouvelles idées à appliquer pour étudier les interactions entre les humains, d'autres organismes et les environnements qu'ils partagent.

    Mon travail sur la domestication des plantes, axé sur les plantes domestiquées à propagation clonale, a inclus l'écologie, la biologie évolutive (génétique, phylogéographie, phylogénie), l'anthropologie et l'agronomie. Le travail de mon équipe sur l'écologie évolutive de la domestication du manioc a transformé notre vision de l'évolution sous domestication dans les cultures à propagation clonale, montrant comment les pratiques agricoles des agriculteurs qui ont domestiqué ces cultures conduisent à des systèmes reproducteurs mixtes clonaux / sexués dont la dynamique est beaucoup plus complexe qu’a été pensé auparavant (McKey et al. 2010, New Phytologist).

    Dans nos travaux sur l'écologie culturelle des plaines inondables des savanes tropicales, dans le passé et le présent, je collabore avec des archéologues, des archéobotanistes, des géographes, des pédologues, des écologues et des spécialistes de la télédétection. Ces études ont montré comment les humains et les animaux ingénieurs du sol co-construisent des paysages (McKey et al. 2010, PNAS) et comment les comparaisons intercontinentales révèlent à la fois la convergence et la singularité dans la construction de niches culturelles (McKey et al.2016, PNAS ; Blatrix et al. 2018 , Scientific Reports). Ces travaux jettent un nouvel éclairage sur l'écologie historique de l'Amazonie, sur l'agriculture actuelle des zones humides en Afrique et sur l'écologie dans les environnements des plaines inondables tropicales. Nous étudions actuellement la diversité des systèmes agricoles des prairies dans les régions tropicales actuelles de l'Ancien Monde pour comprendre comment l'agriculture sur champs surélevés –et d'autres types possibles d'agriculture—dans les savanes néotropicales peut avoir fonctionné à l’époque précolombienne.



    In a new project, I am returning to research questions that intrigued me during my PhD work and that still have not found answers: How are chemical defenses against herbivores and pathogens distributed in the seeds of tropical plants, and how do defenses change in the transition from seed to seedling? A seed is not a ‘plant part’ but an embryonic plant whose different parts have different defense requirements and different constraints in deploying defences. However, distribution of defences in different parts of seeds has rarely been studied. Furthermore, theory suggests that mobile defenses should play important roles in seed defense, but these have been neglected in multi-species comparative studies, compared to immobile defences such as tannins and mechanical defences (fiber,..), because their diversity among species makes such comparative studies difficult. Finally, how chemical defenses change over plant ontogeny is an active frontier in research on the evolutionary ecology of plant defense, but a crucial ontogenetic transition, that from seed to seedling, has been little studied. With a Talent grant from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I will study these questions in collaboration with a chemist (Gregory Genta-Jouve, Univ. Paris Descartes) and with colleagues at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (Yunnan, China), where greenhouse and laboratory facilities will allow study of a large number of species.

    Previously, I have studied interspecies interactions in tropical ecosystems, both antagonistic (plant chemical defenses, interactions of plants with mammalian and insect herbivores, optimal defense theory, chemical ecology) and mutualistic (seed dispersal and pollination by animals, symbiotic ant/plant mutualisms), using my study systems to investigate a wide range of general questions in ecology and evolution. The work of my team on symbiotic ant-plant mutualisms has developed a comparative perspective on the evolutionary ecology of these mutualisms, and our reviews of this subject (Davidson & McKey, 1993, Journal of Hymenoptera Research; Heil & McKey 2003, Annual Revew of Ecology, Evolution and Systematic ; Blatrix et al. 2014, New Phytologist) are the most widely cited review articles in the field. Although much of my current work is focused on interactions between humans and the environments they occupy, I continue to be firmly grounded in state-of-the-art fundamental evolutionary ecology, an important source of new insights to apply in studying the interactions among humans, other organisms and the environments they share.

    My work on plant domestication, focusing on clonally propagated domesticated plants, has included ecology, evolutionary biology (genetics, phylogeography, phylogeny), anthropology and agronomy. My team’s work on the evolutionary ecology of domestication of manioc has transformed our views of evolution under domestication in clonally propagated crops, showing how agricultural practices of the farmers who domesticated these crops leads to mixed clonal/sexual reproductive systems whose dynamics are much more complex than was previously thought (McKey et al. 2010, New Phytologist).

    In our work on the cultural ecology of tropical savanna floodplains, past and present, I collaborate with archaeologists, archaeobotanists, geographers, soil scientists, ecologists and specialists in remote sensing. These studies have shown how humans and soil engineer animals co-construct landscapes (McKey et al. 2010, PNAS) and how intercontinental comparisons reveal both convergence and singularity in cultural niche construction (McKey et al. 2016, PNAS ; Blatrix et al. 2018, Scientific Reports). This work is shedding new light on the historical ecology of Amazonia, on present-day wetland agriculture in Africa, and on ecology in floodplain savanna environments throughout the tropics. We are currently studying the diversity of grassland-farming systems in the present-day Old-World tropics to understand how raised-field agriculture in Neotropical floodplain savannas—and possible other kinds of agriculture in upland savannas of South America—may have functioned in pre-Columbian times.



    1. Publications in international peer-reviewed journals


    1. MCKEY D. (1974). Adaptive patterns in alkaloid physiology. American Naturalist 108: 305-320.
    1. MCKEY D. (1974). Ant-plants: selective eating of an unoccupied Barteria by a Colobus Biotropica 6: 269-270.
    1. STRUHSAKER T. & D. MCKEY. (1975). Two cusimanse mongooses attack a black cobra. Journal of Mammalogy 56: 721-722.
    1. JANZEN D. H.& D. MCKEY. (1975).What the tropical trappers leave behind. Biotropica 7: 7.
    1. JANZEN D. H. & D. MCKEY. (1977). Musanga cecropioides is a Cecropia without its ants. Biotropica 9: 57.
    1. MCKEY D., P. G. WATERMAN, C. N. MBI, J. S. GARTLAN, & T. T. STRUHSAKER. (1978). Phenolic content of vegetation in two African rainforests: ecological implications. Science 202: 61-64.
    1. MCKEY D. (1980).The evolution of novel alkaloid types: a mechanism for the rapid phenotypic evolution of plant secondary compounds. American Naturalist 115: 754-759.
    1. GARTLAN J. S., D. B. MCKEY, P. G. WATERMAN, C. N. MBI, & T. T. STRUHSAKER. (1980) A comparative study of the phytochemistry of two African rainforests. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 8: 401-422.
    1. WATERMAN P. G., C. N. MBI, D. MCKEY, & J. S. GARTLAN. (1980). African rainforest vegetation and rumen microbes: phenolic compounds and nutrients as correlates of digestibility. Oecologia 47: 22-33.
    1. MCKEY D., J. S. GARTLAN, P. G. WATERMAN, & G. M. CHOO. (1981). Food selection by black colobus monkeys (Colobus satanas) in relation to plant chemistry. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 16: 115-146.


    1. CHOO G. M., P. G. WATERMAN, D. MCKEY, & J. S. GARTLAN. (1981). A simple enzyme assay for dry matter digestibility and its value in studying food selection by generalist herbivores. Oecologia 49: 170-178.
    1. MCKEY D. & P. G. WATERMAN. (1982). Ranging behaviour of a group of black colobus (Colobus satanas) in the Douala-Edea Reserve, Cameroon. Folia Primatologica 39: 264-304.
    1. DILLON P., S. LOWRIE, & D. MCKEY. (1983). Disarming the "mala mujer": prevention of latex flow by a sphingid larva. Biotropica 15: 112-116.
    1. MCKEY D. (1984). Interaction of the ant-plant Leonardoxa africana (Caesalpiniaceae) with its obligate inhabitants in rainforests in Cameroon. Biotropica 16: 81-99.
    1. WATERMAN, J. ROSS, & D. MCKEY. (1984). Factors affecting levels of some phenolic compounds, digestibility, and nitrogen content of the nature leaves of Barteria fistulosa Passifloraceae). Journal of Chemical Ecology 10: 387-401.
    1. NEWBERY D., J. S. GARTLAN, D. MCKEY, & P. G. WATERMAN. (1986). The influence of drainage and soil phosphorus on the vegetation of Douala-Edea Forest Reserve, Cameroon. Vegetatio 65: 149-162.
    1. MCKEY D. (1988). Cecropia peltata, an introduced neotropical pioneer tree, is replacing Musanga cecropioides in southwestern Cameroon, Biotropica 20: 262-264.
    1. MCKEY D. (1989). Population biology of figs: applications for conservation. Experientia 45: 661-673.


    1. BRONSTEIN J. & D. MCKEY. (1989). The fig/pollinator mutualism: A model system for comparative biology. Experientia 45: 601-604.


