ECOPAR Comparative ecology of organisms, communities and ecosystems


Professeure Institut Agro Montpellier 12509183 10153915175929224 2075459128754908783 n

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Principaux thèmes de recherche:

Mes travaux se situent à l'interface entre le fonctionnement des espèces et ceui des écosystèmes.  Plus précisement, je m'intéresse à la recherche des compromis auxquels font face les végétaux durant leur croissance et les conséquences de ces compromis pendant et après la sénescence des plantes.

Les principaux objectifs de mon travail sont :
•    Caractériser la réponse des composantes de performance des espèces (croissance, reproduction) et des stratégies écologiques des espèces aux gradients de facteurs du milieu (abandon, intensification cultural, pâturage, fertilisation, pollution de sol par les métaux lourds, gradient d'intensité de gestion des cultures pérennes tels que les vignes ou les oliveraies).
•    Les relations entre les traits fonctionnels et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes (décomposabilité des litières, digestibilité de biomasse) mais aussi avec la pollinisation et les régulations biotiques.
•    Caractériser les réponses des communautés des adventices (richesse spécifique, abondance, diversité fonctionnelle) aux différents systèmes de culture innovants. Notre modèle d’étude est l’enherbement permanent des vignes.

Dans ce contexte, les principales questions abordées se répartissent sur les 3 axes suivants :

-Quelles sont les stratégies adaptatives des espèces qui décrivent le fonctionnement des végétaux le long des gradients de perturbation et de niveaux de ressources ?
-Quelles sont les conséquences des pratiques de gestions sur la structure fonctionnelle des communautés à différentes échelles spatiote-mporelles ?

-Quels sont liens entre diversité fonctionnelle communautés végétales-pollinisateurs-herbivores et organismes du sol ?

Sans titre



Research interests: 

My research is focused on the analysis of the ecological consequences on the variability of species functioning via the use of plant functional traits.

More precisely the main objectives of my research are:

-Characterize species responses (growth, performance) and species ecological strategies across environmental gradients (cultural abandon cultural intensification, grazing, fertilization, concentration on heavy metals on soil)

-Description of the links between species functional traits and ecosystem functioning (litter decomposition, biomass digestibility) in a context of land use change. Especially, I am interested to determine the links between species traits and their palatability and digestibility.

-Identify the above-belowground linkages in response to herbivory: test the after-life hypothesis in different contexts and with different herbivores (mammals, mollusks, insects). Identify is the same traits protecting leaves against herbivory are affecting their rate of decomposition.

-Characterize communities responses to different innovate agricultural systems and especially in vineyards.


Articles dans des périodiques à comité de lecture

Le nom des personnes encadrées (Master, Doctorant ou Post-Doctorant) est souligné.



Fried G., Garcia L., Kazakou E., Metay A. Gestion écologique des couverts végétaux en systèmes viticoles. Techniques d'Ingénieur (in press).

Genty L., Metay A., Kazakou E., Baude M., Gardarin A., Michelot-Antalik A., Barkaoui K. Agricultural practices in olive groves modify weeds floral traits and resources throughout the year. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (in press).

Bopp M-C., Kazakou E., Metay A., Maillet J., Quidoz M-C., Genty L., Fried G. Climate and management changes in 40 years drove more stress-tolerant and less ruderal weeds communities in vineyards. Ecological monographs (in press).

Bopp M-C. De Deyn G., Zwetsloot M., Moinet G., Fried G.,  Metay A., Fromin N., Fort F., Buatois B., Bastiaans L., Kazakou E. Weed management modifies functional properties of both weeds and microbial nitrogen-cycling. Journal of Applied Ecology (in press).

Burel E. , Fontaine L., Vuillemin F., Roques C., Dessienne C., Helias R., Lecomte V., de Cordoue A-L., Rodriguez A., Salembier C., Meynard J-M., Kazakou E., Barrier I., Colombet M.,  Artaux A., Mure S., Burtin C., Levieil H., Halska J., Quirin T. , Thevenon P., Cros C. Fevrier J-B., Ronceux A., Favreliere E. 2024. CAPABLE : maitrise du chardon (Cirsum arvense) et du rumex (Rumex crispus & Rumex obtusifolius) en grandes cultures biologiques. Innovations Agronomiques, 2024, (94),186-211.


Segrestin J., Kazakou E., Coq S., Sartori K., Richarte J., Rowe N., Garnier E. Responses of leaf biomechanics and underlying traits to rangeland management. Journal of Vegetation Science 34: e13216.

