Biodiversity, fluxes, and global changes

Laura Garcia de Jalon


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Supervisors: Alexandru Milcu, Jean-Marc Limousin


PhD: Transgenerational effects and physiological responses to drought recurrence in holm oak Querculs ilex (L.)


My PhD have three main objectives:

  • To understand and quantify the physiological impacts of drought recurrence in Quercus ilex trees, and to investigate the potential role of epigenetic regulation in the adaptation to drought in Quercus ilex adult trees.
  • To investigate the potential role of epigenetics in the adaptive transgenerational plasticity of seedlings in their physiological responses to drought, and in their symbiont relationships during drought and rewetting periods.
  • To investigate the effects of long-term drought in the community composition of ectomycorrhizas in the soil and associated to seedlings roots.

For that, we take advantage of the CNRS Puechabon experimental site where Quercus ilex trees were exposed to drought since 2003 and CNRS Ecotron platform where environmental variables and nutrient fluxes can be measured simultaneously,