Nature, Conservation and Societies
- Published: 11 April 2016
The Dynamics of Socio-Ecological systems team conducts interdisciplinary research on biodiversity dynamics in relation to conservation and restoration goals. This research covers three main themes.
1. The study of the dynamics, ecology and the adaptation of plant populations to the variability and the fragmentation of Mediterranean landscape and methods to establish priorities for the conservation of rare or declining species in relation to the management of protected areas (National Parks, Natural Reserves, Natura 2000...).
2. Analysis of (a) the complementarity and consistency of public policies, (b) concertation measures / tools (integrated management plans, agri-environmental contracts, compensatory measures, fiscal transfer) and (c) the articulation between national and regional objectives for biodiversity conservation.
3. The development and analysis of novel interdisciplinary concepts for biodiversity conservation including ecological systems restoration, ecological solidarity, natural and social capital, socio-ecological systems resilience and ecosystem services. The philosophical foundation of these ideas is a major theme here.
Within the framework of close partnerships with both (a) other research laboratories and (b) protected area management staff, ONG’s and administrative staff (Ministry, Regional and local government) our team conducts interdisciplinary analyses of contemporary issues in biodiversity conservation. Our team investigates the joint mode of integration of scientific knowledge in ecology and humanities (geography, sociology, political science, economy, law, environmental ethic and philosophy). We are also conducting an epistemological reflection on conservation and restoration sciences. The joint investigation of aspects associated with biodiversity conservation in protected areas and non-protected areas is at the heart of our approach.
Finally, several of us are engaged in different scientific commissions for protected areas, public administration and regional, national or international organisms (national parks, regional parks and nature reserves...). Some of us also teach University courses in France and abroad. The latter take part in the organisation and the development of several masters’ courses and specialisations in biodiversity management and land-use planning.