Genty L., Kazakou E., Metay A., Baude M., Gardarin A., Michelot-Antalik A., Leroy A., Sotillo A., Crouzet J., Barkaoui K. Flowers of ruderal species are numerous but small, short and low-rewarding. Oikos e10219.

Xyrafis E.G., Kazakou E., Biniair K. (2023). A case study on the use of inter-row cover crops on a new and old vineyard cv. 'Asyrtiko' in Santorini island. Notulae botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 51(1) 13252.

Rakotomanga D., Kazakou E., Damour G. Plant height and biomass as presdictors of between-species interactions in mixed cover crops-spontaneous species communities along a croppping practices gradient. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 350 (108476).

Genty L., Kazakou E., Metay A., Bastianelli D., Bopp M.C., Barkaoui K.. 2023. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 347 : 108388.

Chapuis M-P., Leménager N., Piou C., Roumet P., Marche H., Centanni J., Estienne C., Ecarnot M., Vasseur F., Violle C., Kazakou E. Domestication provides durum wheat with protection from locust herbivory. Ecology and Evolution 13 (1),e9741.

Reinelt L., Whitaker J., Kazakou E., Bonnal L., Bastianelli D., Bullock J., Ostle N. Drought effects on root and shoot traits and their decomposability. Functional Ecology  37, 10441054.


Kazakou E., Bumb I., Garnier E. Species dominance rather than complementarity drives communitiy digestibility and litter decomposition in species-rich Mediterranean rangelands. Applied Vegetation Science 25 (4), 10.1111/avsc.12685.

Bopp M-C, Fried G., Metay A, Bastianelli D, Bonnal L, Kazakou E. (2022). Linkages between traits and decomposition of weed communities along a soil management and pedoclimate gradient in Mediterranean vineyards. Annals of Botany 130 (4), 547-560.

Fried G, Blanchet C, Cazenave L, Bopp M-C, Kazakou E, Metay, A, Christen, M., Alard, D. &  Cordeau, S. (2022). Consistent response of weeds according to Grime’s CSR strategies along a gradient of disturbance and resources in Bordeaux vineyards. Weed Research 62, 347-359.

Vasseur F, Cornet D, Beurier G, Messier J, Rouan L, Bresson J, Ecarnot M, Stahl M, Heumos S, Gérard M, Reijnen H, Tillard P, Lacombe B, Emanuel A, Floret J, Estarague A, Przybylska S, Sartori K, Gillespie L, Baron E, Kazakou E, Vile D, Violle C. (2022). A Perspective on Plant Phenomics: Coupling Deep Learning and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13.

Sartori K, Violle C, Vile D, Vasseur F, de Villemereuil P, Bresson J, Gillespie L, Fletcher L, Sack L, Kazakou E. (2022). Does leaf nitrogen resorption dynamics reflect adaptation to slow-fast continuum? A test across ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana. Functional Ecology, 36(5):1315-1328.

Bopp M-C, Kazakou E, Metay A, Fried G. (2022). Relative importance of region, seasonality and weed management practice effects on the functional structure of weed communities in French vineyards. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 330: 107892.

Metay A, Garcia L., Kazakou E,  Fried G. (2022). Effet des couverts sur la flore en viticulture. Agronomie, Environnement & Sociétés Pour gérer les adventices, quelles opportunités et quels effets des couverts végétaux?, 12 (1), -19.


Kazakou E, Fried G, Cheptou PO, Gimenez G. (2021). Does seed mass drive interspecies variation in the effect of management practices on weed demography? Ecology and Evolution 11(19),3166-137174.

Bopp M-C, Fried G, Metay A, Chauvel B, Kazakou E (2021). L’approche fonctionnelle appliquée au cas des adventices des vignobles. Mesurer leurs traits pour prédire leurs effets sur le fonctionnement des agrosystèmes viticoles. Revue des Oenologues 181, 22-24


Crespo-Pérez V, Kazakou E, Roubik DW, Cárdenas RE. (2020).The importance of insects on land and in water: a tropical view. Current Opinion in Insect Science 20,31-38.

Garcia L, Metay A, Kazakou E, Storkey J, Gary C, Damour G .2020). Optimizing the choice of service crops in vineyards to achieve both runoff mitigation and water provisioning for grapevine: a trait-based approach. Plant and Soil 452(1-2), 87-104.