    1. BRONSTEIN J. & D. MCKEY (eds.). (1989). The comparative biology of figs. Multi-author review. Experientia 45(7): 601-680.
    1. FREY, T. LATSCHA & D. MCKEY. (1990). Genetic differentiation and speciation in leaf mining flies of the genus Phytomyza. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 57: 191-200.
    1. BAHUCHET S., D. MCKEY, & I. DE GARINE. (1991). Wild yams revisited: Can hunter-gatherers subsist independently of agriculture in tropical rain forest? Human Ecology 19: 213-243.
    1. KAUFMANN S., D. MCKEY, M. HOSSAERT, & C. HORVITZ (1991). Fruits of Ficus microcarpa (Moraceae): Adaptations for a two-phase seed dispersal system involving vertebrates and ants in a hemiepiphytic fig. American Journal of Botany 78: 971-977.
    1. DAVIDSON D. & D. MCKEY. (1993). The evolutionary ecology of symbiotic ant-plant relationships. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 2: 13-83.
    1. DAVIDSON D. & D. MCKEY. (1993). Ant-plant symbioses: Stalking the Chuyachaqui. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 8: 326-332.
    1. PATEL A., M. HOSSAERT-MCKEY, & D. MCKEY. (1993). Ficus-pollinator research in India: Past, present and future. Current Science 65: 243-253.
    1. JARRY M., M. KHALADI, M. HOSSAERT-MCKEY, & D. MCKEY. (1995). Modelling the population dynamics of annual plants with seed bank and density dependent effects. Acta Biotheoretica 43: 53-65.
    1. CHENUIL, A., & D. MCKEY. (1996). Molecular phylogenetic study of a myrmecophyte symbiosis: did Leonardoxa / ant associations diversify via cospeciation? Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 6: 270-286.
    1. ANSTETT, M.C., M. HOSSAERT-MCKEY, & D. MCKEY. (1997). Modeling the persistence of small populations of strongly interdependent species: figs and fig wasps. Conservation Biology 11: 204-213.
    1. GAUME, L., M.C. ANSTETT, & D. MCKEY. (1997). Benefits conferred by "timid" ants: active anti-herbivore protection of the rainforest tree Leonardoxa africana by the minute ant Petalomyrmex phylax. Oecologia 112: 209-216.
    1. BROUAT, C., M. GIBERNAU, L. AMSELLEM, & D. MCKEY. (1998). Corner’s rules revisited : ontogenetic and interspecific patterns in leaf-stem allometry. New Phytologist 139: 459-470.
    1. CEBALLOS, L., M. HOSSAERT-MCKEY, D. MCKEY, & C. ANDARY. (1998). Rapid deployment of allelochemicals in exudates of germinating seeds of Sesbania (Fabaceae) : roles of seed anatomy and histolocalization of polyphenolic compounds in anti-pathogen defense of seedlings. Chemoecology 8: 141-151.
    1. GAUME, L. & D. MCKEY. (1998). Protection against herbivores of the myrmecophyte Leonardoxa africana (Baill.) Aubrèv. T3 by its principal ant inhabitant Aphomomyrmex afer Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris, Sciences de la Vie / Life Sciences 321: 593-601.
    1. GAUME, L., D. MCKEY, & S. TERRIN. (1998). Ant-plant-homopteran mutualism: how the third partner affects the interaction between a plant-specialist ant and its myrmecophyte host. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 265: 569-575.
    1. PATEL, A., & D. MCKEY. (1998). Sexual specialisation in two tropical dioecious figs. Oecologia 115: 391-400.
    1. GAUME, L., & D. MCKEY. (1999). An ant-plant mutualism and its host-specific parasite: activity rhythms, young leaf patrolling, and effects on herbivores of two specialist plant-ants inhabiting the same myrmecophyte. Oikos 84:130-144.
    1. MEUNIER, L., A. DALECKY, C. BERTICAT, L. GAUME, & D. MCKEY. (1999). Worker size variation and the evolution of an ant-plant mutualism : comparative morphometrics of workers of two closely related plant-ants, Petalomyrmex phylax and Aphomomyrmex afer (Formicinae). Insectes Sociaux 46:171-178.
    1. MCKEY, D., L. GAUME, & A. DALECKY. (1999). Les symbioses entre plantes et fourmis arboricoles. Année Biologique 38: 169-194.
    1. GAUME, L., D. MATILE-FERRERO, & D. MCKEY. (2000). Colony foundation and acquisition of coccoid trophobionts by Aphomomyrmex afer (Formicinae) : co-dispersal of queens and phoretic mealybugs in an ant-plant-homopteran mutualism ? Insectes Sociaux 47: 84-91.
    1. PASCAL, L.M., E.F. MOTTE-FLORAC, & D. MCKEY. (2000). Secretory structures on the leaf rachis of Caesalpinieae and Mimosoideae (Leguminosae) : implications for the evolution of nectary glands. American Journal of Botany 87: 327-338.
    1. MCKEY, D. (2000). Leonardoxa africana (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae): a complex of mostly allopatric subspecies. Adansonia 22: 71-109.
    1. ELIAS, M., & D. MCKEY. (2000). The unmanaged reproductive ecology of domesticated plants in traditional agroecosystems: an example involving cassava and a call for data. Acta Oecologica 21: 223-230.
    1. DEJEAN, A., D. MCKEY, M. GIBERNAU, & M. BELIN. (2000). The arboreal ant mosaic in a Cameroonian rainforest. Sociobiology 35: 403-423.
    1. HEIL, M., C. STAEHELIN, & D. MCKEY. (2000). Low chitinase activity in Acacia myrmecophytes: a potential trade-off between biotic and chemical defences? Naturwissenschaften 87: 555-558.
    1. BROUAT, C., D. MCKEY, J.-M.BESSIERE, L. PASCAL, & M. HOSSAERT-MCKEY. (2000). Leaf volatile compounds and the distribution of ant patrolling in an ant-plant protection mutualism: preliminary results on Leonardoxa (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae) and Petalomyrmex (Formicidae: Formicinae). Acta Oecologica 21: 349-357.
    1. BROUAT, C., & D. MCKEY. (2000). Origin of caulinary ant-domatia and timing of their onset in plant ontogeny : evolution of a key trait in horizontally transmitted ant-plant symbioses. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 71: 801-819.
    1. ELIAS, M., L. RIVAL, & D. MCKEY. (2000). Perception and management of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) diversity among Makushi Amerindians of Guyana (South America). Journal of Ethnobiology 20: 239-265.
    1. BROUAT, C., L. GIELLY, & D. MCKEY. (2001). Phylogenetic relationships in the genus Leonardoxa (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae) inferred from chloroplast trnLand trnL- trnF intergeneric spacer sequences. American Journal of Botany 88: 143-149.
    1. ELIAS, M., MCKEY, D., PANAUD, O., ANSTETT, M.C., ROBERT, T. (2001). Traditional management of cassava morphological and genetic diversity by the Makushi Amerindians (Guyana, South America) : perspectives for on-farm conservation of crop genetic resources. Euphytica 120: 143-157.
    1. BROUAT, C., & D. MCKEY. (2001). Leaf-stem allometry, hollow stems, and the evolution of caulinary domatia in myrmecophytes. New Phytologist 151: 391-406.
    1. ELIAS M., L. PENET, P. VINDRY, D. MCKEY, O. PANAUD, & T. ROBERT. (2001). Unmanaged sexual reproduction and the dynamics of genetic diversity of a vegetatively propagated crop plant, cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), in a traditional farming system. Molecular Ecology 10: 1895-1907.
    1. BROUAT, C., N. GARCIA, C. ANDARY, & D. MCKEY. (2001). Plant lock and ant key: pairwise coevolution of an exclusion filter in an ant-plant mutualism. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 268: 2131-2141.
    1. MCKEY, D., L. EMPERAIRE, M. ELIAS, F. PINTON, T. ROBERT, S. DESMOULIERE, & L. RIVAL. (2001). Gestions locales et dynamiques régionales de la diversité variétale du manioc en Amazonie. Génétique, Sélection et Evolution 33 (supplement 1): S465-S490.
    1. DI GIUSTO, B., M.C. ANSTETT, E. DOUNIAS, & D. MCKEY. (2001). Variation in the effectiveness of biotic defense: the case of an opportunistic ant-plant protection mutualism. Oecologia 129: 367-375.
    1. GAUME, L., & D. MCKEY. (2002). How identity of the homopteran trophobiont affects sex allocation in a symbiotic plant-ant: the proximate role of food. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 51: 197-205.
    1. CARRIERE, S.M., M. ANDRE, P. LETOURMY, I. OLIVIER, & D. MCKEY. (2002). Seed rain beneath remnant trees in a slash-and-burn agricultural system in southern Cameroon. Journal of Tropical Ecology 18 : 353-374.
    1. CARRIERE, S.M., P. LETOURMY, & D. MCKEY. (2002). Effects of remnant trees in fallows on diversity and structure of forest regrowth in a slash-and-burn agricultural system in southern Cameroon. Journal of Tropical Ecology 18: 375-396.
    1. CEBALLOS, L., C. ANDARY, M. DELESCLUSE, M. GIBERNAU, D. MCKEY & M. HOSSAERT-MCKEY. (2002). Effects of sublethal attack by a sucking insect, Hyalymenus tarsatus, on Sesbania drummondii seeds: Impact on some seed traits related to fitness. Ecoscience 9: 28-36.
    1. HEIL, M., T. DELSINNE, A. HILPERT, S. SCHÜRKENS, C. ANDARY, K.E. LINSENMAIR, S.M. SOUSA, & D. MCKEY. (2002). Reduced chemical defence in ant-plants? A critical re-evaluation of a widely accepted hypothesis. Oikos 99 : 457-468.
    1. HEIL, M., B. BAUMANN, C. ANDARY, K.E. LINSENMAIR, & D. MCKEY. (2002). Extraction and quantification of "condensed tannins" as a measure of plant anti-herbivore defence? Revisiting an old problem. Naturwissenschaften 89 : 519-524.
    1. PUJOL, B., G. GIGOT, G. LAURENT, M. PINHEIRO-KLUPPEL, M. ELIAS, M. HOSSAERT-MCKEY, & D. MCKEY. (2002). Germination ecology of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz, Euphorbiaceae) in traditional agroecosystems : seed and seedling biology of a vegetatively propagated domesticated plant. Economic Botany 56: 366-379.
    1. DEBOUT, G., E. PROVOST, M. RENUCCI, A. TIRARD, B. SCHATZ, & D. MCKEY. (2003). Colony structure in a plant-ant: behavioural, chemical and genetic study of polydomy in Cataulacus mckeyi (Myrmicinae). Oecologia 137 : 195-204.
    1. HEIL, M., & D. MCKEY. (2003). Protective ant-plant interactions as model systems in ecological and evolutionary research. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 34: 425-453.
    1. BROUAT, C., D. MCKEY, & E. DOUZERY (2004). Differentiation and gene flow in a geographic mosaic of plants coevolving with ants: phylogeny of the Leonardoxa africana complex (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae) using AFLP markers. Molecular Ecology 13: 1157-1171.
    1. ELIAS, M., G.S. MUHLEN, D. MCKEY, A.C. ROA, & J. TOHME. (2004). Genetic diversity of traditional South American landraces of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz): an analysis using microsatellites. Economic Botany 58: 242-256.
    1. DJIETO-LORDON, C., A. DEJEAN, M. GIBERNAU, M. HOSSAERT-MCKEY, & D. MCKEY. (2004). Symbiotic mutualism with a community of opportunistic ants: protection, competition, and ant occupancy of the myrmecophyte Barteria nigritana (Passifloraceae). Acta Oecologica 26: 109-116.
    1. ALVAREZ, N., E. GARINE, C. KHASAH, E. DOUNIAS, M. HOSSAERT-MCKEY, & D. MCKEY. (2005). Farmers’ practices, metapopulation dynamics, and conservation of agricultural biodiversity on-farm: a case study of sorghum among the Duupa in sub-sahelian Cameroon. Biological Conservation 121: 533-543.
    1. DJIETO-LORDON, C., A. DEJEAN, R.A. RING, J. LAUGA, A. NKONGMENECK, & D. MCKEY. (2005). Ecology of an improbable association: the pseudomyrmecine plant-ant Tetraponera tessmanni and the myrmecophytic vine Vitex thyrsiflora (Lamiaceae) in Cameroon. Biotropica 37: 421-430.
    1. PUJOL, B., P. DAVID, & D. MCKEY. (2005). Microevolution in agricultural environments: how a traditional Amerindian farming practice favours heterozygosity in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz, Euphorbiaceae). Ecology Letters 8: 138-147.
    1. PUJOL B., Mühlen, N. Garwood, Y. Horoszowski, E. DOUZERY, & D. McKey. (2005). Evolution under domestication: contrasting functional morphology of seedlings in domesticated cassava and its closest wild relatives. New Phytologist 166: 305-318.
    1. DEBOUT, G., A. SALTMARSH, D. MCKEY, & A.-M. RISTERUCCI. (2005). Characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the tropical ant-plant Leonardoxa africana (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae). Molecular Ecology Notes 5: 35-38.
    1. DALECKY, , L. Gaume, B. Schatz, D. McKey, & F. Kjellberg. (2005). Facultative polygyny in the plant–ant Petalomyrmex phylax: assessment of genetic and ecological determinants of queen number. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 86: 133-151.


    1. GHIMIRE, S., D. MCKEY, & Y. AUMEERUDDY-THOMAS. (2004). Heterogeneity in ethnoecological knowledge and management of medicinal plants in Nepal Himalaya: implications for conservation. Ecology and Society 9(3): 6. [online] : http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol9/iss3/art6/.
    1. ALVAREZ, N., D. MCKEY, M. HOSSAERT-MCKEY, C. BORN, L. MERCIER, & B. BENREY. (2005). Ancient and recent evolutionary history of the bruchid beetle Acanthoscelides obtectus Say, a cosmopolitan pest of beans. Molecular Ecology 14: 1015-1024.


    1. ALVAREZ, N., HOSSAERT-MCKEY, J.-Y. RASPLUS, D. MCKEY, L. MERCIER, L. SOLDATI, A. AEBI, & B. BENREY. (2005). Sibling species of bean bruchids: morphological and phylogenetic studies among Acanthoscelides obtectusSay and A. obvelatusBridwell. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res.43: 29-37.


    1. DEBOUT, G., B. SCHATZ, & D. MCKEY. (2005). Comparison of foraging behaviour in two plant-ants, the mutualist Petalomyrmex phylax and a parasite of a mutualism, Cataulacus mckeyi. Insectes Sociaux 52: 205-211.


