Vertebrate biogeography and ecology

Maurine VILCOT



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Mes recherches portent sur la répartition spatiale de la diversité biologique et les processus évolutifs qui la façonnent. En combinant l'étude de la diversité génétique et de la diversité spécifique, mon objectif est d'approfondir notre compréhension des mécanismes évolutifs qui génèrent et maintiennent la diversité à travers les échelles d'organisation du vivant (intra- et interspécifiques). J’évalue plus particulièrement les contextes biologiques dans lesquels les patrons spatiaux de diversité au sein des populations et au sein des communautés sont similaires, car résultants de processus évolutifs analogues : la dérive, la dispersion et la sélection. Cette approche intégrative vise à lier les dynamiques micro-évolutives aux patrons macro-évolutifs, offrant une vision unifiée des processus évolutifs à l’œuvre à travers le continuum de diversité.

Mots-clés : génétique des populations, écologie des communautés, diversité β, ADN environnemental, biologie marine


---- English ----

My research focuses on the spatial distribution of biological diversity and the evolutionary processes that shape it. By combining the study of genetic and specific diversity, my aim is to deepen our understanding of the evolutionary mechanisms that generate and maintain diversity across scales of biological organization (intra- and interspecific). In particular, I evaluate biological contexts in which the spatial patterns of diversity within populations and within communities are similar, as they result from analogous evolutionary processes: drift, dispersal and selection. This integrative approach aims to link micro-evolutionary dynamics to macro-evolutionary patterns, offering a unified vision of the evolutionary processes at work across the diversity continuum.

Keywords: population genetics, community ecology, β-diversity, environmental DNA, marine biology



Publications :

Vilcot, M., Faure, N., Andrews, K. R., Bowen, B. W., Leprieur, F., & Manel, S. (2024). Neutral processes and taxonomic scale drive beta species-genetic diversity correlations in a submesophotic tropical reef fish. Molecular Ecology, 33(13), e17423.

Chase, M. A., Vilcot, M., & Mugal, C. F. (2024). The role of recombination dynamics in shaping signatures of direct and indirect selection across the Ficedula flycatcher genome. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 291(2015), 20232382.

Chase, M. A., Vilcot, M., & Mugal, C. F. (2024). Evidence that genetic drift not adaptation drives fast-Z and large-Z effects in Ficedula flycatchers. Molecular Ecology, n/a(n/a), e17262.

Andrello, M., Manel, S., Vilcot, M., Xuereb, A., & D’Aloia, C. C. (2023). Benefits of genetic data for spatial conservation planning in coastal habitats. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 1‑38.

Vilcot, M., Albouy, C., Donati, G. F. A., Claverie, T., Julius, P., Manel, S., Pellissier, L., & Leprieur, F. (2023). Spatial genetic differentiation correlates with species assemblage turnover across tropical reef fish lineages. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32(4), 535‑547.

Morgan-Richards, M., Vilcot, M., & Trewick, S. A. (2021). Lack of assortative mating might explain reduced phenotypic differentiation where two grasshopper species meet. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 35(4), 509‑519.

Hayden, L., Lochovska, K., Sémon, M., Renaud, S., Delignette-Muller, M.-L., Vilcot, M., Peterkova, R., Hovorakova, M., and Pantalacci, S. (2020). Developmental variability channels mouse molar evolution. ELife.


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