ECOPAR Comparative ecology of organisms, communities and ecosystems


WELCOME to the « ECOPAR » Team – March 2018

ECOPAR = Comparative Ecology of Organisms, Communities and Ecosystems



ECOPAR is a team of 9 permanent people led by Catherine Roumet (httpss://

The team is part of the Functional Ecology department, which consists of 3 teams under the responsibility of Stephan Hättenschwiller (team Bioflux, in the same corridor as ECOPAR) (httpss://

The CEFE (Center of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology) was established in 1961 and is currently directed by Richard Joffre. Around 350 people work at CEFE (academic members, research fellows, students, post-doctoral researchers, associated researchers) in 16 different teams, each of them being a part of one of the four departments of CEFE (see organigram in appendix and at httpss:// CEFE research focuses mostly on evolutionary biology and ecology, but also include biomathematics, chemistry, ethnobiology, geography and philosophy. By searching for some specific keywords, you can find corresponding researchers (httpss://

This document provides general information on how the ECOPAR team and laboratory function. For further questions about administrative procedures, please ask your supervisor. A welcoming day is organized every year by the direction of CEFE. You will receive all the information about this by e-mail.


Foreign team members can find further information about the administrative procedures regarding your arrival in France on Campus France website:

C:UsersfreschetAppDataLocalTempmsohtmlclip1�1clip_image001.pngC:UsersfreschetAppDataLocalTempmsohtmlclip1�1clip_image002.png< Arriving at CEFE, you must, with the help of your supervisor:

  • Make sure that you meet all the formal requirements of CNRS and your employer, especially those regarding your (legal) work conditions, such as a public liability insurance, intern convention, insurances in case of accidents, problems, etc. The Human Resource Department is available to you to discuss any professional or personal issues (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Florence Bruno (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) handles the contracts of CNRS permanent and temporary staff (CDD CNRS) and Jordane Cottet (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..f) deals with interns and Ph.D. students. For any personal issues during your visit at CEFE (e.g., related to health, social issues, harassment, etc.), please inform your supervisor and/or the Human Resource department (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). All administrative services (secretaries, management, computer platforms, mail room) are on the first floor (corridor B).
  • Get in touch with the people in your team, your future collaborators and especially platform managers if you have to conduct any experiments, chemical analyses, etc.
  • On the first day of your contract, you need to fill out a form to obtain a CNRS account to access the Internet and intranet, and to make a CNRS access card (within 72 h) to enter the CNRS campus and use the restaurant.
  • After your CEFE account is created, the IT team sends a message to all members of ECOPAR, and you can connect your computer to the CNRS network with the following details:
    • Identifier (ID): family name (lower case characters)
    • Password: NouvelEntrantMMAAAA (MM and AAAA referring to the month and the year of your arrival, respectively).
  • At your first connexion, you must create a new password, which should include at least 12 characters, with at least one number and one higher case letter, and cannot include either your first or last name. Your CEFE password should be regularly modified.
  • You can use the desk and computer that are allocated to you. The administrator rights of your computer belong to the IT team, which means that only they are permitted to install new software, etc. Only computers that belong to CEFE can access the printers, shared folders, etc. If you wish to access these services from your personal computer, it is possible to connect to the network with distant office (called TSE). To benefit from this service, follow the steps proposed on the CEFE intranet (‘fiches d’assistance’) and ask for it by creating a ‘ticket’ (see your supervisor and/or Catherine Roumet). Access to the CEFE intranet is also possible through VPN (see CEFE intranet).
  • If your stay at CEFE for more than 3 months, you will receive a CNRS mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You will be then identified on the CNRS portal. You can check whether your mail address has been created on the CNRS Sesame site, looking for your identity: httpss:// Once your account is activated and your password updated, you can access your e-mail: httpss:// Again, the first time you connect to the webmail, the password is NouvelEntrantMMAAAA, your identifier (ID) is your CNRS address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • Registration at the CNRS portal gives you access to many services: BibCNRS (including Web of Science), Agate (to record your holidays), Simbad (book tickets or accommodation for work-related traveling), booking meeting rooms (for video-conferences).
  • If you stay at CEFE for less than 3 months, your institutional mail address will be added to the relevant mailing lists (CEFE Department, teams…) so you will get all relevant mails.
  • Your CEFE ID gives you access to the following services through a system called Janus: httpss:// . It allows you to:
    • prepare your work travel and manage your purchases
    • book CEFE meeting rooms and cars
    • access different computer services including the ‘help’ service (httpss://
    • understand the different CEFE platforms (see below).  
  • Most information you need is available on the CEFE intranet. At Ecopar, the person in charge of computers is Florian Fort. “In case of problems, first check if the solution is on the intranet, then get in touch with Florian”.

