Functional Ecology


Photo de Stephan Hättenschwiler         Directeur de recherche CNRS
Directeur du département "Ecologie Fonctionnelle"

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I am interested in how changes in biodiversity and environmental conditions (atmospheric carbon dioxide, temperature, precipitation) affect plant-soil interactions, with a particular focus on plant litter and decomposer organisms. The main research goal is a mechanistic understanding of the drivers of biogeochemical cycles using experimental approaches in the field (alpine, temperate, Mediterranean and tropical forest ecosystems) and the laboratory.

  CV     detailed CV

2015 DR1 CNRS CEFE Montpellier, France
2014-15 Invited professor, ECOS, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
2008 DR2 CNRS CEFE Montpellier, France
2003-07 CR1 CNRS CEFE Montpellier, France

2001-03 Assistant Professor, University of Basel, Switzerland
2002 Habilitation (HDR), University of Basel, Switzerland

1999-00 Postdoctoral research associate, Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford, USA
1996-98 Postdoctoral research assistant, University of Basel, Switzerland
1996 PhD in Ecology, University of Basel, Switzerland
1992 Master Plant Ecology, University of Basel, Switzerland

Key publications

Luan J, Li S, Wang Y, Ding L, Lu H, Chen L, Zhang J, Zhou W, Han S, Zhang Y, Hättenschwiler S (2024) Biodiversity mitigates drought effects in the decomposer system across biomes. PNAS, 121: e2313334121. link

Beugnon R, Le Guyader N, Milcu A, Lenoir J, Puissant J, Morin X, Hättenschwiler S (2024) Microclimate modulation: An overlooked mechanism influencing the impact of plant diversity on ecosystem functioning. Global Change Biology, 30: e17214. link

Joly FX, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Hättenschwiler S (2023) Resolving the intricate role of climate in litter decomposition. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 7: 214-223. link

Gillespie LM, Fromin N, Milcu A, Buatois B, Pontoizeau C, Hättenschwiler S (2020) Higher tree diversity increases soil microbial resistance to drought. Communications Biology, 3: 660. link

Sun T, Hobbie SE, Berg B, Zhang H, Wang Q, Wang Z, Hättenschwiler S (2018) Contrasting dynamics and trait controls in first-order root compared with leaf litter decomposition. PNAS, 115: 10392-10397. link

Camenzind T, Hättenschwiler S, Treseder KK, Lehmann A, Rillig MC (2018) Nutrient limitation of soil microbial processes in tropical forests. Ecological Monographs, 88: 4-21. link

Dawes MA, Schleppi P, Hättenschwiler S, Rixen C, Hagedorn F (2017) Soil warming opens the nitrogen cycle at the alpine tree line. Global Change Biology, 23: 421-434. PDF

Garcia-Palacios P, Shaw AE, Wall DH, Hättenschwiler S (2016) Temporal dynamics of biotic and abiotic drivers of litter decomposition. Ecology Letters, 19: 554-563. PDF

Handa IT, Aerts R, Berendse F, Berg MP, Bruder A, Butenschoen O, Chauvet E, Gessner MO, Jabiol J, Makkonen M, McKie BG, Malmqvist B, Peeters ETHM, Scheu S, Schmid B, van Ruijven J, Vos VCA, Hättenschwiler S (2014) Consequences of biodiversity loss for litter decomposition across biomes. Nature, 509: 218-221. PDF

Fanin N, Fromin N, Buatois B, Hättenschwiler S (2013) An experimental test of the hypothesis of non-homeostatic consumer stoichiometry in a plant litter - microbe system. Ecology Letters, 16: 764-772. PDF

Hättenschwiler S, Coq S, Barantal S, Handa IT (2011) Leaf traits and decomposition in tropical rainforests: revisiting some commonly held views and towards a new hypothesis. New Phytologist, 189: 950-965. PDF

Gessner MO, Swan CM, Dang CK, McKie BG, Bardgett RD, Wall DH, Hättenschwiler S (2010) Diversity meets decomposition. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 25: 372-378. PDF

Hättenschwiler S, Gasser P (2005) Soil animals alter plant litter diversity effects on decomposition. PNAS, 102: 1519-1524. PDF

Hättenschwiler S, Tiunov AV, Scheu S (2005) Biodiversity and litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems. Annual Reviews of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 36: 191-218. PDF

Hättenschwiler S, Vitousek PM (2000) The role of polyphenols in terrestrial ecosystem nutrient cycling. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 15: 238-243. PDF

Hättenschwiler S, Miglietta F, Raschi A, Körner Ch (1997) Thirty years of in situ growth under elevated CO2: a model for future forest responses? Global Change Biology, 3: 463-471. PDF

Full list of publications


Research projects

  • Treeline trees in a CO2-enriched world (2001-2011)
  • CLIMED - Climate change effects on Mediterranean biodiversity and consequences for ecosystem functioning - ANR CEP (2010-2013)
  • StoichioDIVERSITY - A stoichiometric approach to biodiversity and biogeochemical cycles in the Amazonian forest - PIR AMAZONIE II (2008-2011)
  • BioCycle - Biodiversity and biogeochemical cycles: a search for mechanisms across ecosystems - ESF Eurodiversity (2006-2009)
  • FunDivEUROPE - Functional significance of forest biodiversity - EU-FP7 (2010-2014)
  • SoilForEurope - Predicting European forest soil biodiversity and its functioning under ongoing climate change - 2015/16 BiodivERsA COFUND (2017-2020)
  • BELOW - BiodivOc consortium call (2022-2024)