Biodiversity, fluxes, and global changes
- Published: 12 July 2017
PhD in Soil Ecology
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2017-2020 – PhD thesis (3 years): Plant-soil macroinvertebrate interactions in European forests: community structuring and interactions with microfauna in the context of climate change. Within the SoilForEUROPE project (
2017 – MSc internship (5 months): Effect of earthworms and plants on greenhouse-gases emissions from soil submitted to drying-rewetting cycle.
2016 – MSc internship (4 months): Functional description of macro-decomposers grassland community under different land-use.
2015 – BSc internship (2 months): Collembola community composition at the landscape scale
5. Ganault P., Nahmani J., Hedde M., Brondani M., Decaëns T. Ecosystem scale environmental filtering of ground-beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) functional traits in European forests. Functional Ecology, in preparation
4. Ganault P., Barantal S., Milcu A., Hättenschwiler S., Trap J., Gritti E., Coq S., Zheng Y., Kardol P., Decaëns T.*, Nahmani J. Interactive effect of soil macrofauna and prolonged drought on nematode communities in an experimental Mediterranean forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, in preparation
3. Ganault P., Barantal S., Coq S., Hättenschwiler S., Lucas S., Decaëns T., Nahmani J. The importance of saprophagous macroarthropods feeding behavior for their fecal pellets properties. Geoderma, in preparation
2. Ganault P., Nahmani J., Capowiez Y., Bertrand I., Buatois B., Shihan A., Fromin N., Milcu A. No evidence that earthworms increase soil greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 and N2O) in the presence of plants and drying-rewetting cycles. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, in revision
1. Ganault P., Nahmani J., Hättenschwiler S., Gillespie L., David J.-F. Henneron L., Iorio E., Mazzia C., Muys B., Pasquet A., Prada-Salcedo L.D., Wambsganss J. & Decaëns T. Relative importance of tree diversity, tree functional type, and microenvironment for soil macrofauna communities in European forests. Oecologia, accepted with minor revision
Ganault P., Delmotte S., Duhamet A., Lextrait G., Capowiez Y. Earthworms and their role in greenhouse gas emissions. Frontiers for Young Minds, in revision
Ganault P., Beaumelle L., Auclerc A. How soil organisms look like reveals their role in the soil. Frontiers for Young Minds, accepted
CARABES - Association created by BEE-Ecosystems MCs students of the University of Montpellier.
Founder, past-president, member of administrative board, tutor for civic service volunteers.
Building awareness of soil biodiversity through different projects including:
- Educational kit (games, field and lab activities, a video) on soil ecology for elementary, middle, and highschool levels. Built with the participation of researchers, students, and representatives of the French ministry of education to encourage citizens to join citizen science projects.
- EcoFerme project: gardening and composting in a middle school with the use of new technologies (FarmBot) as educational tools.
- Mobile phone application “Invertedex” for the monitoring of soil biodiversity by citizens.
Cosciences - Association of mediation and scientific journalism.
Vice-president and member of scientific board.
Science communication and developing soil ecology educational resources.