You have access to the campus and to the CNRS restaurant with the same badge. Most visitors have access to the CNRS restaurant with reduced prices. You can have your badge made at the ‘Delegation’ building (entrance of the campus, on the left hand), usually on the second or third day at CEFE: ground floor, on the right, in front of Bruno Renversez’s office (afternoons from 14h). Bring your supervisor along as you do not have access to the building yet.

Before you receive your badge, you can have lunch at the restaurant with a provisional certificate. You can receive this certificate from Michelle Gougis (entrance of the campus on the right hand: availability from 11h to 12h30) on showing her a copy of your contract. Without a badge, you will have to pay directly at the checkout in the restaurant.

< The available services on the CNRS campus route de Mende : :

  • CNRS restaurant
  • Medical services
  • CAES (Comité d'Action et d'Entraide Sociales du CNRS : CNRS association for social action), represented regionally by the CLAS (Local group). This group organizes many events (cultural, sport.. at lunch time or in the evening). httpss://
  • Local Unions meetings displayed on CEFE boards on the first floor.

< Technical platforms:

< LIBRARY: Available resources

  • Access to electronic resources: Subscriptions from CEFE, portal BibCnrs (journals and databases Web of Science/Scopus), portal BIU Montpellier: see intranet library:
  • Depending on the electronic resource needed, there are three ways to access: via the IP address (out of the Visitor network), through the Janus portal (if referenced within Réséda), with codes from the team (if not referenced within Réséda). See intranet library.
  • To verify if a book is available at the CEFE library since 1786, please consult the catalog: If the book is not available, it is possible to ask Anne to make an inter-library borrowing. For borrowing book chapters or articles non-available from the different electronic resources, there is free access to INIST with the service Refdoc (see Anne: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  • Every book borrowed must imperatively be returned to the library before finishing your contract at CEFE. Every book not returned must be reimbursed by the person who borrowed it.

< Laboratory communication

CEFE-hebdo letter is sent on a weekly basis to all the laboratory members by e-mail. It contains information about the on-going scientific seminars (SEEM, evolution and ecology seminars of Montpellier)

 < The assignments

Going on a research assignment requires a mission order that needs to be requested in advance. This mission order is administratively and legally mandatory, especially for insurance purposes. It is compulsory to fill in a cost statement when coming back from an assignment, even when not asking for any reimbursements for assignment costs. All documents must be left in the management service baskets for the mail. All information concerning how to fill in the mission order, and any other document needed, can be found on httpss://

  • It is strictly forbidden to go alone to the field.
  • It is mandatory to have reliable means to call the emergency services (cell phone, satellite phone…) and to locate yourself (GPS, compass…). It is necessary to know emergency numbers, and recommended to bring a first-aid kit.

 < The eco-citizen reflex 

Remember to switch off the lights, electronic devices and heating when leaving the laboratory. Sort paper (big compartment of the bin). A collection point for cans, plastic bottles and old batteries is located at the 1st floor.



Main health and Safety Regulations

Emergency telephones : European : 112; Fire brigade : 18 – SAMU (i.e. urgent medical services)- ambulances: 15

Never hang up the phone without permission!