Garcia L, Damour G, Kazakou E, Guillaume F, Metay A. (2020). Seasonal and interannual variations in functional traits of sown and spontaneous species in vineyard inter-rows. Ecoscience 25, 311-324.

Coq S, J Nahmani J, Kazakou E, Fromin N, David J-F.  (2020). Do litter-feeding macroarthropods disrupt cascading effects of land use on microbial decomposer activity. Basic and Applied Ecology 46, 24-34.

Ollivier M, Kazakou E, Corbin M, Sartori K, Lesieur V, Thomann T, Martin J-F, Tixier M-S. Traits comparison of the invasive weed Sonchus oleraceus L. (Asteraceae) between its native and introduced ranges (2020). Neobiota 55,85-115.


Sartori K, Vasseur F, Violle C, Baron E, Gérard M, Rowe N, Ayala-Garay O, Garcia de Jalon L, Masclef D, Harscouet E, Del Rey Granado M, Chassagneux A, Christophe A, Kazakou E, Vile D. (2019). Leaf economics guides slow-fast adaptation across the geographic range of Arabidopsis thaliana. Scientific Reports 9,10758.

Kazakou E , Vasseur F, Sartori K, Baron  E, Rowe N, Vile, D. (2019), Secondary metabolites have more influence than morpho‐physiological traits on litter decomposability across genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist  224: 1532-154.

Fried G, Cordeau S., Métay A. Kazakou E. (2019). Relative importance of environmental factors and farming practices in shaping weed communities structure and composition in French vineyards. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 275,1-13.

Fried G, Cordeau S, Jullien J, Kazakou E, Metay A, Puiraveau M, Grosman J. (2019). Flore adventice dans trois bassins viticoles. Phytoma – La Santé des Végétaux 728 ,34-40


Kazakou E, Jacquemin F., Navas ML, Violle C. (2018). Fonctions et services des plantes adventices dans les agroécosystèmes. Gestion durable de la flore adventices des cultures eds. Chauvel B., Darmency H., Munier-Jolain. N, Rodriguez A. éditions Quae.

Coq S, Nahmani J, Resmond R, Segrestin J, David JF, Schevin P, Kazakou E (2018). Intraspecific variation in litter palatability to macroarthropods in response to grazing and soil fertility. Functional Ecology 32 (11), 2615-2624

Vasseur F, Sartori K, Baron E, Fort F,  Kazakou E, Segrestin J, Garnier E, Vile D, Violle C (2018). Climate as a driver of adaptive variations in ecological strategies in Arabidopsis thaliana. Annals of Botany 122 (6), 935-9410.

Bumb I, Garnier E, Coq S, Nahmani J, Del Rey Granado M, Gimenez O, Kazakou E (2018). Traits determining the digestibility– decomposability relationships in species from Mediterranean rangelands. Annals of Botany, mcx175.


Metay A, Durocher E, Garcia L, Fried G, Richarte J, Ohl B, Bouisson Y,  Enard C, Metral R, Gary C, Kazakou E, (2017). Spontaneous cover crop characterization is relevant to define a sustainable soil management strategy in vineyard. In: Proceedings of the 20th GiESCO international meeting, pp. 628-633.


Kazakou E, Fried G, Richarte G, Gimenez O, Violle C, Metay A (2016). A plant-trait response and effect framework to assess inter-row vineyards soil management. Botany letters 163 (4),373-388.

Adamidis G, Kazakou E, Aloupi M, Dimitrakopoulos P. Is it worth to hyperaccumulate Ni on non-serpentine soils? (2016) Decomposition dynamics of mixed-species litters containing hyperaccumulated Ni across serpentine and non-serpentine environments Annals of Botany 117 (7),1241-1248.

Bumb I, Garnier E, Bastianelli D, Richarte J, Bonnal L, Kazakou E. (2016). Influence of management regime and harvest date on the forage quality of rangelands plants: the importance of dry matter content AoB PLANTS 8:pwl045.


Lü X-T, Freschet G, Kazakou E, Zhou L-S, Han XG (2015). Contrasting responses in leaf nutrient-use strategies of two dominant grass species along a 30-yr temperate steppe grazing exclusion chronosequence. Plant and Soil 387: 69-79.

Kazakou E, Violle C, Roumet C, Navas M-L, Vile D, Kattge J, Garnier E (2014) Are trait-based species’ rankings consistent across datasets and spatial scales? Journal of Vegetation Science 25 (1), 235-247.


