When to kill and when to care for another female's offspring?

Dieter Lukas

Univ. of Cambridge

Le vendredi 19 juin 2015 - Grande salle de réunion du CEFE - 11h30

Female relationships across mammals range from highly supportive to intensively aggressive, often within the same species. While differences in the structure of female relationships may have played a major role in the evolution of mammalian sociality (Lukas & Clutton-Brock 2013), only few studies have investigated why and how female interactions differ across species. In this presentation, I will show that competition between females is frequently as intense as what has been reported for males (Lukas & Clutton-Brock 2014), and that variation in the intensity of female competition is linked to female reproductive investment. Finally, I will discuss how competition influences cooperation between females (MacLeod & Lukas 2014).

Lukas, D. & Clutton-Brock, T. H. 2013. The evolution of social monogamy in mammals. Science, 341, 526-530.

MacLeod, K. J. & Lukas, D. Revisiting non-offspring nursing: allonursing evolves when the costs are low. Biology Letters, 10, 20140378.

Lukas, D. & Clutton-Brock, T. Costs of mating competition limit male lifetime breeding success in polygynous mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281, 20140418.

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