Interactions Biotiques




Directeur de recherche émérite au CNRS


Je m'intéresse à l'écologie et à l'évolution des interactions inter-spécifiques. Mes études portent plus particulièrement sur l'écologie chimique dans les processus de coévolution et de diversification dans le système Ficus-insectes des figues.

I am interested in the ecology and evolution of inter-specific interactions. My studies are largely focused on the ecological chemistry of coevolutionary processes and diversification in the fig-fig wasp system.


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Chargée de mission Biodiversité et Outre-mer à l'INEE
Campus du CNRS
1919, route de Mende
F-34293 Montpellier cedex 5


Tél : +33 (0) 4 67 61 32 30
Fax : +33 (0) 4 67 61 33 36

bureau 2-C-208

Mots-clés :
Organisme biologique : Ficus et chalcidiens associés, Dacryodes, Okoumea
Milieu : tropical

Discipline : Ecologie évolutive
Technique : Ecologie chimique, marqueurs moléculaires
Thématique : coévolution
Autres mots-clés : biologie de la conservation, interactions bio-culturelles







ORCID 0000-0001-9274-0994

Mon objectif est de comprendre la coévolution dans les interactions mutualistes, en étudiant de façon parallèle plusieurs types de mutualismes. Suivant une approche résolument intégrative, j’applique plusieurs méthodes à l’étude de ces interactions. Des médiateurs chimiques sont souvent à la base des mutualismes, et au sein du groupe Coévolution j’apporte cette composante d’écologie chimique à l’analyse de nos principaux modèles. L’étude de la médiation chimique est souvent restreinte à la description des mécanismes proximaux du fonctionnement des interactions : les échanges de signaux et de ressources. En appliquant les méthodes de l’écologie chimique non seulement à l’étude des mécanismes proximaux des interactions mais aussi à l’analyse de leur dynamique évolutive, je retrace le rôle des médiateurs chimiques dans l’évolution de la spécificité et dans la stabilité des mutualismes face aux conflits évolutifs. En étudiant le cortège de parasites associés aux mutualismes et les relations entre différents mutualismes impliquant les mêmes plantes—par exemple, la pollinisation et le transport de graines, deux mutualismes couplés chez les figuiers—j’étend l’étude des mutualismes, qui sont souvent vus comme interactions entre paires d’espèces, à la prise en compte d’interactions multitrophiques dans des communautés. Je suis particulièrement intéressée par les rôles des mutualismes dans le fonctionnement des écosystèmes, l’histoire évolutive des mutualismes lors des fluctuations climatiques passées, et l’avenir des mutualismes face aux changements écologiques actuels. Ces travaux prennent en compte, l’Homme en tant qu’acteur dans les systèmes d’interactions durables avec une attention particulière à la diversité culturelle des sociétés concernées.

De plus, mes terrains de recherche étant essentiellement tropicaux, je participe activement à des programmes de Biologie de la Conservation.

Liste des Publications

Maryse Vanderplanck M, Lapeyre B, Brondani M, Opsommer M, Dufay M, Hossaert-McKey M, Proffit M. 2021. Ozone pollution alters olfaction and behavior of pollinators. Antioxidants 2021, 10, 636.

Proffit M., LapeyreB., Buatois B., Deng X.X., Arnal P., Gouzerh F., Carrasco D., Hossaert-McKey M. 2020. Chemical signal is in the blend: bases of plant-pollinator encounter in a highly specialized interaction. Scientific Reports 10:10071

Souto-Vilarós D., Proffit M., Buatois B., Rindos M., Sisol M., Kuyaiva T., Michalek J., Darwell C.T. , Hossaert-McKey M., Weiblen G. D. , Novotny V., Segar S.T. Pollination along an elevational gradient mediated both by floral scent and pollinator compatibility in the fig and fig-wasp mutualism. Journal of Ecology, on line:

Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y., Rafidison V.M., Kjellberg F., Hossaert-McKey M. 2018. Sacred hills of Imerina and the voyage of Ficus lutea Vahl (Amontana) in Madagascar. Acta Oecologica, 90: 18-27

Proffit M., Bessière J.M., Schatz B., Hossaert-McKey M. 2018. Can fine-scale post-pollination variation of fig volatile compounds explain some steps of the temporal succession of fig wasps associated with Ficus racemosa? Acta Oecologia, 90: 81-90.

