Human-Animal Interactions
- Published: 16 September 2023
PhD candidate
I'm a PhD student interested in developing statistical tools to model ecological process as reliably as possible. Especially I'm currently working with automatically processed sensor data. These data may come from camera traps, autonoumous recoring units for acoustic, or RFID tags. As these data are mass genereted, they are sometimes processed automatically by Deep Learning algorithms as Convolutional Neural Networks. However, using these DeepLearning outputs as error-free predictions and introducing them into ecological models can bias inferences. My objective is to propagate uncertainties from automated treatment of massive data into models in ecology.
Supervisors: Olivier GIMENEZ (CEFE, CNRS) et Marie-Pierre ETIENNE (IRMAR, Institut Agro Rennes-Angers)
Contact information
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CEFE, 2ème étage aile C, bureau 202A
Bio (Background, employment)
- 2022 – pres.: PhD student in evolutionary ecology, CEFE, Université de Montpellier, FR.
Propagating uncertainties from automated treatment of sensors' data, to ecological models. - 2022: Intern in community ecology, supervised by Ana Rodrigues – CEFE, Montpellier.
Is the urban environment acting as a filter on bird communities or is it an ecosystem in itself ? A global scale study using eBird data - 2020-2022: MSc in Biology, Ecology and Evolution, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.