Biodiversity, fluxes, and global changes
- Published: 14 April 2015
Recent publications (2022 - 2024) :
Al‐Yaari, A., Condom, T., Junquas, C., Rabatel, A., Ramseyer, V., Sicart, J., Masiokas, M., Cauvy‐Fraunié, S., & Dangles, O. (2023). Climate Variability and Glacier Evolution at Selected Sites Across the World: Past Trends and Future Projections. Earth’s Future, 11(10), e2023EF003618.
Auffray, T., Montúfar, R., Uquillas, S. X. P., Barragán, A., Pincebourde, S., Gibernau, M., & Dangles, O. (2023). Fine‐scale temporal dynamics of flower visitors sheds light on insect‐assemblage overlap between sexes in a dioecious Ecuadorian palm. Biotropica, 55(1), 256–267.
Beugnon, R., Bu, W., Bruelheide, H., Davrinche, A., Du, J., Haider, S., Kunz, M., von Oheimb, G., Perles-Garcia, M. D., Saadani, M., Scholten, T., Seitz, S., Singavarapu, B., Trogisch, S., Wang, Y., Wubet, T., Xue, K., Yang, B., Cesarz, S., & Eisenhauer, N. (2023). Abiotic and biotic drivers of tree trait effects on soil microbial biomass and soil carbon concentration. Ecological Monographs, 93(2), e1563.
Beugnon, R., Eisenhauer, N., Bruelheide, H., Davrinche, A., Du, J., Haider, S., Hähn, G., Saadani, M., Singavarapu, B., Sünnemann, M., Thouvenot, L., Wang, Y., Wubet, T., Xue, K., & Cesarz, S. (2023). Tree diversity effects on litter decomposition are mediated by litterfall and microbial processes. Oikos, e09751.
Capowiez, Y., Hedde, M., Marsden, C., Jouquet, P., Marchan, D. F., Nahmani, J., & Pelosi, C. (2022). Faut-il continuer à utiliser les catégories écologiques de vers de terre définies par Marcel Bouché il y a 50 ans? Une vision historique et critique. 29, 51–58.
Cardenas, T., Naoki, K., Landivar, C. M., Struelens, Q., Gómez, M. I., Meneses, R. I., Cauvy-Fraunié, S., Anthelme, F., & Dangles, O. (2022). Glacier influence on bird assemblages in habitat islands of the high Bolivian Andes. Diversity and Distributions, 28(2), 242–256.
Coq, S., Cárdenas, R. E., Mousain, D., Selosse, M.-A., Richard, F., & Hättenschwiler, S. (2022). Acquisition of nitrogen from tannin protein complexes in ectomycorrhizal pine seedlings. Pedobiologia, 93–94, 150817.
Coq, S., Ganault, P., Le Mer, G., Nahmani, J., Capowiez, Y., Dignac, M.-F., Rumpel, C., & Joly, F.-X. (2022). Faeces traits as unifying predictors of detritivore effects on organic matter turnover. Geoderma, 422, 115940.
Coq, S., & Joly, F.-X. (2023). Stockage du carbone: Le rôle insoupçonné du petit monde du sol: Pour la Science, N° 544 – février(2), 44–53.
Dangles, O., Struelens, Q., Ba, M.-P., Bonzi-Coulibaly, Y., Charvis, P., Emmanuel, E., González Almario, C., Hanich, L., Koita, O., León-Velarde, F., Mburu, Y. K., Ntoumi, F., Restrepo, S., & Vidal, L. (2022). Insufficient yet improving involvement of the global south in top sustainability science publications. PLOS ONE, 17(9), e0273083.
David, J.-F., Coq, S., Decaens, T., Ganault, P., Hättenschwiler, S., & Nahmani, J. (2023). Influence of tree species richness and identity on saprophagous macroarthropod abundance and species richness in some European forest types. Forest Ecology and Management, 534, 120862.
Deguine, J.-P., Aubertot, J.-N., Bellon, S., Côte, F., Lauri, P.-E., Lescourret, F., Ratnadass, A., Scopel, E., Andrieu, N., Bàrberi, P., Becker, N., Bouyer, J., Brévault, T., Cerdan, C., Cortesero, A.-M., Dangles, O., Delatte, H., Dinh, P. T. Y., Dreyer, H., … Lamichhane, J. R. (2023). Agroecological crop protection for sustainable agriculture. In Advances in Agronomy (Vol. 178, pp. 1–59). Elsevier.