    1. GHIMIRE, S.K., D. MCKEY, & Y. AUMEERUDDY-THOMAS. (2005). Conservation of Himalayan medicinal plants: harvesting patterns and ecology of two threatened species, Nardostachys grandiflora And Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora (Pennell) Hong. Biological Conservation 124: 463-475.
    1. PUJOL, B. & D. MCKEY. (2006). Size asymmetry in intraspecific competition and the density-dependence of inbreeding depression in a natural plant population: a case study in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz, Euphorbiaceae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19: 85-96.
    2. ELIAS, M., H. LENOIR, & D. MCKEY. (2007). Propagule quantity and quality in traditional Makushi farming of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz): a case study for understanding evolution under domestication in vegetatively propagated crops. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54: 99-115.
    3. DEBOUT, G., B. SCHATZ, M. ELIAS & D. MCKEY. (2007). Polydomy in ants: what we know, what we think we know, and what remains to be done. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 90: 319-348.
    4. GHIMIRE, S.K., Y. A. THOMAS, & D. MCKEY. (2006). Himalayan medicinal plant diversity in an ecologically complex high altitude anthropogenic landscape, Dolpo, Nepal. Environmental Conservation 33: 128-140.
    1. ALVAREZ, N., B. BENREY, M. HOSSAERT-MCKEY, A. GRILL, D. MCKEY & N. GALTIER. (2006). Phylogeographic support for horizontal gene transfer involving sympatric bruchid species. Biology Direct1: 21. http://www.biology-direct.com/content/pdf/1745-6150-1-21.
    2. DALECKY, A.., G. DEBOUT, A. ESTOUP, D.B. MCKEY & F. KJELLBERG. (2007). Changes in mating system and social structure of the ant Petalomyrmex phylax are associated with range expansion in Cameroon. Evolution 61: 579-595.
    3. DORMONT, L., S. RAPIOR, D. MCKEY & J.-P. LUMARET. (2007). Influence of dung volatiles on the process of resource selection by coprophagous beetles. Chemoecology 17: 23-30.
    4. AMSELLEM, L. & D. MCKEY. (2006). Integrating phenological, chemical and biotic defences in ant-plant protection mutualisms: a case study of two myrmecophyte lineages. Chemoecology 16: 223-234.
    5. BARNAUD, A., M. DEU, E. GARINE, D. MCKEY &I. JOLY. (2007). Local genetic diversity of sorghum in a village in northern Cameroon: structure and dynamics of landraces. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 114: 237-248.
    6. PUJOL, B., F. RENOUX, M. ELIAS, L. RIVAL & D. MCKEY. (2007). The unappreciated ecology of landrace populations: conservation consequences of soil seed banks in cassava. Biological Conservation 136: 541-551.
    7. DUPUTIE, A., P. DAVID, C. DEBAIN & D. MCKEY. (2007). Natural hybridization between a clonally propagated crop, cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and a wild relative in French Guiana. Molecular Ecology 16: 3025-3038.
    8. GHIMIRE, S.K., O. GIMENEZ, R. PRADEL, D. MCKEY & Y. Aumeeruddy-Thomas. (2008). Demographic variation and population viability in a threatened Himalayan medicinal and aromatic herb (Nardostachys grandiflora): matrix modelling of harvesting effects in two contrasting habitats. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 41-51.
    9. PUJOL, B., J.-L. SALAGER, M. BELTRAN, S. BOUSQUET & D. MCKEY. (2008). Photosynthesis and leaf structure in domesticated cassava (Euphorbiaceae) and a close wild relative: have leaf photosynthetic parameters evolved under domestication? Biotropica 40: 305-312.
    10. DIALLO, B.O., H.I. JOLY, D. MCKEY, M. HOSSAERT-MCKEY & M.-H. CHEVALLIER. (2007). Genetic diversity of Tamarindus indica populations: Any clues on the origin from its current distribution? African Journal of Biotechnology 6: 853-860.
    11. DIALLO, B.O., D. MCKEY, M.-H. CHEVALLIER, H.I. JOLY & M. HOSSAERT-MCKEY. (2008). Breeding system and pollination biology of the semi-domesticated fruit tree, Tamarindus indica (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae): Implications for fruit production, selective breeding, and conservation of genetic resources. African Journal of Biotechnology 7: 4068-4075.
    12. Léotard, G., A. Saltmarsh, F. Kjellberg & D. McKey. (2008). Mutualism, hybrid inviability and speciation in a tropical ant-plant. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21: 1133-1143.
    13. Léotard, G., E. Defossez, C. Debain, D. MCKEY, f. kjellberg & R. blatrix. (2008). Local genetic co-structuring of the ant Petalomyrmex phylax and its host plant Leonardoxa a. africana: no role for a sixty-meter wide river in separating social forms. Sociobiology 51: 363-371.
    14. BARNAUD, A., H.I. JOLY, D. MCKEY, M. DEU, C. KHASAH, S. MONNE & E. GARINE. (2008). Gestion in situ des ressources génétiques du sorgho (Sorghum bicolor bicolor) chez les Duupa du Nord Cameroun : sélection et échange de semences. Cahiers Agricultures 17: 178-182.
    15. MONDOLOT, L., A. MARLAS, D. BARBEAU, A. GARGADENNEC, B. PUJOL & D. MCKEY. (2008). Domestication and defence: foliar tannins and C/N ratios in cassava and a close wild relative. Acta Oecologica 34: 147-154.
    16. HOSSAERT-MCKEY, M., D. MCKEY & L. DORMONT. (2008). Fungal sex as a private matter: odour signals in a specialized pollination-like insect-fungus mutualism. New Phytologist 178: 225-227. (commentary)
    17. BARNAUD, A., G. TRIGUEROS, D. MCKEY & HI JOLY. (2008). High outcrossing rates in fields with mixed sorghum landraces : how are landraces maintained ? Heredity 101: 445-452.
    18. SARDOS J, D MCKEY, R. MALAPA, J.-L. NOYER & V. LEBOT. (2008). Evolution of cassava (Manihot esculentaCrantz) after recent introduction into a South Pacific island system: the contribution of sex to the diversification of a clonally propagated crop. Genome 51: 912-921.
    19. RIVAL L & D MCKEY (2008) Domestication and diversity in manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz ssp. esculenta, Euphorbiaceae). Current Anthropology 49: 1119-1128.
    20. DEBOUT, G.D.G., A. DALECKY, A. NGOMI NGOMI & D.B. MCKEY. (2009). Dynamics of species coexistence: maintenance of a plant-ant competitive metacommunity. Oikos 118: 873-884.
    21. DEFOSSEZ, E., M.-A. SELOSSE, M.-P. DUBOIS, L. MONDOLOT, A. FACCIO, C. DJIETO-LORDON, D. MCKEY & R. BLATRIX. (2009). Ant-plants and fungi: a new threesome symbiosis. New Phytologist182: 942-949.
    22. MENARD, L., D. MCKEY, N. ROWE (2009). Developmental plasticity and biomechanics of treelets and lianas in Manihot quinquepartita (Euphorbiaceae): a branch-angle climber of French Guiana. Annals of Botany 103: 1249-1259.
    23. WEBBER, B. D. MCKEY (2009). Cyanogenic myrmecophytes, redundant defence mechanisms and complementary defence syndromes: revisiting the neotropical ant-acacias. New Phytologist 182: 792-794.
    24. SCHATZ, B., C. DJIETO-LORDON, L. DORMONT, J.-M. BESSIERE, D. MCKEY & R. BLATRIX (2009). A simple non-specific chemical signal mediates defense behaviour in a specialized ant-plant mutualism. Current Biology 19 (9): R361-R362.
    25. LEOTARD, G., G. DEBOUT, S. GUILLOT, L. GAUME, D. MCKEY, F. KJELLBERG & A. DALECKY. (2009) Range expansion drives dispersal evolution in an equatorial three-species symbiosis. PLoS ONE 4(4): e5377 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005377.
    26. BARNAUD, A., M. DEU, E. GARINE, J. CHANTEREAU, J. BOLTEU, E. OUIN-KOIDA, D. MCKEY & H.I. JOLY (2009). A weed-crop complex in sorghum: the fate of new genetic combinations in a traditional farming system. American Journal of Botany 96: 1869-1879.
    27. DUPUTIE, A., M. DELETRE, J.-J. DE GRANVILLE & D. MCKEY (2009). Population genetics of Manihot esculenta flabellifolia gives insight into past distribution of xeric vegetation in a postulated forest refugium area in northern Amazonia. Molecular Ecology 18 : 2897-2907.
    28. LEOTARD, G., A. DUPUTIE, F. KJELLBERG, E.J.P. DOUZERY, C. DEBAIN, J.-J. DE GRANVILLE & D. MCKEY (2009). Phylogeography and the origin of cassava: new insights from the northern rim of the Amazonian basin. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 53: 329-334.
    29. DUPUTIE, A., F MASSOL, P. DAVID, C. HAXAIRE & D. MCKEY. (2009) Traditional Amerindian cultivators combine directional and ideotypic selection for sustainable management of cassava genetic diversity. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 1317-1325.
    30. MCKEY, D., ROSTAIN, J. IRIARTE, B. GLASER, J.J. BIRK, I. HOLST & D. RENARD (2010) Pre-Columbian agricultural landscapes, ecosystem engineers and self-organized patchiness in Amazonia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107: 7823-7828. This article was selected by two different members of the “Faculty of 1000 Biology” as a “Must Read” paper in ecology.
    31. MCKEY, D., M. ELIAS, B. PUJOL & A. DUPUTIE (2010) The evolutionary ecology of clonally propagated domesticated plants. New Phytologist 186: 318-332. This paper was selected by a member of the “Faculty of 1000 Biology” as an “Exceptional” paper in ecology.
    32. MCKEY, D., T. CAVAGNARO, J. CLIFF & R. GLEADOW (2010) Chemical ecology in coupled human and natural systems: people, manioc, multitrophic interactions and global change. Chemoecology 20: 109-133. (DOI 10.1007/s00049-010-0047-1)
    33. RENARD, D., B. SCHATZ & D. MCKEY (2010) Ant nest architecture and seed burial depth: implications for seed fate and germination success in a myrmecochorous savanna shrub. Ecoscience 17: 194-202.
    34. DIALLO, B.O., H.I. JOLY, D. MCKEY, M. HOSSAERT-MCKEY & M.H. CHEVALLIER (2010) Changes in biometric characters of seeds and seedlings of nine provenances of Tamarindus indica (Caesalpinioideae). Fruits 65: 153-167.
    35. IRIARTE, J., B. GLASER, J. WATLING, A. WAINWRIGHT, J.J. BIRK, D. RENARD, S. ROSTAIN & D. MCKEY (2010) Late Holocene Neotropical agricultural landscapes: phytolith and stable carbon isotope analysis of raised fields from French Guianan coastal savannahs. Journal of Archaeological Science 37: 2984-2994.
    36. BORN, C., N. ALVAREZ, D. MCKEY, S. OSSARI, E.J. WICKINGS, M. HOSSAERT-MCKEY & M.-H. CHEVALLIER (2011) Insights into the biogeographical history of the Lower Guinea Forest Domain: evidence for the role of refugia in the intraspecific differentiation of Aucoumea klaineana. Molecular Ecology 20: 131-142.
    37. DEFOSSEZ, E., C. DJIETO-LORDON, D. MCKEY, M.-A. SELOSSE & R. BLATRIX (2011). Plant-ants feed their host plant, but above all a fungal symbiont to recycle nitrogen. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 278: 1419-1426.
    38. DUPUTIE, A., J. SALICK, D. MCKEY (2011). Evolutionary biogeography of Manihot, a rapidly radiating Neotropical genus restricted to dry environments. Journal of Biogeography 38: 1033-1043.
    39. RENARD, D., J. IRIARTE, J.J. BIRK, S. ROSTAIN, B. GLASER, D. MCKEY (2012). Ecological engineers ahead of their time: the functioning of pre-Columbian raised-field agriculture and its potential contributions to sustainability today. Ecological Engineering 45: 30-44. Doi: 10.1016/J.ecoleng.2011.03.007.
    40. VITTECOQ, M., C. DJIETO-LORDON, B. BUATOIS, L. DORMONT, D. MCKEY, R. BLATRIX (2011). The evolution of communication in two ant-plant mutualisms. Evolutionary Biology 38: 360-369. DOI 10.1007/S11692-011-9125-8.
    41. RASPLUS, J.-Y., J. LASALLE, G. DELVARE, D. MCKEY, B.L. WEBBER (2011). A new Afrotropical genus and species of Tetrastichinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) inducing galls on Bikinia (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae) and a new species of Ormyrus (Hymenoptera: Ormyridae) associated with the gall. Zootaxa 2907: 51-59.  