Soler CCL, Schatz B, Bessière JM, Hossaert-McKey M. 2018. Geographic variation of fruit scents in a dispersion mutualism, the case of Ficus luteaActa Oecologia, 90: 46-48.

Rodriguez L.J., Bain A., Chou L.S., Conchou L., Cruaud A., Gonzales R., Hossaert-McKey M., Rasplus J.Y., Tzeng H.Y., Kjellberg F. 2017. Diversification and spatial structuring in the mutualism between Ficus septica and its pollinating wasps in insular South East Asia.  BMC Evolutionary Biology 17, 207

Bain A., Borges R.M., Chevallier M.H., Vignes H., Kobmoo N., Peng Y.Q., Cruaud A., Rasplus J.Y., Kjellberg F., & Hossaert-McKey M. 2016. Geographic structuring into vicariant species-pairs in a wide-ranging, high dispersal plant-insect mutualism: the case of Ficus racemosa and its pollinating wasps. Evolutionary Ecology, 30, 663–684.

Hossaert-McKey M., Proffit M., Soler C., Chen C., Bessière J.M., Schatz B., & Borges R.M. 2016. How to be a dioecious fig: Chemical mimicry between sexes matters only when both sexes flower synchronously. Scientific Reports, 6: 21236.

Kjellberg F., Suleman N., Raja S., Tayou A., Hossaert-McKey M., Compton S.G. (2014). Some pollinators are more equal than others: factors influencing pollen loads and seed set capacity of two actively and passively pollinating fig wasps - Acta Oecologica, 57: 73-79.

Bain A., Chou L.S., Tzeng H.Y., Ho Y.C., Chiang Y.P., Chen W.H., Chio Y.T., Li G.Y., Yang H.W., Kjellberg F., Hossaert-McKey M. (2014). Plasticity and diversity of the phenology of dioecious Ficus species in Taiwan - Acta Oecologica, 57: 124-134.

Conchou L.,Ciminera M., Hossaert-McKey M., Kjellberg F. (2013). The non-pollinating fig wasps associated with Ficus guianensis: Community structure and impact of the large species on the fig/pollinator mutualism - Acta Oecologica 57: 28-37.

Luque G.M., Hochberg M.E., Holyoak M., Hossaert M.,Gaill F., Courchamp F. (2013). Ecological effects of environmental change - Ecology Letters 16:1-3.

Schatz B., Hossaert-McKey M., Kjellberg F. (2013). Histoire évolutive et diversité des interactions insectes pollinisateurs-plantes - Chapitre 36 in Interactions insectes-plantes, Sauvion N., Catalyud P.A., Thiery D., Marion-Poll F.,editeurs, éditions Quae, pp 565-576.

Schatz B., Proffit M., Kjellberg F., Hossaert-McKey M. (2013). Un reseau trophique complexe : le cas des figuiers - Chapitre 32 in Interactions insectes-plantes, Sauvion N., Catalyud P.A., Thiery D., Marion-Poll F.,editeurs, éditions Quae, pp 483-493.

Cornille A., Underhill J.G., Cruaud A., Hossaert-McKey M., Johnson S.D., Tolley K.A., Kjellberg F., van Noort S., Proffit M. (2012). Floral volatiles, pollinator sharing and diversification in the fig-wasp mutualism: insights from Ficus natalensis, and its two wasp pollinators (South Africa) - Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 279: 1731-1739.

Cruaud A., Ronsted N., Chantarasuwan B., CHOU L.S., Clement W.L., Couloux A., Cousins B., Genson G., Harrison R.D., Hanson P.E., Hossaert-McKey M., Jabbourzahab R., Jousselin E., Kerdelhue C., Kjellberg F., Lopez-Vaamonde C., Peebles J., Peng Y.Q., Pereira R.A.S., Schramm T., Ubaidillah R., Van Noort S., Weiblen W.D., Yang D.R., Yodpinyanee A., Libeskind-Hadas R., Cook J.M., Rasplus J.Y., Savolainen V. (2012). An extreme case of plant-insect co-diversification: figs and fig-Pollinating wasps - Systematic Biology 61: 1029-1047.