Eisenhauer, N., Angst, G., Asato, A. E. B., Beugnon, R., Bönisch, E., Cesarz, S., Dietrich, P., Jurburg, S. D., Madaj, A.-M., Reuben, R. C., Ristok, C., Sünnemann, M., Yi, H., Guerra, C. A., & Hines, J. (2023). The heterogeneity–diversity–system performance nexus. National Science Review, 10(7), nwad109.
Eisenhauer, N., Bender, S. F., Calderón-Sanou, I., de Vries, F. T., Lembrechts, J. J., Thuiller, W., Wall, D. H., Zeiss, R., Bahram, M., Beugnon, R., Burton, V. J., Crowther, T. W., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Geisen, S., Kardol, P., Krashevska, V., Martínez-Muñoz, C. A., Patoine, G., Seeber, J., … Potapov, A. (2023). Frontiers in soil ecology—Insights from the World Biodiversity Forum 2022. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, n/a(n/a).
Erktan, A., Coq, S., Blanchart, E., Chevallier, T., Trap, J., Bernard, L., Nahmani, J., Hartmann, C., Hedde, M., Ganault, P., Barot, S., & Cortet, J. (2022). Biodiversité et structure physique des sols: Une vision spatialisée du fonctionnement des sols. Étude et Gestion Des Sols, 29, 153–167.
Flecker, A. S., Shi, Q., Almeida, R. M., Angarita, H., Gomes-Selman, J. M., García-Villacorta, R., Sethi, S. A., Thomas, S. A., Poff, N. L., Forsberg, B. R., Heilpern, S. A., Hamilton, S. K., Abad, J. D., Anderson, E. P., Barros, N., Bernal, I. C., Bernstein, R., Cañas, C. M., Dangles, O., … Gomes, C. P. (2022). Reducing adverse impacts of Amazon hydropower expansion. Science (New York, N.Y.), 375(6582), 753–760.
Forey, O., Sauze, J., Piel, C., Gritti, E., Devidal, S., Faez, A., Ravel, O., Nahmani, J., Rouch, L., Blouin, M., Perez, G., Capowiez, Y., Roy, J., & Milcu, A. (2023). Earthworms do not increase greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 and N2O) in an ecotron experiment simulating a realistic three-crop rotation system [Preprint]. In Review.
Ganault, P., Barantal, S., Coq, S., Hättenschwiler, S., Lucas, S., Decaëns, T., & Nahmani, J. (2022). Leaf litter morphological traits, invertebrate body mass and phylogenetic affiliation explain the feeding and feces properties of saprophagous macroarthropods. European Journal of Soil Biology, 109, 103383.
González-Zeas, D., Rosero-López, D., Muñoz, T., Osorio, R., De Bièvre, B., & Dangles, O. (2022). Making thirsty cities sustainable: A nexus approach for water provisioning in Quito, Ecuador. Journal of Environmental Management, 320, 115880.
Gratiot, N., Klein, J., Challet, M., Dangles, O., Janicot, S., Candelas, M., Sarret, G., Panthou, G., Hingray, B., Champollion, N., Montillaud, J., Bellemain, P., Marc, O., Bationo, C.-S., Monnier, L., Laffont, L., Foujols, M.-A., Riffault, V., Tinel, L., … Soret, I. M. (2023). A transition support system to build decarbonization scenarios in the academic community. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation, 2(4), e0000049.
Joly, F.-X., Coq, S., & Subke, J.-A. (2023). Soil fauna precipitate the convergence of organic matter quality during decomposition. Oikos, 2023(3), e09497.
Kemppinen, J., Lembrechts, J. J., Van Meerbeek, K., Carnicer, J., Chardon, N. I., Kardol, P., Lenoir, J., Liu, D., Maclean, I., Pergl, J., Saccone, P., Senior, R. A., Shen, T., Słowińska, S., Vandvik, V., von Oppen, J., Aalto, J., Ayalew, B., Bates, O., … De Frenne, P. (2023). Microclimate, an inseparable part of ecology and biogeography.