    42. GONMADJE, C.F., C. DOUMENGE, D. McKEY, G.P.M. TCHOUTO, T.C.H. SUNDERLAND, M.P.B. BALINGA, B. SONKE (2011). Tree diversity and conservation value of Ngovayang’s lowland forest, Cameroon. Biodiversity and Conservation 20: 2627-2648.
    43. ROULLIER, C., G. ROSSEL, D. TAY, D. MCKEY, V. LEBOT (2011). Combining chloroplast and nuclear microsatellites to investigate origin and dispersal of New World sweet potato landraces. Molecular Ecology 20: 3963-3977. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365é294X.2011.05229x.
    44. RENARD, D., J.J. BIRK, B. GLASER, J. IRIARTE, G. GRISARD, J. KARL, D. MCKEY (2012). Origin of mound-field landscapes: a multi-proxy approach combining contemporary vegetation, carbon stable isotopes and phytoliths. Plant and Soil 351: 337-353.
    45. VITTECOQ, M., C. DJIETO-LORDON, D. MCKEY, R. BLATRIX (2012). Range expansion induces variation in a behavioural trait in an ant-plant mutualism. Acta Oecologica 38: 84-88.
    46. DELETRE, M., D. MCKEY, T.R. HODKINSON (2011). Marriage exchanges, seed exchanges and the dynamics of manioc diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America108: 18249-18254.
    47. IRIARTE, J., M.J. POWER, S. ROSTAIN, F.E. MAYLE, H. JONES, J. WATLING, B.S. WHITNEY, D.B. MCKEY (2012). Fire-free land use in pre-1492 Amazonian savannas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America109: 6473-6478.
    48. Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium, A'Hara S.W., Amouroux P., Argo E.E., Avand-Faghih A., Barat A., Barbieri L., Bert T.M., Blatrix R., Blin A., Bouktila D., Broome A., Burban C., Capdevielle-Dulac C., Casse N., Chandra S., Cho K.J., Cottrell J.E., Crawford C.R., Davis M.C., Delatte H., Desneux N., Djiéto-Lordon C., Dubois M.-P., El-Mergawy R.A.A.M., Gallardo-Escarate C., Garcia M., Gardiner M.M., Guillemaud T., Haye P.A., Hellemans B., Hinrichsen P., Jeon J.H., Kerdelhue C., Kharrat I., Kim K.H., Kim Y.Y., Kwan Y.S., Labbe E.M., Lahood E., Lee K.M., Lee W.O., Lee Y.H., Legoff I., Li H., Lin C.P., Liu S.S., Liu Y.G., Long D., Maes G.E., Magnoux E., Mahanta P.C., Makni H., Makni M., Malausa T., Matura R., McKey D., McMillen-Jackson A.L., Mendez M.A., Mezghani-Khemakhem M., Michel A.P., Paul M., Muriel-Cunha J., Nibouche S., Normand F., Palkovacs E.P., Pande V., Parmentier K., Peccoud J., Piatscheck F., Puchulutegui C., Ramos R., Ravest G., Richner H., Robbens J., Rochat D., Rousselet J., Saladin V., Sauve M., Schlei O., Schultz T.F., Scobie A.R., Segovia N.I., Seyoum S., Silvain J.F., Tabone E., Van Houdt J.K.J., Vandamme S.G., Volckaert F.A.M., Wenburg J., Willis T.V., Won Y.J., Ye N.H., Zhang W., Zhang Y.X. (2012). Permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 August 2011-30 September 2011. Molecular Ecology Resources 12: 185-189.
    1. Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium, Arias M.C., Arnoux E., Bell J.J., Bernadou A., Bino G., Blatrix R., Bourguet D., Carrea C., Clamens A.L., Cunha H.A., d'Alencon E., Ding Y., Djiéto-Lordon C., Dubois M.-P., Dumas P., Eraud C., Faivre B., Francisco F.O., Francoso E., Garcia M., Gardner J.P.A., Garnier S., Gimenez S., Gold J.R., Harris D.J., He G.C., Hellemans B., Hollenbeck C.M., Jing S.L., Kergoat G.J., Liu B.F., McDowell J.R., McKey D., Miller T.L., Newton E., Lohan K.M.P., Papetti C., Paterson I., Peccoud J., Peng X.X., Piatscheck F., Ponsard S., Reece K.S., Reisser C.M.O., Renshaw M.A., Ruzzante D.E., Sauve M., Shields J.D., Sole-Cava A., Souche E.L., Van Houdt J.K.J., Vasconcellos A., Volckaert F.A.M., Wang S.Z., Xiao J., Yu H.J., Zane L., Zannato B., Zemlak T.S., Zhang C.X., Zhao Y., Zhou X., Zhu L.L. (2012). Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 December 2011-31 January 2012. Molecular Ecology Resources 12: 570-572.
    1. Pautasso M., G. Aistara, A. Barnaud, S. Caillon, P. Clouvel, O.T. Coomes, M. Delêtre, E. Demeulenaere, P. De Santis, T. Döring, L. Eloy, L. Emperaire, E. Garine, I. Goldringer, D. Jarvis, H.I. Joly, C. Leclerc, S. Louafi, P. Martin, F. Massol, S. McGuire, D. McKey, C. Padoch, C. Soler, M. Thomas, S. Tramontini (2013). Seed exchange networks for agrobiodiversity conservation. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 33: 151-175.
    1. Meekijjaroenroj Kidyoo A., D. McKey (2012) Flowering phenology and mimicry of the rattan Calamus castaneus (Arecaceae) in southern Thailand. Botany 90: 856-865.
    1. Blatrix, R., D. Renard, C. Djiéto-Lordon, D. McKey (2012) The cost of myrmecophytism: insights from allometry of stem secondary growth. Annals of Botany 110: 943-951. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcs164.
    1. Blatrix, R., C. Djiéto-Lordon, L. Mondolot, P. La Fisca, H. Voglmayr, D. McKey (2012) Plant-ants use symbiotic fungi as a food source: new insight into the nutritional ecology of ant-plant interactions. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 279: 3940-3947.
    1. Peccoud, J., F. Piatscheck, R. Yockteng, M. Garcia, M. Sauve, C. Djiéto-Lordon, D. J. Harris, J.J. Wieringa, F. J. Breteler, C. Born, D. McKey, R. Blatrix (2013). Multi-locus phylogenies of the genus Barteria (Passifloraceae) portray complex patterns in the evolution of myrmecophytism. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66: 824-832.
    1. Roullier, C., L. Benoît, D. McKey, V. Lebot (2013). Historical collections reveal patterns of diffusion of sweet potato in Oceania obscured by modern plant movements and recombination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110: 2205-2210. Winner of the 2013 Cozzarelli Prize in Class V.
    1. Roullier, C., R. Kambouo, J. Paofa, D. McKey, V. Lebot (2013). On the origin of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) genetic diversity in New Guinea, a secondary centre of diversity. Heredity 110: 594-604.
    1. Bradbury, E. J., A. Duputié, M. Delêtre, C. Roullier, A. Narváez-Trujillo, J. A. Manu-Aduening, E. Emshwiller, D. McKey (2013). Geographic differences in patterns of genetic differentiation among bitter and sweet manioc (Manihot esculenta esculenta: Euphorbiaceae). American Journal of Botany 100: 857-866.
    1. Renard, D., J. J. Birk, A. Zangerlé, P. Lavelle, B. Glaser, R. Blatrix, D. McKey (2013). Ancient human agricultural practices can promote activities of contemporary non-human soil ecosystem engineers: a case study in coastal savannas of French Guiana. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 62: 46-56.
    1. Benoît, L., R. Blatrix, C. Djiéto-Lordon, C. Atteke, J. Mezui-M’Eko, M.-P. Dubois, D. McKey, C. Born (2013). Characterization of microsatellite loci for a fungal symbiont (Ascomycota, Chaetothyriales) in an ant-plant-fungus symbiosis. Molecular Ecology Resources 13: 760-762.
    1. Dormont, L., J.-M. Bessière, D. McKey, A. Cohuet (2013). New methods for field collection of human skin volatiles and perspectives for their application in the chemical ecology of human/pathogen/vector interactions. Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 2783-2788.
    1. Roullier, C., A. Duputié, P. Wennekes, L. Benoît, V. M. Fernández Bringas, G. Rossel, D. Tay, D. McKey, V. Lebot (2013). Disentangling the origins of cultivated sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.). PLOS ONE 8(5): e62707. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062707.
    1. McKey, D., M. Elias, B. Pujol, A. Duputié, M. Delêtre, D. Renard (2012). Maintien du potentiel adaptatif chez les plantes domestiquées à propagation clonale. Revue d’ethnoécologie [En ligne], 1 | 2012, mis en ligne le 29 novembre 2012. URL : http://ethnoecologie.revues.org/741 ; DOI : 10.4000/ethnoecologie.741
    1. Blatrix, R., S. Debaud, A. Salas-Lopez, C. Born, L. Benoit, D. McKey, C. Attéké, C. Djiéto-Lordon (2013). Repeated evolution of fungal cultivar specificity in independently evolved ant-plant-fungus symbioses. PLOS ONE 8(7): e68101.
    1. Finsinger, W., T. Dos Santos, D. McKey (2013) Estimating variation in stomatal frequency at intra-individual, intra-site and inter-taxonomic levels in populations of the Leonardoxa africana complex (Fabaceae) over environmental gradients in Cameroon. Comptes Rendus Geoscience 345: 350-359.
    1. Ménard, L., D. McKey, G. S. Mühlen, B. Clair, N.P. Rowe (2013) The evolutionary fate of phenotypic plasticity and functional traits under domestication in manioc: changes in stem biomechanics and the appearance of stem brittleness. PLOS ONE 8(9): e74727. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074727
    1. Blatrix, R., D. McKey, C. Born (2013). Consequences of past climate change for species engaged in obligatory interactions. Comptes Rendus Géoscience 347: 306-315.
    1. Mayer, V., M. Frederickson, D. McKey, R. Blatrix (2014) Current issues in the evolutionary ecology of ant-plant symbioses. New Phytologist 202: 749-764.
    1. Diallo, B.O., Ouedraogo, M., Chevallier, M.-H., Joly, H.I., Hossaert-McKey, M., McKey, D. (2014) Potential pollinators of Tamarindus indica (Caesalpinioideae) in Sudanian region of Burkina Faso. African Journal of Plant Science 8: 528-536.
    1. Pfahler, V., B. Glaser, D. McKey, E. Klemt (2015) Soil redistribution in abandoned raised fields in French Guiana assessed by radionuclides. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 178: 468-476.
    1. Rostain, S., D. McKey (2015) Les paysages de champs surélevés de Guyane française: un patrimoine bioculturel menacé. Revue d’Ethnoécologie DOI : 10.4000/ethnoecologie.2193.
    1. Coomes O.T., S. J. McGuire, E. Garine, S. Caillon, D. McKey, E. Demeulenaere, D. Jarvis, G. Aistara, A. Barnaud, P. Clouvel, L. Emperaire, S. Louafi, P. Martin, F. Massol, M. Pautasso, C. Violon, J. Wencélius (2015) Farmer seed networks make a limited contribution to agriculture? Four common misconceptions. Food Policy 56 : 41-50. DOI : 10.1016/j.foodpol.2015.07.008
    1. Zangerlé A., C. Hissler, L. Van Schaik, D. McKey (2016) Identification of earthworm burrow origins by Near infrared Spectroscopy: Combining results from field sites and laboratory microcosms. Soil and Tillage Research 155 : 280-288. DOI: 10.1016/still.2015.08.017
    1. Zangerlé A., C. Hissler, D. McKey, P. Lavelle (2016) Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) to identify the contribution of earthworms to soil macroaggregation in field conditions. Applied Soil Ecology 104: 138-147. DOI: 10.1016/J.apsoil.2015.09.014
    1. Thomas, M., N. Verzelen, P. Barbillon, O.T. Coomes, S. Caillon, D. McKey, M. Elias, E. Garine, C. Raimond, E. Dounias, D. Jarvis, J. Wencélius, C. Leclerc, V. Labeyrie, H. Cuong Pham, T.N. Hue Nguyen, B. Sthapit, R.B. Rana, A. Barnaud, C. Violon, L.M. Arias Reyes, Luis L. Moreno, P. De Santis, F. Massol. (2015) A network-based method to detect patterns of local crop biodiversity: validation at the species and infra-species levels. Advances in Ecological Research 53 : 259-320. doi:10.1016/bs.aecr.2015.10.002
    1. Delêtre, M., T.R. Hodkinson, D. McKey (2016) Perceptual selection and the unconscious selection of ‘volunteer’seedlings in clonally propagated crops: an example with African cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) using ethnobotany and population genetics. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 64 : 665-680.1007/s10722-016-0390-3
    1. Zangerlé, A., D. Renard, J. Iriarte, L.E. Suarez Jimenez, K.L. Adame Montoya , J. Juilleret, D. McKey (2016) The surales, self-organized earth-mound landscapes made by earthworms in a seasonal tropical wetland. PLOS One 11(5): e0154269.

    doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154269 This paper was selected by a member of the “Faculty of 1000 Biology” as a “Recommended” paper in ecology.

    1. Cunha, L., G.G. Brown, D.W.G. Stanton, E. Da Silva, F. Hansel, G Jorge, D. McKey, P. Vidal-Torrado, R. Macedo, E. Velasquez, S.W. James, P. Lavelle, P. Kille, and the Terra Preta de Indio Network (2016) Soil animals and pedogenesis: the role of earthworms in anthropogenic soils. Soil Science 181 (3/4) : 110-125. DOI: 10.1097/SS.0000000000000144
    1. Lavelle, P., Spain A., Blouin, M., Brown, G., Decaëns, T., Grimaldi, M., Jiménez, J.J., McKey, D., Mathieu, J., Velasquez, E., Zangerlé, A. (2016) Ecosystem engineers in a self-organized soil: A review of concepts and future research questions. Soil Science 181 (3/4) : 91-109. DOI: 10.1097/SS.0000000000000155
    1. López Mazz, J., S. Rostain, D. McKey (2016) Cerritos, tolas, tesos, camellones y otros montículos de las tierras bajas de Sudamérica. Revista de Arqueología 29(1): 86-113.


    1. Comptour, M., S. Caillon, D. McKey (2016) Pond fishing in the Congolese cuvette: a story of fishermen, animals and water spirits. Revue d’Ethnoécologie 10/2016. DOI: 10.4000/ethnoecoloige.2795
    1. McKey, D.B., M. Durécu, M. Pouilly, P. Béarez, A. Ovando, M. Kalebe, C.F. Huchzermeyer (2016) Present-day African analogue of a pre-European Amazonian floodplain fishery shows convergence in cultural-niche construction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113(52): 14938-14943. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1613169114
    1. Gonmadje, C., Picard, N., Gourlet-Fleury, S., Réjou-Méchain, M., Freycon, V., Sunderland, T., McKey, D., Doumenge, C. (2017) Altitudinal filtering of large-tree species explains above-ground biomass variation in an Atlantic central African rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 33 (2): 143-154.. doi: 10.1017/S0266467416000602.
    1. Vasse, M., Voglmayr, H., Mayer, V., Gueidan, C., Nepel, M., Moreno, L., de Hoog, S., Selosse, M.-A., McKey, D., Blatrix, R. (2017) A fungal phylogenetic perspective of the association between ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and black yeasts (Ascomycota: Chaetothyriales). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B284: 20162519. Doi : 10.1098/rspb.2016.2519
    1. Blatrix, R., Peccoud, J., Born, C., Piatscheck, F., Benoit, L., Sauve, M., Djiéto-Lordon, C., Atteke, C., Wieringa, J.J., Harris, D.J., McKey, D. (2017) Comparative analysis of spatial genetic structure in an ant-plant symbiosis reveals a tension zone and highlights speciation processes in tropical Africa. Journal of Biogeography 44 (8): 1856-1868. doi:10.1111/jbi.12972.
    1. DiGiusto, B., Dounias, E., McKey, D.B. (2017) Facing herbivory on the climb up: Lost opportunities as the main cost of herbivory in the wild yam Dioscorea praehensilis. Ecology and Evolution 7 (16): 6493-6506. Doi: 1002/ece3.3066
    1. Bouka Dipelet, U.G., Florence, J., Doumenge, C., Loumeto, J.J., McKey, D. (2017) Khayae (Meliaceae) specierum Nomenclator. Adansonia 39(1): 15-30. Doi: 5252/a2017n1a2
    1. Blatrix, R., Roux, B., Béarez, P., Prestes-Carneiro, G., Amaya, M., Aramayo, J.L., Rodrigues, L., Lombardo, U., Iriarte, J., de Souza, J.G., Robinson, M., Bernard, C., Pouilly, M., Durécu, M., Huchzermeyer, C.F., Kalebe, M., Ovando, A., McKey, D. (2018) The unique functioning of a pre-Columbian Amazonian floodplain fishery. Scientific Reports 8:5998 | DOI:10.1038/s415
    1. Gonmadje C., Doumenge, C., Sunderland, T., McKey, D. (2019) Environmental filtering determines patterns of tree species composition in small mountains of Atlantic central African forests. Acta Oecologica94 : 12-21. doi.org/10.1016/j.actao.2018.04.001
    1. Auttama, P., McKey, D., Kidyoo, A. (2018) Flowering phenology and trap pollination of the rare endemic plant Ceropegia thaithongiae in montane forest of northern Thailand. Botany 96 (9) : 601-620. org/10.1139/cjb-2018-0045
    1. Ho Tong Minh, D., Ndikumana, E., Vieilledent, G., McKey, D., Baghdadi N. (2018) Potential value of combining ALOS PALSAR and Landsat-derived tree cover data for forest biomass retrieval in Madagascar. Remote Sensing of the Environment 213 : 206-214. org/10.1016/j.rse.2018.04.056
    1. Comptour, M., Caillon, S., Rodrigues, L., McKey, D. (2018) Wetland raised-field agriculture and its contribution to sustainability: ethnoecology of a present-day African system and questions about pre-Columbian systems in the American tropics. Sustainability 10(9) : 3120. doi.org/10.3390/su10093120
    1. Wang, M., Huang, S. Li, M, McKey, D., Zhang, L. (2019) Staminodes influence pollen removal and deposition rates in nectar-rewarding self-incompatible Phanera yunnanensis (Caesalpinioideae). Journal of Tropical Ecology 35 (1) : 34-42. Doi.org/1017/S0266467418000433
    1. McKey, D. (2019). Pre-Columbian human occupation of Amazonia and its influence on current landscapes and biodiversity. Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences 91, Suppl. 3.1-9. DOI: 10.1590/0001-3765201920190087
    1. Kokolo, B., Atteke, C., Eyi Mintsa, B.A., Ibrahim, B., McKey, D., Blatrix, R. (2019). Congeneric mutualist ant symbionts (Tetraponera, Pseudomyrmecinae) differ in level of protection of their myrmecophyte hosts (Barteria, Passifloraceae). Journal of Tropical Ecology 35 : 255-259. DOI : 10.1017/S026646741900021X
    1. Bouka U. G., Doumenge C., Loumeto J. J., Florence J., Gonmadje C., McKey, D. (2019) Les acajous d’afrique (Khaya, Meliaceae) : des ressources fortement exploitées et mal connues. Bois et Forêt des Tropiques 339 : 17-32.
    1. Comptour, M., Cosiaux, A., Coomes, O.T., Bader, J.-C., Malaterre,-O., Yoka, J., Caillon, S., McKey, D. (2019) Agricultural innovation and environmental change on the floodplains of the Congo River. The Geographical Journal (in press). DOI : 10.1111/geoj.12314.
    1. Pakull, B., Ekué, M. R., Dipelet, U. G. B., Doumenge, C., McKey, D. B., Loumeto, J. J., Opuni-Frimpong, E., Yorou, S. N., Nacoulma, B. M. Y., Guelly, K. A., Ramamonjisoa, L., Thomas, D., Guichoux, E., Loo, J., Degen, B. (2019) Genetic diversity and differentiation among the species of African mahogany (Khaya) based on a large SNP array. Conservation Genetics (in press). DO1 ; 10.1007/s10592-019-01191-3.


  • Edmond DOUNIAS

    edmond dounias

    Directeur de recherche à l'IRD

    Logo ird new

    Résilience des peuples forestiers tropicaux aux changements planétaires, en considérant leurs systèmes alimentaires comme des révélateurs des stratégies adaptatives autochtones.


    Resilience of tropical rainforest dwellers to global change, by considering their food systems as key revealers of indigenous adaptive strategies.


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    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier cedex 5

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    My Postdoctoral project (@ Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil) combines Macroecology and Conservation by focusing on the spatial (and temporal) patterns of abundance of vertebrates, especially of Neotropical amphibians and reptiles.

    My other parallel research interests include (but are not limited to):

    • understanding which traits make species more susceptible to extinction;
    • understanding the drivers of misdirected amplexus of amphibians;
    • testing the phylogenetic components of species ecology on their current and past distributions;
    • documenting natural history of reptiles and amphibians

    Keywords: Abundance - Biogeography - Conservation - Macroecology - Population trends - Vertebrates 


    FINN Fujen Province3

    Directeur de recherche au CNRS


    Je m'intéresse à l'écologie et à l'évolution des interactions inter-spécifiques. Mes études portent plus particulièrement sur les processus de coévolution et de diversification dans le système Ficus-insectes des figues.


    I am interested in the ecology and evolution of inter-specific interactions. My studies are largely focused on coevolutionary processes and diversification in the fig-fig wasp system.


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  • Jean-Pierre LUMARET (Émérite)

    altDocteur ès Sciences, Professeur émérite


    Tél :  +33 (0)4 67 14 23 16
    Fax : +33 (0)4 67 14 24 59

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    Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, Bâtiment Jean-Henri Fabre, route de Mende, 34199 Montpellier cedex 5


    Areas of Expertise:

    - Ecology and biogeography of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae & Geotrupidae) in Mediterranean, tropical and mountain ecosystems. Structure of assemblages, effect of landscape structure on the spatial distribution of Mediterranean dung beetle diversity. Studies on the degradation of animal dung under various anthropogenic constraints.
    - Non-target effects to dung-dwelling insects of faecal residues in dung of cattle treated with endectocides. Development and standardization of test methods to evaluate the effects of veterinary medical products. Ecotoxicology. Conservation measures.
    - Forest management and control of white grubs (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) in Morocco

    Current Projects:

    - Participation in the development of The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (Mediterranean dung beetles).
    - Non-target effects of parasiticides in cattle dung
    - Biology and ecology of dung-breeding beetles (Scarabaeidae)


  • JOFFRE Richard

    Directeur de Recherche ( DR1)/Directeur du CEFE

    Mes travaux portent sur la compréhension de la régulation du fonctionnement des écosystèmes terrestres en terme de flux de matière (eau, carbone, nutriments…). Initialement centrées sur les écosystèmes méditerranéens, mes activités ont été élargies à d’autres écosystèmes subissant de très fortes contraintes (les hauts plateaux andins). 

    My research focuses on the understanding of terrestrial ecosystems functioning in terms of fluxes (water, carbon, nutrients...). Initially centered on Mediterranean ecosystems, my research activities have been extended to the Andean highlands).

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    Mots-clés:Ecologie fonctionnelle-  Changements planetaires -   Méditerranée - Andes - Quercus -  Chenopodium quinoa - Spectroscopie proche infrarouge

    Key-words:Functional Ecology - Global Change - Mediterranean Basin - Andes -Quercus - Chenopodium quinoa - NIRS


  • Johanne NAHMANI

    Chargée de recherche (CR1) 


    Responsable de l’équipe BIOFLUX

    Campus du CNRS

    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5
    tel:+33 (0)4 67 61 32 43
    fax:+33 (0)4 67 41 33 36

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    Mots clés : 

    Macroinvertébrés du sol, Diversité, Rôle fonctionnel (Structuration des sols, Décomposition des litières), Perturbations anthropiques et changements globaux, Traits biologiques, écologiques et fonctionnels

  • Julien Renoult

    Chargé de Recherche CNRS / CNRS Research Scientist


    Section 26 CNRS - Brain, Behavior & Cognition

    email: julien[dot]renoult[at]cefe[dot]cnrs[dot]fr

    P8120477 copie

    Julien RENOULT

    CEFE-CNRS, 1919 route de Mende

    34293 Montpellier 5 FRANCE

    Last update: June 9th 2024


    GO DIRECTLY TO:  Who am I?Main research projectsPublications


    Postdoc Opportunity: 18 months starting May 2025: Generative AI for Studying the Influence of Habitats on the Diversification of Bird Color Patterns. Applications and more information here: [PDF


    Research areas

    - evolution and diversification of animal color patterns 

    - evolutionary & computational aesthetics (aesthetic theory of efficient processing applied to artworks, plants and animals)

    - processing bias (sparse coding, efficient categorization)

    - models of animal vision (colour vision, pattern recognition)

    - proximate mechanisms of mate choice

    - Methods: Artificial intelligence for neuroscience and evolutionary ecology


    Who am I?

    I am an evolutionary biologist, cognitive scientist and naturalist. My main objective is to understand how do evolve complex and extravagant visual signals such as the eyespots of the peacock, the danse of the birds of paradise, and some artworks in humans. My research hypothesis is beauty. Using approaches of empirical psychology, computational neuroscience, artificial intelligence and philosophy of aesthetics, my goal is to identify the biological mechanisms underlying the beauty judgment in order to develop mechanistic models that predict this judgement. I then transfer these models to other animals to understand how beauty influences behaviors and, ultimately, the evolution of communication signals in nature.

    I am also working on methods to characterize visual phenotypes, with applications in community ecology, evolutionary biology and systematics. I am particularly interested in how to use artificial intellgience to describe visual phenotypes and to model animal vision.

    I am also conducting or participating to several research projects in ornithology (mostly on searbirds) and ichthyology (fish, and in particular gobies, of the Northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean region). 


    Main research projects

    WildCom-AI (ANR 2020-2024) - Artificial Intelligence for Studying Communication in Wild Animals (PI: J Renoult)
    Darters (NSF 2020-2024)- Pattern preferences, information theory, and the evolution of signal design (PI: T Mendelson & J Renoult) 

    CBIRDS (2024-2027)-Monitoring climate change impacts on Antarctic biodiversity.  (PI: JY Barnagaud.)


    POMAR (2023-) Phylogenetics and taxonomy of sand gobies Pomatoschistus spp.. (PI: E Delrieu-Trottin & J Renoult)


    Publications (* equal contribution)

    Visual ecology & evolution

    ARIAS, M., BEHRENDT, L., DRESSLER, L., RAKA, A., PERRIER, C., ELIAS, M., GOMEZ, D., RENOULT, J.P., TEDORE, C. (2024). Testing the equivalency of human “predators” and deep neural networks in the detection of cryptic moths. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. In press.

    SILVA, N. J., FERREIRA, A. C., SILVA, L. R., PERRET, S., TIEO, S., RENOULT, J. P., COVAS, R., & DOUTRELANT, C. (2024). A deep learning approach to detect and visualize sexual dimorphism in monomorphic species. bioRxiv, 2024-10.