Kuaraksa C., Elliott S., Hossaert-Mckey M. (2012). The phenology of dioecious Ficus spp. tree species and its importance for forest restoration projects - Forest Ecology and Management, 265: 82-93.

Nicole F., Guitton Y., Courtois E.A., Moja S., Legendre L., Hossaert-McKey M. (2012). MSeasy: unsupervised and untargeted GC-MS data processing - Bioinformatics Applications Note 28: 2278-2280.

Soler C.L., Proffit M., Bessiere J.M., Hossaert-McKey M., Schatz B. (2012). Evidence for intersexual chemical mimicry in a dioecious plant - Ecology Letters 15: 978-985.

Born C., Alvarez N., McKey D., Ossari S., Wickings E.J., Hossaert-McKey M., Chevallier, M.H. (2011). Insights into the biogeographical history of the Lower Guinea Forest Domain: evidence for the role of refugia in the intraspecific differentiation of Aucoumea klaineana - Molecular Ecology 20: 131-142.

Dev S.A., Kjellberg F., Hossaert-McKey M., Borges R.M. (2011). Fine-scale population genetic structure of two dioecious Indian keystone species, Ficus hispida and F. exasperata (Moraceae). - Biotropica, 43: 309-316.

Rafidison V.M., Rabevohitra R., Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y., Hossaert-McKey M., Rasplus J.Y., Kjellberg F. (2011). Notes taxonomiques et identification des Ficus malgaches - Acta Botanica Gallica 158: 453-472.

Schatz B., Bessiere JM, Delle-Vedove R., Hossaert-McKey M., Kjellberg F. (2011). Les mutualismes de pollinisation comme facteurs importants de biodiversité - Pp 48-66 In Pietrasanta Y. et Schatz B. editeurs « Le génie de la nature ». Biotope éditions, Mèze, France.

Soler C., Hossaert-McKey M., Buatois B., Bessiere J.-M., Schatz B. & Proffit M. (2011). Geographic variation of floral scent in a highly specialized pollination mutualism - Phytochemistry 72: 74-81.

Di Giusto B., Bessiere J.M., Gueroult M., Lim L.B.L., Marshall D.J., Hossaert-McKey M., Gaume L (2010). Flower-scent mimicry masks a deadly trap in the carnivorous plant Nepenthes rafflesiana - Journal of Ecology 98: 845-856.

Dormont L., Delle-Vedove R., Bessiere J.-M., Hossaert-Mc Key M., Schatz B. (2010). Rare white-flowered morphs increase the reproductive success of common purple morphs in a food-deceptive orchid - New Phytologist 185: 300-310.

Hossaert-McKey M, Soler C, Schatz B, Proffit M. (2010). Floral scents: their roles in nursery pollination mutualisms - Chemoecology 20:75–88.

Kobmoo N., Hossaert-McKey M., Rasplus J.Y., Kjellberg F. (2010). Ficus racemosa is pollinated by a single population of a single agaonid wasp species in continental South-East Asia - Molecular Ecology 19: 2700-2712.

Schatz B., Geoffroy A., Dainat B., Bessiere J.M., Buatois B., Hossaert-McKey M. & Selosse M.A. (2010). A case study of modified interactions with symbionts in a hybrid mediterranean orchid - American Journal of Botany 97: 1278-1288.

Schatz B., Proffit M., Kjellberg F., Hossaert-McKey M. (2010). Fourmis et figuiers - Les Courriers de la Nature, 250: 58.

Schatz, B., Hossaert-McKey, M. (2010). Ants use odour cues to exploit fig- fig wasp interactions - Acta Oecologica 36: 107-113.

Chen C, Song QS, Proffit M, Bessiere JM, Li ZB, Hossaert-McKey M. (2009). Private channel: a single unusual compound assures specific pollinator attraction in Ficus semicordata - Functional Ecology 23: 941-950.