Lutrat, C., Burckbuchler, M., Olmo, R. P., Beugnon, R., Fontaine, A., Akbari, O. S., Argilés-Herrero, R., Baldet, T., Bouyer, J., & Marois, E. (2023). Combining two genetic sexing strains allows sorting of non-transgenic males for Aedes genetic control. Communications Biology, 6(1), Article 1.
Mondet, C., Nahmani, J., Lafitte, A., Caubet, Y., & Richard, F.-J. (2023). Vine leaf decomposition: Feeding preferences and effects of physico-chemical traits of litter on life-history traits of the woodlice Armadillidium vulgare Latreille, 1804. Applied Soil Ecology, 189, 104928.
Ray, T., Delory, B. M., Beugnon, R., Bruelheide, H., Cesarz, S., Eisenhauer, N., Ferlian, O., Quosh, J., Von Oheimb, G., & Fichtner, A. (2023). Tree diversity increases productivity through enhancing structural complexity across mycorrhizal types. Science Advances, 9(40), eadi2362.
Rosero-López, D., Cowen, E. A., Walter, M. T., De Bièvre, B., González-Zeas, D., Flecker, A. S., Osorio, R., & Dangles, O. (2023). Design of a paired-weir system for experimental manipulation of environmental flows in streams. Journal of Ecohydraulics, 8(1), 81–88.
Rosero-López, D., Todd Walter, M., Flecker, A. S., De Bièvre, B., Osorio, R., González-Zeas, D., Cauvy-Fraunié, S., & Dangles, O. (2022). A whole-ecosystem experiment reveals flow-induced shifts in a stream community. Communications Biology, 5(1), Article 1.
Schnabel, F., Beugnon, R., Yang, B., Richter, R., Eisenhauer, N., Huang, Y., Liu, X., Wirth, C., Cesarz, S., Fichtner, A., Perles-Garcia, M. D., Hähn, G. J. A., Härdtle, W., Kunz, M., Izaguirre, N. C. C., Niklaus, P. A., Oheimb, G. von, Schmid, B., Trogisch, S., … Bruelheide, H. (2023). Tree diversity increases forest temperature buffering (p. 2023.09.11.556807). bioRxiv.
Singavarapu, B., Du, J., Beugnon, R., Cesarz, S., Eisenhauer, N., Xue, K., Wang, Y., Bruelheide, H., & Wubet, T. (2023). Functional Potential of Soil Microbial Communities and Their Subcommunities Varies with Tree Mycorrhizal Type and Tree Diversity. Microbiology Spectrum, 0(0), e04578-22.
Struelens, Q. F., Rivera, M., Alem Zabalaga, M., Ccanto, R., Quispe Tarqui, R., Mina, D., Carpio, C., Yumbla Mantilla, M. R., Osorio, M., Roman, S., Muñoz, D., & Dangles, O. (2022). Pesticide misuse among small Andean farmers stems from pervasive misinformation by retailers. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation, 1(6), e0000017.
Sünnemann, M., Beugnon, R., Breitkreuz, C., Buscot, F., Cesarz, S., Jones, A., Lehmann, A., Lochner, A., Orgiazzi, A., Reitz, T., Rillig, M. C., Schädler, M., Smith, L. C., Zeuner, A., Guerra, C. A., & Eisenhauer, N. (2023). Climate change and cropland management compromise soil integrity and multifunctionality. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), Article 1.
Tatiana, C., Quentin, S., Mayra, C., Diego, M., & Olivier, D. (2022). Arthropod-related ecosystem services and disservices in smallholder farming in low and middle income countries. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 4, 100133.
Tombeur, F. de, Raven, J. A., Toussaint, A., Lambers, H., Cooke, J., Hartley, S. E., Johnson, S. N., Coq, S., Katz, O., Schaller, J., & Violle, C. (2023). Why do plants silicify? Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 38(3), 275–288.
Volaire, F., Barkaoui, K., Grémillet, D., Charrier, G., Dangles, O., Lamarque, L. J., Martin-StPaul, N., & Chuine, I. (2023). Is a seasonally reduced growth potential a convergent strategy to survive drought and frost in plants? Annals of Botany, 131(2), 245–254.