    HÉJJA-BRICHARD, Y. H., RAYMOND, M., CUTHILL, I. C., MENDELSON, T. C., & RENOULT, J. P. From natural to sexual selection: Revealing a hidden preference for camouflage patterns. bioRxiv, https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.27.559753

    HÉJJA-BRICHARD, Y., MILLION, K., RENOULT, J. P.*, & MENDELSON, T. C.* (2024). Using neural style transfer to study the evolution of animal signal design: A case study in an ornamented fish. Ecological Informatics,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2024.102881

    HEJJA-BRICHARD, Y., RENOULT, J., & MENDELSON, T. (2024). Comparative analysis reveals assortative mate preferences in darters independent of sympatry and sex. Ecology & Evolution14(10), e11498.

    TIEO, S., DEZEURE, J., CRYER, A., LEPOU, P., CHARPENTIER, M. J., & RENOULT, J. P. (2023). Social and sexual consequences of facial femininity in a non-human primate. Iscience, 26(10).

    BYBEE, S.M., FUTAHASHI, R., RENOULT, J.P., SHARKEY, C., SIMON, S., SUVOROV, A., WELLENREUTHER, M. (2023). Transcriptomic insights into Odonata ecology and evolution. In Dragonflies and Damselflies, 2nd Ed. (CORDOBA-AGUILA, A., BEALTY, C.D., BRIED, J.T.). Oxford University Press. [Book chapter] [PDF]

    CHARPENTIER, M.J.E, POIROTTE, C., ROURA-TORRES, B., AMBLARD-RAMBERT, P., WILLAUME, E., KAPPELER, P.M., ROUSSET, F., RENOULT, J.P. (2022) Mandrill mothers associate with infants who look like their own offspring using phenotype matching. Elife. 11, e79417

    LANGLOIS, J., GUILHAUMON, F., BALETAUD, F., CASAJUS, N., […], RENOULT, J.P., […], MOUQUET, N. (2022). Global mismatch between the aesthetic value of reef fishes and their conservation priorities. Plos Biology20(6):e3001640.

    HULSE S.V., RENOULT, J.P., MENDELSON T.M. (2022). Using deep neural networks to model similarity between visual patterns: application to fish sexual signals. Ecological Informatics67:101486 [PDF]

    CHARPENTIER M.J., HARTE M., POIROTTE C., DE BELLEFON J.M., LAUBI B., KAPPELER P.M., RENOULT J.P. (2020). Same father, same face: deep-learning reveals paternally-derived signalling of kinship in a wild primate. Science Advances. 6, eaba3274. [PDF]

    DUFOUR P., GUERRA CARANDE J., RENAUD J., RENOULT J.P., LAVERGNE S., CROCHET P.-A. (2020). Plumage colouration in gulls responds to their non-breeding climatic niche. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 29: 1704-1715. [PDF]

    JOFFARD N., LE RONCE I., LANGLOIS A., RENOULT J.P., BUATOIS B., DORMONT L., & SCHATZ B. (2020). Floral trait differentiation in Anacamptis coriophora: phenotypic selection on scents, but not on colour. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 33: 1028-1038.

 GREGOIRE A., CROCHET P.-A., COVAS R., DOUTRELANT C. (2020). Examining the link between relaxed predation and bird colouration on islands. Biology Letters. 16: 20200002.

    FERREIRA A.C., SILVA L.R., RENNA F., BRANDL H.B., RENOULT J.P., FARINE D.R., COVAS R., DOUTRELANT C. (2020). Deep learning-based methods for individual recognition in small birds. Methods in Ecology & Evolution. 11: 1072-1085.

    DE SOLAN T., RENOULT J.P., GENIEZ P., DAVID P., & Crochet P.A. (2020). Looking for mimicry in a snake assemblage using deep learning. The American Naturalist. 196: 74-86. [PDF]

    HULSE S.V., MENDELSON T.C.*, RENOULT J.P.*. (2020). Sexual signals of fish species mimic the spatial statistics of their habitat: evidence for processing bias in animal signal evolution. Nature Communications. 11: 1-8. [

    RENOULT J.P., KELBER A., SCHAEFER H.M. (2017). Colour spaces in ecology and evolutionary biology. Biological Reviews. doi: 10.1111/brv.12230 [PDF]

    BINKENSTEIN J., STANG M., RENOULT J.P., SCHAEFER H.M. (2017). Weak correlation of flower color and nectar-tube depth in temperate grassland. Journal of Plant Ecology. 10 : 397-405

    DOUTRELANT C., PAQUET M., RENOULT J.P., GREGOIRE A., CROCHET P.-A., COVAS R. (2016). Worldwide patterns of bird colouration on islands. Ecology Letters. 19: 537-545.

    RENOULT J.P., VALEUR B. (2015). Les couleurs de la vie – Mécanismes de production, fonctions et diversité. L’Actualité Chimique. 397-398 : 12-18.

    RENOULT J.P., BLÜTHGEN N., BINKENSTEIN J., WEINER C.N., WERNER M., SCHAEFER H.M. 2015. Linking community to sensory ecology: the relative importance of color signaling for plant generalization in pollination networks. Oikos. 124: 347-354. [PDF]

    RENOULT J.P., VALIDO P., JORDANO P., SCHAEFER M. (2014). Adaptation of flower and fruit colours to diversified mutualists. New Phytologist201: 678-686. [PDF]

    RENOULT J.P., THOMANN M., SCHAEFER H.M., CHEPTOU P.-O. (2013). Selection on quantitative colour variation in Centaurea cyanus: the role of the pollinator’s visual system. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 26: 2415-2427.

    RENOULT J.P., COURTIOL A., SCHAEFER H.M. (2013). A novel framework to study colour signaling to multiple species. Functional Ecology. 27: 718-729. [PDF]

    BINKENSTEIN J., RENOULT J.P., SCHAEFER H.M. (2013). Increasing land-use intensity decreases floral colour diversity and changes composition of plant communities in temperate grasslands. Oecologia173: 461-471.

    RENOULT J.P., SCHAEFER H.M., SALLE B., CHARPENTIER M.J.E. (2011). The evolution of the multicoloured face of mandrills: insights from the perceptual space of colour vision. PlosOne, 6:e29117.

    SCHATZ, B., DELLE-VEDOVE, R., RENOULT, J.et al. (2011). Couleur de fleur d’orchidées et insectes. Le Courrier de la Nature. 260 : 24-36.

    RENOULT J.P, COURTIOL A., KJELLBERG F. (2010). When assumptions on visual system evolution matter: nestling colouration and parental visual performance in birds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 23:220-226


    Cognitive science/Computational neuroscience/Empirical Aesthetics

    TIEO, S., BARDIN, M., BERTIN-JOHANNET, R., DIBOT, N., MENDELSON, T. C., PUECH, W., & RENOULT, J. P. (2024). Comparing activation typicality and sparsity in a deep CNN to predict facial beauty. Computational Brain & Behavior  [PDF]

    DIBOT, N. M., TIEO, S., MENDELSON, T. C., PUECH, W., & RENOULT, J. P. (2023). Sparsity in an artificial neural network predicts beauty: Towards a model of processing-based aesthetics. PLOS Computational Biology, 19(12), e1011703 [PDF]

    TIEO, S., RESTREPO-ORTIZ, C. X., ROURA-TORRES, B., SAUVADET, L., HARTÉ, M., CHARPENTIER, M. J., & RENOULT, J. P. (2023). The Mandrillus Face Database: A portrait image database for individual and sex recognition, and age prediction in a non-human primate. Data in Brief47, 108939.

    BELTZUNG, B., PELE, M., RENOULT, J.P., SUEUR, C. (2023). Deep learning for studying drawing behavior: A review. Frontiers in Psychology. 14: 992541.

    BELTZUNG, B., PELE, M., RENOULT, J.P., SUEUR, C. (2022). Using artificial intelligence to analyze non-human drawings: A first step with Orangutan productions. Animals. 12(20): 2761. [PDF]

    RENOULT, J.P. (2022). La Fluence, in Abécédaire de la beauté (éditeurs: ZERNIK, C. & JARICOT, J.). Editions B42. [Book chapter]

    CHARPENTIER, M. J., PELÉ, M., RENOULT, J.P., SUEUR, C. (2021). Social data collection and analyses, in Demographic Methods Across the Tree of Life (ed. Salguero-Gomez, R., Gamelon, M.), pp.53-76 [Book chapter].

    RENOULT J.P. (2019). Book review of "The Aesthetic Animal." Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture. 3: 105-108. [PDF]

    RENOULT J.P., GUYL B., MENDELSON T.C., PERCHER A., DORIGNAC J., GENIET F., MOLINO F. (2019). Modelling the Perception of Colour Patterns in Vertebrates with HMAX. bioRxiv, 552307.

    HOLZLEITNER I.J., LEE A.J., HAHN A.C., KANDRIK M., BOVET J., RENOULT J.P.,... & JONES B.C. (2019). Comparing theory-driven and data-driven attractiveness models using images of real women’s faces. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 45: 1589.

    RENOULT J.P., MENDELSON T.C. (2019). Processing bias: extending sensory drive to include efficacy and efficiency in information processing. Proceedings of the Royal Society B286: 20190165.

    KAPOULA Z., VOLLE E., RENOULT J.P., ANDREATTA M. (ed.). (2018). Exploring Transdisciplinarity in Art and Sciences. Springer [Edited book]. 

    RENOULT J.P. (2016). The evolution of aesthetics: a review of models. In Aesthetics and Neuroscience: Scientific and Artistic Perspectives, (KAPOULA Z. & VERNET M, ed.). pp. 271-300. Springer International Publishing. [Book chapter].

    RENOULT J.P., BOVET J., RAYMOND M. (2016). Beauty is in the efficient coding of the beholder. Royal Society Open Science. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160027. [PDF]

    CHARPENTIER M.J.E., HUCHARD E., GIMENEZ, O., SALLE, B., KAPPELER P., RENOULT J.P. (2012). Distribution of affiliative behavior across kin classes and their fitness consequences in mandrills. Ethology, 118: 1198-1207.


    Marine biology

    KOVAČIĆ, M., BERGENGER, L., RENOULT, J. P. (2024). Testing of the taxonomic diagnosis of Zebrus pallaoroi Kovačić, Šanda & Vukić, 2021 (Actinopteri: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) on a large sample from the Western Mediterranean. Fishes. 9, 511. [PDF]

    MUCCIOLO, S., DESIDERATO, A., CHRISTIDIS, G., AMMAR, I. A., & ANTIT, M.,..., RENOULT, J.P., …, GEROVASILEIOU, V. (2024). New records of introduced species in the Mediterranean (August 2024). Mediterranean Marine Science25(2).

    DIGENIS, M., AKYOL, O., BENOIT, L., BIEL-CABANELAS, M., ÇAMLIK, Ö. Y., CHARALAMPOUS, K.,... RENOULT, J.P., & GEROVASILEIOU, V. (2024). New records of rarely reported species in the Mediterranean Sea (March 2024). Mediterranean Marine Science25(1), 84-115. [PDF]

    KOVACIC, M., ŠANDA, R., VUKIC, J., RENOULT, J. P., & FALZON, M.-A. (2023). New records of the recently described Pomatoschistus nanus Engin & Seyhan, 2017 (Teleostei: Gobiidae) (early view). Cybium. [PDF]

    RENOULT, J., MENUT, T., RUFRAY, X., LE BRIS, S., IGLESIAS, S. P., LOUISY, P.,... & PRAT, M. (2023). Les poissons cryptobenthiques de la baie d’Agay (Var). Cahiers de la Fondation Biotope39, 58 pages.

    KOVAČIĆ, M., RENOULT, J. P., PILLON, R., BILECENOGLU, M., TIRALONGO, F., BOGORODSKY, S. V.,... & YOKES, M. B. (2023). The delimitation of geographic distributions of Gobius bucchichi and Gobius incognitus (teleostei: Gobiidae). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering11(3), 516. [PDF]

    KOVAČIĆ, M., PILLON, R., RENOULT, J.P. (2022). Identification of enigmatic Mediterranean fish Gobius ater Bellotti, 1988 (Teleostei: Gobiidae) based on morphology from underwater photographs. Journal of Fish Biology, 101: 1381-1384 [PDF]

    RENOULT, J.P., PILLON, R., KOVAČIĆ, M.,  LOUISY, P. (2022). Frontiers in Fishwatching Series: Gobies of the Northestern Atlantic and the Mediterranean – Gobius and ThorogobiusLes cahiers de la fondation Biotope. 237 pages.

    KOVAČIĆ, M., RENOULT, J.P., PILLON, R., SVENSEN, R., BOGORODSKY, S., ENGEN, S., LOUISY, P. (2022). Identification of Mediterranean marine gobies (Actinopterygii: Gobiidae) of continental shelf from photographs of in situ individuals. Zootaxa5144: 1-103.