Kobmoo N., Vignes H., Hossaert-McKey M., Wei Z. & Kjellberg F. (2009). Isolation and characterization of microsatellite primers for Ceratosolen fusciceps, the fig pollinating wasp of Ficus racemosa, and amplification in two populations - Permanent Genetic Resource Note, 1147-1150.

Proffit M., Chen C., Soler C., Bessiere J.M., Schatz B.,Hossaert-McKey M. (2009). Can chemical signals, responsible for mutualistic partner encounter, promote the specific exploitation of nursery pollination mutualisms? The case of figs and fig wasps - Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 131: 46-57.

Proffit M., Cornille A., Hossaert-McKey M., Johnson S.D. (2009). Role of floral scent in promoting the co-occurrence of two pollinating wasps in Ficus natalensis natalensis in the KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) - South African Journal of Botany 75: 416-417.

Borges R.M., Bessiere J.-M., Hossaert-McKey M. (2008). The chemical ecology of seed dispersal in monoecious and dioecious figs - Functional Ecology.

Born C., Hardy O.J., Chevallier M.-H., Ossari S., Atteke C., Wickings J., Hossaert-Mckey M. (2008). Small-scale spatial genetic structure in the Central African rainforest tree species Aucoumea klaineana: a stepwise approach to infer the impact of limited gene dispersal, population history and habitat fragmentation - Molecular Ecology 17: 2041-2050.

Born C., Kjellberg F., Chevallier M.-H., Vignes H., Dikangadissi J.-T., Sanguie, J., Wickings E.J., Hossaert-McKey M. (2008). Colonization processes and the maintenance of genetic diversity: insights from a pioneer rainforest tree, Aucoumea klaineana - Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 275: 2171-2179.

Diallo B.O., Mckey D., Chevallier M.H., Joly H.I., Hossaert-Mckey M. (2008). Breeding system and pollination biology of the semi-domesticated fruit tree, Tamarindus indica L. (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae): Implications for fruit production, selective breeding, and conservation of genetic resources - African Journal of Biotechnology 7: 4068-4075.

Hossaert-McKey M., McKey D., Dormont L. (2008). Fungal sex as a private matter: odour signals in a specialized pollination-like insect-fungus mutualism - New Phytologist 178: 225-227.

Proffit M., Schatz B., Bessiere J.M., Chen C., Soler C., Hossaert-McKey M. (2008). Signaling receptivity: Comparison of the emission of volatile compounds by figs of Ficus hispida before, during and after the phase of receptivity to pollinators - Symbiosis 45:15-24.

Schatz B., Kjellberg F., Nyawa S., Hossaert-McKey M. (2008). Fig wasps: A staple food for ants on Ficus - Biotropica 40: 190-195.

Alvarez N., Hossaert-McKey M., Restoux G., Delgado-Salinas A., Benrey B. (2007). Anthropogenic effects on population genetics of phytophagous insects associated with domesticated plants - Evolution 61:2986-2996.

Charpentier M.J.E., Peignott P., Hossaert-Mckey M., Wickings E.J. (2007). Kin discrimination in juvenile mandrills, Mandrillus sphinx - Animal Behaviour 73: 37-45.

Diallo B.O., Joly H.I., McKey D., Hossaert-McKey M., Chevallier M.-H. (2007). Genetic diversity of Tamarindus indica populations: Any clues on the origin from its current distribution? - African Journal of Biotechnology 6: 853-860.

Proffit M., Schatz B., Borges R.M., Hossaert-McKey M. (2007). Chemical mediation and niche partitioning in nonpollinating fig-wasp communities - Journal of Animal Ecology 76, 296-30.

Alvarez N., Benrey B., Hossaert-McKey M., Grill A., McKey D., Galtier N. (2006). Phylogeographic support for horizontal gene transfer involving sympatric bruchid species - Biol Direct 1: 21.

Alvarez N., Mercier L., Hossaert-McKey M., Contreras-Garduno J., Kunstler G., Aebi A., Benrey B. (2006). Ecological distribution and niche segregation of sibling species: the case of bean beetles, Acanthoscelides obtectus Say and A-obvelatus Bridwell - Ecological Entomology 31: 582-590.

