Interactions Biotiques
- Published: 25 July 2011
Maître de conférences, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III
Mon objectif est de comprendre le rôle et l’importance des odeurs et des médiateurs chimiques dans le fonctionnement et l’évolution des relations plantes-insectes. Je m’intéresse particulièrement aux aspects suivants : quelles sont les caractéristiques des odeurs et des signaux chimiques disponibles pour les insectes ? Quelle est l’activité biologique de ces molécules (réponse comportementale des insectes) ? Dans quelle mesure et à quel(s) niveau(x) ces interactions chimiques jouent un rôle dans le fonctionnement et l’évolution des systèmes plantes-insectes ? Courriel : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
CEFE UMR5175 Tél : +33 (0) 4 67 61 33 00 bureau 2-C-216 |
Mots-clés : Organisme biologique : Orchidées et insectes associés, insectes coprophages, insectes ravageurs de conifères Milieu : Méditerranéen, Alpin Discipline : Biologie des populations, écologie chimique Technique : analyses chimiques, tests comportementaux Thématique : relations plantes-insectes Autres mots-clés : Dynamique des populations |
Liste de publications
Gimonneau G., Buatois B., Lapeyre B., Ernest S., Sanon N., Rakotomahefa Y., Roux O. & Dormont L., 2024. Identification of semiochemical candidates involved in Glossina palpalis gambiensis larviposition site selection and behavioural responses of adult gravid females. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1-14.
Gouzerh F., Dormont L., Buatois B., Herve M., Mancini M., Maraver A., Thomas F., & Ganem G., 2024. Partial role of volatile organic compounds in behavioral responses of mice to bedding from cancer-affected congeners. Biology Open 13 (10).
Gouzerh F., Vigo G., Dormont L., Buatois B., Herve M., Mancini M., Maraver A., Thomas F., & Ganem G., 2024. Urinary VOCs as biomarkers of early stage lung tumour development in mice. Cancer Biomarkers 39 (2):1-13.
Bogdziewicz M., Aravena M.-C., Andrus R., (…), Dormont L., (….), Clarck J.S., 2023. Linking seed size and number to trait syndromes in trees. Global Ecology & Biogeography, 32: 683-694.
Gouzerh F., Ganem G., Pichevin A., Dormont L. & Thomas F. 2023. Ability of animals to detect cancer odors. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Reviews on Cancer, 1878 (1), 188850.
Gouzerh F., Buatois B., Herve M., Mancini M., Maraver A., Dormont L., Thomas F., & Ganem G., 2022. Odours of cancerous mouse congeners: detection and attractiveness. Biology Open, in press.
Gouzerh F., Bessière J.-M., Ujvari B., Thomas T.*, Dujon A.*, & Dormont L.*, 2022. Odors and cancer: current status and future directions. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Reviews on Cancer, 1877, Issue 1, 188644. *equal contribution
Journé V., Andrus R., Aravena M.-C., Ascoli D., (…), Dormont L., (….), Clarck J.S., 2022. Globally, tree fecundity exceeds productivity gradients. Ecology Letters 25 (6), 1471-1482.
Poda S., Buatois B., Lapeyre B., Dormont L., Diabaté A., Gnankiné O., Dabiré R., Roux O., 2022. No evidence for long-range male sex pheromones in two malaria mosquitoes. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (11), 1676-1686.
Qiu T., Andrus R., Aravena M.-C., Ascoli D., Bergeron Y., (…), Dormont L., (….), Clarck J.S., 2022. Limits to reproduction and seed size-number trade-offs that shape forest dominance and future recovery. Nature Communications 13, 2381.
Qiu T., Aravena M.-C., Ascoli D., (…), Dormont L., (….), Clarck J.S., 2023. Masting is uncommon in trees that depend on mutualist dispersers in the context of global climate and fertility gradients. Nature plants, 9 (7), 1044-1056.
Dormont L., Mulatier M., Carrasco D., Cohuet A., 2021. Mosquito attractants. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1-43.
Gimonneau G., Ouedraogo R., Salou E., Rayaisse J.-B., Buatois B., Solano P., Dormont L., Roux O., and Bouyer J., 2020. Larviposition site selection mediated by volatile semiochemicals in Glossina palpalis gambiensis. Ecological Entomology, in press.
Dormont L., Fort T., Bessière J.-M., Proffit M., Garcia Hidalgo E., Buatois B. & B. Schatz. 2020. Sources of floral scent variation in the food-deceptive orchid Orchis mascula. Acta Oecologica, 107 : 103600.
Joffard N., Le Roncé I., Renoult J., Buatois B., Dormont L. & Schatz B., 2020. Floral trait differentiation in Anacamptis coriophora: phenotypic selection on scents, but not on colour. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 33: 1028-1038.