Gardarin A, Garnier E, Carrère P, Cruz P, Andueza D, Bonis A, ColaceM-P, DumontB, Duru M, Farruggia A, Gaucherand S, Grigulis K, Kernéïs E, Lavorel S, Louault F, Loucougaray G, Mesléard F, Yaverkovski N, Kazakou E (2014) Plant trait–digestibility relationships across management and climate gradients in permanent grasslands. Journal of Applied Ecology  DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12293.

Adamidis G, Kazakou E, Baker AJM, Reeves R, Dimitrakopoulos P (2014) The effect of harsh abiotic conditions on the diversity of serpentine plant communities on Lesbos, an eastern Mediterranean island. Plant Ecology and Diversity 7(3),433-444. 17

Adamidis G, Aloupi M, Kazakou E, Dimitrakopoulos P (2014) Intra-specific variation in Ni tolerance, accumulation and translocation patterns in the Ni-hyperaccumulator Alyssum lesbiacum. Chemosphere 95: 496-502.

Adamidis G, Kazakou E, Fyllas N, Dimitrakopoulos P (2014) Species adaptive strategies and leaf economic relationships across serpentine and non-serpentine habitats on Lesbos, eastern Mediterranean. Plos One 9(5):e96034.


Gaba S, Fried G, Kazakou E, Chauvel B, Navas M-L (2013) Agroecological weed control using a functional approach: a review of cropping systems diversity. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 34,103-119.

Fried G, Kazakou E, Gaba S (2013) Trajectories of weed communities explained by traits associated with species’ response to management practices. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 158: 147–155.


Birouste M, Kazakou E, Blanchard A, Roumet C (2011) Plant traits and decomposition: are the relationships for roots comparable to those for leaves? Annals of Botany 109(2),463-472.


Kazakou E, Adamidis G, Baker AJM, Reeves RD, Godino M, Dimitrakopoulos PG (2010) Species adaptation in serpentine soils in Lesbos Island (Greece): metal hyperaccumulation and tolerance. Plant and Soil 332 (17), 369-385.


Kazakou E, Violle C, Roumet C, Pintor C, Gimenez O, Garnier E (2009) Litter quality and decomposability of species from a Mediterranean succession depend on leaf traits but not on nitrogen supply. Annals of Botany 104,1151–116.

Fortunel C, Garnier E, Joffre R, Kazakou E, Quested H, Grigulis K, Lavorel S, and the VISTA consortium (2009) Leaf traits capture the effects of land use changes and climate on litter decomposability of herbaceous communities across Europe. Ecology 90(3), 598-611.

Pakeman R, Leps J, Kleyer M, Lavorel S, Garnier E, Ansquer P, Castro H, Cruz P, Dolezal J, Eriksson O, Fortunel C, Freitas H, Golodets C, Grigulis K, Jouany C, Kazakou E, Kigel J, Kleyer M, Lehsten V, Lepš J, Meier T, Pakeman R, Papadimitriou M, Papanastasis V, Quested H, Quétier F, Robson M, Roumet C, Rusch G, Skarpe M, Sternberg M, Theau J-P, Thébault A, Vile D, Zarovali M (2009) Relative climatic, edaphic and management controls of plant functional trait signatures. Journal of Vegetation Science 20, 148–159.


Kazakou E, Dimitrakopoulos PG, Baker AJM, Reeves RD, Troumbis AY (2008) Hypotheses, mechanisms and trade-offs of tolerance and adaptation to serpentine soils: from species to ecosystem level. Biological reviews 83, 495-508.

Cornwell WK, Cornelissen JHC, Amatangelo K, Dorrepaal E, Eviner VT, Godoy O, Hobbie SE, Hoorens B, Kurokawa H, Perez Harguindeguy N, Quested HM, Santiago LS, Wardle DA, Wright IJ, Aerts R, Allison SD, van Bodegom, Brovkin V, Chatain A, Callaghan T, Díaz S, Garnier E, Gurvich DE, Kazakou E, Klein JA, Read J, Reich PB, Soudzilovskaia NA, Vaieretti MV, Westoby M (2008) Plant species traits are the predominant control on litter decomposition rates within biomes worldwide. Ecology Letters 11, 1065-1071.