Alvarez N., Romero Napoles J., Anton K.-W., Benrey B. & Hossaert-McKey, M. (2006). Phylogenetic relationships in the Neotropical bruchid genus Acanthoscelides Schilsky - Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 44: 63-74.

Born C., Vignes N., Muloko N., Wickings E.J., Hossaert-McKey M., Chevallier M.H. (2006). Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci from Aucoumea klaineana Pierre (Burseraceae, a tropical rainforest tree of Central Africa - Molecular Ecology Notes.

Charpentier M., Setchell J.M., Prugnolle F., Wickings E.J., Peignot P., Balloux F., Hossaert-McKey M. (2006). Life history correlates of inbreeding depression in mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) - Molecular Ecology 15: 21-28.

Diallo O.B., Bastide B., Poissonnet M., Dao M., Sanou J., Hossaert-Mc Key M. (2006). Description of a morphological androdioecy and of a heterostigmaty for Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst - Fruits 61: 259-266.

Lambrechts M.M., Hossaert-McKey M. (2006). Olfaction, volatile compounds and reproduction in birds - Acta Zoologica Sinica, 52 (Supplement): 284-287.

Schatz B., Proffit M., Rakhi B.V., Borges R.M., Hossaert-McKey M. (2006). Complex interactions on fig trees: ants capturing parasitic wasps as possible indirect mutualists of the fig/fig wasp interaction - Oikos 113: 344-352.

Vignes H., Hossaert-Mckey M., Beaune D., Fevre D., Anstett M.C., Borges R.M., Kjellberg F., Chevallier M.H. (2006). Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for a monoecious Ficus species, Ficus insipida, and crossspecies amplification among different sections of Ficus - Molecular Ecology Notes 6: 792-795.

Alvarez N., Garine E., Khasah C., Dounias E., Hossaert-McKey M., McKey D. (2005). Farmers' practices, metapopulation dynamics, and conservation of agricultural biodiversity on-farm: a case study of sorghum among the Duupa in sub-sahelian Cameroon - Biological Conservation 121: 533-543.

Alvarez N., Hossaert-McKey M., Rasplus J.-Y., McKey D., Mercier L., Soldati L., Aebi A., Shani T., Benrey B. (2005). Sibling species of bean bruchids: a morphological and phylogenetic study of Acanthoscelides obtectus Say and Acanthoscelides obvelatus Bridwell - Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 43: 29-37.

Alvarez N., McKey D., Hossaert-McKey M., Born C., Mercier L., Benrey B. (2005). Ancient and recent evolutionary history of the bruchid beetle, Acanthoscelides obtectus Say, a cosmopolitan pest of beans - Molecular Ecology 14: 1015-1024.

Charpentier M., Peignot P., Hossaert-McKey M., Gimenez O., Setchell J.M., Wickings E.J. (2005). Constraints on control: factors influencing reproductive success in male mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) - Behavioral Ecology, 16: 614-623.

Charpentier M., Peignot P., Hossaert-McKey M., Wickings E.J. (2005). Consequences of a one-male harem reproductive system and inbreeding in a captive group of Cercopithecus solatus - International Journal of Primatology, 26: 695-708.

Charpentier M., Setchell J.M., Prugnolle F., Knapp L., Wickings E.J., Peignot P., and Hossaert-McKey M. (2005). Genetic diversity and reproductive success and in mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) - P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 102: 16723-16728.

Kergoat G.J., Alvarez N., Hossaert-Mckey M., Faure, N., Silvain, J.-F. (2005). Parallels in the evolution of the two largest seed-beetle genera (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) - Molecular Ecology, 14: 4003-4021.

Alvarez N., Born C., Risterucci A.-M., Sourrouille P., Benrey B., Hossaert-McKey M. (2004). Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Acanthoscelides obtectus Say (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) - Molecular Ecology Notes 4: 683-685.

Charpentier M., P. Peignot, M. Hossaert-McKey, & E. J. Wickings (2004). Changes in social interactions during adolescence in male mandrills - American Journal of Primatology 63: 63-73.

Djieto-Lordon C., A. Dejean, M. Gibernau, M. Hossaert-McKey & D. McKey (2004). Symbiotic mutualism with a community of opportunistic ants: protection, competition, and ant occupancy of the myrmecophyte Barteria nigritana (Passifloraceae) - Acta Oecologica 26: 109-116.