Thomas F., Giraudeau M., Gouzerh F., Boutry J., Renaud F., Pujol P., Tasiemski A., Bernex F., Maraver A., Bousquet E., Dormont L., Osterkamp J., Roche B., Hamede R., Ujvari B., 2019. The evolution of resistance and tolerance as cancer defences. Parasitology, 147: 255-262.
Dormont L., Joffard N., Schatz B. (2019). Intraspecific variation in floral colour and odour in orchids. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 180:1036–1058.
El Adouzi M., Arriaga-Jiménez A., Dormont L., Barthes N., Labalette A., Lapeyre B., Bonato O., Roy L. (2019). Modulation of feed composition is able to make hens less attractive to the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae. Parasitology, 147: 171-181.
Frago E., Wang H.-L., Svensson G.P., Marques J.F., Hódar J.A., Boettner J., Ciornei C., Dormont L., Elkinton J., Franzén M., Khrimian A., Marianelli L., Marzialli L., Mas H., Perez Laorga E., Pérez-López J., Roques A., Simonca V., Anderbrant O. (2019). Common pheromone use among host-associated populations of the browntail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea, displaying different adult phenologies. Entomologia Generalis 39: 295-306.
Gaillard B., Simard F., Dormont L., Jay-Robert P., D’Abadie de Lurbe D., Etienne M., Baudin A., Raude J. (2019). Is perceived exposure to mosquitoes associated with actual exposure? Results from studies in high-risk and low-risk geographic areas. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 101: 976-979.
Mulatier M., Camara S., Koffi A., Carrasco D., Porciani A., Chandre F., Moiroux N., Lefevre T., Dabiré R., Assi S., Phamien Ahoua Alou L., Dormont L., Pennetier C. Cohuet A. (2019). Efficacy of vector control tools against malaria-infected mosquitoes. Scientific reports, 9(1), 6664.
Mulatier M., Pennetier C., Porciani A., Chandre F., Dormont L., Cohuet A. (2019). Prior contact with permethrin decreases its irritancy at the following exposure among a pyrethroid-resistant malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. Scientific reports, 9(1), 8177.
Mulatier M., Alou L.P.A., Chandre F., Pennetier C., Dormont L., Cohuet A. (2018). Effect of DEET-multiple exposures on behavior and life history traits in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae (s.s.). Parasites and Vectors 11: 432, doi:10.1186/s13071-018-3024-0.
Mulatier M, Porciani A, Nadalin L, Phamien Ahoua Alou L, Chandre F, Pennetier C, Dormont L, Cohuet A. (2018). DEET Efficacy Increases with age in the vector mosquitoes Anopheles gambiae s.s. and Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of Medical Entomology, 55: 1542–1548. doi: 10.1093/jme/tjy134
Porciani A., Diop M., Moiroux N., Kadoke-Lambi T., Cohuet A., Chandre F., Dormont L., Pennetier C. (2017). Influence of pyrethroïd-treated bed net on host seeking behavior of Anopheles gambiae s.s. carrying the kdr allele. PLoS One, 12(7): e0164518.
Salesse R., Dormont L. (2017). Is There Such a Thing as a Bad Smell? In: “Olfaction in Animal Behaviour and Welfare” (Nielsen, B., editor), CABI pub., 234 p.
Baldacchino F., Manon S., Puech L., Buatois B., Dormont L., Jay-Robert P. (2014). Olfactory and behavioural responses of tabanids to octenol, phenols and aged horse urine. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 28: 201-209.
Dormont L., Delle-Vedove R., Bessière J.-M., B. Schatz.( 2014). Floral scent emitted by white and coloured morphs in orchids. Phytochemistry, 100 : 51-59.
Baldacchino F., Cadier J., Porciani A., Buatois B., Dormont L., Jay-Robert P. (2013). Behavioural and electrophysiological responses of females of two species of tabanids to urine volatiles from different mammals. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 27(1):77-85.
Dormont L., Bessière J.-M., Cohuet A. (2013). Human skin volatiles: a review. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 39: 569-578.
Dormont L., Bessière J.-M., Mc Key D., Cohuet A. (2013). New methods for field collection of human skin volatiles and perspectives for their application in the chemical ecology of human/pathogen/vector interactions. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 216: 2783-2788.
Schatz B., Delle-Vedove R., Dormont L. (2013). Presence, distribution and effect of white, pink and purple morphs on pollination in the orchid Orchis mascula. European Journal of Environmental Sciences, 3, 119-128.