< ECOPAR functioning

  • Team/department meetings (always announced by e-mail):
    • ECOPAR team meeting every 3 weeks
    • Regular Scientific discussions (SEKOS)
    • Functional Ecology department meetings every month. First, all new students/researchers are invited to introduce themselves. Then, a scientific talk is open. When the talk is over, permanent researchers have a restricted discussion
    • Scientific seminars SEEM (“Séminaires d’Ecologie et d’Evolution de Montpellier”) every Friday morning
  • Office supplies: All supplies are stored in a cupboard in ECOPAR corridor (2nd floor, A wing). The cabinet’s key is stored in ECOPAR’s safety box. All demands should be addressed to the person in charge of office supplies, currently Pierre Denelle.
  • Printer/copy/scans: your supervisor will provide you the required password
  • The ECOPAR team has a shared folder where you can store your files and create new directories. It’s called “Maison”. You can access it following this path: M:\Departements\EF\EqEcophysiologie_comparative_Organismes_communautés_ecosystèmes
  • All ECOPAR publications released since 2004 (PUBLICATIONS ECOPAR) and a selection of 2 articles per permanent researcher (PUBLICATIONS ECOPHARES) are stored in the shared folder “Maison”: M:Labo(\\maison)(M:) Departements\EF\Ecophysiologie\PUBLICATIONS ECOPAR et PUBLICATIONS ECOPHARES
  • Data management: from your first day, you will be advised to check ECOPAR recommendations for data management and metadata edition. A convenient way to organize files and folders is highly recommended, in agreement with your supervisor at the early start of your work in the lab. Wageningen University provides a reference document for data management, downloadable from here (right side of the webpage):

<When you leave the CEFE, do not forget:

  • To label and classify your samples in a clear way, so that the next person working on them can read them and use them easily.
  • To archive your data files on the computer following the ECOPAR format with a meta-data file associated to the data files (see below). Plan a meeting with your supervisor/referee a few days before you leave to go over your files.
  • To turn in your keys, the books you borrowed at the library, your laboratory book (a copy can be taken with you) and to take your personal belongings with you.
  • For those that used chemical products: to fill in and drop off the form “exposure to chemical risks” (and to keep a copy).


WELCOME to the « ECOPAR » Team – March 2018

ECOPAR = Comparative Ecology of Organisms, Communities and Ecosystems


ECOPAR is a team of 9 permanent people led by Catherine Roumet (httpss://

The team is part of the Functional Ecology department, which consists of 3 teams under the responsibility of Stephan Hättenschwiller (team Bioflux, in the same corridor as ECOPAR) (httpss://

The CEFE (Center of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology) was established in 1961 and is currently directed by Richard Joffre. Around 350 people work at CEFE (academic members, research fellows, students, post-doctoral researchers, associated researchers) in 16 different teams, each of them being a part of one of the four departments of CEFE (see organigram in appendix and at httpss:// CEFE research focuses mostly on evolutionary biology and ecology, but also include biomathematics, chemistry, ethnobiology, geography and philosophy. By searching for some specific keywords, you can find corresponding researchers (httpss://

This document provides general information on how the ECOPAR team and laboratory function. For further questions about administrative procedures, please ask your supervisor. A welcoming day is organized every year by the direction of CEFE. You will receive all the information about this by e-mail.

Foreign team members can find further information about the administrative procedures regarding your arrival in France on Campus France website:

< Arriving at CEFE, you must, with the help of your supervisor:

         Make sure that you meet all the formal requirements of CNRS and your employer, especially those regarding your (legal) work conditions, such as a public liability insurance, intern convention, insurances in case of accidents, problems, etc. The Human Resource Department is available to you to discuss any professional or personal issues (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Florence Bruno (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) handles the contracts of CNRS permanent and temporary staff (CDD CNRS) and Jordane Cottet (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..f) deals with interns and Ph.D. students. For any personal issues during your visit at CEFE (e.g., related to health, social issues, harassment, etc.), please inform your supervisor and/or the Human Resource department (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). All administrative services (secretaries, management, computer platforms, mail room) are on the first floor (corridor B).

·         Get in touch with the people in your team, your future collaborators and especially platform managers if you have to conduct any experiments, chemical analyses, etc.

·         On the first day of your contract, you need to fill out a form to obtain a CNRS account to access the Internet and intranet, and to make a CNRS access card (within 72 h) to enter the CNRS campus and use the restaurant.