Dufay M., M. Hossaert-McKey, & M.C. Anstett (2004). Temporal variation of leaf-produced pollinator attracting odours in the dwarf palm - Oecologia, 139: 192-198.

Alvarez N., A. Aebi, A.M. Risterucci, M. Hossaert-McKey, & B. Benrey (2003). Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Acanthoscelides obvelatus Bridwell (Coleoptera : Bruchidae) - Molecular Ecology Notes, 3: 12-14.

Dufay, M., M Hossaert-McKey, & M.-C Anstett (2003). When leaves act like flowers: how dwarf palms attract their pollinators - Ecology Letters 6: 28-34.

Jousselin, E., M. Hossaert-McKey, E.A. Herre & F. Kjellberg (2003). Why do fig wasps actively pollinate monoecious figs? - Oecologia 134: 381-387.

Schatz B. & M. Hossaert-McKey (2003). Interactions of the ant Crematogaster scutellaris with the fig/fig wasp mutualism - Ecological Entomology 28 : 359-368.

Schatz B., M.C. Anstett, W. Out, & M. Hossaert-McKey (2003). Olfactive detection of fig wasps as prey by the ant Crematogaster scutellaris (Formicidae - Myrmicinae).

Amsellem L., T. Pailler, J.L. Noyer, &. M. Hossaert-McKey (2002). Caract‚risation d'aposporie pseudogame dans la biologie de la reproduction de la plante envahissante Rubus alceifolius (Rosaceae), dans son aire d?introduction - Acta Botanica Gallica 149 : 217-224.

Ceballos L., C. Andary, M. Delescluse, M. Gibernau, D. McKey, & M. Hossaert-McKey (2002). Effects of sublethal attack by a sucking insect, Hyalymenus tarsatus, on Sesbania drummondii seeds: Impact on some seed traits related to fitness - Ecoscience 9: 28-36.

Grison-Pige L., J.M. Bessiere, & M. Hossaert-McKey (2002). Specific attraction of fig pollinating wasps : role of the volatile compounds released by tropical figs - Journal of Chemical Ecology 28 : 283-295.

Grison-Pige L., M. Hossaert-McKey J. Greeff, & J.M. Bessiere (2002). Fig volatile compounds: basis for the specific Ficus-wasps interactions - Phytochemistry 61: 61-71.

Petit C., M. Hossaert-McKey, P. Perret, J. Blondel & M. M. Lambrechts (2002). Blue tits use selected plants and olfaction to maintain an aromatic environment for nestlings - Ecology Letters 5: 585-589.

Pujol, B., G. Gigot, G. Laurent, M. Pinheiro-Kluppel, M. Elias, M. Hossaert-McKey, & D. McKey (2002). Germination ecology of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz, Euphorbiaceae) in traditional agroecosystems: seed and seedling biology of a vegetatively propagated domesticated plant - Economic Botany 56: 366-379.

Amsellem L., M.H. Chevalier & M. Hossaert-McKey (2001). Ploidy level of the invasive weed Rubus alceifolius (Rosaceae) in its native range and in areas of introduction - Plants Systematic and Evolution 228: 171-179.

Grison L. J.L. Salager, J. Roy & M. Hossaert-McKey (2001). Carbon allocation to the reproductive components in male Ficus carica (Moraceae) - American Journal of Botany 88: 2214-2220.

Grison-Pige L., Bessiere J.M., Turlings C.J., Kjellberg F., Roy J., & Hossaert-McKey M. (2001). Limited intersex mimicry of floral odour in Ficus carica - Functional Ecology 15: 551-558.

Hossaert-McKey M. & J. Bronstein (2001). Self-pollination and its costs in a monoecious fig (Ficus aurea, Moraceae) in a highly seasonal subtropical environment - American Journal of Botany 88: 685-692.

Hossaert-McKey M., J. Orivel, E. Labeyrie, L.Pascal, J.H.C. Delabie & A. Dejean (2001). Differential association with ants of three co-occuring extrafloral nectary-bearing plants - Ecoscience 8: 325-335.