Kazakou E, Gimenez O, Garnier E (2007) Assessing the relative contribution of leaf lifespan and nutrient resorption to mean residence time: an elasticity analysis. Ecology 88 (7), 1857-1863.

Kazakou E, Garnier E, Navas M-L, Roumet C, Collin C, Laurent G (2007) Components of nutrient residence time and the leaf economics spectrum in species from Mediterranean old-fields differing in successional status. Functional Ecology 21, 235-245.

Violle C, Navas M-L, Vile D, Kazakou E, Fortunel C, Hummel I, Garnier E (2007) Let the concept of trait be functional! Oikos 116, 882-892.

Garnier E, Lavorel S, Ansquer P, Castro H, Cruz P, Dolezal J, Eriksson O, Fortunel C, Freitas H. Golodets C, Grigulis K, Jouany C, Kazakou E, Kigel J. Kleyer M, Lehsten V, Lepš J, Meier T, Pakeman R, Papadimitriou M, Papanastasis V, Quested H, Quétier F, Robson M, Roumet C, Rusch G, Skarpe M, Sternberg M, Theau J-P, Thébault A, Vile D, Zarovali M (2006) Assessing the effects of land use change on plant traits, communities and ecosystem functioning in grasslands: a standardized methodology and lessons from an application to 11 European sites. Annals of Botany 99, 967-985.


Kazakou E, Vile D, Shipley B, Gallet C. Garnier E (2006) Co-variations in litter decomposition, leaf traits and plant growth in species from a Mediterranean old-field succession. Functional Ecology 20, 21-30.


Kazakou E, E Garnier, D Gillon, C Neill, G Laurent (2004). Traits of living leaves and decomposition rate of species from a Mediterranean secondary succession.In:  Proceedings of the X MEDECOS Conference, Ecology, Conservation and Management of Mediterranean Climate Ecosystem, Arianoutsou & Papanastasis (eds) Millpress, Rotterdam, 4

Kazakou E, Navas M-L (2004)Variation in intensity of competition along a Mediterranean successional gradient. In:  Proceedings of the X MEDECOS Conference, Ecology, Conservation and Management of Mediterranean Climate Ecosystem, Arianoutsou & Papanastasis (eds) Millpress, Rotterdam, 4, 26-30.


Programmes :

-Projet Fellow ‘Weeds as crop fellows? Spatio-temporal functional changes of weed communities due to the impacts of a gradient of human pressures and their potential on biodiversity-mediated ecosystem services’. (2024-2027).
-Projet TRIBE ‘Développement d’indicateurs basés sur les Traits des adventices pour évaluer les pratiques agricoles gérant le RIsque malherbologique et produisant des BEnéfices écosystémiques,’ PI = E Kazakou et G Fried (2023-2026).

-Projet FLAVI ‘Comprendre les dynamiques spatio-temporelles de la diversité fonctionnelle florale des adventices afin de préserver les pollinisateurs le long d’un gradient de pratiques culturales dans des vignobles de la région d’Occitanie’, défi-clé OCTAAVE (2023-2026).

-Programme Saving: Dynamique spatio-temporelle des communautés d’espèces adventices en réponse aux pratiques de gestion des sols dans les vignobles : une approche fonctionnelle Ecophyto et Région Occitanie (oct 2019-oct 2022).

-Programme DINER - exploring Domestication Impacts on plaNt-insEct-bacteRia interactions (26 months). Funding by the Centre Méditerranéen encironnement et biodiversité. CEMEB (Centre Méditerranéen encironnement et biodiversité).
- Programme "Cascade: Interactions trophiques et fonctionnement des écosystèmes terrestres: une approche fonctionnelle et chimique" INSU CNRS 2012-2014. 

- Programme DivHerbe (Programme National ECCO/ECOGER) : 2006-2008.

- Programme  GESSOL 3-Fonction environnementales et gestion du patrimoine sol : Préservation des sols viticoles méditerranéens et amélioration

Enseignement :

Enseignement de l'écologie fonctionnelle, biologie, ecologie et gestion des adventices

Résponsabilités d'enseignement:

-Responsable de l'option M2 "Protection des Plantes et Environnement" de l'Institut Agro Montpellier

-Responsable national du Master Erasmus Mundus Plant Health

-Responsable nationale du Master 3A parcours Santé des Plantes

-Co-responsable de la Dominante 3 "Gestion durable des ressources naturelles"

-Co-ordination des 6 unités d'enseignements à l'Institut Agro Montpellier