·         After your CEFE account is created, the IT team sends a message to all members of ECOPAR, and you can connect your computer to the CNRS network with the following details:

o   Identifier (ID): family name (lower case characters)

o   Password: NouvelEntrantMMAAAA (MM and AAAA referring to the month and the year of your arrival, respectively).

         At your first connexion, you must create a new password, which should include at least 12 characters, with at least one number and one higher case letter, and cannot include either your first or last name. Your CEFE password should be regularly modified.

         You can use the desk and computer that are allocated to you. The administrator rights of your computer belong to the IT team, which means that only they are permitted to install new software, etc. Only computers that belong to CEFE can access the printers, shared folders, etc. If you wish to access these services from your personal computer, it is possible to connect to the network with distant office (called TSE). To benefit from this service, follow the steps proposed on the CEFE intranet (‘fiches d’assistance’) and ask for it by creating a ‘ticket’ (see your supervisor and/or Catherine Roumet). Access to the CEFE intranet is also possible through VPN (see CEFE intranet).

         If your stay at CEFE for more than 3 months, you will receive a CNRS mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You will be then identified on the CNRS portal. You can check whether your mail address has been created on the CNRS Sesame site, looking for your identity: httpss:// Once your account is activated and your password updated, you can access your e-mail: httpss:// Again, the first time you connect to the webmail, the password is NouvelEntrantMMAAAA, your identifier (ID) is your CNRS address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

         Registration at the CNRS portal gives you access to many services: BibCNRS (including Web of Science), Agate (to record your holidays), Simbad (book tickets or accommodation for work-related traveling), booking meeting rooms (for video-conferences).

         If you stay at CEFE for less than 3 months, your institutional mail address will be added to the relevant mailing lists (CEFE Department, teams…) so you will get all relevant mails.

         Your CEFE ID gives you access to the following services through a system called Janus: httpss:// . It allows you to:

o   prepare your work travel and manage your purchases

o   book CEFE meeting rooms and cars

o   access different computer services including the ‘help’ service (httpss://

o   understand the different CEFE platforms (see below).  

         Most information you need is available on the CEFE intranet. At Ecopar, the person in charge of computers is Florian Fort. “In case of problems, first check if the solution is on the intranet, then get in touch with Florian”.

You have access to the campus and to the CNRS restaurant with the same badge. Most visitors have access to the CNRS restaurant with reduced prices. You can have your badge made at the ‘Delegation’ building (entrance of the campus, on the left hand), usually on the second or third day at CEFE: ground floor, on the right, in front of Bruno Renversez’s office (afternoons from 14h). Bring your supervisor along as you do not have access to the building yet.

Before you receive your badge, you can have lunch at the restaurant with a provisional certificate. You can receive this certificate from Michelle Gougis (entrance of the campus on the right hand: availability from 11h to 12h30) on showing her a copy of your contract. Without a badge, you will have to pay directly at the checkout in the restaurant.

< The available services on the CNRS campus route de Mende : :

      CNRS restaurant

      Medical services 

      CAES (Comité d'Action et d'Entraide Sociales du CNRS : CNRS association for social action), represented regionally by the CLAS (Local group). This group organizes many events (cultural, sport.. at lunch time or in the evening). httpss://

      Local Unions meetings displayed on CEFE boards on the first floor.

< Technical platforms:

·         Experimental Fields = ‘Terrains d'Expériences (TE)’ (leader Thierry Mathieu): httpss://

·         Chemical Analysis in Ecology = ‘Analyses chimiques en écologie (PACE)’ : first floor, corridor A (leader Nicolas Barthès) : httpss:// To perform chemical analyses at PACE, it is compulsory to meet Nicolas Barthès to be informed about health and safety regulations. You also have to make reservations for the equipment you need via intranet : Plateforme/PACE/réserver un appareil. All assays have a price. See you supervisor.

< LIBRARY: Available resources

·         Access to electronic resources: Subscriptions from CEFE, portal BibCnrs (journals and databases Web of Science/Scopus), portal BIU Montpellier: see intranet library:

·         Depending on the electronic resource needed, there are three ways to access: via the IP address (out of the Visitor network), through the Janus portal (if referenced within Réséda), with codes from the team (if not referenced within Réséda). See intranet library.