    IGLESIAS, S. P., BARICHE, M.., …, RENOULT, J.P., …, TOURNIER-BROER, R. (2021). French ichthyological records for 2019. Cybium. 45: 169-188.

    SANTIN A., AGUILAR R., …, RENOULT J.P., …, TIRALONGO, F. (2021) New records of rare species in the Mediterranean Sea (March 2021). Mediterranean Marine Science, 22: 199-217.

    IGLESIAS S. P., BERGOT P., …, RENOULT J.P., …, THOMAS W. (2020). French ichthyological records for 2018. Cybium. 44: 285-307.


    Other (mostly phylogenetics, population genetics and natural history)

    ROCHAS, P., MINOT, M., MEZIERE, N., RENOULT J.P., JUILLERAT, N., URIOT, Q., URIOT, S., FOXONET, H., CERDAN, A. (2022). Check-list of Odonata from French Guiana with notes on their distribution, ecology, and new state records. Odonatologica, 51(3/4) : 175-224.

    RENOULT J.P., DELAHAIE B., DELATTRE J-C., DE FRANCESCHI C. , VEYRUNES F., LE BOT T. (2018). Chumming on multi-day sailing trip in Bay of Biscay. Dutch Birding40:96-98

    CROCHET P.-A., LEBLOIS R., RENOULT J.P. (2015). New reptile records from Morocco and Western Sahara. Herpetology Notes. 8 : 583-588.

    RENOULT, J.P. Arrivée de la Libellule purpurine Trithemis annulata (De Palisot de Beauvois, 1805) dans la vallée du Rhône. (2013). Sympetrum. 17: 81-82. 

    DURANT, E., RENOULT, J.P.(2012). Addition à l’odonatofaune de l’Adrar mauritanien. Poiretia, 2012, 4 : 7-16.

    CHARPENTIER M.J.E., FONTAINE M.C., CHEREL E., RENOULT J.P., JENKINS T., BENOIT L., BARTHES N., ALBERTS SC, TUNG J. (2012). Genetic structure in a dynamic baboon hybrid zone corroborates behavioral observations in a hybrid population. Molecular Ecology, 21:715-731.

    RENOULT J.P., GENIEZ P., BEDDEK M., CROCHET P.-A. (2010). An isolated population of Podarcis vaucheri (Sauria: Lacertidae) in south-eastern Spain: genetic data suggest human-mediated range expansion. Amphibia-Reptilia, 31:287-296.

    KJELLEBERG F., BAKOLIMALALA R., EDMOND R., RAFIDISON V., RABEVOHITRA R., RENOULT J., et. al. (2010). Corridors de végétation et conservation d'un groupe clé de voûte de la biodiversité au centre d'un réseau d'interactions: le cas des Ficus et des communautés associées. in Connaissance et Gestion des Milieux Tropicaux. p80-91. CNRS Edition. [Chapitre de livre].

    RENOULT J.P., GENIEZ P, BACQUET P., GUILLAUME C. P., CROCHET P.-A. (2010). Systematics of the Podarcis hispanicus-complex (Sauria, Lacertidae) II: the valid name of the north-eastern Spanish form. Zootaxa, 2500:58-68

    RENOULT J. (2009). The Sooty Gull, Larus hemprichii (Aves; Laridae), on Nosy Ve: first records for Madagascar. Malagasy Nature, 2:174-176.

    RENOULT J.P., GENIEZ P, BACQUET P., BENOIT L., CROCHET P.-A. (2009). Morphology and nuclear markers reveal extensive mitochondrial introgressions in the Iberian Wall Lizard species complex. Molecular Ecology. 18:4298-4315.

    RENOULT J.P., KJELLBERG F., SANTONI S., KHADARI B. (2009). Cyto-nuclear discordance in the phylogeny of Ficus section Galoglychia and host shifts in plant-pollinator associations. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 9:248.

    RENOULT J.P. & RASELIMANANA A.P. (2009). A new species of Malagasy blind snake of the genus Typhlops Oppel (Serpentes: Typhlopidae). Zootaxa,2290:65-68

    CROCHET P.-A., RENOULT J. (2008). Tarentola annularis annularis (Geoffroy de Saint-Hilaire, 1827) preying on a mammal. Herpetology Notes, 1:58-59.

  • Laëtitita MATHON

    DoctoranteMathon Laetitia
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    Tel. +33 (0)4 67 61 32 63


    Etage 1, aile C, bureau 114
    Supervisor : Stéphanie Manel (CEFE)

    Google Scholar / Researchgate


    Projet de these : L’ADN environnemental pour étudier les patterns de distributions des poissons et les communautés à large echelle

    3 objectifs de recherche :

    - Comparaison de programmes bioinformatiques existants pour le traitement des données d'ADN environnemental, afin d'identifier les programmes les plus performants pour retrouver les composition specifiques des échantillons.

    - Analyse à l’échelle globale de données d’ADNe collectées sur des récifs coralliens dans plusieurs régions du monde afin d’étudier la capacité de l’ADNe à détecter les patterns de diversité à différentes échelles et déterminer les mécanismes de diversité. Puis analyse de données d'ADNe collectées dans plusieurs régions marines, de pôle à pôle.

    - Cas d'étude particulier : Modélisation 3D de la diversité des poissons autour des monts sous-marins de Nouvelle-Calédonie à partir de données d’ADN environnemental, afin d'étudier les communautés de poissons sur ces monts en fonction des paramètres environnementaux et biologiques.


    PhD project : Environmental DNA to study fish distribution patterns and communities across large spatial scales 

    3 research objectives:

    - Comparison of existing bioinformatics programs for processing environmental DNA data, in order to identify the most efficient programs for finding the species composition of samples.

    - Global analysis of DNA data collected from coral reefs in several regions of the world to study the ability of DNA to detect diversity patterns at different scales and determine the mechanisms of diversity. Then analysis of eDNA data collected in several marine regions, from pole to pole.

    - Special case study: 3D modeling of fish diversity around seamounts of New Caledonia from environmental DNA data, in order to study the fish communities on these seamounts according to environmental parameters and organic.


    Publications :

    Mathon, L., Valentini, A., Guérin, P. E., Normandeau, E., Noel, C., Lionnet, C.,... & Manel, S. (2021). Benchmarking bioinformatic tools for fast and accurate eDNA metabarcoding species identification. Molecular Ecology Resources.

    Flück, B., Mathon, L., Manel, S., Valentini, A., Dejean, T., Albouy, C.,... & Pellissier, L. (2021). Fast processing of environmental DNA metabarcoding sequence data using convolutional neural networks. bioRxiv.


    Conferences :

    Circumglobal distribution of fish environmental DNA in coral reefs. DNAqua-net conference, 2021

  • Laurence MONDOLOT



    Maître de Conférences, Université de Montpellier


    Etude in situ des médiateurs chimiques des plantes (métabolites phénoliques surtout), intervenant lors de stress biotiques (modèle Helianthus/Sclerotinia ; Vitis/Plasmopara Vitis/Eutypa ; Leonardoxa/fourmis ; Coffea/Nématodes ; Oriza/Nématodes) ou abiotiques (détection de l'activité herbicide sur des graminées nuisibles…), ainsi que lors de variations du milieu (cas de la domestication chez le Manioc…), ou lors de variations physiologiques (cycle végétatif du caféier, exposition aux rayonnements UV de caféiers et de Centella asiatica …)


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  • Magali PROFFIT


    Chargée de recherche au CNRS


    J'étudie le rôle de la médiation chimique dans le fonctionnement de différents types d´interactions plantes-arthropodes. J'ai pour objectif de caractériser l´impact de l’augmentation de polluants atmosphériques sur la rencontre entre espèces dans les interactions plantes-insectes et donc sur la résilience de ces interactions. J'étudie également les mécanismes évolutifs expliquant la nature des signaux chimiques ainsi que la détection de ces signaux dans les interactions plantes-pollinisateurs.


    I study the role of chemical mediation in the functioning of different types of plant-arthropod interactions. I aim at characterising the impact of increasing concentrations of atmospheric pollutants on the encounter between species in plant-insect interactions and hence on the resilience of these interactions. I also investigate the evolutionary processes explaining the nature of the chemical signals and how they are detected in plant-insect interactions.

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  • Marie-Jeanne Holveck


    E-mail: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.


    Personnal website:



    I study how variation in signal production and perception influences (i) the evolution of signals in multiple sensory modalities (acoustic, visual and chemical domains) and (ii) the adaptation (through phenotypic plasticity and/or genetic variability) to different environments, a topic for which there is nowadays a growing interest in the new field of sensory ecology, notably to understand how species cope with their rapidly changing environment due to anthropogenic activities.


  • Marion VALEIX

    Researcher CNRS

    " Movement, Abundance, Distribution" (MAD) Team Leader


    Marion ValeixCEFE

    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier cedex 5

    Tél : +33/0 4 67 61 33 02

    Office 311, 3rd floor

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  • Mathieu JORON

    Directeur de Recherche / Senior scientist

    I study the evolution of adaptive diversity, using colour patterns in butterflies as a model. In my group, we integrate many different approaches, including ecology, genetics, and modelling, to try and untangle how multiple factors influence the evolution and maintenance of diversity and polymorphisms.

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  • MOUILLOT Florent

    Chargé de recherche (CRCN IRD)

    86F73DF4 A6F1 4F8F ADD0 1E422F39C1E1 1 201 a

    Campus du CNRS
    1919, route de Mende
    34293 Montpellier 5

    tél :  +33 (0)4 67 61 33 53
    fax : 33 (0)4 67 61 33 36

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    Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

    Thèmes de recherche

    Mes travaux portent principalement sur la modélisation de la dynamique et du fonctionnement des écosystèmes végétaux naturels terrestres à différentes échelles.

  • Nassera KADIRI

    Nassera Kadiri trombi 2019

    Ingénieure de recherche, PhD

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    Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

    Téléphone : (+33) (0)467 142 319
    Portable :     (+33) (0)760 542 108

    Bureau : 105
    Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, Bâtiment Jean-Henri Fabre, route de Mende, 34199 Montpellier cedex 5


    Areas of Research :

    - Ecology and biology of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in the Mediterranean region. Dung beetle assemblages, effect of landscape structure on the spatial distribution of Mediterranean dung beetle diversity. Studies on the degradation of animal dung under various anthropogenic constraints.

    - Functional diversity and seasonal activity of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in native grasslands in southern Alberta (Canada) in comparison with the Mediterranean region.

    - Non-target effects to dung-dwelling insects of faecal residues in dung of cattle treated with endectocides. Development and standardization of test methods to evaluate the effects of veterinary medical products. Ecotoxicology. Conservation measures.





    1. Kadiri, N., Lumaret, J-P. y Martínez M. I. 2022. Funciones ecológicas y servicios ecosistémicos brindados por losescarabajos del estiércol. En: Martínez, M. I. y Lumaret, J.- P. (Eds.). Escarabajos estercoleros. Biología reproductiva y su regulación., pp. 313-371

    2. Lumaret J.-P., Kadiri N., Martínez-M.I. 2021. The Global Decline of Dung Beetles. Chapter 40021, pages 1-10, in: Imperiled: The Encyclopedia of Conservation”, an Elsevier Reference Collection in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-821139-7.00018-0

    3. Martínez M. I., Kadiri N., Gil Pérez, Y., Lumaret J.-P. 2018. Trans- and within-generational effects of two macrocyclic lactones on tunneler and dweller dung beetles: a case study. The Canadian Entomologist (accepted). The Canadian Entomologist, Published online: 8 August 2018, 150: 610-621 (2018). https://doi.org/10.4039/tce.2018.135
    4. Lumaret J.-P. & Kadiri N. 2018. Les médicaments vétérinaires et leurs résidus: quels risques pour les organismes non cibles et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes? Bulletin des GTV, numéro special, pp. 33-40.
    5. Lumaret J.-P., Kadiri N.2018.Ecotoxicité : les traitements antiparasitaires persistants, bioaccumulables et toxiques (PBT). Définitions et effets environnementaux. Bulletin des GTV. Numéro spécial 2018, pp. 33-40

    6. MARTINEZ-M I., LUMARET J.-P., ORTIZ ZAYAS R., Kadiri N. 2017. The effects of sublethal and lethal doses of ivermectin on the reproductive physiology and larval development of the dung beetle Euoniticellus intermedius. The Canadian Entomologist, Published online: 10 April 2017, pp. 461-472. https://doi.org/10.4039/tce.201
    7. Ghailoule D., Kadiri N., Lumaret J.-P. 2017.The short version of a long study: fifteen years of effort to control white grub pests (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) and achieve the forest management objectives in the regeneration of the Mamora Forest in Morocco. Dugesiana 24(1): 47-56.