Jousselin E., M. Hossaert-McKey, D. Vernet, & F. Kjellberg (2001). Egg deposition patterns of fig pollinating wasps : implications for studies on the stability of the mutualism - Ecological Entomology 26: 1-7.

Labeyrie E., J. Orivel, L.Pascal, J.H.C. Delabie, A. Dejean, & M. Hossaert-McKey (2001). Protection of Passiflora glandulosa (Passifloraceae) against herbivory : Impact of ants exploiting extrafloral nectarines - Sociobiology 38: 317-321.

Amsellem L., J.L. Noyer, T. Le Bourgeois & M. Hossaert-McKey (2000). Comparison of genetic diversity of the invasive weed Rubus alceifolius Poir. (Rosaceae) in its native range and in areas of introduction, using AFLP markers - Molecular Ecology 9: 443-455.

Brouat C., D.B .McKey, J.M. Bessiere, L. Pascal, & M. Hossaert-McKey (2000). Leaf volatile compounds and the distribution of ant patrolling in an ant-plant protection mutualism : Preliminary results on Leonardoxa (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae) and Petalomyrmex (Formicidae: Formicinae) - Acta Oecologica 21: 349-357.

Patel A. & M. Hossaert-McKey (2000). Sources of variation in reproductive success of two dioecious fig species, F exasperata, F hispida - Ecology 81: 2850-2866.

Grison L. M. Hossaert-McKey & A. A. Edwards (1999). Interspecies variation in floral fragrances emitted by tropical Ficus species - Phytochemistry 52: 1293-1299.

Anstett M.C, M. Gibernau & M. Hossaert-McKey (1998). Partial avoidance of female inflorescences of a dioecious fig by their mutualistic polinating wasps - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 265: 45-50.

Bronstein J.L., D. Vernet & M. Hossaert-McKey (1998). Do fig wasps interfere with each other during oviposition? - Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 87: 321-324.

Ceballos L., M. Hossaert-McKey, D. McKey & C. Andary (1998). Rapid deployment of allelochemicals in exudates of germinating seeds of Sesbania (Fabaceae): roles of seed anatomy and histolocalization of polyphenolic compounds in anti-pathogen defense of seedlings - Chemoecology 8: 141-151.

Gibernau M., M. Hossaert-McKey, J.E.. Frey & F. Kjellberg (1998). The evolution of entomophilous pollination : insights from the study of the attraction of the mutualistic fig pollinators by fig trees - Ecoscience 5: 306-311.

Anstett M.C, M. Hossaert-McKey & F. Kjellberg (1997). Figs and fig pollinators: Evolutionary conflicts in a coevolved mutualism - Trends in Ecology and Evolution 12: 94-99.

Anstett M.C., M. Hossaert-McKey & D. McKey (1997). Modeling the persistence of small populations of strongly interdependent species: figs and fig wasps - Conservation Biology 11: 204-213.

Gibernau M., H.R. Buser, J.E. Frey & M. Hossaert-McKey (1997). Volatile compounds from extracts of syconia (figs) of Ficus carica (Moraceae) - Phytochemistry 46 : 241-244.

Anstett M.C, J.L. Bronstein & M. Hossaert-McKey (1996). Resource allocation : a conflict in the fig/fig wasp mutualism? - Journal of Evolutionary Biology 9: 417-428.

Bronstein J.L. & M. Hossaert-McKey (1996). Variation in reproductive success within a subtropical fig/pollinator mutualism - Journal of Biogeography 23: 433-446.

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Bronstein J.L. & M. Hossaert-McKey (1995). Hurricane Andrew and a florida fig pollination mutualism: Resilience of an obligate interaction - Biotropica 27: 373-381.

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Hossaert-McKey M., M. Gibernau & J. Frey (1994). Chemosensory attraction of fig wasps to substances produced by receptive figs - Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 70: 185-191.

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Hossaert-McKey M. & M. Jarry (1992). Spatial and temporal patterns of investment in growth and sexual reproduction in two closely related herbaceous, stoloniferous species of Lathyrus (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) - Journal of Ecology 80: 555-565.

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