·         To verify if a book is available at the CEFE library since 1786, please consult the catalog: If the book is not available, it is possible to ask Anne to make an inter-library borrowing. For borrowing book chapters or articles non-available from the different electronic resources, there is free access to INIST with the service Refdoc (see Anne: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

·         Every book borrowed must imperatively be returned to the library before finishing your contract at CEFE. Every book not returned must be reimbursed by the person who borrowed it.

< Laboratory communication

CEFE-hebdo letter is sent on a weekly basis to all the laboratory members by e-mail. It contains information about the on-going scientific seminars (SEEM, evolution and ecology seminars of Montpellier)

< The assignments

Going on a research assignment requires a mission order that needs to be requested in advance. This mission order is administratively and legally mandatory, especially for insurance purposes. It is compulsory to fill in a cost statement when coming back from an assignment, even when not asking for any reimbursements for assignment costs. All documents must be left in the management service baskets for the mail. All information concerning how to fill in the mission order, and any other document needed, can be found on httpss://

         It is strictly forbidden to go alone to the field.

         It is mandatory to have reliable means to call the emergency services (cell phone, satellite phone…) and to locate yourself (GPS, compass…). It is necessary to know emergency numbers, and recommended to bring a first-aid kit.

< The eco-citizen reflex 

Remember to switch off the lights, electronic devices and heating when leaving the laboratory. Sort paper (big compartment of the bin). A collection point for cans, plastic bottles and old batteries is located at the 1st floor.


Main health and Safety Regulations

         For coming to, and staying at CEFE out of normal working hours (evenings, week-ends and public holidays) :  a request needs to be filed by mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by your supervisor for validation and information of the security staff at the Campus entrance.

         It is forbidden to come and work on your own out of normal working hours

Emergency telephones :  European : 112;  Fire brigade : 18 – SAMU (i.e. urgent medical services)- ambulances: 15

Never hang up the phone without permission!

< ECOPAR functioning

·         Team/department meetings (always announced by e-mail):

o   ECOPAR team meeting every 3 weeks

o   Regular Scientific discussions (SEKOS)

o   Functional Ecology department meetings every month. First, all new students/researchers are invited to introduce themselves. Then, a scientific talk is open. When the talk is over, permanent researchers have a restricted discussion

o   Scientific seminars SEEM (“Séminaires d’Ecologie et d’Evolution de Montpellier”) every Friday morning

·         Office supplies: All supplies are stored in a cupboard in ECOPAR corridor (2nd floor, A wing). The cabinet’s key is stored in ECOPAR’s safety box. All demands should be addressed to the person in charge of office supplies, currently Pierre Denelle.

·         Printer/copy/scans: your supervisor will provide you the required password

·         The ECOPAR team has a shared folder where you can store your files and create new directories. It’s called “Maison”. You can access it following this path: M:\Departements\EF\EqEcophysiologie_comparative_Organismes_communautés_ecosystèmes

·         All ECOPAR publications released since 2004 (PUBLICATIONS ECOPAR) and a selection of 2 articles per permanent researcher (PUBLICATIONS ECOPHARES) are stored in the shared folder “Maison”: M:Labo(\\maison)(M:) Departements\EF\Ecophysiologie\PUBLICATIONS ECOPAR et PUBLICATIONS ECOPHARES

·         Data management: from your first day, you will be advised to check ECOPAR recommendations for data management and metadata edition. A convenient way to organize files and folders is highly recommended, in agreement with your supervisor at the early start of your work in the lab. Wageningen University provides a reference document for data management, downloadable from here (right side of the webpage):

<When you leave the CEFE, do not forget:

         To label and classify your samples in a clear way, so that the next person working on them can read them and use them easily.

         To archive your data files on the computer following the ECOPAR format with a meta-data file associated to the data files (see below). Plan a meeting with your supervisor/referee a few days before you leave to go over your files.

         To turn in your keys, the books you borrowed at the library, your laboratory book (a copy can be taken with you) and to take your personal belongings with you.

         For those that used chemical products: to fill in and drop off the form “exposure to chemical risks” (and to keep a copy).

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