    8. Ghailoule D., Kadiri N., Fegrouche R., Lumaret J.-P. 2017. Tests d’efficacité du carbosulfan sur la mortalité des larves (vers blancs) de Sphodroxia maroccana Ley (Coleoptera Melolontidae), ravageurs des jeunes plants de chène-liège dans la Mamora. Annales de la Recherche Forestière au Maroc. Tome 44 : 111-124.

    9. Baliteau L., Kadiri N., Lumaret J.-P. 2017. Les bousiers de l’Aveyron (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae). Biologie et diversité en fonction des milieux. Les invertébrés dans la conservation et la gestion des espaces naturels, Actes du colloque de Toulouse du 13 au 16 mai 2015 (sous presse).

    10. Lesieur V, Martin J-F, Weaver DK, Hoelmer KA, Smith DR, Morrill WL, Kadiri N, Peairs FB, Cockrell DM, Randolph TL, Waters DK, Bon MC., 2016. Phylogeography of the wheat stem sawfly, Cephus cinctus Norton (Hymenoptera: Cephidae): Implications for pest management. PLOS ONE | DOI:10.137 1/journal.pone.0168 370 December 13, 2016.

    11. Echassoux A., Enriquez B., Gasparini J., Kadiri N., Lumaret J.-P., 2014. Recherche-action sur l’effet des médicaments antiparasitaires équins sur la biodiversité du sol en forêt dans la réserve de biosphère de Fontainebleau et du Gâtinais. Actes de la 40ème Journée de la Recherche Équine, le Pin au Haras, 18 mars 2014, pp 119-127

    12. Fegrouche R., Kadiri N., Ghailoule D., Atay-Kadiri Z., Lumaret J.P., 2014. Environmental risk assessment of carbosulfan on target and non-target beetles when used as white grub larvicide in the cork oak forest of Mamora (Morocco). International Journal of Pest Management, 60 (1): 39-45.

    13. Kadiri N.,Lumaret J.-P., Floate K.D., 2014. Functional diversity and seasonal activity of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) on native grasslands in southern Alberta, Canada. The Canadian Entomologist, 146(3): 291-305.

    14. Floate K.D., Kadiri N., 2013.- Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) associated with cattle dung on native grasslands of southern Alberta, Canada. The Canadian Entomologist, 145(6): 647-654.

    15. Römbke J., Barrett K., Blanckenhorn W.U., Hargreaves T., Kadiri N., Knäbe S., Lehmhus J., Lumaret J.-P., Rosenkranz B., Scheffczyk A., Sekine T., 2010.  Results of an international ring test with the dung fly Musca autumnalis in support of a new OECD test guideline. Science of the Total Environment, 408: 4102-4106.

    16. Janati-Idrissi A., Kadiri N., Lumaret J.-P.,- Le partage du temps et de l'espace entre les guildes de Coléoptères coprophages dans le Moyen-Atlas (Maroc). Ann. Soc. Entomol. Fr., 35: 213-221

    17. Kadiri N., Lumaret J.-P., Janati-Idrissi A., 1999.- Lactones macrocycliques: leur impact sur la faune non-cible du pâturage. Ann. Soc. Entomol. Fr., 35: 222-229

    18. Lumaret J.-P., Kadiri N., 1998.- Effets des endectocides sur la faune entomologique du pâturage. G.T.V., 98 (3): 1-7

    19. Lumaret J.-P., Kadiri N., 1997.- Factors affecting the diversity of dung beetle communities in chestnut (Castanea sativa Miller) ecosystems along a gradient from clear-cut coppice to orchard in the Cévennes mountains (Southern France), in: F. Romane (Coordinator) : Dynamics and function of Chestnut Forest ecosystems in Mediterranean Europe. A Biological Approach for a Sustainable Development (CAST). Programme Européen, DG XII, EV5V-CT94-0427.

    20. Kadiri N., Lobo J.M., Lumaret J.-P., 1997.- Conséquences de l'interaction entre préférences pour l'habitat et quantité de ressources trophiques sur les communautés d'insectes coprophages (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). Acta Oecologica, 18 (2): 107-119.

    21. Lumaret J.-P., Kadiri, N., 1995.- The influence of the first wave of colonizing insects on cattle dung dispersal. Pedobiologia,39: 506-517.

    22. Lumaret J.-P., Galante E., Lumbreras C., Mena C., Bertrand M., Bernal J. L., Cooper J.F., Kadiri, N., Crowe D., 1993.- Field effects of ivermectin residues on dung beetles. Journal of Applied Ecology, 30: 559-568.

    23. Lumaret J.-P., Kadiri, N., Bertrand, 1992.- Changes in resources: consequences for the dynamics of dung beetle communities. Journal of Applied Ecology, 29: 349-356.


    1. Baliteau L., Kadiri N., Lumaret J.-P., 2015.- Les bousiers de l'Aveyron (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). Biologie et diversité en fonction des milieux. Congrès Les invertébrés dans la conservation et la gestion des espaces naturels. Toulouse, 14-16 mai 2015. Communication affichée.
    2. Lumaret J.-P., Kadiri N.- Utilisation des médicaments vétérinaires en Europe et risques environnementaux. Colloque Effervescence 2014. 20-21 nov 2014, Montpellier (Poster)
    3. Echassoux A., Enriquez B., Gasparini J., Kadiri N., Lumaret J.-P. 2014.- Recherche-action sur l’effet des médicaments antiparasitaires équins sur la biodiversité du sol en forêt dans la réserve de biosphère de Fontainebleau et du Gâtinais. Actes de la 40ème Journée de la Recherche Équine, le Pin au Haras, 18 mars 2014, pp 119-127. Conférence invitée et actes.
    4. Lumaret J.-P., Römbke J., Kadiri N., Errouissi F., Tixier T., Floate K., 2013. Antiparasitics and their impact on soil and dung fauna. International UBA Workshop “Pharmaceuticals in Soil, Sludge and Slurry”, Dessau (Germany), 18-19 June 2013.
    5. Kadiri N., Lumaret J.-P., 2012.- Some remarks and considerations on VPs effects on dung organisms. Meeting in ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH, Flörsheim (Germany), October 04-05, 2012. Communication.
    6. Floate K.D., Kadiri N., 2012.- Seasonal activity of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) on native grasslands in southern Alberta. Joint Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of Canada and Entomological Society of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, November 4-7, 2012. Communication affichée.
    7. Bon M.C., Kadiri N., Shanower T., Hoelmer K., Weaver D., Morrill W., Gaskin J.,- Genetic diversity of Cephus cinctus Norton in North America. 5th IWSS, Bozeman MT (USA), April 2012.
    8. Floate K.D., Blanckenhorn W.U., Coghlin P., Gray J., Höhn P., Kadiri N., Lumaret J.-P., Scheffczyk A., Schmidt T., Schwarz A., Sekine T., Taylor C., Taylor K., Römbke J., Lessons learned during the selection of a dung beetle species as a test for insecticidal residues in cattle dung. SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting, Milano, Italy, 15-19 May 2011, session WEPC1 - Assessment of the effects of veterinary drugs on dung and soil organisms, 18 May 2011.
    9. Römbke J., Lumaret J.-P., Kadiri N., Scheffczyk A., Adler N., 2011. New laboratory test methods with dung beetles for the evaluation of veterinary parasiticides. SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting, Milano, Italy, 15-19 May 2011, session WEPC1 - Assessment of the effects of veterinary drugs on dung and soil organisms, 18 May 2011.
    10. Kadiri N., Lumaret J.-P, Rombke J., 2011.- Effects of moxidectin on larval development and fecundity of Aphodius constans.Workshop on the Effects of VPs on Dung Biodiversity, Montpellier, 31 March - 01 April 2011.
    11. Hoelmer K., Kirk A., Kadiri N., Messing R.H., Wharton R.A., Copeland R.S., Pickett C.H.,- Classical biological control of Bactrocera oleae in California: Renewed foreign exploration. The 2002 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 20 November 2002.
    12. Lumaret J.-P., Kadiri N., 1998.- Lactones macrocycliques: leur impact sur la faune non-cible du pâturage. IVe Conférence Internationale Francophone d’Entomologie,Saint-Malo, 5-9 Juillet 1998.
    13. Kadiri N., Lumaret J.-P., Bertrand M., 1991.- Mutation de l'activité pastorale, fertilisation et changement de structure des communautés d'insectes coprophages. Colloque Ecologie du Paysage, Paris, 19 Mars 1991.
    14. Kadiri N., Baliteau L., Lumaret J.-P., 2011.- Etude des bousiers de la Tourbière des Rauzes, Espace Naturel Sensible (ENS). Rapport Final, Conseil général de l’Aveyron, décembre 2011.
    15. Bon M.C., Kadiri N., 2009.- Implications for biological control of phylogeography and population genetics studies of Cephus cinctus Norton (Hymenotera: Cephidae), an invasive pest on wheat in North America. EBCL-ARS/ USDA, Baillarguet. Final Report.
    16. Kadiri N., Lumaret J.-P., Bertrand M., David J. 2006.- Etude de l’impact du rejet accidentel d’hydrocarbures sur la faune du sol et la faune circulante. Rapport final, Total France, 89 p.
    17. Hoelmer K., Kadiri N., 2001- 2004.- Exploration pour la recherche des ennemis naturels de la mouche de l’olive Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) et l’étude de la biologie et l’écologie de ces organismes. EBCL (European Biological Control Laboratoy), ARS, USDA (rapports annuels pour EBCL-ARS-USDA).
    18. Lumaret J.-P., Kadiri N., Jay-Robert P.,- Les Coléoptères coprophages : reconnaissance, écologie, gestion. Guide pratique à l'usage des gestionnaires des espaces protégés. Document multigraphié, ATEN, Montpellier. 50 p
    19. Pâturage en forêt et biodiversité.- Plaquette réalisée pour le Conseil général du Var et le CERPAM.
    20. Arnaud M.T., Thavaud P., Lumaret J.-P., Kadiri N., Bily F., Chauliac A., Moulignier F., Varenne T., Panis A., Bigot M., Moulet P., Orsini P., Garde L., Legrand J.P., - Conséquences écologiques d'un nouveau mode d'utilisation des milieux méditerranéens en application de l'article 19 de la CEE : l'entretien des zones à objectifs DFCI par le pâturage. Bilan de trois années de recherches, 1993-1994-1995. Rapport final, Centre d'Etudes et de Réalisations Pastorales Alpes Méditerranée (CERPAM), 82 pages + 29 annexes.
    21. Arnaud M.T., Garde L., Thavaud P., Lumaret J.-P., Kadiri N., Chauliac A., Moulignier F., Varenne T., Panis A., Bigot L., Moulet P., Orsini P., 1993.- Conséquences écologiques d'un nouveau mode d'utilisation des milieux méditerranéens en application de l'article 19 de la CEE : l'entretien des zones à objectif DFCI par le pâturage. Rapport d'activité du Centre d'Etudes et de Réalisations Pastorales Alpes Méditerranée (CERPAM). 28 pages + 15 annexes
    22. Lumaret J.-P., Bertrand M., Kadiri N., Cooper J.F., Galante E., Mena J., Lumbreras C., Crowe D.,- Risques encourus par les insectes coprophages et la mésofaune édaphique après certains traitements chimiques du bétail. C.R. final recherches contrat SRETIE/MERE/90038, Ministère de l'Environnement, Paris, 41 pages
    23. Gillon D., Bertrand M., Etienne M., Kadiri N., Legrand C., Lumaret J.-P., Rigolot E., ValetteC., 1991.- Préventions des incendies de forêt en région méditerranéenne par l'utilisation du feu et du pâturage contrôlés: impact sur l'écosystème forestier. Compte rendu final contrat européen CEE, n° EV4V- 0088 - F(CD). 59 pages
    24. Lumaret J.-P., Bertrand M., Kadiri N., Blanc P.,- Utilisation des déjections animales par la faune édaphique en région méditerranéenne. Insectes coprophages et gestion de la matière organique. Compte rendu de fin de contrat n° 87231, S.R.E.T.I.E., Secrétariat d'Etat chargé de l'Environnement, Paris, 130 pages.

  • Patrice DAVID

    Directeur de recherche ( DR1) CNRS

    tel : +33 (0)4 67 61 32 28

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    Chercheur en Ecologie Evolutive, j'étudie l'évolution des systèmes de reproduction (sélection sexuelle, hermaphrodisme, autofécondation), et  la dynamique des communautés (bio-invasions, coexistence d'espèces) par des approches expérimentales, moléculaires, de terrain, et théoriques. J'enseigne la Génétique Quantitative à l'Université.


     I am an evolutionary biologist. I study the evolution of mating systems (sexual selection, hermaphroditism, self-fertilization) as well as community eco-evolutionary dynamics (bio-invasions, species coexistence) through experimental, molecular, field, and theoretical approaches. I teach Quantitative Genetics.