Thiery D., Brevault T., Quilici S., Dormont L., Schatz B. (2013). Recherche de la plante hôte à distance - In: Interactions insectes-plantes (Sauvion, N., Calatayud P.A., Thiéry D. & Marion-Poll F., eds). Quae & IRD Editions
Vittecoq M., Djieto-Lordon C., Buatois B., Dormont L., McKey D., Blatrix R. (2011). The evolution of communication in two ant-plant mutualisms. Evolutionary Biology, 38(3): 360-369.
Schatz B., Delle-Vedove R., Renoult J., Juillet N., Pailler T., Bessière, J.-M., Dormont L. (2011). Couleur de fleur d’orchidées et insectes pollinisateurs. Le Courrier de la Nature, 260 : 10-17.
Delle-Vedove R., Juillet N., Bessière J.-M., Grison C., Barthes N., Pailler T., Dormont L., Schatz B. (2011). Colour-scent associations in a tropical orchid: three colours but two odours. Phytochemistry, 72 : 735–742.
Suchet C., Dormont L., Schatz B., Giurfa M., Simon V., Raynaud C., Chave J. (2011). Floral scent variation in two Antirrhinum majus subspecies influences the choice of naïve bumblebees. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65 : 1015 - 1027.
Juillet N., Delle-Vedove R., Dormont L., Schatz B., Pailler T. (2010). Differentiation in a tropical deceptive orchid : colour polymorphism and beyond. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 289 : 213-221.
Schatz B., Dormont L., McKey D. (2010). Relations fourmis-plantes : Des mutualismes de protection. Le courrier de la nature 250 : 58.
Dormont L., Jay-Robert P., Bessière J.-M., Rapior S., Lumaret J.-P. (2010). Innate olfactory preferences in dung beetles. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 213: 3177-3186.
Dormont L., Delle-Vedove R., Bessière J.-M., Hossaert-Mc Key M., Schatz B. (2010) Helping in food-deceptive orchids? A possible new mechanism maintaining polymorphism of floral signals. Plant Signaling and Behavior, 5 : 526-527.
Dormont L., Delle-Vedove R., Bessière J.-M., Hossaert-Mc Key M. Schatz B. (2010). Rare white-flowered morphs increase the reproductive success of common purple morphs in a food-deceptive orchid. New Phytologist 185: 300-310.
Schatz B., Djieto-Lordon C., Dormont L., Bessière J.-M., McKey D., Blatrix R. (2009). A simple non-specific chemical signal mediates defence behaviour in a specialised ant-plant mutualism. Current Biology, 19: 361-362.
Roux-Morabito G., Gillette N.E., Roques A., Dormont L., Stein J., Sperling F.A.H. (2008). Systematics of the Dioryctria abietella species group (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) based on mitochondrial DNA. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 101: 845-859.
Hossaert-McKey M., McKey D., Dormont L. (2008). Fungal sex as a private matter: odor signals in a specialized pollination-like insect-fungus mutualism. New Phytologist, 178: 225-227.
Dormont L., Rapior S., McKey D., Lumaret J.-P. (2007). Influence of dung volatiles on the process of resource selection by coprophagous beetles. Chemoecology, 17: 23-30.
Dormont L., Baltensweiler W., Choquet R., Roques A. (2006). Larch- and pine-feeding host races of the larch bud moth (Zeiraphera diniana) have cyclic and synchronous population fluctuations. Oikos, 115: 299-307.
Dormont L., Roques A. (2005). Pissodes validirostris. Datasheet for CABI Forestry Compendium 2005 Edition. CAB International, Oxfordshire.
Dormont L., Epinat G., Lumaret J.-P. (2004). Trophic preferences mediated by olfactory cues in dung beetles colonizing cattle and horse dung. Environmental Entomology, 33 : 370-377.
Dormont L., Roques A. (2001). Why a specialized pine cone weevil, Pissodes validirostris, does not attack seed cones of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra) ? Host selection vs. host suitability. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 99: 157-163.
Dormont L., Roques A. (1999). A survey of insects attacking seed cones of Pinus cembra in the Alps, the Pyrénées, and Massif central. Journal of Applied Entomology, 123 : 65-72.
Dormont L., Roques A., Malosse C. (1998). Cone and foliage volatiles emitted by Pinus cembra and some related conifer species. Phytochemistry, 49 : 1269-1277.
Dormont L. (1997). Analyse de la faible colonisation des cônes de pin cembro (Pinus cembra L.) par les insectes. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France, 123 : 345-359.
Dormont L., Roques A., Malosse C. (1997). Efficiency of spraying moutain pine cones with oleoresin of Swiss stone Pine cones to prevent insect attack. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 23 : 2261-2274.
Dormont L., Roques A., Trosset L. (1996). Insect damage to cones and other mortality factors limiting natural regeneration potential of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) in the Northern French Alps. Annales des Sciences Forestières, 53 : 153-158.